Creating custom std::streambuf - c++

I am defining a custom std::streambuf class for use in file I/O. In this class, I am overloading the functions open, close, is_open, xsgetn, xsputn, overflow, underflow, and uflow. I then insert this buffer into an std::ifstream as follows (the same scenario holds for std::ofstream):
std::ifstream temp;
Filebuffer *buffer = new Filebuffer();
buffer->open(fileName.c_str(), std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary);
The implementation for Filebuffer (my custom class) is as follows:
Filebuffer::xsputn(const char *s, std::streamsize n)
std::streamsize result = 0;
if(file && n)
size_t buffer_use = this->epptr() - this->pptr();
if(buffer_use > 0)
if(static_cast<int>(buffer_use) > n)
buffer_use = n;
std::char_traits<char>::copy(this->pptr(), s, buffer_use);
result += buffer_use;
n -= buffer_use;
if(n == 0)
s += buffer_use;
return result;
Filebuffer::xsgetn(char *s, std::streamsize n)
std::streamsize result = 0;
if(file && n)
int ch; do
size_t buffer_use = this->egptr() - this->gptr();
if(buffer_use > 0)
if(static_cast<int>(buffer_use) > n)
buffer_use = n;
std::char_traits<char>::copy(s, this->gptr(), buffer_use);
result += buffer_use;
n -= buffer_use;
if(n == 0)
s += buffer_use;
ch = this->underflow();
} while(!(ch == std::char_traits<char>::eof()));
return result;
nullify_put_area(); //clears write buffer
if(!buffer) //allocated in open()
int value = ungetc(fgetc(file), file);
if(value == EOF)
return std::char_traits<char>::eof();
return value;
char *begin = buffer;
char *end = buffer + bufferSize - 1; //bufferSize set to 4 KB
char *next = end;
if(this->gptr() < this->egptr())
size_t buffer_use = this->egptr() - this->gptr();
memmove(begin, next, buffer_use);
begin += buffer_use;
setg(begin, begin, begin);
size_t m = (bufferSize - 1 - (begin - this->eback()));
if(m > 0)
size_t status = fread(begin, 1, m, file);
if(status == 0)
return std::char_traits<char>::eof();
setg(this->eback(), this->gptr(), begin + status);
return static_cast<int>(*this->gptr());
return std::char_traits<char>::eof();
return std::char_traits<char>::eof();
int ch = underflow();
if(ch != std::char_traits<char>::eof())
return ch;
Filebuffer::overflow(int c)
return std::char_traits<char>::eof();
const char *begin = this->pbase();
char *next = this->pptr();
setp(buffer, buffer + bufferSize - 1);
nullify_get_area(); //clears read buffer
char temp;
if(c == std::char_traits<char>::eof())
c = std::char_traits<char>::not_eof(std::char_traits<char>::eof());
begin = next = &temp;
assert(next == &temp || buffer <= next);
assert(next == &temp || next < buffer + bufferSize);
*next++ = static_cast<char>(c);
if(begin != next)
if(begin == &temp)
fputc(temp, file);
return c;
size_t n = next - begin;
size_t status = fwrite(begin, 1, n, file);
if(status != n)
return std::char_traits<char>::eof();
return c;
return std::char_traits<char>::eof();
Unfortunately, whenever I use (e.g.) temp >> readVar;, it does not use any of my overloaded functions - the call stack shows that the STL original implementations were called - and instead, simply reads in garbage. Per this question, I need to define overflow for ofstream (and presumably, underflow for ifstream), which I have done. Am I defining xsputn and xsgetn correctly? Why are my overloaded functions not being called?

It appears that trying to do this with std::ifstream will not work, and I need to change it std::istream. Once I make this change, the overloaded functions are called and everything works properly.


C++ program to count repeated words in a cstring

I've been working on a C++ program, I've made the logic but I'm unable to execute it. The question is:
Task: Write a program, using functions only, with the following features.
Program reads paragraph(s) from the file and stores in a string.
Then program counts the occurrence of each word in the paragraph(s) and stores all words with their number of occurrences.
If that word has appeared more than one time in whole string, it should store the word only once along its total occurrences.
The output described in above (in part 3) must be stored in a new file.
Sample input:
is the is and the is and the and is and only that is
Sample output:
is 5
the 3
and 4
only 1
that 1
I'll cut short to Occurrence program that I've written,
My logic is to store token into character array and then compare that array with main character array and do the increment:
void occurances() {
char* string = getInputFromFile();
char separators[] = ",.\n\t ";
char* token;
char* nextToken;
char* temp[100];
token = strtok_s(string, separators, &nextToken);
cout << temp;
int counter = 0;
int i = 0;
while ((token != NULL)) {
temp[i] = token;
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(string); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) {
if ((strcmp(token, *temp)) == 0) {
cout << temp << " : " << counter << endl;
if (token != NULL) {
token = strtok_s(NULL, separators, &nextToken);
This code is preposterous I know that, But please anyone be kind enough to give me a clue, actually I'm new to C++ . Thank you
If you store token into array this array should grow dynamically because the number of tokens is not known at the beginning. And according to the task description, you cannot use C++ standard containers, so, it is necessary to implement dynamic array manually, for example:
#include <iostream>
std::size_t increase_capacity_value(std::size_t capacity) {
if (capacity == 0) {
return 1;
else if (capacity < (SIZE_MAX / 2)) {
return capacity * 2;
return SIZE_MAX;
bool increase_array_capacity(char**& tokens_array, std::size_t*& tokens_count, std::size_t& capacity) {
const std::size_t new_capacity = increase_capacity_value(capacity);
if (new_capacity <= capacity) {
return false;
const std::size_t tokens_array_byte_size = new_capacity * sizeof(char*);
char** const new_tokens_array = static_cast<char**>(std::realloc(tokens_array, tokens_array_byte_size));
if (new_tokens_array == nullptr) {
return false;
tokens_array = new_tokens_array;
const std::size_t tokens_count_byte_size = new_capacity * sizeof(std::size_t);
std::size_t* const new_tokens_count = static_cast<std::size_t*>(std::realloc(tokens_count, tokens_count_byte_size));
if (new_tokens_count == nullptr) {
return false;
tokens_count = new_tokens_count;
capacity = new_capacity;
return true;
bool add_token(char* token, char**& tokens_array, std::size_t*& tokens_count, std::size_t& array_size, std::size_t& array_capacity) {
if (array_size == array_capacity) {
if (!increase_array_capacity(tokens_array, tokens_count, array_capacity)) {
return false;
tokens_array[array_size] = token;
tokens_count[array_size] = 1;
return true;
std::size_t* get_token_count_storage(char* token, char** tokens_array, std::size_t* tokens_count, std::size_t array_size) {
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < array_size; ++i) {
if (std::strcmp(token, tokens_array[i]) == 0) {
return tokens_count + i;
return nullptr;
bool process_token(char* token, char**& tokens_array, std::size_t*& tokens_count, std::size_t& array_size, std::size_t& array_capacity) {
std::size_t* token_count_ptr = get_token_count_storage(token, tokens_array, tokens_count, array_size);
if (token_count_ptr == nullptr) {
if (!add_token(token, tokens_array, tokens_count, array_size, array_capacity)) {
return false;
else {
return true;
int main() {
char string[] = "is the is and the is and the and is and only that is";
char separators[] = ",.\n\t ";
std::size_t token_array_capacity = 0;
std::size_t token_array_size = 0;
char** tokens_array = nullptr;
std::size_t* tokens_count = nullptr;
char* current_token = std::strtok(string, separators);
while (current_token != nullptr) {
if (!process_token(current_token, tokens_array, tokens_count, token_array_size, token_array_capacity)) {
current_token = std::strtok(nullptr, separators);
// print the report only if all tokens were processed
if (current_token == nullptr) {
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < token_array_size; ++i) {
std::cout << tokens_array[i] << " : " << tokens_count[i] << std::endl;
okay what if i want to store any token once, in an array and then replace it with new word while deleting duplicates in character array
It is also possible solution. But in general case, it is also necessary to allocate the memory dynamically for the current token. Because the lengths of tokens are also not known at the beginning:
void replace_chars(char* str, const char* chars_to_replace) {
while (str && *str != '\0') {
str = std::strpbrk(str, chars_to_replace);
if (str == nullptr) {
const std::size_t number_of_delimiters = std::strspn(str, chars_to_replace);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < number_of_delimiters; ++i) {
str[i] = '\0';
str += number_of_delimiters;
bool keep_token(char*& token_storage, const char* new_token) {
if (new_token == nullptr) {
return false;
const std::size_t current_token_len = token_storage ? std::strlen(token_storage) : 0;
const std::size_t requried_token_len = std::strlen(new_token);
if (token_storage == nullptr || current_token_len < requried_token_len) {
token_storage =
static_cast<char*>(std::realloc(token_storage, (requried_token_len + 1) * sizeof(char)));
if (token_storage == nullptr) {
return false;
std::strcpy(token_storage, new_token);
return true;
std::size_t count_tokens_and_replace(char* str, std::size_t str_len, const char* token) {
std::size_t number_of_tokens = 0;
std::size_t i = 0;
while (i < str_len) {
while (str[i] == '\0') ++i;
if (std::strcmp(str + i, token) == 0) {
replace_chars(str + i, token);
i += std::strlen(str + i);
return number_of_tokens;
int main() {
char string[] = "is the is and the is and the and is and only that is";
char separators[] = ",.\n\t ";
const std::size_t string_len = std::strlen(string);
replace_chars(string, separators);
std::size_t i = 0;
char* token = nullptr;
while (true) {
while (i < string_len && string[i] == '\0') ++i;
if (i == string_len || !keep_token(token, string + i)) break;
std::cout << token << " : " << count_tokens_and_replace(string + i, string_len - i, token) << std::endl;
But if it is known that the token length cannot be greater than N, it is possible to use the static array of chars to keep the current token. And it will allow to remove dynamic memory allocation from the code.

Dynamic BigBinaryString implmentation in C++

I am writing a BigBinaryString class in C++ which abstractly holds the large binary string and can perform operations like xor, and, left shift and right shift.
I have stored the binary string internally as a vector of unsigned longs, so each element in vector consumes 64-bits from the bitstring.
I have decided to use have four types of constructors:
BigBinaryString(const string bitstring) //for directly converting the bitstring to internal repr.
BigBinaryString() //initialize the binary string to 0.
BigBinaryString(const size_t num) //hold the binary for corresponding unsigned long.
BigBinaryString(const vector<size_t> vec) //Directly pass the internal repr to the constructor for it to copy.
So far I have implemented and, xor, equality and left shift operators.
However, I feel the left shift operator has a very high time complexity in which the way I have implemented it.
So, I need a few suggestions on how to speed up the left shift operator so that I can implement the right shift efficiently as well.
The code so far is as follows:
#define SIZE_UNSIGNED_LONG (sizeof(size_t) * 8)
class BigBinaryString {
vector<size_t> num;
void reduce() {
while (*num.rbegin() == 0) {
if (num.size() == 0) {
BigBinaryString() { num.push_back(0); }
BigBinaryString(const size_t n) { num.push_back(n); }
BigBinaryString(const vector<size_t> vec) {
const size_t length = vec.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
BigBinaryString operator&(const BigBinaryString& op) {
vector<size_t> vec;
size_t maxlen = max(num.size(), op.num.size());
size_t minlen = min(num.size(), op.num.size());
const size_t zero = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < minlen; i++) {
vec.push_back( &;
return BigBinaryString(vec);
BigBinaryString(const string bitstring) {
string temp = bitstring;
size_t dec = 0;
while (temp.length() != 0) {
if (temp.length() > SIZE_UNSIGNED_LONG) {
dec = stoul(temp.substr(temp.length() - SIZE_UNSIGNED_LONG,
nullptr, 2);
temp = temp.substr(0, temp.length() - SIZE_UNSIGNED_LONG);
} else {
dec = stoul(temp, nullptr, 2);
temp = "";
BigBinaryString operator^(const BigBinaryString& op) {
vector<size_t> vec;
size_t maxlen = max(num.size(), op.num.size());
size_t minlen = min(num.size(), op.num.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < maxlen; i++) {
if (i < minlen) {
vec.push_back( ^;
} else if (maxlen == num.size()) {
} else if (maxlen == op.num.size()) {
return BigBinaryString(vec);
bool operator==(const BigBinaryString& op) {
if (num.size() != op.num.size()) {
return false;
size_t length = num.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if ( != {
return false;
return true;
bool operator==(const size_t n) {
BigBinaryString op(n);
if (num.size() != op.num.size()) {
return false;
size_t length = num.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if ( != {
return false;
return true;
bool operator!=(const BigBinaryString& op) { return not(*this == op); }
bool operator!=(const size_t op) { return not(*this == op); }
BigBinaryString operator<<(size_t shift) {
string bitstring = this->to_string();
bitstring.append(shift, '0');
return BigBinaryString(bitstring);
string to_string() {
string suffix = "";
string retval = "";
string prefix = "";
size_t n = 0;
for (auto i = num.rbegin(); i != num.rend(); i++) {
n = *i;
while (n != 0) {
suffix = (n % 2 == 0 ? "0" : "1") + suffix;
n /= 2;
if (i != num.rbegin()) {
prefix.append(SIZE_UNSIGNED_LONG - suffix.size(), '0');
prefix = prefix + suffix;
if (prefix.size() == SIZE_UNSIGNED_LONG) {
retval += prefix;
} else if (i == num.rbegin()) {
retval += prefix;
} else if (i != num.rbegin()) {
throw invalid_argument("prefix+suffix error");
return retval;
Any help will be appreciated!

I keep getting a segfault every time I run this program, but I cannot understand why

I have a function that takes a user entered string and splits it into individual words using a dynamically allocated two-dimensional array. The words are separated by delimiters used as indicators of where one word ends and another begins.
Here is my code:
int countWords(const char * sentence, char * delims)
int wordsInArray = 0;
int count = 0;
while(*(sentence + count) != '\0')
if(*(sentence + count) == *delims && *(sentence + count + 1) != *delims)
if(*(sentence + count + 1) == '\0')
return wordsInArray;
int getLength(const char * sentence)
const char *p = sentence;
while(*p != '\0')
return p-sentence;
char ** getWords(const char * sentence, int & wordcount)
char delims[] = " .,\t?!";
int sentenceLength = getLength(sentence);
wordcount = countWords(sentence, delims);
char ** words;
words = new char *[wordcount];
int length = 0;
int count = 0;
for (int a = 0; a < sentenceLength; a++)
if(*(sentence + a) != *delims)
else if ((*(sentence + a) == *delims && *(sentence + a + 1) != *delims) || *(sentence + a) == '\0')
*(words + count) = new char[length+1];
for (int z = 0; z < length; z++)
*(*(words + count) + z) = *(sentence + z);
length = 0;
return words;
However, my countWords function is not properly counting the words in the string, and I do not know why.
Try something more like this:
int indexOf(const char * sequence, char ch) {
const char *p = sequence;
while (*p != '\0') {
if (*p == ch) {
return p - sequence;
return -1;
const char* findFirstOf(const char * sequence, const char *chars) {
const char *p = sequence;
while (*p != '\0') {
if (indexOf(chars, *p) != -1) {
return p;
return NULL;
const char* findFirstNotOf(const char * sequence, const char *chars) {
const char *p = sequence;
while (*p != '\0') {
if (indexOf(chars, *p) == -1) {
return p;
return NULL;
int countWords(const char * sequence, char * delims) {
int count = 0;
const char *p = sequence;
do {
p = findFirstNotOf(p, delims);
if (p == NULL) break;
p = findFirstOf(p, delims);
while (p != NULL);
return count;
int getLength(const char * sequence) {
const char *p = sequence;
while (*p != '\0') {
return p-sequence;
char* dupString(const char * sequence, int length = -1) {
if (length == -1) {
length = getLength(sequence);
char *result = new char[length+1];
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
result[i] = sequence[i];
result[length] = '\0';
return result;
char** getWords(const char * sequence, int & wordcount) {
const char delims[] = " .,\t?!";
int count = countWords(sequence, delims);
char ** words = new char *[count];
if (count > 0) {
count = 0;
const char *p = sequence;
do {
p = findFirstNotOf(p, delims);
if (p == NULL) break;
const char *q = findFirstOf(p, delims);
if (q == NULL) {
words[count++] = dupString(p);
words[count++] = dupString(p, q-p);
p = ++q;
while (true);
wordcount = count;
return words;
That being said, the fact you are using new[] means you are using C++, so you should be using the STL to make life easier:
#include <string>
#include <vector>
std::vector<std::string> getWords(const std::string & sequence) {
const char delims[] = " .,\t?!";
std::vector<std::string> words;
std::string::size_type i = 0;
do {
i = sequence.find_first_not_of(delims, i);
if (i == std::string::npos) break;
std::string::size_type j = sequence.find_first_of(delims, i);
if (j == std::string::npos) {
words.push_back(sequence.substr(i, j-i));
i = ++j;
while (true);
return words;

std::vector::resize results in a crash in a template class

Here's the code :
The place where it crashed is marked with a comment(//////crash).
I don't know what results in the problem.
After I print the size of data got from file,It shows '1' means that the array should only contains 1 element. So it seems that there's no 'bad_allocate error' ...
Could you guys help me ? I would appreciate your kindly help very much. :)
using namespace std;
bool read_int(int& val,FILE*& fp)
if(fp == nullptr)
return false;
return true;
bool write_int(int val,FILE*& fp)
if(fp == nullptr)
return false;
return true;
struct SANOBJ
char path[128];
char nickname[40];
SANOBJ(const char* _p = nullptr,const char* _n = nullptr)
if(_p == nullptr || _n == nullptr)
*this = {};
int m = strlen(_p),n = strlen(_n);
if(m < 128) strcpy(path,_p);
if(n < 40) strcpy(nickname,_n);
SANOBJ(const SANOBJ& other)
memcpy(path,other.path,sizeof(char) * 128);
memcpy(nickname,other.nickname,sizeof(char) * 40);
bool operator < (const SANOBJ& other) const
return string(path) < string(other.path);
bool operator == (const SANOBJ& other) const
return (strcmp(other.path,path) == 0);
template <typename source_type> //the 'source_type' type need to have the member 'int m_index'
class FrameQueue
FrameQueue() //fill the 1st frame automatically
source_type new_node;
new_node.m_index = 0;
FrameQueue(const FrameQueue& other)
m_data = other.m_data;
bool AddFrame(const source_type& other) // keeps an ascending order
int index = _binary_search(other);
if(index != -1)
return false;
[](const source_type& a,const source_type& b)->bool const{return a.m_index < b.m_index;}
return true;
bool DeleteFrameByElemIndex(int elemIndex) //delete frame according to the index of frame in the queue
if(elemIndex < 0)
return false;
if(elemIndex >= m_data.size())
return false;
typename std::vector<source_type>::iterator it ;
it = m_data.begin() + elemIndex;
it = m_data.erase(it);
return true;
bool DeleteFrameByFrameIndex(int frameIndex)
source_type node = {};
node.m_index = frameIndex;
int index = _binary_search(node);
if(index == -1)
return false;
typename std::vector<source_type>::iterator it;
it = m_data.begin() + index;
it = m_data.erase(it);
return true;
bool Clear() // There would always be a single frame
source_type new_node = {};
new_node.m_index = 0;
return true;
bool WriteFile(FILE*& fp)
if(fp == nullptr)
return false;
bool result = write_int(m_data.size(),fp);
if(result == false)
return false;
return true;
bool ReadFile(FILE*& fp)
if(fp == nullptr)
return false;
int data_size;
bool result = read_int(data_size,fp);
if(result == false)
return false;
if(data_size > 0)
return true;
int _binary_search(source_type target)
int l = 0,r = (int)m_data.size() - 1,mid;
mid = (l + r) / 2;
if(m_data[l].m_index == target.m_index)
return l;
if(m_data[r].m_index == target.m_index)
return r;
if(m_data[mid].m_index == target.m_index)
return mid;
if(m_data[mid].m_index > target.m_index)
r = mid - 1;
l = mid + 1;
return -1;
vector<source_type> m_data;
template<typename source_type>
class UniqueSource
bool Add(const source_type& other)//return false when insert failed,otherwise return true
if(m_map_source_to_index.find(other) == m_map_source_to_index.end())
int map_size = m_map_source_to_index.size();
return true;
return true;
return false;
bool Delete(int elemIndex) // delete the elem by elem Index,If succeed ,return true,otherwise return false
if(elemIndex < 0)
return false;
if(elemIndex >= m_data.size())
return false;
typename std::map<source_type,int>::iterator mit;
typename std::vector<source_type>::iterator vit;
for(mit = m_map_source_to_index.begin();mit!=m_map_source_to_index.end();++mit)
vit = m_data.begin() + elemIndex;
return true;
bool Clear()
return true;
bool WriteFile(FILE*& fp)
if(fp == nullptr)
return false;
bool result = write_int(m_data.size(),fp);
if(result == false)
return false;
if(m_data.size() > 0)
result = write_int(m_result.size(),fp);
if(result == false)
return false;
if(m_result.size() > 0)
return true;
bool ReadFile(FILE*& fp)
if(fp == nullptr)
return false;
int data_size;
if(data_size > 0)
m_data.resize(data_size); /////////////////Crash!!!!!!!!!!!!
printf("Resize Ok\r\n");
if(data_size > 0)
return true;
map<source_type,int> m_map_source_to_index;
vector<source_type> m_data;
vector<int> m_result; //the index I want
int main()
UniqueSource<SANOBJ> m;
SANOBJ t = {"123","456"};
FILE* fp = nullptr;
fp = fopen("test.b","wb");
if(fp == nullptr)
bool ret = false;
ret = m.WriteFile(fp);
fp = fopen("test.b","rb");
if(fp == nullptr)
ret = m.ReadFile(fp);
for(int i=0;i<m.m_data.size();i++)
printf("%s %s\r\n",m.m_data[i].path,m.m_data[i].nickname);
return 0;
*this = {} default-constructs a new SANOBJ instance and then assigns it to *this. This would normally be OK, but here you are calling it from the SANOBJ default constructor (making the logic being something like "to default-construct a SANOBJ, default-construct a SANOBJ and then assign its value to myself"), leading to infinite recursion and eventually a stack overflow.
Sidenote: The copy constructor is not needed.
Yes. The problem is is with *this = {}
If I were you, I'd rewrite SANOBJ constructor like this (this is a rough code and you may need to slightly modify it if you wish)
SANOBJ(const char* _p = nullptr,const char* _n = nullptr)
if (( _p != nullptr ) && ((strlen(_p) < 128)))
if (( _n != nullptr ) && ((strlen(_n) < 40)))
It'll resolve the problem.
Naturally, I don't play with *this (not this).
If you want to be sure that the member variables are empty (char path[128] and char nickname[40])
set at the beginning of the constructor something like:
path[0] = '\0';
nickname[0] = '\0';
Or use something like on constructor:
SANOBJ(const char* _p = nullptr,const char* _n = nullptr)
: path(), nickname()
But don't use *this= {}

Segmentation fault driven of a null reference in a c++ header file

Can anyone find out what is wrong with the following part of code:
TUcdFileReader& operator = (const TUcdFileReader& r) { Fail; return *((TUcdFileReader *) 0); }
TUcdFileReader(const TUcdFileReader& r) { Fail; }
This belongs to a header file in a c library (SNAP) which I use in my code. When I compile my code in a linux based system, the below warning shows up:
Snap-2.1/glib-core/unicode.h(1678): warning #327: NULL reference is not allowed
TUcdFileReader& operator = (const TUcdFileReader& r) { Fail; return *((TUcdFileReader *) 0); }
Which in overall lead me to a segmentation fault as follows: (and I suspect it is because of the above warning)
WARNING: Job died due to SIGSEGV - Invalid memory reference
I dont write the whole header file since it is long and makes confusion, but it is the address of it:
Here I wrote the bigger part of header file that uses TUcdFileReader:
class TUcdFileReader
TChA buf;
TChA comment; // contains '#' and everything after it
FILE *f;
int putBackCh;
int GetCh() {
if (putBackCh >= 0) { int c = putBackCh; putBackCh = EOF; return c; }
return fgetc(f); }
void PutBack(int c) { Assert(putBackCh == EOF); putBackCh = c; }
// Returns 'false' iff the EOF was encountered before anything was read.
bool ReadNextLine() {
buf.Clr(); comment.Clr();
bool inComment = false, first = true;
while (true) {
int c = GetCh();
if (c == EOF) return ! first;
else if (c == 13) {
c = GetCh(); if (c != 10) PutBack(c);
return true; }
else if (c == 10) return true;
else if (c == '#') inComment = true;
if (! inComment) buf += char(c);
else comment += char(c); }
/*first = false;*/}
TUcdFileReader& operator = (const TUcdFileReader& r) { Fail; return *((TUcdFileReader *) 0); }
TUcdFileReader(const TUcdFileReader& r) { Fail; }
TUcdFileReader() : f(0) { }
TUcdFileReader(const TStr& fileName) : f(0), putBackCh(EOF) { Open(fileName); }
void Open(const TStr& fileName) { Close(); f = fopen(fileName.CStr(), "rt"); IAssertR(f, fileName); putBackCh = EOF; }
void Close() { putBackCh = EOF; if (f) { fclose(f); f = 0; }}
~TUcdFileReader() { Close(); }
bool GetNextLine(TStrV& dest) {
while (true) {
if (! ReadNextLine()) return false;
TStr line = buf; line.ToTrunc();
if (line.Len() <= 0) continue;
line.SplitOnAllCh(';', dest, false);
for (int i = 0; i < dest.Len(); i++) dest[i].ToTrunc();
return true; }}
static int ParseCodePoint(const TStr& s) {
int c; bool ok = s.IsHexInt(true, 0, 0x10ffff, c); IAssertR(ok, s); return c; }
static void ParseCodePointList(const TStr& s, TIntV& dest, bool ClrDestP = true) { // space-separated list
if (ClrDestP) dest.Clr();
TStrV parts; s.SplitOnWs(parts);
for (int i = 0; i < parts.Len(); i++) {
int c; bool ok = parts[i].IsHexInt(true, 0, 0x10ffff, c); IAssertR(ok, s);
dest.Add(c); } }
static void ParseCodePointRange(const TStr& s, int& from, int &to) { // xxxx or xxxx..yyyy
int i = s.SearchStr(".."); if (i < 0) { from = ParseCodePoint(s); to = from; return; }
from = ParseCodePoint(s.GetSubStr(0, i - 1));
to = ParseCodePoint(s.GetSubStr(i + 2, s.Len() - 1)); }
Further, the only place that TUcdFileReader is called :
class TSubcatHelper
bool hasCat; TUniChSubCategory subCat;
TStrH invalidCatCodes;
TUniChDb &owner;
TSubcatHelper(TUniChDb &owner_) : owner(owner_) { }
void ProcessComment(TUniChDb::TUcdFileReader &reader)
The class TUcdFileReader is specifically defined as NOT having assignment or copy constructors, i.e.
TUcdFileReader& operator = (const TUcdFileReader& r)
{ Fail; return *((TUcdFileReader *) 0); }
TUcdFileReader(const TUcdFileReader& r) { Fail; }
looks like they are meant to fail.
Somewhere in the code they are being called - if you replacing those with:
TUcdFileReader& operator = (const TUcdFileReader& r); //**not implemented**
TUcdFileReader(const TUcdFileReader& r); //**not implemented**
then you'd get a linker error. Best fix would be (if possible) to implement them.