How to find a certain element of BST, given key? - c++

So I'm trying to implement a TREE_SUCCESSOR(X) function for BST where X is the key of the node that I'm trying to find the successor of. So far I have this:
int BinarySearchTree::TREE_SUCCESSOR(node* x)
//i dont need a new node, I just need a pointer/reference to x.
node* y = NULL;
//node* parent = NULL;
if (x->right != NULL)
return FIND_MIN(x->right);
y = x->parent;
while (y != NULL && x == y->right)
x = y;
y = y->parent;
return y->key;
My problem is in the main function:
int main()
BinarySearchTree bst;
int num = 0;
cout << "Enter number you want to find the successor of: " <<endl;
cin >> num;
if(BST.root->key == num) //if i'm trying to find the successor of the root
while(BST.root->key != num) //if the user input does not equal the root key value
I want to find out how to traverse the BST to the node of the BST till the key = num. For example, if the tree had nodes 3,4,5 then TREE_SUCCESSOR(4), should return 5. How would I do this??
So I decided used a TREE_SEARCH(key) that would find the node with a certain key and return it... and then pass that node into TREE_SUCCESSOR(X).

Do an in-order traversal.
After finding the element continue the traversal, the next element is the one you need.
You don't need any special case regarding if you're looking for the successor of the root, but you need to treat the case where the element is the last one in the traversal, i.e. the largest one one.

My first approach would be to search for examples on the internet "binary search tree successor".
But if I have a big enough ego, I may want to develop my own algorithm. I would draw a binary search tree. Next I would pick a node an figure out the steps to get to the successor. After I have the steps, I would go through the steps using different nodes on the tree and adjust the algorithm (steps) as necessary.
After I had the algorithm, I would code it up.
But you're not me, so you would want to search the internet for "c++ binary search tree successor function".


Algorithmic improvement for finding minimum sum in a Binary Search Tree

I wrote the following function to find out the minimum sum of any path in a Binary Search Tree:
int minSumPath(TreeNode* root) {
return 0;
int sum = root->value;
if(root->left!=NULL && root->right!=NULL)
sum += min(minSumPath(root->left),minSumPath(root->right));
sum += minSumPath(root->right);
sum += minSumPath(root->left);
return sum;
While the above code generates the correct output, I feel that I am not leveraging the fact that it is a Binary Search Tree (BST) and not just a Binary Tree.
In a BST the left child node is smaller than the root and right node, so logically we can only consider the left child nodes of each root; but what if the BST has only a single child on the right (with say value 10) and multiple child nodes on the left (with sum >10)?
In this case the minimum sum would be 10 (which is on the right).
How I would be able to leverage the BST property, if at all? Also, any other optimizations that I can use in my approach?
Note: Edited the code to resolve the error;
An informed search could help in some cases.
In the worst case, the computational cost is exactly the same of your algorithm.
As an example:
int minSumPathOpt(TreeNode* root) {
if(root == nullptr) return 0;
int sum = -1;
std::stack<std::pair<TreeNode*, int>> todo;
todo.push(std::make_pair(root, 0));
while(not todo.empty()) {
std::pair<TreeNode*, int> curr =;
TreeNode *node = curr.first;
int part = curr.second + node->value;
if(sum == -1 || part < sum) {
if(!node->left && !node->right) {
sum = part;
} else {
if(node->right) todo.push(std::make_pair(node->right, part));
if(node->left) todo.push(std::make_pair(node->left, part));
return sum;
The basic idea is to track the current minimum while performing a DFS. This will give you the chance to prune entire subtrees whenever the sum of the values to their root are already greater than the current minimum.
Moreover, exploring the left tree before to look at the right one could help maximizing the result (no assurance indeed, but it's a good idea because of how BSTs are defined).
See a comparison of the two approaches on wandbox.
As you can see, the second function doesn't explore at all trees that are not promising.

Binary Search tree Array implementation C++

I am in the process of implementing a Binary Search tree that gets represented using the Array implementation. This is my code so far: Take note that I have done with the Structure of tree and it is being saved as a Linked List. I want to convert this linked list into an array.
My thoughts on how to go about this are as followed. Make a return_array function. Have the Size of the array set to the Max number of nodes( 2^(n-1)+1) and go through the linked list. Root node would be # position 0 on the array then his L-child = (2*[index_of_parent]+1) and R-child = (2*[index_of_parent]+2). I looked around for a bit and searched to find something that can get me an idea of how I can keep track of each node and how I can go through each one.
Am I overthinking this problem?
Can there be a Recursion?
Also, I'm considering creating a visual tree instead of an array but have no idea how to space it out correctly. If anyone has an idea on how to do that it would be awesome to get a better understanding of that.
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
struct node {
int data;
struct node* left;
struct node* right;
void inorder(struct node* node){
cout << node->data << " ";
void insert(struct node** node, int key){
if(*node == NULL){
(*node) = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
(*node)->data = key;
(*node)->left = NULL;
(*node)->right = NULL;
printf("inserted node with data %d\n", (*node)->data);
else if ((*node)->data > key){
int max_tree(struct node* node){
int left,right;
if(node == NULL)
return 0;
return left+1;
return right+1;
//This is where i dont know how to keep the parent/children the array.
void return_array(struct node* node, int height){
int max;
height = height - 1;
max = pow(2, height) - 1;
int arr [height];
int main(){
int h;
struct node* root = NULL;
insert(&root, 10);
insert(&root, 20);
insert(&root, 5);
insert(&root, 2);
cout << endl;
cout << "Height is: ";
cout << max_tree(root);
h = max_tree(root)
return_array(root, h)
Considering that you want to efficiently store a binary search tree, using
l = 2i + 1
r = 2i + 2
will waste space every time your tree encounters a leaf node that is not occurring at the end of the tree (breadth-first). Consider the following simple example:
/ \
1 4
/ \
3 5
This (when transformed breadth-first into an array) results in
[ 2, 1, 4, -, -, 3, 5 ]
And wastes two slots in the array.
Now if you want to store the same tree in an array without wasting space, just transform it into an array depth-first:
[ 2 1 4 3 5 ]
To recover the original tree from this, follow these steps for each node:
Choose the first node as root
For each node (including root), choose
a) the left child as the next smaller key from the array after the current key
b) the right child as the next bigger key from the array, being no larger than the smallest parent key encountered when last branching left, and smaller than the direct parent's key when you are currently in it's left branch
Obviously finding the correct b) is slightly more complex, but not too much. Refer to my code example here.
If I'm not mistaken, transforming to and from an array will take O(n) in either case. And as no space is wasted, space complexity is also O(n).
This works because binary search trees have more structure than ordinary binary trees; here, I'm just using the binary search tree property of the left child being smaller, and the right child being larger than the current node's key.
After doing some further research on the topic, I found that reconstructing the tree in preorder traversal order is much simpler. The recursive function doing that is implemented here and here, respectively.
It basically consists of these steps:
As long as the input array has unseen entries,
If the value to insert is greater than the current branch's minimum value and less than the current branch's maximum allowed,
Add a node to the tree at the current position and set it's value to the current input value
Remove current value from input
If there are items left in the input,
Recurse into the left child
Recurse into the right child
The current minimum and maximum values are defined by the position inside the tree (left child: less than parent, right child: greater than parent).
For more elaborate details, please refer to my source code links.
If you want to store the tree node in a array,you had better to start from 1 position of your array!So the relation between the parent and its children should be simple:
parent = n;
left = 2n;
right = 2n + 1;
you should BFS the tree,and store the node in the array(If the node is null you should also store in the array using a flag ex 0),you should get the very array of the tree!
To do this you have to follow these steps.
Create an empty queue.
Make the first node of the list as root, and enqueue it to the queue.
Until we reach the end of the list, do the following.
a. Dequeue one node from the queue. This is the current parent.
b. Traverse two nodes in the list, add them as children of the current parent.
c. Enqueue the two nodes into the queue.
Time Complexity: Time complexity of the above solution is O(n) where n is the number of nodes.

C++: Counting the duplicates in a BST

I have a BST as;
/ \
4 12
I have the following code in order to calculate the duplicate count which in here should be 1 (6 has a duplicate);
struct Node
int data;
Node *left, *right;
void inorder(Node *root, Node *previous, int count)
if(root != NULL)
if(root != previous && root->data == previous->data)
previous = root;
inorder(root->left, previous, count);
cout<<root->data<<" ";
inorder(root->right, previous, count);
I have to do this using constant extra space.I know it's nowhere close but the idea I have is to keep a track of the previous node and check for the duplicate and at the end return the count. But I couldn't get to return an integer value while performing in order BST traversal. Besides that would there be a better way to count the duplicates in BST. I initiate;
inorder(a, a, 0);
In a binary search tree, depending on how the insert is written, the duplicate will always be on the left or right, looks like left in your case. So all you need is one extra variable that keeps track of the count of the dupes, in your function keep track of the last visited node if the current node is ever the same as the last visited one increment the count.
Here's some code Disclaimer: totally untested just know it compiles
int count_dupes(Node * root, Node * last = nullptr) {
int is_dupe = 0;
if (root->value == last->value) is_dupe = 1;
return is_dupe + (root->right != nullptr? count_dupes(root->right,root):0)
+ (root->left!= nullptr? count_dupes(root->left,root):0);
By the way I'm sensing this is an interview type question but Thomas Matthews is right, your tree should not have duplicates inserted.
Lets assume in your BST a duplicate can only be on the left of a node (it is always the same side, we just have to choose the convention and stick to it). Just increment duplicate count as you recurse left in your in-order traversal and value does not change. Make sure you pass count by reference, not by value. Zero it out before starting. Nice interview question, btw

C++ tree with multiple children for telephone number inverse search

I'm trying to write a program to do an inverse search of telephone numbers (user gives a number and program prints out the corresponding person + other numbers that belong to it). Now I have saved the persons' datas in a linked list and am trying to bild up a tree.
Each tree element will save a pointer to a person's data, an index (which is corresponding to a part of the telephone number, for example if the number starts with '0' the index of the root's first child node is '0') and a vector of pointers to it's children.
What I can do so far is saving the first given number in the Tree but there seem to be problems when trying to save more than one number in the tree. Maybe the problem is with the pointers to the children nodes, but i'm not sure there. Here's the said part of the code:
class Tree {
Datensatz *data; //data stored in node
char number; //index of node - part of a telephone number
Tree* wurzel; //root
vector<Tree*> nextEls; //vector of children of node
Tree(int zahl);
div. functions
void add(vector<char>); //called to add telephone number to tree
void Tree::hinzufRek(vector<char> telNum)
Tree *aktEl = new Tree(); //latest node
aktEl=this->wurzel; //starts with root
int check = 0;
for (int i=0; i<telNum(); i++) {
char h = telNum(i);
int j;
for (j = 0; j<aktEl->nextEls.size(); j++) {
if (h == aktEl->nextEls[j]->number) { //if latest number already exists in node children...
aktEl = aktEl->nextEls[j];
check = 1;
if (check == 0) {
aktEl->nextEls.push_back(new Tree(h));
aktEl = aktEl->nextEls[j];
else { //if there are no current children to latest node
aktEl->nextEls.push_back(new Tree(h));
aktEl = aktEl->nextEls[0];
Furthermore, I thought it would be a good idea to delete the Tree* aktEl object at the end of the function, but that only leads to really strange results. I'm not sure if the above code is very clear or if it can be easily understood, but I hope one of you can help me...
Maybe I'm just overseeing something...
Thank you in advance!

Binary tree Basics in C++

I have a binary tree data structure of:
//Declare Data Structure
struct CP {
int id; //ID of the Node
int data; //Data of the Node
CP * left; //Pointer to the Left Subtree
CP * right; //Pointer to the Right Subtree
typedef CP * CPPtr;
Without changing the tree structure, how do I actually calculate the depth if given a node id. (id is a unique indicator to each tree node)
your code is lack of some base steps or necessary initializations.
BTree_Helper(BTree *Tree){// this is roughly written like pseudo code
if(TLeft == NULL && TRight == NULL){
depth of tree = 0 ;
else if (TLeft == NULL){
depth of tree = depth of right tree ;
else if(TRight==NULL){
depth of tree = depth of left tree;
depth of tree = the maximum between depth of left and depth of right;
I just gave some hints for your convinence.
Think carefully and try as many test suites as possible.
Going off of what y26jin suggested, maybe something like this?
BTree_Helper(CP *TreeNode) {
CP *TLeft = TreeNode->left;
CP *TRight = TreeNode->right;
if(TLeft == NULL && TRight == NULL){
return 0;
else if (TLeft == NULL){
return 1+(BTree_Helper(TRight));
else if(TRight==NULL){
return 1+(BTree_Helper(TLeft));
return 1+max(BTree_Helper(TLeft),BTree_Helper(TRight));
I can't actually test the code right now, sorry if I'm way off here. But I think something along these lines should work.
I'm going to assume that id is the search key for the tree. In other words, the id of any node on the left subtree is less than the id of this node, and the id of any node on the right subtree is greater than the id of this node. Also, id is assumed to be unique.
To find a node with a given ID, given a pointer to the root node of the tree, you just do:
CP* find(CP* root, int searchID)
// Starting point.
CP* node = root;
// Search hit?
if(node->id == searchID)
return node;
// Turn left or right?
if(node->id < searchID)
node = node->left;
node = node->right;
return 0; // No node with the given ID found.
Finding depth is a simple modification of this function: instead of returning a node, you keep count of how many levels you descend. A depth of 0 means the root node is what you want; a depth of 1 means either the left or right nodes; a depth of 2 means any of their direct children, etc. So it's really how many times you have to loop:
int depth(CP* root, int searchID)
// Starting point.
CP* node = root;
int depth = 0;
// Search hit?
if(node->id == searchID)
return depth;
// Descending a level...
// Turn left or right?
if(node->id < searchID)
node = node->left;
node = node->right;
return -1; // No node with the given ID found.
Note the special value -1 for "not found".
I recommend storing the depth of a node's subtree in that node. Then you can just update the depth of the tree as you add nodes to it. Whenever you add a node, back out of the tree, updating the depth of each node along the path to the root on the way out. If at any point, the new depth of a node's modified subtree is not greater than the depth of the node's other subtree, you can short-circuit.
The benefits to this approach are:
It's worst-case performance is O(log n) (assuming that the tree is balanced).
It is extremely easy to write non-recursively
Read about basic tree/graph search algorithms: breadth-first search (BFS) and depth-first search (DFS). Try implementing DFS both recursively and with an explicit stack<T>. Implement BFS using a queue<T>.
Pay attention to the efficiency of your approach. If you want to look-up the depth of nodes repeatedly it will probably be much faster to store the depth of every node in the tree in some sort of look-up table. Ideally a hash table but a map<T1, T2> will do in most cases.
You'll learn a lot from the above exercises. Good luck!
You can calculate the depth from any node using recursion:
int countChildren(CPPtr node) {
if ( node != null )
return 1 + countChildren(node->left) + countChildren(node->right);
return 0;
You have to pass pointers to lDepth and rDepth, not the values themselves, like so:
nodeDepth_Helper(tree,id, &lDepth, &rDepth);
Furthermore, I think the arguments to nodeDepth_helper should be declared as pointers to ints:
void nodeDepth_Helper(CPPtr tree, int id, int* lDepth,int* rDepth)
making these changes throughout should fix your problem.