VS2013 integration with Intel Fortran Compiler - c++

I have several C++ codes I develop in VS2013 Professional. Today, I installed the Intel Fortan Compiler (Composer XE2013 SP1), and now none of my C++ Projects will load. When I open my solution, I see:
myprojectname (load failed)
The Project requires user input. Reload the project for more information
If I reload the project, I get a popup error that reads:
Parameter "path" cannot be null.
Any suggestions on how to solve this without just reinstalling VS?

A Google search on this error message tends to suggest that you may get this if the project is on a network drive. The recommended solution is to right click on the project (in Solution Explorer), select Reload Project, and respond to the prompts.


Could not locate deviceQuery on my installation Cuda toolkit v7.5 on Windows 10

As I was going through installing Cuda v7.5 following this link http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-installation-guide-microsoft-windows/#compiling-examples
I was not able to verify the installation as described in section 2.5. Verify the Installation. The reason was because I could not find deviceQuery program that should have been located in
C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\CUDA Samples\v7.5\bin\win64\Release
Therefore, I could not run the deviceQuery for Cuda to be verified. Where is deviceQuery program located ? Is it still precompiled and deployed by the installation ?
Okay, so if you are a complete noob like me in using Visual Studio then you might be thrown off by the instruction "build the application first". Just watch this video to get an idea of how to build and run a project/program using VS.
As soon as you open VS (I am using 15.6), you will be prompted to upgrade the SDK. Make sure to do so. If you've misclicked or skipped upgrading, you can go to the Project pull down menu and click "Retarget Solution" and click ok on the menu that appears. Then build and debug as shown in the video.
Creating the deviceQuery.exe file:
Go to the (default) directory C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\CUDA Samples\v9.2\1_Utilities\deviceQuery. Just follow the procedure of running the MatMul file but this time build the deviceQuery_vs2017.sln file and debug it. Remember to retarget the solution.
No, it's not precompiled any more.
You have to compile (build) the application first, before you can run it.
That is true for all the CUDA samples now.
OK, I've had this problem with CUDA Toolkit 10 under Windows 10. In my case, I do never use the admin account, and the installation was done from the user account, entering the admin password when necessary. After repeated trials, here's what worked for me:
Make sure to uninstall any old version of CUDA and Visual Studio
(just to have a clean start)
Restart the computer
Install Microsoft Visual Studio Community Edition. During the
install, make sure to select the C++ Development tools
Install the Cuda Toolkit
With this, I had all the files. But the deviceQuery still would not compile because it was targeted to an older version of Windows. To compile it, one needs to 'Retarget' the project to the current windows SDK. However, this doesn't work out-of-the-box because the 'deviceQuery_vs2017.vcxproj' file is read-only for regular users.
So, there are two possible solutions:
Copy the folder to some place where you have write permission, or
(This is what I used, for convenience) Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation directory. Right click on the 'CUDA Samples' directory, select 'Properties'. Under the 'Security' tab, click 'Edit' and add your user to it.
This way you can Retarget the solution in place. After that, I could open the solution in MS Visual Studio, Retarget it, build it and test it, and all worked fine.
Hope that helps.

Can't run VS 2015 Community without /resetsettings; Getting CANTLOADLIBRARY on opening new projects, and crashing on new .cpp files

I have Windows 10, fully updated.
I downloaded and installed Visual Studio Community 2015 last week for the first time, (previously programmed in Code:blocks, still installed) and selected custom install to allow for C++ and Python programming.
Installation ran smoothly, but VS always fails on launch.
On first launch ever, it said it was setting things up for first startup; asked me for sign-in which I did, at which point it briefly showed something about my profile before saying 'An error occurred while starting for the first time. Please restart Microsoft Visual Studio'. Imgur images of all dialog boxes here, including parts of a processmonitor log I estimated to be around the general time of the error.
Closing and restarting several times didn't help.
Uninstalling and re-installing didn't help.
Rebooting didn't help.
And uninstalling, running Ccleaner's Cleaner and Registry Cleaner, rebooting computer and re-installing VS didn't help either.
Repairing the install from Programs also didn't help.
I managed to find the exact same error on Google Search for VS 2013 but the only solution was where one person got a completely new OS and re-installed VS on that.
I tried the other suggestions they had including running:
devenv.exe /safemode
devenv.exe /resetskippkgs
devenv.exe /resetuserdata
devenv.exe /installvstemplates
devenv.exe /resetsettings
the first 3 took me to the same sign-in screen. Regardless of signing-in or not, or running VS from the Administrator Profile or not, these option always give the same failed on first startup error.
Installvstemplates gives an error saying the operation could not be completed, but /resetsettings finally got me into VS.
That's about all it does though, I can go to the home page and access options/menu buttons, but signing-in makes it crash and reload again (but it does sign me in and take me to the home screen)
Signed-in/not and Administrator or not, VS crashes on opening a new .cpp file.
When I click Start a New Project I get "Error loading type library/DLL.(Exception from HRESULT: 0x80029C4A (TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY)). Closing VS and trying to open it normally from start menu still always throws the original error, despite working if I open it via /resetsettings.
I've also checked [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID{73B7DC00-F498-4ABD-AB79-D07AFD52F395}\InProcServer32] in Regedit and found it is apparently correct.
I also used devenv /log to generate an xml file of the process when I open it.
Just to mention I have .NET Framework 4.5-4.6 installed with VS as well.
Looking forward to any advice.
So, for anyone else getting the same problem, I haven't gotten any other advice, since this post.
If you're still having probs # this point the only real solution seems to be a clean install of your OS .
I can confirm it solved all my issues, with VS + some OS problems I wasn't aware of . I can only assume they might've been related, good luck.

Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express installation/run problems

I am running windows 7 and I am trying to get this IDE to work and I am have an incredibly frustrating time making it work.
I am following these instructions
Quick guide:
File > New > Project
Select "Win32 Console Application"
Enter a name and location, select OK
In the Win32 Application Wizard under "Application Settings", select "Console Application" and select "Empty project".
Click Finish.
On the right (or left) hand pane should be Solution Explorer. Open it and right click on the "Source Files" folder and Add > Add New Item.
Select C++ file (.cpp)
Write code, hit F5 to start with debugging, ctrl+f5 to start without debugging.
After step 4 I get the error, "The platform root directory "E:..........\MSBuild\Microsoft.cpp\v4.0\Platforms" does not exist.
What do I do? I installed it in my E drive, maybe what it wants is on my C drive? It is not possible for me to install it there though because I am using a SSD for my C drive.
Update, I have tried to uninstall and reinstall and then clear my temp folder and then reinstall and then uninstall with the uninstall utility and then reboot and the reinstall and none of that works.
I turning off my firewall and antivirus and installing and running and that did not help at all. Next I am going to format my hard drives and try and install again.
I tried installing the ultimate version and I had the same problem. I have no idea what to do, it seems like I am out of options.
Any ideas?
My best guess now is that I have to manually install the missing files somehow, where can I find those?
I installed Dev C++ and it works fine, should I just continue using this (as far as I can tell superior program) or try and fix Express?
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express
The platforms root directory "E:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Platforms" does not exist.
--------------------------- The microsoft.cpp part is missing but it exists in the C drive. I copied that over to the E drive and now when I open a project I get a blank screen, if I open older ones it says I need .net framework 4.0 which I do have.
This has to be the worst program I have ever had to deal with, I have played video games in beta that worked better than that.
I think I got this working, I am not sure though.
It appears to be working but I get some strange errors, I am just going to accept this because at least now after an entire weekend I can begin my homework.
Since - as you've pointed out - you've already reinstalled VC++ and nothing seems to work and you've tried everything - you may also try this (if you've not given up yet):
you may try trial version of full visual studio VS2010 trial
you may try to install your VS express on friends PC on 'non-C' drive
perform antivirus check of your system
after installing full version - install service pack (VS SP)
ensure you uninstall all (if any) prior versions of VC, VB, VC# or visual studion that you may have
always reboot after installation
If (1) works this may suggest your VS express is somehow corrupted (would be weird to be able install it than - but I've seen so many weird things that I may believe it ;-)
If (2) works this may suggest your PC/OS is causing problems.
Let me/us know if any of above helps.
I would uninstall and reinstall the whole thing rather than keep spinning your wheels. Honest!
Q: Your "E:" drive is a read-write drive, isn't it?
Q: E: is the drive you installed to, correct?
Q: Hopefully, E: is a normal disk drive, isn't it?
If not (if it's a shared network drive, or a nice'n'slow USB drive), please consider installing VS2010 to a hard drive.
MSVS should not be hard to install or use. It takes awhile ... but it's usually pretty straightforward.
If you've having problems, then I strongly urge you to 1) uninstall, 2) reboot, 3) reinstall.
The solution in a similar case of installing VS2010 C# on a seperate drive was to copy the Reference Assemblies folder from C:\Program Files to E:\Program Files.
When I had the the same error as the poster above on VS2010 C++, when installing to a different drive, I did the same for the MSBuild Directory and the errors in VS2010 C++ disappeared.
It seems that Visual Studio installs/creates those directories on the same drive as windows 100% of the time, but the registry values still look for them on the same drive that you installed Visual Studio on.

C++ application fails to start correctly (0xc000000d)

I'm writing a C++ application using VS2010 on two dev computers - both are Win7 64bit SP1. I use git to sync the repositories.
On one of the machines the compiled executable (and also the test exec) stopped working with the following error, while on the other machine it works fine and I'm able to continue development.
The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000000d). Click OK to close the application.
I tried deleting the repository and cloning it again. I also made sure I have the same versions of Boost, git, Visual Studio. Also, I tried debugging (stepping in) but the error occurs before any line of code is reached.
Notice as far as I understand I'm tracking Visual Studio's solution\project configuration files as detailed here.
I'm at a loss, how would you debug this?
Only the Debug version fails to run. The Release version runs fine
UPDATE 2: The executable that doesn't work does work on the other computer!
UPDATE 3: I've reinstalled VS2010 (exactly the same version) - didn't help. Surprisingly the compiled files are not the same size between the two machines.
I got the same problem as you mentioned.
My solution:
Clean the manifest file and rebuild
In the property page-> Manifest tool -> make sure "Additional Options" is set to nothing.
(I set it as "/validate_manifest" before).
Or you can try "Embed Manifest -> NO", rebuild and then set back to Yes. It sounds to be ridiculous, but it really works sometimes. I don't know why.
I got the same phenomenon suddenly without a warning on Win7 / VS2010 / C++. Debug App couldn't be launched, got 0xC000000D at initializing and loading multiple dlls. Found one base dll of my own responsible, played around with linker settings. Modifying settings, incremential rebuild -> app starts, rebuild all -> app crashes again. After setting "generate manifest" to "no" in the linker settings the sample app works, but the main app still crashes. After setting "generate manifest" to "no" for the most of my dlls -> the app starts in debug mode again. The stuff is very spurious, because some dlls need the modified settings others do not.
Have a look at the top two answers to this question
Program crashes with 0xC000000D and no exceptions - how do I debug it?
On the machine where it fails, try running the debug executable NOT under the debugger, and update your question to say what happens. If it crashes, are you able to then attach the debugger whilst the message box is still there and get a stack trace that tells you what function it is crashing in?
This is the weirdest thing....
Try deleting the "ipch" directory and then rebuilding.
Hope it works for you, I have wasted hours on this.
disabling/enabling precompiled headers fixed the issue for me.
I was facing crash on Debug x64 only - I guess it was related to an upgrade from boost 1.50 to 1.52, while keeping pch files.
in my case i got it working again by setting generate manifest to NO on all projects
I have changed "Embed manifest" setting to NO and then back to YES but it didn't help.
For me setting General->Platform Toolset to Windows SDK 7.1 for my program and all dependent libraries compiled with it helped.
It's the ipch just delete the entire folder and it will clear it up. I was confused for a while too.
I saw the error while using OpenCV library compiled with MSVC2010 in a project running on MSVC2015. Changing project configuration properties->General->Platform toolset from Visual Studio 2015(v140) to Visual studio 2010(v100) resolved the error.

Windows 7 and the case of the missing regtlib

I've just discovered that regtlib.exe appears to be missing from Windows 7 (and apparently from Vista as well).
I've just installed Windows 7 RC in a VM and I'm attempting to build our existing projects on the new OS. The projects are c/c++ based and I'm using visual studio 2008. In order to build these projects I need to register several tlb files that are referenced within the code base.
Has anyone also encountered this problem? And, has anyone managed to solve this?
Yeah regtlib was removed from vista and up. As far as I know, all it does is call LoadTypeLibEx with the REGKIND_REGISTER flag (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms221249.aspx). Maybe you could write a simple replacement.
Just came across this issue (couldn't add any components to a VB6 project on Win7). This post (Error accessing the system registry in VB 6 IDE) pointed to regtlib (which is missing from Win7). I just
set the VB6 start menu icon to 'Run As Administrator' and it worked fine for adding components and should fix any problems relating to updating the registry as well.
Finally got back to trying to build our code base on windows 7. Anyway, I went back to the installer for one of the dependencies that was causing me grief. The error message from the installer wasn't to helpful but it did point to a regasm that was being run from inside the installer.
I ran the regasm command from a cmd prompt and got more information. It appears that you need administrative credentials to perform this task and our current installers don't do the privilege escalation properly.
So, long story short, I got dlls registered and the build appears to be working.