use C++11 features in Eclipse - c++

I have this piece of code :
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
using namespace std;
int main(){
cout << std::is_same<int,int>::value; // this line is underlined (as a error)
return 0;
I am not quite used to code C++ in Eclipse.
So I have a Eclipse luna-SR2-32 (latest version), and I use tdm-gcc-4.9.2 as a compiler.
So the issue is that Eclipse underlines that line (look at the code) (is_same and value couldn't be resolved), however he has no problem including type_traits, I can even open it from eclipse Editor, and see that 'is_same' is the file.
When I compile and run it, it works fine but it stills underlined which is bothering me... It doesn't do this with some other c++11 features as tuple ...
I know this needs probably a simple configuration in Eclipse, but I tried many things already ... I added -std=c++11 in the compiler options (but nothing changed).
I tried the 3 first answers of this, but none of them worked ...
But I tried using instead and now it is not underlined anymore ... Why is that ? I know that some librairies are in tr1 because they were added later, but why does he recognize and can run it, but still underlines my lines when I use it ?


vscode keeps telling me nullptr is undefined

I'm writing C++ in VSCode. The nullptr is marked by red cursive line and showing identifier "nullptr" is undefined. Though, I can run this code perfectly with code-runner extension. But how do I get rid of this false alert in VSCode?
As is pointed in the comments, in the project folder, just find .vscode/c_cpp_properties.json file and change the C++ version to C11. Problem fixed.
I had same issue previously. I tried only adding these two lines:
#include <iostream>
#using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::cin;
warning disappeared

CImg Compilation Error: t_normal not in global namespace

I'm currently working on a class assignment that requires the use of the CImg library. To be clear, the assignment is not linking the library into the program; The class is using it access the pixel data for later use in the heart of the assignment.
I'm working in Xcode (OS X 10.10). CImg (2.2.2) is installed from homebrew, and I've managed to navigate the weird way Xcode deals with search paths (added the header to the section), and have successfully-ish included CImg.
my full code is as below.
#include <iostream>
#define cimg_display 0 //I don't need X11 at all
#include "CImg.h"
using namespace cimg_library;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
// insert code here...
std::cout << "Hello, World!\n";
return 0;
However, I get 17 Compile-time errors from CImg.h, which are very unusual, and all of the form:
"No member named 't_normal' in the global namespace; did you mean simply 't_normal'?"
Thinking I might have received a bad download, I have attempted to redownload CImg, with no luck. I have also gotten to this same point with non-homebrew versions of CImg.
To verify the download, I also compiled the examples from the command line and they ran perfectly.
Is there a problem with CImg that I'm not aware of, a problem with Xcode that I'm not aware of, or is there something fundamental that I'm missing (definitely an option, my C-style programming is a little rusty) ?
halp pls.
Your code runs fine if you do this:
Create a new Xcode project, with:
type = "Command Line Tool"
language = "C++"
Then go to "Build Settings" and add the path to the directory containing CImg.h to your "User Header Search Paths"

C++: Why does libtiff break the console-output?

So finally I’m not able to help myself out by researching anymore. Hopefully you can help me.
I recently decided to learn C++ in the context of my bachelor-thesis: My first aim is to read the pixel-values of a tiff-image with the libtiff-library. Yet, every call of a function of the library seems to break parts of my program.
Here’s the simple “HelloWorld”-Program, it works as it should:
#include "tiffio.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
cout << "Hello" << endl;
// TIFF* tif = TIFFOpen("path to .tif", "r");
return 0;
When I uncomment the second line in main(), the code still does compile without errors (except the warning that ‘tif’ isn’t used) and I can start the program as usual. Yet nothing gets printed into the console anymore. Not “Hello” nor any errors.
Any suggestions where the error could be? The code should be alright, I guess I messed something up during the setup of the library or so. Here’s what I did:
I managed to set up eclipse (Mars, 32bit) for C++ and MinGW (32bit) on my 64bit Win7, then downloaded libtiff 4.0.4 and built it following this instruction.
I created a new C++-project with the mentioned code and did the following adjustments in the project-properties:
Project->Properties->C/C++ General->Paths and Symbols->Library
Paths-> Added “D:/… /tiff-4.0.4/libtiff/.libs”
Project->Properties->C/C++ Build->MinGW C++
Linker->Miscellaneous->Set Linkerflags to “-static-libgcc
Project->Properties->C/C++ Build->MinGW C++ Linker->Libraries-> Set
(-L) to “D:/… /tiff-4.0.4/libtiff/.libs” and (-l) to “libtiff”
I know the .tif is a valid file as I implemented parts of my program in C#, using the LibTiff.NET library by BitMiracle.
Thank you in advance!
Edit 1: The same error occures, even if TIFF* tif = TIFFOpen("path to .tif", "r"); is never called but written down in a dead part of the code. Debugging does not work either, the program seems to be terminated (exit value 0) before a single line is executed, without any error-reports.
I had the same issue and managed to get rid of it.
I set up eclipse (Mars) for C++ and MinGW on my 64bit Win7, then downloaded libtiff 4.0.4 and built it following this instruction.
After the build, I got two directories containing files:
I also linked all include files and only the libtiff.a to my project and that solved it, ie, the other lines are now executed.
I hope, I helped with this post.

Eclipse CDT does not resolve variables initialized in #include files

The problem occurs when trying to use CDT for editing files in OpenFOAM, a popular computational fluid dynamics software package. I am using Eclipse Kepler SR2 Build id: 20140224-0627 and CDT The following is a simplified version of the problem.
Given the following hello.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main(){
#include "hello.H"
std::cout << hello << std::endl;
and the following hello.H
std::string hello("Hello world!");
Indexing can't resolve hello in hello.cpp. However, if I change hello.H to it does work. This isn't a feasible solution for OpenFOAM. How could I make the indexing and autocomplete work with the given structure?
Note: I did try Eclipse Luna too, and the same happened.
Edit: I think this might be a bug. After more experimenting, the following happened. When I named the hello.H to, the hello in hello.cpp was recognized. However, when I rebuild index it wasn't. Then I resaved without functional changes, and behold, it was recognized again. However, if I turned off automatic indexing it no longer got resolved after rebuilding the index.
Edit 2: After further research on the problem, I found the following duplicates, without the random behavior:
and to my shame:
#include inside function body doesn't work (CDT/Eclipse C++)
Thus this question can be closed as a duplicate. To those interested, CDT indexer is not actually designed to do this, as this is bad coding style. The main message to me was that I should use some other IDE with OpenFoam.

Codeblocks outputs broken executable

I have downloaded plenty of different versions of code blocks, and none of them compiles quite right. My hello world runs within code blocks just fine. However, when I run the executable outside of codeblocks, it says "Hello.exe has stopped working". There isn't anything wrong with my code (I don't think.) and my mingw compiles fine outside of codeblocks. What does codeblocks do to my executable? Is there some option to fix this? I am on windows 7 64 bit, and my current code blocks version is 10.05. My program:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Hello world!" << endl;
return 0;
I solved the problem. I had a broken compiler (or something like that). My suggestion for other people with this problem is to experiment with different versions of the minGW compiler. Also, change the version of code blocks you are using, or even uninstall everything and restart. The problem with mine was I downloaded a bad compiler. [The truth is, codeblocks isn't the best ide.]