Access native QFileDialog - c++

I'm writing a ui test for a Qt application. Now this application raises a QFileDialog which must be automatically filled in and committed.
I already have a QTimer which runs even when the modal dialog is shown. This approach works for many dialogs e.g. QMessageBox or QColorDialog.
The Problem is, that the QFileDialog is a native dialog. So I can't search for the dialog widget, because there is none.
Is there a way to access the native dialog.
I'm developing on Ubuntu so I guess it's a GTK dialog. The tests will always run on Ubuntu.

Depending on your needs you could just set QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog to true using void QFileDialog::setOption(Option option, bool on = true) before you show the dialog. Then you should have a widget to search for.


Open QDialog from Main Window in Qt Designer

All I would like to do is to be able to open a new dialog from my MainWindow. I want to be able to design the dialog in Qt designer and then use the signals and slots editor to link a button press in my main window to the display of a new dialog. The dialog needs to have a couple of line edits and buttons in it and I want to avoid writing a new class in C++ every time i want a different dialog.
How can I link my main window to another dialog i created in qt designer?
You won't be able to connect the signal to startup the dialog within the designer, this will have to be in the code. But you won't need a new custom class everytime, you could easily use one class implementing different widgets.
You will have to write some c++/design some dialog everytime, since you do want to have another dialog (or at least another setup in the same dialog). You could setup the dialog to have a QStackedWidget and have an index in the constructor for having one dialog with multiple pages.

TAB key does not work in MFC application on COM framework. But, arrow keys work

My application is a dialog shipped out as a dll. It can be launched in modal and modeless modes,from a bigger application that I have no control of. We use MFC library and follows COM architecture. For development purpose we have a tester application that launches my dialog.
The problem I face is that tab key do not work at all in both modal and modeless.
but, arrow keys work.
When observed through SPY++, I cannot see tabs coming to my dialog at all.
I am pretty confused on what's happening ?
For tabs to work in a modeless dialog, the application must call IsDialogMessage from its main message pump. But in your case, the application doesn't even know the dialog exists. I believe your only option is to install a Windows hook (see SetWindowsHookEx) and call IsDialogMessage yourself.
Modal dialog should work out of the box though - are you sure it doesn't?

Qt how to create a settings/configuration window

I was trying to find an example of creating a settings/configuration windows. The settings window is launched by clicking "Options" action in the menu item. I wanted to figure out how to open up a 2nd window from the main window. As well how the new window return the settings information back to main window. Tried to play around with the QDialog or some inherited dialog classes, but those are for limited uses, not for general setting window. Is there any example/documentation about this?
Have you seen this property browser. Similar to property editor in Qt Designer. qtpropertybrowser Image

How to disable user interaction in a Qt application when a DialogBox shown?

I have a modeless QDialog box that popup on errors/warning in my Qt application, I want to force the user to only focus on that dialog box and not click anything in the application until they clicked Ok on the dialog box.
I need the dialog box to remain modeless. A solution like hiding the main window or covering it up is not acceptable.
At the moment I'm using setModal(true); to solve my problem. But I think this method might be stopping the main application from executing.
From the documentation:
If you use show() and setModal(true) together to perform a long
operation, you must call QApplication::processEvents() periodically
during processing to enable the user to interact with the dialog.
Instead of using a QDialog box, try using qDebug statements in your code or a log file using qInstallMsgHandler.
You could also show a QTextEdit and post your log/error messages there in real time, too.
If you still really want to debug using a QDialog box for errors, in a pseudo modal dialog but not modal dialog, you could try using eventFilters to prevent mouse and keyboard events from arriving at any other window, but it would be tricky to allow the exception to end up only at QDialog, but it is do-able.
You could also go to the one or two widgets that accept mouse and keyboard input, and ignore the input if the a QDialogBox is visible. But both of these ways of showing an error, but limiting input without making it Modal is really hacky, and would probably be error prone.

Modal QMessageBox does not behave like native Windows dialogs

My application has a dialog that asks the user via a QMessageBox whether he wants to discard all changes he made or wants to keep editing. I want this dialog to be modal to the whole application.
I read somewhere that this is the standard behavior for a QMessageBox, so I dont have to set it explicitly with something like:
I wonder why it behaves differently from other modal dialogs in the OS (Windows 7 in my case). On the one hand it functions like it should, i.e. all other input methods in the application are blocked until the user answeres the dialog. However, it doesn't 'blink'* if the user clicks any other window of the application. Is there any way to get Qt to behave like a native Windows dialog?
Thanks in advance!
*If you don't know what I mean with this 'blinking': Just open notepad on a Windows OS, type some text and try to close it. A dialog pops up that asks to save, discard or keep editing. Now click somewhere on the editor window -> the border and titlebar of the dialog flashes/blinks a few times.
The problem arises when the message box has no parent. This works fine for me:
QMessageBox box(this);
But this does not:
QMessageBox box;
This makes sense... the message box can't blink unless it knows that its parent was clicked on.
A simple solution that comes into my mind and if you want to deploy your application only on windows you should #include <windows.h> and use the MessageBoxA API.
Besides that this works great for me in Windows and ubuntu
if (QMessageBox::question(this,"Close?","Close this dialog?",QMessageBox::Yes,QMessageBox::No) == QMessageBox::Yes)