How to add stripslashes to get_option() - regex

Hy, I created a WordPress Theme using a lot of custom options. While saving the options in the backend amongst other things I'm adding backslashes before characters that need to be escaped. Such as ' and ".
Now I need to remove them before displaying them on the frontend. The easiest way would be stripslashes(get_option($key)). But that would mean I'd have to go though the whole Theme and change all get_option() manually.
Is there a way to add a filter to the get_option()?
If not, is there a way to achieve this with find/replace (I'm using Sublime Text 3 which allows regex)?

Why not just create your own function in place of get_option() (but which takes advantage of it)? For example, you could define the following in functions.php:
function my_stripslashes_function($option, $default = false) {
return stripslashes( get_option($option, $default) );
And then use Sublime to replace all instances of get_option with regex required, and it's more DRY.

Yes in Sublime Text you can realize it with an regex:
find: get_option\((.[^)]*)\)
replace with: stripslashes(get_option($1))
If you need to debug a regex yourself here is a helpful tool:


RegEx - How to find all App\Model and not App\Something\Model

Upgrading from Laravel 6 to 8. I want to replace all App\Models to App\Models\Model and of course I don't want to replace App\Something\Class nor App\Something\SomethingElse\Class. How can I achieve this using RegEx?
If you're just looking to replace references and don't need to move the files, then the following regex should work (note I am no regex wizard so there is likely a better method).
You can then use the capture groups () to replace and insert your new pathing:

Using wildcard in Nano text editor?

I have a document with multiple terms contained within quotations ("). For example, "1" 2 "3". I'd like to find and replace (^W, ^R) only the terms inside quotations. In my example, I'd like to find/replace "1" and "3".
I imagine I'd use a wildcard operator but cannot find one within nano.
How can I accomplish this goal?
Begin an instance of "search and replace" with Ctrl + \ and then enable regex with alt+r.
Enter the expression of what you'd like to replace (use your favorite search engine to learn more about regex or even check your work with regex101).
A lot of people tend to hate on nano, but I've yet to encounter a moment where it couldn't do what vim/emacs could do in terms of editing. Learn what you can from all of them, use your favorite.

How do I join two regular expressions into one in Notepad++?

I've been searching a lot in the web and in here but I can't find a solution to this.
I have to make two replacements in all registry paths saved in a text file as follows:
replace all asterisc with: [#42]
replace all single backslashes with two.
I already have two expressions that do this right:
1st case:
Find: (\*) - Replace: \[#42\]
2nd case:
Find: ([^\\])(\\)([^\\]) - Replace: $1$2\\$3
Now, all I want is to join them together into just one expression so that I can do run this in one time only.
I'm using Notepad++ 6.5.1 in Windows 7 (64 bits).
Example line in which I want this to work (I include backslashes but i don't know if they will appear right in the html):
I already tried separating it with a pipe, like I do in Jscript (WSH), but it doesn't work here. I also tried a lot of other things but none worked.
Any help?
Edit: I have put all the backslashes right, but the page html seem to be "eating" some of them!
Edit2: Someone reedited my text to include an accent that doesn't remove the backslashes, so the expressions went wrong again. But I got it and fixed it. ;-)
Sorry, but this was my first post here. :)
As everyone else already mentioned this is not possible.
But, you can achieve what you want in Notepad++ by using a Macro.
Go to "Macro" > "Start Recording" menu, apply those two search and replace regular expressions, press "Stop Recording", then "Save Current Recorded Macro", there give it a name, assign a shortcut, and you are done. You now can reuse the same replacements whenever you want with one shortcut.
Since your replacement strings are totally different and use data that come not from any capture (i.e. [#42]), you can't.
Keep in mind that replacement strings are only masks, and can not contain any conditional content.

Regexp-replace: Multiple replacements within a match

I'm converting our MVC3 project to use T4MVC. And I would like to replace java-script includes to work with T4MVC as well. So I need to replace
I'm using Notepad++ as a regexp tool at the moment, and it is using POSIX regexps.
I can find script name and replace it with these regexps:
Find: \("~/Scripts/(.*)"\)
Replace with \(Scripts.\1\)
But I can't figure out how do I replace dots and dashes in the file names into underscores and replace forward slashes into dots.
I can check that js-filename have dot or dash in a name with this
But how do I replace groups within a group?
Need to have non-greedy replacement within group, and have these replacements going in an order, so forward slashes converted into a dot will not be converted to underscore afterwards.
This is a non-critical problem, I've already done all the replacements manually, but I thought I'm good with regexp, so this problem bugs me!!
p.s. preferred tool is Notepad++, but any POSIX regexp solution would do -)
p.p.s. Here you can get a sample of stuff to be replaced
And here is the the target text
I would just use a site like RegexHero
You can past the code into the target string box, then place (?<=(~/Script).*)[.-](?=(.*"[)]")) into the Regular Expression box, with _ in the Replacement String box.
Once the replace is done, click on Final String at the bottom, and select Move to target string and start a new expression.
From there, Paste (?<=(<script).*)("~/)(?=(.*[)]" ))|(?<=(Url.).*)(")(?=(.*(\)" ))) into the Regular Expression box and leave the Replacement String box empty.
Once the replace is done, click on Final String at the bottom, and select Move to target string and start a new expression.
From there paste (?<=(Script).*)[/](?=(.*[)]")) into the Regular Expression box and . into the Replacement String box.
After that, the Final String box will have what you are looking for. I'm not sure the upper limits of how much text you can parse, but it could be broken up if that's an issue. I'm sure there might be better ways to do it, but this tends to be the way I go about things like this. One reason I like this site, is because I don't have to install anything, so I can do it anywhere quickly.
Edit 1: Per the comments, I have moved step 3 to Step 5 and added new steps 3 and 4. I had to do it this way, because new Step 5 would have replaced the / in "~/Scripts with a ., breaking the removal of "~/. I also had to change Step 5's code to account for the changed beginning of Script
Here is a vanilla Notepad++ solution, but it's certainly not the most elegant one. I managed to do the transformation with several passes over the file.
First pass
Replace . and - with _.
Find: ("~/Scripts[^"]*?)[.-]
Replace With: \1_
Unfortunately, I could not find a way to match only the . or -, because it would require a lookbehind, which is apparently not supported by Notepad++. Due to this, every time you execute the replacement only the first . or - in a script name will be replaced (because matches cannot overlap). Hence, you have to run this replacement multiple times until no more replacements are done (in your example input, that would be 8 times).
Second pass
Replace / with ..
Find: ("~/Scripts[^"]*?)/
Replace with: \1.
This is basically the same thing as the first pass, just with different characters (you will have to this 3 times for the example file). Doing the passes in this order ensures that no slashes will end up as underscores.
Third pass
Remove the surrounding characters.
Find: "~/(Scripts[^"]*?)"
Replace with: \1
This will now match all the script names that are still surrounded by "~/ and ", capturing what is in between and just outputting that.
Note that by including those surrounding characters in the find patterns of the first two passes, you can avoid converting the . in strings that are already of the new format.
As I said this is not the most convenient way to do it. Especially, since passes one and two have to be executed manually multiple times. But it would still save a lot of time for large files, and I cannot think of a way to get all of them - only in the correct strings - in one pass, without lookbehind capabilities. Of course, I would very much welcome suggestions to improve this solution :). I hope I could at least give you (and anyone with a similar problem) a starting point.
If, as your question indicates, you'd like to use N++ then use N++ Python Script. Setup the script and assign a shortcut key, then you have a single pass solution requiring only to open, modify, and save... can't get much simpler than that.
I think part of the problem is that N++ is not a regex tool and the use of a dedicated regex tool
, or even a search/replace solution, is sometimes warranted. You may be better off, both in speed and in time value using a tool made for text processing vs editing.
[Script Edit]:: Altered to match the modified in/out expectations.
# Substitute & Replace within matched group.
from Npp import *
import re
def repl(m):
return "(Scripts." + re.sub( "[-.]", "_", ).replace( "/", "." ) + ")"
editor.pyreplace( '(?:[(].*?Scripts.)(.*?)(?:"?[)])', repl )
Install:: Plugins -> Plugin Manager -> Python Script
New Script:: Plugins -> Python Script ->
Select target tab.
Run:: Plugins -> Python Script -> Scripts -> script-name
[Edit: An extended one-liner PythonScript command]
Having need for the new regex module for Python (that I hope replaces re) I played around and compiled it for use with the N++ PythonScript plugin and decided to test it on your sample set.
Two commands on the console ended up with the correct results in the editor.
import regex as re
editor.setText( (re.compile( r'(?<=.*Content[(].*)((?<omit>["~]+?([~])[/]|["])|(?<toUnderscore>[-.]+)|(?<toDot>[/]+))+(?=.*[)]".*)' ) ).sub(lambda m: {'omit':'','toDot':'.','toUnderscore':'_'}[[ key for key, value in m.groupdict().items() if value != None ][0]], editor.getText() ) )
Very sweet!
What else is really cool about using regex instead of re was that I was able to build the expression in Expresso and use it as is! Which allows for a verbose explanation of it, just by copy-paste of the r'' string portion into Expresso.
The abbreviated text of which is::
Match a prefix but exclude it from the capture. [.*Content[(].*]
[1]: A numbered capture group. [(?<omit>["~]+?([~])[/]|["])|(?<toUnderscore>[-.]+)|(?<toDot>[/]+)], one or more repetitions
Select from 3 alternatives
[omit]: A named capture group. [["~]+?([~])[/]|["]]
Select from 2 alternatives
Any character in this class: ["]
[toUnderscore]: A named capture group. [[-.]+]
[toDot]: A named capture group. [[/]+]
Match a suffix but exclude it from the capture. [.*[)]".*]
The command breakdown is fairly nifty, we are telling Scintilla to set the full buffer contents to the results of a compiled regex substitution command by essentially using a 'switch' off of the name of the group that isn't empty.
Hopefully Dave (the PythonScript Author) will add the regex module to the ExtraPythonLibs part of the project.
Alternatively you could use a script that would do it and avoid copy pasting and the rest of the manual labor altogether. Consider using the following script:
$_.gsub!(%r{(?:"~/)?Scripts/([a-z0-9./-]+)"?}i) do |i|
'Scripts.' + $1.split('/').map { |i| i.gsub(/[.-]/, '_') }.join('.')
And run it like this:
$ ruby -pi.bak script.rb *.ext
All the files with extension .ext will be edited in-place and the original files will be saved with .ext.bak extension. If you use revision control (and you should) then you can easily review changes with some visual diff tool, correct them if necessary and commit them afterwards.

Removing everything between a tag (including the tag itself) using Regex / Eclipse

I'm fairly new to figuring out how Regex works, but this one is just frustrating.
I have a massive XML document with a lot of <description>blahblahblah</description> tags. I want to basically remove any and all instances of <description></description>.
I'm using Eclipse and have tried a few examples of Regex I've found online, but nothing works.
Shouldn't that work?
Here is the actual code.
<description><![CDATA[<center><table><tr><th colspan='2' align='center'><em>Attributes</em></th></tr><tr bgcolor="#E3E3F3"><th>ID</th><td>308</td></tr></table></center>]]></description>
I'm not familiar with Eclipse, but I would expect its regex search facility to use Java's built-in regex flavor. You probably just need to check a box labeled "DOTALL" or "single-line" or something similar, or you can add the corresponding inline modifier to the regex:
That will allow the . to match newlines, which it doesn't by default.
EDIT: This is assuming there are newlines within the <description> element, which is the only reason I can think of why your regex wouldn't work. I'm also assuming you really are doing a regex search; is that automatic in Eclipse, or do you have to choose between regex and literal searching?