Is there a sandbox for Google Directory API - google-admin-sdk

I want to develop an application that will be able to dial in to corporate clients' Google Apps Domain to get user info and groups. Is there a sandbox available where I can do this? Otherwise it looks like I would have to provision a (say) 200 user account and this could be expensive. Or do corporate clients get a staging environment where I could test this work? Thanks.

There's no sandbox like this as far as I know. Partners and large customers will usually have test accounts for this type of work but I don't believe these are made available to the general public.
I'd recommend scaling down your tests to as few users as possible. Also, note that Groups do not cost anything to create. If you are going to have to do something like this yourself, make sure you select the flexplan to ensure you pay for only what you're actually using.
Another option would be to see about buying a Standard Google Apps account. Ensure all features you're working on are available for Standard accounts though. I don't know the market for them but I believe you can find accounts like this on Ebay for pretty cheap.

There is no sandbox, but
you can create a free 30-day-trial Account. (
if you have an existing Google Apps domain you can request a development domain via your reseller or Google Apps Partner.


Implement e-commerce platform with Shopify/Hydrogen + ExpressJS + DynamoDB hosted on AWS

I would like to start a new e-commerce platform build with Shopify/Hydrogen (React) an I'm still not sure about the back-end side (maybe ExpressJS + DynamoDB).
The issue is that I want to host everything on AWS, I am new there and I don't really know in which direction should I go.
Basically the platform is created for selling fishing stuff but it should also support the drop-shipping context, where other companies can sell their own products there.
Can anyone help me with a path for achieving this? What are the right steps?
Regarding headless storefronts you have multiple options with hosting, starting from Gatsby Cloud, through Netlify, Vercel or Amazon Amplify in case you want to host it on AWS.
I will assume that "drop-shipping context" would mean you want to become a some sort of a marketplace? Where other merchants would list their products and upon purchase handle the shipping themselves? You can organize that through using free open-source CMS - Strapi in a manner where it acts as a PIM (product information management system), basically you will create users in admin panel and allow them to put products into CMS and then pull and publish them to Shopify storefront (through Admin API you can even create products and add them to an order on the fly), also through webhooks that Shopify trigger on the purchase event you will be able to send a notification to a dropshipper.
Regarding Hydrogen it's pretty early in the making so I would suggest to take a look on React-powered boilerplates out on Github and it will boost implementation speed significantly.

Creating projects on Google Cloud Platform for API Access via OAuth

Assume that there is an application, SPA, that uses Google OAuth2.0 to access the Google Drive API.
Reading the docs, the application flow seems familiar enough on the client-side specially with Google's JavaScript library for authentication. However, I have stumbled upon a roadblock during application registration phase.
When creating the credentials for our client application, I am redirected to fill out the form at the OAuth Consent Screen first. There, among other things it demands us to declare whether the application is in Testing or In Production phase, so it can decide whether the app will be available to everyone or to Test Users only.
Assume I create a project for our application and set it on testing at first and then change it to production once I am ready to publish (with a new set of credentials as well).
My question is this. What if development continues on the application for new features while one instance of the app is in production? During development and testing I would need to restrict the application to my Test Users alone. Since the OAuth consent screen is project specific, not credential specific, will I require multiple projects on the console for every environment in which the application is running?
As in,
Project MyAppTesting will permanently remain in testing mode and will denote our development/testing branch.
Project MyAppProduction is always in production and denotes my production branch.
Similarly for the mobile client:
A MyMobileAppDev project having credentials configured with the debug keystore hash
A MyMobileAppProd project having credentials configured with the production keystore hash.
(both sets of credentials share the same package name).
Is this the idiomatic way? I failed to find any documentation on the matter. Please advise.
What #JohnHanley stated is the best way and the best practice when deploying application/s in GCP.
You can create multiple projects and create different Oauth for each of the projects. Check out this link on service accounts.
In addition to that, there are also some pros and cons when it comes to billing.
Users consider having multiple billing accounts with respective projects assigned for each account to be able to see their billing details separately. In this way you can monitor the billing for each of the respective projects for each account.
Attaching all the projects to one billing account, however, the billing reports will show all of the sum of the cost for all the projects, but you can still use the filter menu to be able to see the charges for each project.

One account for some services

I cannot found some examples how to create a single account system for all services. For example, Google and Microsoft are use these structure. I have site and some services and I need to user registers at once and can use all service and site. But I never made this earlier and don't know even how to build so services.
Now I think make an auth service with OAuth 2 support. And my services connect to this service and authenticate in it. After the connected service gets a user ID and creates a local account with more details (which needed only for this service) and global user ID. But maybe someone know another solution. Just I don't sure that is the best solution.
P.S. I don't ask for examples of code or something else. I just need to understand the principle of operation of such related services as they interact.

Admin SDK for multiple google apps accounts

My team is trying to develop a product for the google apps marketplace and I am having issues with the workflow in the new ADMIN SDK.
With the now deprecated Provisioning API we simply ask for a username and password from the account we are trying to manage.
With the ADMIN SDK it seems as though they would need to go enable the API, create a key and do a lot of manual work for this to happen. This really is a tough option for us as the technical level of our clients is not likely to be able to make this transition.
Is there something like the work flow for the provisioning API where they can enable management from a third party or a recommended workflow for a developer to build an application that can access any number of google apps accounts?
A use case for this is say I want to develop a different option for a console, I want to build a console web app and simply ask for credentials or easy setup routine and allow our users to manage their google apps account in a different way.
Thanks in advance,
The Admin SDK Directory and Reports APIs work correctly with 2-legged OAuth 1.0a which is what the Google Apps Marketplace currently supports and automates. You do need to turn the Admin SDK on under "Register for additional APIs" from your Vendor Profile page on the marketplace. Also, the Administrative APIs for the domain must be turned on. You'll get a generic error that the domain cannot use the APIs if it's off in which case you can direct the client to the exact CPanel page where they can turn it on.

Why do some API providers require an API key?

Several web service APIs have you sign up for an API key. For example, UPS Web services requires a key, which is included in calls to their service -- In addition to the username and password.
What is this key used for by the provider? Perhaps UPS is the only one to require both API key and username/password?
One idea is that they use it to limit or measure API usage, but it seems to me that a setting in the users profile could easily do the same thing -- especially since you generally have to get an account w/ username and password to get the API in the first place.
There are two predominant use cases. The first is to measure, track and restrict API usage. If someone is building a service that allows third parties to access it, the service provider may want to control (or at least know) who has access so that they can try and prevent things like denial of service attacks. On the measure and track side, interesting information can be obtained such as knowing which applications are popular for accessing the service or which features people use the most.
The other use case is related to security and authentication. It is unwise for a service provider to have third party applications and services require users to give up their username and password for the primary service. This is a huge exposure. That is why many services are standardizing on protocols such as OAuth, which provides delegated access via authorization to a user's data. While not foolproof, it is definitely preferable to distributing user credentials to unknown, and untrusted, parties.
Most of the time it is to monitor how developers are using the web-api. If they somehow disagree with your usage of the api it provides a means for them to shut it/you down without hurting the other users. And the statistics per user/app are always valuable.
I've used the flickr api - in that situation the key is yours, but the login data might be those of people using your app, so the api key is the only way to differentiate between the apps.
Usually it used to get stats on how much application performing queries to API.
I think asking username/password with API key is ambigious in some cases, but it is a way how it is implemented - so we can't do something with it.
They ask for API key because you could have more than one API under same account - in case you have more than one site which are use same API.
They could use it to signify which version of the API you are trying to use. Perhaps in Version 1.0, there is a method that takes a POST on and there is another one in version 2.0 at the same address, but takes a different parameter set, or even returns data in a different format/style. Your program was built on V1.0 and expects a certain API contract. They want to be able to create V2.0 without interfering with their customer's products.
That's just a guess, but it sounds good to me.
I think Gracenote does a similar thing for cddb. I forget the details, but I remember something about some token.
(They have/had really draconian rules about using their service too.)
Simon reminded me what the gracenote thing was. Gracenote and Fedex and other webservices have lots of developers writing apps for the software. So the developers get a token to put into their apps, but the end users have their own user name and password. It lets the services keep an eye on abusing programs, etc. That is probably te primary reason. (like a browser or a webbot informing the webserver who/what it is)
Originally, Blogger required you to apply for an API key (a la Google Maps) and used it to restrict access to the API. As Blogger evolved into Metaweblog, the requirement for the API became less important, and Blogger no longer requires you to apply for a key. As noted by others, it can still be used for tracking purposes.
In our situation, our clients want it for:
Tracking/analytics - figuring out who's doing what and building what products. Because a number of users are desktop apps, just looking at referrers isn't always enough.
Permissions - which resources should a user have access to? How can a user build apps that have access to specified resources?
Licensing/legal - enforcing that users have read and accepted ToU/licensing information.
Security - passing around usernames/passwords is a really bad idea.