Python: Trying to speed up a program that is running very slow - python-2.7

So, this program parses an e-mail address and a plain-text password from a text file. Then, it runs them through a few encryption routines and appends the encrypted text onto the end of the e-amil address:password entry in a new file.
import io
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import base64
import struct
def str_to_a32(b):
if len(b) % 4:
b += '\0' * (4 - len(b) % 4)
return struct.unpack('>%dI' % (len(b) / 4), b)
def a32_to_str(a):
return struct.pack('>%dI' % len(a), *a)
def aes_cbc_encrypt(data, key):
encryptor =, AES.MODE_CBC, '\0' * 16)
return encryptor.encrypt(data)
def aes_cbc_encrypt_a32(data, key):
return str_to_a32(aes_cbc_encrypt(a32_to_str(data), a32_to_str(key)))
def base64urlencode(data):
data = base64.b64encode(data)
for search, replace in (('+', '-'), ('/', '_'), ('=', '')):
data = data.replace(search, replace)
return data
def a32_to_base64(a):
return base64urlencode(a32_to_str(a))
def stringhash(s, aeskey):
s32 = str_to_a32(s)
h32 = [0, 0, 0, 0]
for i in xrange(len(s32)):
h32[i % 4] ^= s32[i]
for _ in xrange(0x4000):
h32 = aes_cbc_encrypt_a32(h32, aeskey)
return a32_to_base64((h32[0], h32[2]))
def prepare_key(a):
pkey = [0x93C467E3, 0x7DB0C7A4, 0xD1BE3F81, 0x0152CB56]
for _ in xrange(0x10000):
for j in xrange(0, len(a), 4):
key = [0, 0, 0, 0]
for i in xrange(4):
if i + j < len(a):
key[i] = a[i + j]
pkey = aes_cbc_encrypt_a32(pkey, key)
return pkey
with'user_list.txt', 'r') as file:
with'user_list_enc.txt', 'a') as enc_file:
for line in file:
email_split, pass_split = line.replace('\n', '').split(":")
password_aes = prepare_key(str_to_a32(pass_split))
uh = stringhash(email_split.lower(), password_aes)
enc_file.write(email_split + ":" + pass_split + ":" + uh + "\n")
print email_split + ":" + pass_split + ":" + uh + "\n"


Google Cloud Function HTTP Trigger

I am trying to give arguments to my function by adding URL parameter.
import json
import flask
def location_sort(request):
request_json = request.get_json()
location = json.dumps(request_json)
location = json.loads(location)
reverse_location = {v: k for k, v in location.items()}
x = location.keys()
harf_x = (float(max(x)) + float(min(x))) / 2
y_right = []
y_left = []
sorted_location = []
for i in location:
if float(i) < harf_x:
sorted_input = y_left + y_right
for i in sorted_input:
sorted_location.append([reverse_location[i], i])
for i in sorted_location:
i[0],i[1] = float(i[0]),float(i[1])
return sorted_location
def cal_centroid(location):
area = 0 # 면적
centroid_x = 0
centroid_y = 0
temp = 0
for i in range(len(location)):
if i == len(location)-1:
temp = location[i][0]*location[0][1] - location[0][0]*location[i][1]
area += temp*0.5
centroid_x += (location[i][0] + location[0][0]) * temp
centroid_y += (location[i][1] + location[0][1]) * temp
temp = location[i][0]*location[i+1][1] - location[i+1][0]*location[i][1]
area += temp*0.5
centroid_x += (location[i][0] + location[i+1][0]) * temp
centroid_y += (location[i][1] + location[i+1][1]) * temp
centroid_x = round(centroid_x / (6*area), 6)
centroid_y = round(centroid_y / (6*area), 6)
x = [centroid_x, centroid_y]
return json.dumps(x)
def main(request):
request_args = request.args
if request_args and "location" in request_args:
request = request["location"]
request = json.dumps(request)
a = location_sort(request)
return cal_centroid(a)
This is my code for Cloud Function and i run main function. And i tried the URL as
And it returns
Error: could not handle the request
What could be the problem to my code? I am very beginner for GCF and i would be very thankful for your help:)

SymPy simplify cannot 2*3**n/3 ---> 2*3**(n-1)

Thank you in advance and sorry for the bad english!
from sympy import *
f= 3**n/3
f= 2*3**n/3
# 3**(n - 1) # OK
# 2*3**n/3 # I want 2*3**(n-1)
Please tell me how to use the if statement
How to extract numerator and denominator from polynomial without evaluating?
from sympy import *
def MySimplify(h):
Mypoly = poly(h)
aa = Mypoly.all_coeffs()[1]
bb = h - aa
n, d = fraction(bb)
nn0 = n.as_base_exp()[0]
nn1 = poly(nn0)
import re
rese1 ='^Poly\((.+?),(.+?),', str(nn1)).group(1)
rese2 ='^Poly\((.+?),(.+?),', str(nn1)).group(2)
ans = powsimp(bb/two)*two+aa
return ans
f= 3**n/3
g= 4+2*3**n/3
# f1= 3**n/3
# f2= 3**(n - 1)
# g1= 2*3**n/3 + 4
# g2= 2*3**n/3 + 4
# g3= 2*3**(n - 1) + 4
from sympy import *
var('m n p q r s t u v x')
def ps(e, *args):
x = Dummy(integer=True)
for i, ti in enumerate(t):
c, r = ti.as_coeff_Mul()
if c.is_Rational and not c.is_Integer:
t[i] = Mul(c.p, r, Pow(c.q, x), evaluate=False)
# t[i] = powersimp(t[i], *args).xreplace({x: -1})
t[i] = powsimp(t[i], *args).xreplace({x: -1})
t[i] = powsimp(t[i], *args)
return Add(*t)
f= 4+2*3**n/3
f= 4+2*3**n/3+5*2.4**(m-1)/2.4+6*5.6*(p-7)/8.9
g= x+p**n/p
g= x+p**n/p+q*s**(m-1)/s+r*t**(u-2)/v
# f1= 2*3**n/3 + 4
# f1= 2*3**(n - 1) + 4
# f2= 2.08333333333333*2.4**(m - 1) + 2*3**n/3 + 3.7752808988764*p - 22.4269662921348
# f2= 2.08333333333333*2.4**(m - 1) + 2*3**(n - 1) + 3.7752808988764*p - 22.4269662921348
# g1= x + p**n/p
# g1= p**(n - 1) + x
# g2= q*s**(m - 1)/s + r*t**(u - 2)/v + x + p**n/p
# g2= p**(n - 1) + q*s**(m - 2) + r*t**(u - 2)/v + x
powsimp(f/2)*2 will do what you want. The following is a more general workaround that incorporates this idea:
def ps(e, *args):
x = Dummy(integer=True)
for i, ti in enumerate(t):
c, r = ti.as_coeff_Mul()
if c.is_Rational and not c.is_Integer:
t[i] = Mul(c.p, r, Pow(c.q, x), evaluate=False)
t[i] = powersimp(t[i], *args).xreplace({x: -1})
t[i] = powsimp(t[i], *args)
return Add(*t)

Python coding questions on bitwise shift and logical operations in packet sniffer

import socket
import sys
import struct
import re
#get data
def receiveData(s):
except timeout:
data = ''
print "An error occurred"
return data[0]
#get Type Of Service - 8bits
def getTOS(data):
precedence = {0:'Routine',1:'Priority', 2:'Immediate', 3:'Flash', 4:'Flash Override', 5:'CRITIC/ECP', 6:'Internetwork control', 7:'Network Control'}
delay = {0:'Normal Delay', 1:'Low Delay'}
throughput = {0:'Normal Throughput', 1:'High Throughput'}
reliability = {0:'Normal Reliability', 1:'High Reliability'}
monetary = {0:'Normal Cost', 1:'Minimize monetary cost'}
D = data & 0x10
D >>= 4
T = data & 0x8
T >>= 3
R = data & 0x4
R >>= 2
M = data & 0x2
M >>=1
tabs = "\n\t\t\t"
TOS = precedence [data >> 5]+ tabs + delay[D] + tabs + throughput[T] + tabs + reliability[R] + tabs + monetary[M]
return TOS
def getFlags(data):
flagR = {0:'Cleared to 0'}
flagDF = {0:'Fragment if necessary', 1:'Do not Fragment'}
flagMF = {0:'This is the last Fragment', 1:'More fragments to follow this fragment'}
R = data & 0x8000
R >>= 15
DF = data & 0x4000
DF >>= 14
MF = data & 0x2000
MF >>= 13
tabs = '\n\t\t\t'
flags = flagR[R] + tabs + flagDF[DF] + tabs + flagMF[MF]
return flags
def getProtocol(protocolNr):
protocolFile = open('/root/Desktop/protocol.txt', 'r')
protocolData =
protocol = re.findall(r'\n' + str(protocolNr) + ' (?:.)+\n', protocolData)
if protocol:
protocol = protocol[0]
protocol = protocol.replace('\n', '')
protocol = protocol.replace(str(protocolNr), '')
protocol = protocol.lstrip()
return protocol
return "No such protocol found"
s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.IPPROTO_TCP)
data = receiveData(s)
unpackedData = struct.unpack('!BBHHHBBH4s4s', data[:20])
version_IHL = unpackedData[0]
version = version_IHL >> 4
IHL = version_IHL & 0xF
TOS = unpackedData[1]
totalLength = unpackedData[2]
ID = unpackedData[3]
flags = unpackedData[4]
fragmentOffset = unpackedData[4] & 0x1FFF
TTL = unpackedData[5]
protocolNr = unpackedData[6]
checksum = unpackedData[7]
sourceAddress = socket.inet_ntoa(unpackedData[8])
destinationAddress = socket.inet_ntoa(unpackedData[9])
print " An IP packed with the size %i was captured :" %totalLength
print " Raw Data :" +data
print "\nParsed Data"
print " Version:\t\t" +str(version)
print " Header Length:\t\t" + str(IHL*4) + "bytes"
print " Type of Service:\t" + getTOS(TOS)
print " ID:\t\t\t" + str(hex(ID)) + " (" + str(ID) + ")"
print " Flags:\t\t\t" + getFlags(flags)
print " Fragment Offset:" + str(fragmentOffset)
print " TTL:\t\t\t" + str(TTL)
print " Protocol:\t\t\t" +getProtocol(protocolNr)
print " Checksum:\t\t\t" +str(checksum)
print " Source:\t\t\t" +sourceAddress
print " Destination:\t\t\t" +destinationAddress
print " Payload:\n" + data[20:]
Below I have extracted some code sections from above and kindly spend some time to answer the following.
D = data & 0x10
D >>= 4
T = data & 0x8
T >>= 3
R = data & 0x4
R >>= 2
M = data & 0x2
M >>=1
tabs = "\n\t\t\t"
TOS = precedence [data >> 5]+ ......
in the above section could you please explain on what basis D=data & 0x10 is used and right shifted 4 times and also why is precedence shifted 5 times to the right. My question is more like why 0x10 was specifically used to AND with data and then right shifted 4 times to get the Delay bit. I am seeking clarification on all other bits like T, R, M in the above section and the flag bits in the below section too.
R = data & 0x8000
R >>= 15
DF = data & 0x4000
DF >>= 14
MF = data & 0x2000
MF >>= 13
In the above segment please explain on what basis is used R = data & 0x8000 and shift it 15 times to the right
fragmentOffset = unpackedData[4] & 0x1FFF
In the above line of code why specifically 0x1FFF was used to AND with unpackedData[4]
Credits to the source code goes to Ana Balica
import socket
import sys
import struct
import re
def receiveData(s):
data =''
data , addr =s.recvfrom(655365)
except timout:
data =''
print "An error hapend"
return data
#get Type Of Service - 8bits
def getTOS(data):
precedence = {0:'Routine',1:'Priority', 2:'Immediate', 3:'Flash', 4:'Flash Override', 5:'CRITIC/ECP', 6:'Internetwork control', 7:'Network Control'}
delay = {0:'Normal Delay', 1:'Low Delay'}
throughput = {0:'Normal Throughput', 1:'High Throughput'}
reliability = {0:'Normal Reliability', 1:'High Reliability'}
monetary = {0:'Normal Cost', 1:'Minimize monetary cost'}
D = data & 0x10
D >>= 4
T = data & 0x8
T >>= 3
R = data & 0x4
R >>= 2
M = data & 0x2
M >>=1
tabs = "\n\t\t\t"
TOS = precedence [data >> 5]+ tabs + delay[D] + tabs + throughput[T] + tabs + reliability[R] + tabs + monetary[M]
return TOS
def getFlags(data):
flagR = {0:'Cleared to 0'}
flagDF = {0:'Fragment if necessary', 1:'Do not Fragment'}
flagMF = {0:'This is the last Fragment', 1:'More fragments to follow this fragment'}
R = data & 0x8000
R >>= 15
DF = data & 0x4000
DF >>= 14
MF = data & 0x2000
MF >>= 13
tabs = '\n\t\t\t'
flags = flagR[R] + tabs + flagDF[DF] + tabs + flagMF[MF]
return flags
def getProtocol(protocolNr):
protocolFile = open('protocol.txt', 'r')
protocolData =
protocol = re.findall(r'\n' + str(protocolNr) + ' (?:.)+\n', protocolData)
if protocol:
protocol = protocol[0]
protocol = protocol.replace('\n', '')
protocol = protocol.replace(str(protocolNr), '')
protocol = protocol.lstrip()
return protocol
return "No such protocol found"
def showdata(unpackedData):
version_IHL = unpackedData[0]
version = version_IHL >> 4
IHL = version_IHL & 0xF
TOS = unpackedData[1]
totalLength = unpackedData[2]
ID = unpackedData[3]
flags = unpackedData[4]
fragmentOffset = unpackedData[4] & 0x1FFF
TTL = unpackedData[5]
protocolNr = unpackedData[6]
checksum = unpackedData[7]
sourceAddress = socket.inet_ntoa(unpackedData[8])
destinationAddress = socket.inet_ntoa(unpackedData[9])
print " An IP packed with the size %i was captured :" %totalLength
print " Raw Data :" +data
print "\nParsed Data"
print " Version:\t\t" +str(version)
print " Header Length:\t\t" + str(IHL*4) + "bytes"
print " Type of Service:\t" + getTOS(TOS)
print " ID:\t\t\t" + str(hex(ID)) + " (" + str(ID) + ")"
print " Flags:\t\t\t" + getFlags(flags)
print " Fragment Offset:" + str(fragmentOffset)
print " TTL:\t\t\t" + str(TTL)
print " Protocol:\t\t\t" +getProtocol(protocolNr)
print " Checksum:\t\t\t" +str(checksum)
print " Source:\t\t\t" +sourceAddress
print " Destination:\t\t\t" +destinationAddress
print " Payload:\n" + data[20:]
# the public network interface
HOST = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
# create a raw socket and bind it to the public interface
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.IPPROTO_IP)
s.bind((HOST, 0))
# Include IP headers
s.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_HDRINCL, 1)
# receive all packages
s.ioctl(socket.SIO_RCVALL, socket.RCVALL_ON)
for i in range(100):
# receive a package
#print s.recvfrom(65565)
datastr = str(data)
if len(datastr) >19 :
unpackedData = struct.unpack('!BBHHHBBH4s4s',datastr[:20])
#print unpackedData
print data
# disabled promiscuous mode
s.ioctl(socket.SIO_RCVALL, socket.RCVALL_OFF)
import socket
import sys
import struct
import re
def receiveData(s):
data =''
data , addr =s.recvfrom(655365)
except timout:
data =''
print "An error hapend"
return data
#get Type Of Service - 8bits
def getTOS(data):
precedence = {0:'Routine',1:'Priority', 2:'Immediate', 3:'Flash', 4:'Flash Override', 5:'CRITIC/ECP', 6:'Internetwork control', 7:'Network Control'}
delay = {0:'Normal Delay', 1:'Low Delay'}
throughput = {0:'Normal Throughput', 1:'High Throughput'}
reliability = {0:'Normal Reliability', 1:'High Reliability'}
monetary = {0:'Normal Cost', 1:'Minimize monetary cost'}
D = data & 0x10
D >>= 4
T = data & 0x8
T >>= 3
R = data & 0x4
R >>= 2
M = data & 0x2
M >>=1
tabs = "\n\t\t\t"
TOS = precedence [data >> 5]+ tabs + delay[D] + tabs + throughput[T] + tabs + reliability[R] + tabs + monetary[M]
return TOS
def getFlags(data):
flagR = {0:'Cleared to 0'}
flagDF = {0:'Fragment if necessary', 1:'Do not Fragment'}
flagMF = {0:'This is the last Fragment', 1:'More fragments to follow this fragment'}
R = data & 0x8000
R >>= 15
DF = data & 0x4000
DF >>= 14
MF = data & 0x2000
MF >>= 13
tabs = '\n\t\t\t'
flags = flagR[R] + tabs + flagDF[DF] + tabs + flagMF[MF]
return flags
def getProtocol(protocolNr):
protocolFile = open('protocol.txt', 'r')
protocolData =
protocol = re.findall(r'\n' + str(protocolNr) + ' (?:.)+\n', protocolData)
if protocol:
protocol = protocol[0]
protocol = protocol.replace('\n', '')
protocol = protocol.replace(str(protocolNr), '')
protocol = protocol.lstrip()
return protocol
return "No such protocol found"
def showdata(unpackedData):
version_IHL = unpackedData[0]
version = version_IHL >> 4
IHL = version_IHL & 0xF
TOS = unpackedData[1]
totalLength = unpackedData[2]
ID = unpackedData[3]
flags = unpackedData[4]
fragmentOffset = unpackedData[4] & 0x1FFF
TTL = unpackedData[5]
protocolNr = unpackedData[6]
checksum = unpackedData[7]
sourceAddress = socket.inet_ntoa(unpackedData[8])
destinationAddress = socket.inet_ntoa(unpackedData[9])
print " An IP packed with the size %i was captured :" %totalLength
print " Raw Data :" +data
print "\nParsed Data"
print " Version:\t\t" +str(version)
print " Header Length:\t\t" + str(IHL*4) + "bytes"
print " Type of Service:\t" + getTOS(TOS)
print " ID:\t\t\t" + str(hex(ID)) + " (" + str(ID) + ")"
print " Flags:\t\t\t" + getFlags(flags)
print " Fragment Offset:" + str(fragmentOffset)
print " TTL:\t\t\t" + str(TTL)
print " Protocol:\t\t\t" +getProtocol(protocolNr)
print " Checksum:\t\t\t" +str(checksum)
print " Source:\t\t\t" +sourceAddress
print " Destination:\t\t\t" +destinationAddress
print " Payload:\n" + data[20:]
# the public network interface
HOST = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
# create a raw socket and bind it to the public interface
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.IPPROTO_IP)
s.bind((HOST, 0))
# Include IP headers
s.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_HDRINCL, 1)
# receive all packages
s.ioctl(socket.SIO_RCVALL, socket.RCVALL_ON)
for i in range(100):
# receive a package
#print s.recvfrom(65565)
datastr = str(data)
if len(datastr) >19 :
unpackedData = struct.unpack('!BBHHHBBH4s4s',datastr[:20])
#print unpackedData
print data
# disabled promiscuous mode
s.ioctl(socket.SIO_RCVALL, socket.RCVALL_OFF)

List value assignment within for loop

What can I do when I get the following error in this code?
def reverse_word(word):
index = len(word)
new_word = []
for i in range(index - 1, -1, -1):
return ''.join(new_word)
def reverse_sentence(sentence):
l = sentence.split()
for i in l:
l[i] = reverse_word(i)
l = ' '.join(l)
a = "Hello !Nhoj Want to have lunch?"
TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str.
What can I write instead of this line:
l[i] = reverse_word(i)
... this line: l[i] = reverse_word(i) throws an error because i is a string (word), but in l[i], i must be an index.
You probably wanted to do something like this:
words = sentence.plit()
new_sentence = []
for i,word in enumerate(words): #or just for word in words, you don't need the index
and then join at return time return ' '.join(new_sentence)
This implementation follows your logic but uses strings instead of lists.
def reverse_word(word):
new_word = ''
for i in range(len(word) - 1, -1, -1):
new_word += word[i]
return new_word
def reverse_sentence(sentence):
r = ''
for word in sentence.split():
r += reverse_word(word) + ' '
return r[:-1]
>>> a = "Hello !Nhoj Want to have lunch?"
>>> reverse_sentence(a)
>>> 'olleH johN! tnaW ot evah ?hcnul'

AssertionError when running K means Main Function

When Running the below code, I receive an AssertionError in the Main Function, assert len(args) > 1. Any idea where in the code the issue occurs?
K-Means clustering implementation
import numpy as np
from math import sqrt
import csv
import sys
Define a function that computes the distance between two data points
GAP = 2
MIN_VAL = 1000000
def get_distance(point1, point2):
dis = sqrt(pow(point1[0] - point2[0],2) + pow(point1[1] - point2[1],2))
return dis
Define a function that reads data in from the csv
def csvreader(data_file):
sampleData = []
global Countries
with open(data_file, 'r') as csvfile:
read_data = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|')
for row in read_data:
print ', '.join(row)
if read_data <> None:
for f in read_data:
values = f.split(",")
if values[0] <> 'Countries':
return sampleData
Write the initialisation procedure
def cluster_dis(centroid, cluster):
dis = 0.0
for point in cluster:
dis += get_distance(centroid, point)
return dis
def update_centroids(centroids, cluster_id, cluster):
x, y = 0.0, 0.0
length = len(cluster)
if length == 0:
for item in cluster:
x += item[0]
y += item[1]
centroids[cluster_id] = (x / length, y / length)
Implement the k-means algorithm, using appropriate looping
def kmeans(data, k):
assert k <= len(data)
seed_ids = np.random.randint(0, len(data), k)
centroids = [data[idx] for idx in seed_ids]
clusters = [[] for _ in xrange(k)]
cluster_idx = [-1] * len(data)
pre_dis = 0
while True:
for point_id, point in enumerate(data):
min_distance, tmp_id = MIN_VAL, -1
for seed_id, seed in enumerate(centroids):
distance = get_distance(seed, point)
if distance < min_distance:
min_distance = distance
tmp_id = seed_id
if cluster_idx[point_id] != -1:
dex = clusters[cluster_idx[point_id]].index(point)
del clusters[cluster_idx[point_id]][dex]
cluster_idx[point_id] = tmp_id
now_dis = 0.0
for cluster_id, cluster in enumerate(clusters):
now_dis += cluster_dis(centroids[cluster_id], cluster)
update_centroids(centroids, cluster_id, cluster)
delta_dis = now_dis - pre_dis
pre_dis = now_dis
if delta_dis < GAP:
return centroids, clusters
def main():
args = sys.argv[1:]
assert len(args) > 1
data_file, k = args[0], int(args[1])
data = csvreader(data_file)
kmeans(data, k)
if __name__ == '__main__':