Append to clojure vector from within loop - clojure

I have:
(defn keep?
(def sum [])
(loop [i 0]
(when (< i 10)
(conj sum 10)
(recur (inc i))))
This just gives me and empty vector even though I am conj-ing 10 onto sum. Is this because it is not in-scope within the Loop? How would I achieve the same outcome. (btw, this example is deliberately simplified)

conj does not modify its argument. In fact, without resorting to evil reflection tricks, nothing will modify a vector, it's an immutable data structure. This is one of the fundamental principles of Clojure.
In functional programming, instead of modifying data, we replace it with another immutable value. So you need to use the return value of conj, or it is effectively a noop.
(defn keep?
(loop [i 0 sum []]
(if (< i 10)
(recur (inc i) (conj sum 10))
Also, the second arg to defn must always be a vector.

conj is not destructive, it does not alter that collection, returns a new collection with the designated state (reference).
To achieve the desired result, you may:
Define sum in a loop-form, like i is defined, instead of using def
recur (inc i) (conj sum 10) to rebind sum to a new one on every iteration, so that state is built up to what you expect
Once the condition in when is not met, just return sum from your loop and it will bubble up to become the return value of this function. Uh hang on, when does not have an "else-branch", a possible alternative is if
Like so:
(defn keep? []
(loop [i 0
sum []]
(if (< i 10)
(recur (inc i)
(conj sum 10))

Just to supplement the other answers, I almost never use the loop function. Here are a few ways to do it using the for function:
; return a lazy sequence
(for [i (range 10) ]
;=> (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
; return a concrete vector
(for [i (range 10) ]
;=> [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
; 'into' is very nice for converting one collection into another
(into #{}
(for [i (range 10) ]
;=> #{0 7 1 4 6 3 2 9 5 8} ; hash-set is unique but unordered


Need the first 10 multiples of any number in Clojure

We've been given a task to print the first ten multiples of any number for which we have written the below code. It is throwing an error. In simple words, if n is 2 then we need to create a table of 2's till 10.
(defn multiples [n]
(while ( n < 11)
(println( n * n))
(swap! n inc)))
(def n (Integer/parseInt (clojure.string/trim (read-line))))
(multiples n)
With this, we're getting the error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to clojure.lang.
(defn multiples [n]
(map #(* n %) (range 1 (+ 10 1))))
user=> (multiples 1)
;; => (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
user=> (multiples 2)
;; => (2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20)
The resulting list you can loop over and println each of the elements.
(for [i (multiples 2)]
(println i))
;; or:
(map println (multiples 2)) ;; though one usually doesn't apply
;; `map` on side effect functions ...
To improve your own construct:
You, coming from an imperative language, try to work with mutations.
That is very un-idiomatic clojure.
However, by declaring a value atom, you can access using the # operator to its place. And mutate the variable's value.
(defn multiples [n]
(let [i (atom 1)] ;; i is an atom
(while (< #i 11) ;; #i is the value saved into i
(println (* #i n))
(swap! i inc)))) ;; and correctly you can increase the value
With this multiples, you can also print the values.
You can't apply swap! to normal variables, only to atoms.
while loops one should apply only if number of elements not known.
In this case, one knows very well, when to stop. So use rather
a for loop.
(defn multiples [n]
(for [i (range 1 11)]
(println (* i n))))
Look at what iterate function does here
(defn multiples-of [n]
(iterate (partial * n) n))
(def ten-multiples-of-ten
(take 10 (multiples-of 10)))
EDIT: I misread the author of the question, I believe he wants to just generate a sequence of squares. Here is one way using transducers, cause why not ;)
(def xf
(map inc)
(map #(* % %))))
(defn first-n-squares [n]
(into [] xf (take n (range))))
You can use recur in a loop:
(defn multiples [n]
(if (< n 11)
(do ; then
(println (* n n))
(recur (inc n)))
nil)) ; else return nil
Running this by invoking
(multiples 1)
in a REPL will produce

Clojure manually find nth element in a sequence

I am a newbie to clojure (and functional programming for that matter) and I was trying to do some basic problems. I was trying to find the nth element in a sequence without recursion.
so something like
(my-nth '(1 2 3 4) 2) => 3
I had a hard time looping through the list and returning when i found the nth element. I tried a bunch of different ways and the code that I ended up with is
(defn sdsu-nth
[input-list n]
(loop [cnt n tmp-list input-list]
(if (zero? cnt)
(first tmp-list)
(recur (dec cnt) (pop tmp-list)))))
This gives me an exception which says "cant pop from empty list"
I dont need code, but if someone could point me in the right direction it would really help!
You are using the function pop, which has different behavior for different data structures.
user> (pop '(0 1 2 3 4))
(1 2 3 4)
user> (pop [0 1 2 3 4])
[0 1 2 3]
user> (pop (map identity '(0 1 2 3 4)))
ClassCastException clojure.lang.LazySeq cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IPersistentStack clojure.lang.RT.pop (
Furthermore, you are mixing calls to pop with calls to first. If iterating, use peek/pop or first/rest as pairs, mixing the two can lead to unexpected results. first / rest are the lowest common denominator, if you want to generalize over various sequential types, use those, and they will coerce the sequence to work if they can.
user> (first "hello")
user> (first #{0 1 2 3 4})
user> (first {:a 0 :b 1 :c 2})
[:c 2]
With your function, replacing pop with rest, we get the expected results:
user> (defn sdsu-nth
[input-list n]
(loop [cnt n tmp-list input-list]
(if (zero? cnt)
(first tmp-list)
(recur (dec cnt) (rest tmp-list)))))
user> (sdsu-nth (map identity '(0 1 2 3 4)) 2)
user> (sdsu-nth [0 1 2 3 4] 2)
user> (sdsu-nth '(0 1 2 3 4) 2)
user> (sdsu-nth "01234" 2)
given a list as list_nums, take up to n + 1 then from that return the last element which is nth.
(fn [list_nums n] (last (take (inc n) list_nums)))
and alternatively:
#(last (take (inc %2) %1))
(= (#(last (take (inc %2) %1)) '(4 5 6 7) 2) 6) ;; => true
What you would really want to do is use the built-in nth function as it does exactly what you're asking:
However, since you're learning this is still a good exercise. Your code actually works for me. Make sure you're giving it a list and not a vector -- pop does something different with vectors (it returns the vector without the last item rather than the first -- see here).
Your code works fine for lists if supplied index is not equal or greater then length of sequence (you've implemented zero indexed nth). You get this error when tmp-list gets empty before your cnt gets to the zero.
It does not work so well with vectors:
user> (sdsu-nth [1 2 3 4] 2)
;; => 1
user> (sdsu-nth [10 2 3 4] 2)
;; => 10
it seems to return 0 element for every supplied index. As noisesmith noticed it happens because pop works differently for vectors because of their internal structure. For vectors pop will remove elements form the end, and then first returns first value of any vector.
How to fix: use rest instead of pop, to remove differences in behavior of your function when applied to lists and vectors.
(fn [xs n]
(if (= n 0)
(first xs)
(recur (rest xs) (dec n))))
One more way that I thought of doing this and making it truly non recursive (ie without for/recur) is
(defn sdsu-nth
[input-list n]
(if (zero? (count input-list))
(throw (Exception. "IndexOutOfBoundsException"))
(if (>= n (count input-list))
(throw (Exception. "IndexOutOfBoundsException"))
(if (neg? n)
(throw (Exception. "IndexOutOfBoundsException"))
(last (take (+ n 1) input-list))))))

find all subsets of an integer collection that sums to n

i'm trying to find a function that, given S a set of integer and I an integer, return all the subsets of S that sum to I
is there such a function somewhere in clojure-contrib or in another library ?
if no, could anyone please give me some hints to write it the clojure way?
Isn't this the subset sum problem, a classic NP-complete problem?
In which case, I'd just generate every possible distinct subset of S, and see which subsets sums to I.
I think it is the subset sum problem, as #MrBones suggests. Here's a brute force attempt using (lein: [org.clojure/math.combinatorics "0.0.7"]):
(require '[clojure.math.combinatorics :as c])
(defn subset-sum [s n]
"Return all the subsets of s that sum to n."
(->> (c/subsets s)
(filter #(pos? (count %))) ; ignore empty set since (+) == 0
(filter #(= n (apply + %)))))
(def s #{1 2 45 -3 0 14 25 3 7 15})
(subset-sum s 13)
; ((1 -3 15) (2 -3 14) (0 1 -3 15) (0 2 -3 14) (1 2 3 7) (0 1 2 3 7))
(subset-sum s 0)
; ((0) (-3 3) (0 -3 3) (1 2 -3) (0 1 2 -3))
These "subsets" are just lists. Could convert back to sets, but I didn't bother.
You can generate the subsets of a set like this:
(defn subsets [s]
(if (seq s)
(let [f (first s), srs (subsets (disj s f))]
(concat srs (map #(conj % f) srs)))
(list #{})))
The idea is to choose an element from the set s: the first, f, will do. Then we recursively find the subsets of everything else, srs. srs comprises all the subsets without f. By adding f to each of them, we get all the subsets with f. And together, that's the lot. Finally, if we can't choose an element because there aren't any, the only subset is the empty one.
All that remains to do is to filter out from all the subsets the ones that sum to n. A function to test this is
(fn [s] (= n (reduce + s)))
It is not worth naming.
Putting this together, the function we want is
(defn subsets-summing-to [s n]
(fn [xs] (= n (reduce + xs)))
(subsets s)))
Since the answer is a sequence of sets, we can make it lazier by changing concat into lazy-cat. map is lazy anyway.
We may appear to be generating a lot of sets, but remember that they share storage: the space cost of keeping another set differing by a single element is (almost) constant.
The empty set sums to zero in Clojure arithmetic.

repeatedly apply a function until test no longer yields true

I wrote this code to nest a function n times and am trying to extend the code to handle a test. Once the test returns nil the loop is stopped. The output be a vector containing elements that tested true. Is it simplest to add a while loop in this case? Here is a sample of what I've written:
(defn nester [a inter f]
(loop [level inter expr a]
(if (= level 0) expr
(if (> level 0) (recur (dec level) (f expr))))))
An example input would be an integer 2, and I want to nest the inc function until the output is great than 6. The output should be [2 3 4 5 6 7].
(defn nester [a inter f test-fn]
(loop [level inter
expr a]
(if (or (zero? level)
(nil? (test-fn expr)))
(recur (dec level)
(f expr)))))
If you also accept false (additionally to nil) from your test-fn, you could compose this more lazily:
(defn nester [a inter f test-fn]
(->> (iterate f a)
(take (inc inter))
(drop-while test-fn)
EDIT: The above was answered to your initial question. Now that you have specified completely changed the meaning of your question:
If you want to generate a vector of all iterations of a function f over a value n with a predicate p:
(defn nester [f n p]
(->> (iterate f n)
(take-while p)
(nester inc 2 (partial > 8)) ;; predicate "until the output is greater than six"
;; translated to "as long as 8 is greater than
;; the output"
=> [2 3 4 5 6 7]
To "nest" or iterate a function over a value, Clojure has the iterate function. For example, (iterate inc 2) can be thought of as an infinite lazy list [2, (inc 2), (inc (inc 2)), (inc (inc (inc 2))) ...] (I use the [] brackets not to denote a "list"--in fact, they represent a "vector" in Clojure terms--but to avoid confusion with () which can denote a data list or an s-expression that is supposed to be a function call--iterate does not return a vector). Of course, you probably don't want an infinite list, which is where the lazy part comes in. A lazy list will only give you what you ask it for. So if you ask for the first ten elements, that's what you get:
user> (take 10 (iterate inc 2))
> (2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11)
Of course, you could try to ask for the whole list, but be prepared to either restart your REPL, or dispatch in a separate thread, because this call will never end:
user> (iterate inc 2)
> (2
=== Shutting down REPL ===
=== Starting new REPL at C:\Users\Omnomnomri\Clojure\user ===
Clojure 1.5.0
Here, I'm using clooj, and this is what it looks like when I restart my REPL. Anyways, that's all just a tangent. The point is that iterate answers the core of your question. The other part, stopping upon some test condition, involves take-while. As you might imagine, take-while is a lot like take, only instead of stopping after some number of elements, it stops upon some test condition (or in Clojure parlance, a predicate):
user> (take-while #(< % 10) (iterate inc 2))
> (2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
Note that take-while is exclusive with its predicate test, so that here once the value fails the test (of being less than 10), it excludes that value, and only includes the previous values in the return result. At this point, solving your example is pretty straightfoward:
user> (take-while #(< % 7) (iterate inc 2))
> (2 3 4 5 6)
And if you need it to be a vector, wrap the whole thing in a call to vec:
user> (vec (take-while #(< % 7) (iterate inc 2)))
> [2 3 4 5 6]

clojure for sequence comprehnsion adding two elements at a time

The comprehension:
(for [i (range 5])] i)
... yields: (0 1 2 3 4)
Is there an idiomatic way to get (0 0 1 1 2 4 3 9 4 16) (i.e. the numbers and their squares) using mostly the for comprehension?
The only way I've found so far is doing a:
(apply concat (for [i (range 5)] (list i (* i i))))
Actually, using only for is pretty simple if you consider applying each function (identity and square) for each value.
(for [i (range 5), ; for every value
f [identity #(* % %)]] ; for every function
(f i)) ; apply the function to the value
; => (0 0 1 1 2 4 3 9 4 16)
Since for loops x times, it will return a collection of x values. Multiple nested loops (unless limited by while or when) will give x * y * z * ... results. That is why external concatenation will always be necessary.
A similar correlation between input and output exists with map. However, if multiple collections are given in map, the number of values in the returned collection is the size of the smallest collection parameter.
=> (map (juxt identity #(* % %)) (range 5))
([0 0] [1 1] [2 4] [3 9] [4 16])
Concatenating the results of map is so common mapcat was created. Because of that, one might argue mapcat is a more idiomatic way over for loops.
=> (mapcat (juxt identity #(* % %)) (range 5))
(0 0 1 1 2 4 3 9 4 16)
Although this is just shorthand for apply concat (map, and a forcat function or macro could be created just as easily.
However, if an accumulation over a collection is needed, reduce is usually considered the most idiomatic.
=> (reduce (fn [acc i] (conj acc i (* i i))) [] (range 5))
[0 0 1 1 2 4 3 9 4 16]
Both the for and map options would mean traversing a collection twice, once for the range, and once for concatenating the resulting collection. The reduce option only traverses the range.
Care to share why "using mostly the for comprehension" is a requirement ?
I think you are doing it right.
A slightly compressed way maybe achieved using flatten
(flatten (for [i (range 5)] [ i (* i i) ] ))
But I would get rid of the for comprehension and just use interleave
(let [x (range 5)
y (map #(* % %) x)]
(interleave x y))
Disclaimer: I am just an amateur clojurist ;)