If null statement in ColdFusion - coldfusion

I am trying to say if this makeCodeNumber is defined and is not null use this
<cfpdfformparam name="make" value="#session.checkout.vehicle.makeCodeNumber#">
but if it is null (or empty) then use this
<cfpdfformparam name="make" value="#session.checkout.vehicle.vehiclemake#">
All the code
<cfif isDefined("session.checkout.vehicle.makeCodeNumber")>
<cfif len(trim("session.checkout.vehicle.makeCodeNumber"))>
<cfpdfformparam name="make" value="#session.checkout.vehicle.makeCodeNumber#">
<cfpdfformparam name="make" value="#session.checkout.vehicle.vehiclemake#">
I am showing that it is null (or empty string) when I dump the variables but for some reason I must be overlooking something because when it is null it still is only going by <cfpdfformparam name="make" value="#session.checkout.vehicle.makeCodeNumber#"> Instead of <cfpdfformparam name="make" value="#session.checkout.vehicle.vehiclemake#">.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

You're evaluating the len(trim()) of the string "session.checkout.vehicle.makeCodeNumber" not the value of the variable session.checkout.vehicle.makeCodeNumber. You need to remove your " in your second if statement
<cfif isDefined("session.checkout.vehicle.makeCodeNumber")>
<cfif len(trim(session.checkout.vehicle.makeCodeNumber))>
<cfpdfformparam name="make" value="#session.checkout.vehicle.makeCodeNumber#">
<cfpdfformparam name="make" value="#session.checkout.vehicle.vehiclemake#">


Error with multiple PDF Generation in CF

I'm getting an error when producing a multi-page PDF.
The pages attribute is not specified for the MERGE action in the cfpdf tag.
The line that is causing the issue is: <cfpdf action="merge" source="#ArrayToList(variables.pdfList)#" destination="promega.pdf" overwrite="yes" />
I tried looking in Adobe's documentation bug cannot find an attribute pages for the merge action. Thoughts?
<!--- Append PDF to list for merge printing later --->
<cfset ArrayAppend(variables.pdfList, "#expandPath('.')#\general.pdf") />
<cfset variables.userAgenda = GetAttendeeSchedule(
) />
<!--- Field CFID is the id of the agenda item; use this for certificate selection --->
<cfif variables.userAgenda.recordcount>
<cfloop query="variables.userAgenda">
<cfset variables.title = Trim(variables.userAgenda.CUSTOMFIELDNAMEONFORM) />
<cfpdfform source="#expandPath('.')#\promega_certificate.pdf" destination="#cfid#.pdf" action="populate">
<cfset variables.startdate = replace(CUSTOMFIELDSTARTDATE, "T", " ") />
<cfpdfformparam name="WORKSHOP" value="#variables.title#">
<cfpdfformparam name="NAME" value="#variables.badgeInfo.FirstName# #variables.badgeInfo.LastName#">
<cfpdfformparam name="STARTDATE" value="#DateFormat(variables.startdate, "medium" )#">
<!--- Append PDF to list for merge printing later --->
<cfset ArrayAppend(variables.pdfList, "#expandPath('.')#\#cfid#.pdf") />
<cfif ArrayLen(variables.pdfList)>
<cfpdf action="merge" source="#ArrayToList(variables.pdfList)#" destination="promega.pdf" overwrite="yes" />
<!--- Delete individual files --->
<cfloop list="#ArrayToList(variables.pdfList)#" index='i'>
<cffile action="delete" file="#i#" />
<cffile action="delete" file="#expandPath('.')#\general.pdf" />
<cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="attachment;filename=promega.pdf">
<cfcontent type="application/octet-stream" file="#expandPath('.')#\promega.pdf" deletefile="Yes">
<cflocation url="index.cfm" addtoken="false" />
This happens when source is a single file rather than a comma separated list of files. I'm guessing that if it's a single file is is expecting to extract some pages rather than add.
I tried the following on my coldfusion 9 machine and it worked just fine:
<cfset strPath = GetDirectoryFromPath(GetCurrentTemplatePath()) />
<Cfset pdflist = arrayNew(1)>
<Cfset pdflist[1] = "#strPath#page1.pdf">
<Cfset pdflist[2] = "#strPath#page2.pdf">
<cfpdf action="merge" source="#ArrayToList(pdflist)#" destination="#strPath#merged.pdf" overwrite="yes" />
You could try to merge the pages like this and check whether you still get an error:
<cfset strPath = GetDirectoryFromPath(GetCurrentTemplatePath()) />
<Cfset pdflist = arrayNew(1)>
<Cfset pdflist[1] = "#strPath#page1.pdf">
<Cfset pdflist[2] = "#strPath#page2.pdf">
<cfpdf action="merge" destination="#strPath#merged.pdf" overwrite="yes">
<Cfloop from=1 to="#arraylen(pdflist)#" index="x">
<cfpdfparam source="#pdfList[x]#">

How to compare two images in ColdFusion

I am trying to compare images and find if they are same or not. Images can have same name but the actual image might be different. The code that I have so far.
<cfset dirToReadFrom = #ExpandPath( '../properties-feed/unzipped/' )# />
<cfset images = ArrayNew(1)>
<cfoutput query="qFile">
<cfset ArrayAppend(images, #qFile.name#)>
<cfset dirToCreate = #ExpandPath( './assets/images/resized/original/' )# />
<cfif not DirectoryExists(dirToCreate)>
<cfdirectory action = "create" directory = "#dirToCreate#" />
<cfoutput><p>Your directory has been created.</p></cfoutput>
file="#ExpandPath( '../properties-feed/data.zip/' )#"
destination="#ExpandPath( './assets/images/resized/original/' )#"
<cfset dirToReadFromOriginal = #ExpandPath( './assets/images/resized/original/' )# />
<cfset imagesLatest = ArrayNew(1)>
<cfoutput query="qFileOriginal">
<cfset ArrayAppend(imagesLatest, #qFileOriginal.name#)>
<!--- Loop over your current images --->
<cfloop query="qFileOriginal">
<!--- Check for a matching file name --->
<cfquery name="fileExists" dbtype="query">
COUNT(*) AS num_Rec
name = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#qFileOriginal.name#" />
<!--- do we have a matching file name? --->
<cfif val(fileExists.num_rec)>
<cfimage action="read" name="newImage" source="#dirToReadFrom##qFile.name#"/>
<cfimage action="read" name="originalImage" source="#dirToReadFromOriginal##qFileOriginal.name#"/>
<cfset newImageBlob = ImageGetBlob(newImage) />
<cfset originalImageBlob = ImageGetBlob(originalImage) />
<!--- Compare --->
<cfif toString(newImageBlob) eq toString(originalImageBlob) >
Images are same
The code doesn't seem to be working. Can Anyone see what am I doing wrong?
Update 1 from comments
The result that I actually get is that the first images are same and the rest of images in files are different. But this is not correct as most of the images that I am comparing are same.
Update 2 from comments
It incorrectly identifies same images as being different. What I actually get is that the first two images are same and the rest is different. Which is not right as most of the images I have are same.
I've always just done this with BinaryEncode(), and then compare the resulting strings. You have to be careful though, as compression can make the files different even though they look (to the eye) exactly the same.

using autocomplete with commas in a field

I'm trying to use autocomplete with a field with commas in it. When I type the comma it will ignore it, and won't return anything. So far I have this:
<!--- A simple form for auto suggest --->
<cfform action="autosuggest.cfm" method="post">
<cfinput type="text" name="artist" size="50" autosuggest="cfc:autosuggest.findartist({cfautosuggestvalue})" autosuggestminlength="4" maxresultsdisplayed="5" /><br /><br />
<cfcomponent output="false">
<!--- Lookup used for auto suggest --->
<cffunction name="findartist" access="remote" returntype="string">
<cfargument name="search" type="any" required="false" default="">
<!--- Define variables --->
<cfset var local = {} />
<!--- Query Location Table --->
<cfquery name="local.query" datasource="#application.datasource#" >
select DISTINCT artist
from items
where artist like <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#ucase(arguments.search)#%" />
order by artist
<!--- And return it as a List --->
<cfreturn valueList(local.query.artist)>
When I try to search for example Brown,James it doesn't return anything. What do I need to put in it to return results with commas.
One option is to have your function return an array, instead of a string. Then delimiters are not an issue.
<cffunction name="findartist" access="remote" returntype="array">
<cfreturn listToArray(valueList(local.query.artist, chr(30)), chr(30))>
As Raymond pointed out, the only sure-fire way to avoid delimiter issues on the CF side is not to use them. Instead loop through the query to build the array, ie:
<cffunction name="findartist" access="remote" returntype="array">
<cfset local.arr = []>
<cfloop query="local.query">
<cfset arrayAppend(local.arr, local.query.artist)>
<cfreturn local.arr>

Displaying Struct information in Coldfusion

I want to display the value of a struct key like:
It is possible that tags, travelParty or value is missing. What is the best way to check if the structure hierarchy is available? Something like:
<cfif StructKeyExists(stReviewDetail, 'tags') AND
StructKeyExists(stReviewDetail['tags'], 'travelParty') AND
StructKeyExists(stReviewDetail['tags']['travelParty'], 'value') >
or is there a better way to do this?
Multiple StructKeyExists are ugly, and it's easy to write a function to simplify this:
<cfif CheckNestedKeys(stReviewDetail,['tags','travelParty','value']) >
<cffunction name="CheckNestedKeys" returntype="Boolean" output=false>
<cfargument name="Struct" type="Struct" required />
<cfargument name="Keys" type="Array" required />
<cfset var CurStruct = Arguments.Struct />
<cfloop index="local.CurKey" array=#Arguments.Keys# >
<cfif StructKeyExists(CurStruct,CurKey)>
<cfset CurStruct = CurStruct[CurKey] />
<cfreturn false />
<cfreturn true />
If you know the specific keys, you could just use isDefined:
<cfif isDefined("stReviewDetail.tags.travelParty.value")>
<cfdump var="#stReviewDetail.tags#">

Coldfusion 8: IsDefined('URL.variable') and is not ""?

I'm trying to find out if a url variable exists, and if it doesn't, make sure that it's not empty.
This does not work:
<cfif IsDefined('URL.affiliateId') and is not "">
<cfif structKeyExists(url, 'affiliateID') and trim(url.affiliateID) neq "">...</cfif>
You can simplify the logic a bit as well by using <cfparam> to ensure that the URL variable always exists. Then rather than having 2 conditions, you just need 1.
<cfparam name="URL.affiliateId" type="string" default="" />
<cfif trim( URL.affiliateId ) is not "">
do stuff here
To ignore most white space
<cfif IsDefined('URL.affiliateId') and len(trim(URL.affiliateId))>
value is defined and not empty
... or alternately
<cfif IsDefined('URL.affiliateId') and len(trim(URL.affiliateId)) gt 0>
value is defined and not empty
<cfif IsDefined('URL.affiliateId') and URL.affiliateId neq "">
I will just sum up the answers and offer my version of it:
<cfparam name="URL.affiliateId" type="string" default="" />
<cfif len(trim(URL.affiliateId))>
...do something with the affiliate...
You do not need structKeyExists or isDefined and it would be better to avoid them. Also you do not need the 'greater than zero' part after the 'len()'.