IDE doesn't recognize the method - c++

I'm trying to acces the cityMethod() inside the class City.
class City
void cityMethod() { }
So, I do:
map<string,City> mymap;
City c;
mymap["Madrid"] = c;
Now, when I do this:
Ok, it works. But the IDE(Qt) doesn't recognize the "cityMethod".
Am I doing something wrong? Is that compiler issue?

This feature does not seem to be supported by Qt Creator. There's an open issue about it on
It does work when using the ClangCodeModel plugin though. To use it, go to Help > About Plugins and activate the plugin there:
Then, enable its use in the options. Tools > Options > C++ > Code Model
You might experience performance issues with the Clang code model, but it does work:


How would you auto generate a class implementation during pre-compile?

I was looking at creating a service locator that I would also like to provide "NULL" implementations of the services it provides. How would you go about parsing the Interface and auto generating an implementation? What tools would you use - say with CMake? Basically, I am trying to avoid having to write something like:
class IAudio
virtual void playSound(SoundId Id) = 0;
***** Following is the boilerplate I would like to avoid *****
class NullAudio : IAudio
void playSound(SoundId) override { /* Does Nothing */ }
I can't seem to find any examples from my google searches for automatic code generation - they all turn up things that reference code completion in editors. I would even consider running a python script that looks for files starting with I - like IAudio.hpp, parses it and writes out a file if that is the common way to do this.
I think I figured it out. Write a small tool to do what I want, configure CMake to compile it first, and then have CMake run the tool with add_custom_command.

C++ - Using a variable without knowing what it is called

I have a program that uses plug-ins. As I'm in development, these plug-ins are currently just .h and .cpp files that I add or remove from my project before re-compiling, but eventually they will be libraries.
Each plug-in contains lists of data in vectors, and I need to dynamically load data from the plug-ins without knowing which plug-ins are present. For instance:
// plugin1.h
extern vector<int> plugin1Data;
// plugin2.h
extern vector<int> plugin2Data;
// main.cpp
vector<vector<int>> pluginDataList;
int CountPlugins () {
// Some function that counts how many plug-ins are present, got this bit covered ;)
int main() {
int numPlugins = CountPlugins();
for (int i = 0; i < numPlugins; i++) {
vector<int> newPluginData = /***WAY TO ADD PLUGIN DATA!!!***/;
I already access the names of each plugin present during my CountPlugins() function, and have a list of names, so my first gut feeling was to use the name from each plugin to create a variable name like:
vector<string> pluginNames = /*filled by CountPlugins*/;
string pluginDataName = + "Data";
// Use pluginDataName to locate plugin1Data or plugin2Data
That's something I've done before in c# when I used to mess around with unity, but I've read a few stackoverflow posts clearly stating that it's not possible in c++. It's also a fairly messy solution in C# anyway as far as I remember.
If each plugin was a class instead of just a group of vectors, I could access the specific data doing something like but then I still need to be able to reference the object stored within each plugin, and that'll mean that when I get round to compiling the plugins as libraries, I'll always have to link to class declaration and definition, which isn't ideal (though not out of the question if it'll give a nicer solution over all).
I'm all out of ideas after that, any help you can offer will be most welcome!
Thanks! Pete
Why dont you save the data as JSON between the application and the plugins ? That way you will also allow other types of tech to plug-into your app, like javascript based plugins via an embedded version of v8 or c#/.net plugins via mono.'

No autocompletion when using a std::unordered_map::find

I have some piece of code that looks like this:
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<Foo>> map;
auto result = map.find("key i'm looking for");
when I try to use result in this fashion:
my IDE can't autocomplete and tells me "No suggestions for members of auto0"
Is my syntax wrong or is it a shortcoming of the API?
EDIT: As it was pointed out, it would probably be a problem with my IDE. If anyone else can confirm this, I will report the issue on their issue tracker. I'm using CLion build CL 140.1740.3
Thank you
EDIT2: So I made a ticket. If anyone with the same problem reads this, here is the link to the issue
Your auto complete is not working correctly for some reason.

Implementation of active appearance models

I'm having an internship in the field of computer vision, and i am really interested to know some details about the implementation of the Active Appearence Models aam-opencv that exists in the Google Code site.
In fact, i downloaded aam-opencv.tar.gz then built it with cmake and i solved some syntax problems but the only error that i am still having when i try to generate the solution is the following :
This function should return something:
aamImage* delaunay:: warpImageToMeanShape(aamImage*input)
I wonder if there is something missing in that function, or is it a compiler problem.
Please give me an answer or just guide me to complete the missing part of that function.
I would really appreciate if anyone kindly help me.
Thank you.
I suppose that is not used in code function, so it is not important what it return. Some C++ compilers allow to write such code and give only warning, another treat as errors:
ReturnType f()
looks like you use not the same compiler as author of source code. So just add something like:
aamImage* delaunay:: warpImageToMeanShape(aamImage*input)
return NULL;

How to set text in Carbon textfield on OSX?

I'm trying to set the text of a textfield using the Carbon API like this:
ControlID editId = {'EDIT', 3};
ControlRef ctrl;
GetControlByID(GetWindowRef(), &editId, &ctrl);
CFStringRef title = CFSTR("Test");
OSErr er = SetControlData(ctrl, kControlEntireControl, kControlEditTextTextTag, CFStringGetLength(title), title);
I'm using the C++ code template of XCode, so GetWindowRef() is a call to the predefined TWindow class. The OSErr return value gives me noErr, but my textfield only contains garbage.
It doesn't matter if I set the attribute of my textfield to Unicode or not.
Any ideas what is wrong here?
What does the GetControlID(...) return? Is it noErr?
As a ControlRef is also a HIViewRef, you can also use the function:
HIViewSetText to set the text. This is documented to work with functions that accept kControlEditTextCFStringTag.
By the way, the line you wrote:
Will cause problems. One should only release objects that have been made using functions that have Create or Copy in the API name. You'll want to read: "Introduction to Memory Management Programming Guide for Core Foundation" -- search in the Xcode documentation.
Finally this did the trick:
SetControlData(ctrl, kControlEditTextPart, kControlStaticTextCFStringTag, sizeof(title), &title);
Since this seems to be very old API, a better way seems to be:
HIViewSetText(ctrl, title);
Thx to Lyndsey for the hints.