Runtime dependency and build dependency concepts - c++

I have been hearing about build dependency / runtime dependency. They are quite self explanatory terms. As far as I understand, build dependency is used for components required in the compile time. For example if A has a build dependency to B, A cannot be built without B. Runtime dependency on the other hand is dynamic. If A has a runtime dependency to B, A can be built without B but cannot run without B.
This information however is too shallow. I'd like to read and understand these concepts better. I have been googling but could not find a source, can you please provide me a link or right keywords to search?

I'll try to keep it simple and theoretical only.
When you write code that calls function "func", compiler needs your function descriptor (e.g. "int func(char c);" usually available in .h files) to verify arguments correctness and linker needs your function implementation (where your actual code reside).
Operating systems provide mechanism to separate functions implementation into different compiled modules. It is usually required for
Better code reuse (multiple applications can use the same code, with different data context)
More efficient compilation (you don't need to recompile all dependency libraries)
Partial upgrades
Distribution of compiled libraries, without disclosing the source code
To support such functionality compiler is provided with function descriptors (.h files) as usual. While Linker is provided with lib files containing function stubs. Operating system is responsible to load an actual implementation file during application loading procedure (if it is not yet loaded for different application) and to map actual functions into memory of the new application.
Dynamic load functionality is extended for object oriented languages as well (C++, C#, Java and etc.)
Practical implementations are OS dependent - dynamic linking is implemented as DLL files in Windows or as SO files in Linux
Special OS dependent techniques can be used to share context (variables, objects) between different applications that uses the same dynamic library.
Meir Tseitlin


How to manage compilation of C++ header-only libraries across shared objects

I'm developing a large software package consisting of many packages which are compiled to shared objects. For performance reasons, I want to compile Eigen 3 (a header-only library) with vector instructions, but the templated methods are being compiled all over the place. How can I ensure that the Eigen functions are compiled into a specific object file?
This software consists of ~2000 individual packages. To keep development going at a reasonable pace, the recommended way of compiling the program is to sparsely check out some of the packages and compile them, after which the program can be executed using precompiled (by some CI system) shared libraries.
The problem is that part of my responsibility is to optimise the CPU time of the program. In order to do so, I wanted to compile the package I am working on (let's call it with the -march flag so Eigen can exploit modern SIMD processor extensions.
Unfortunately, because Eigen is a header-only library, the Eigen functions are compiled into many different shared objects. For example, one of the most CPU intensive methods called in is the matrix multiplaction kernel which is compiled in Many other Eigen functions are compiled into,, etc. Since these objects are compiled for older, more widely implemented instruction set extensions, they are not compiled with AVX, AVX2, etc.
Of course, one possible solution is to include packages B, C, D, etc. into my own sparse compilation but this negates the advantage of compiling only a part of the project. In addition, it leaves me including ever more and more packages if I really want to vectorise all linear algebra operations in the code of package A.
What I am looking for is a way to compile all the Eigen functions that package A uses into, as if the Eigen functions were defined with the static keyword. Is this possible? Is there some mechanism in the compiler/linker that I can leverage to make this happen?
One obvious solution is to hide these symbols. This happens (if I understand the problem properly) because these functions are exported and can be used by other subsequently loaded libraries.
When you build your library and link against the other libraries, the linker reuses what it can. And the old packages as well. I hope you don't require these libraries for your own build?
So two options:
Force the loading of A before the other libraries (but if you need the other libraries, I don't think this is doable),
Tell the linker that these functions should not be visible by other libraries (visibility=hidden by default).
I saw something similar happening with a badly compiled 3rd-party library. It was built in debug mode, shipped in the product, and all of a sudden one of our libraries experienced a slow down. The map files identified where the culprit debug function came from, as it exported all its symbols by default.
An alternative way to change visibility without modifying the code is to filter symbols during linking stage using version scripts -> You'll need something like
global: *;
extern "C++"

Do libraries usually come with header files?

I am currently making a small library of reusable code out of what has proven useful over the time and I'm wondering how are libraries usually deployed? I was under the impression that a .dll and .lib would be enough, but then, how do i reference the classes and functions? Is it common for a library to also come with a lot of .h files or there is a more elegant solution?
What about deployment of the actual application that uses the library? Once linked statically do I also need to send the .dll file or the content of the library is copied in the program?
As a rule of thumb, you gather all your public methods, which you want to expose to end users, in a group of headers called API. At this point, you should make a distinction between internal headers and API headers and you will see that your header file number (API headers) will decrease and management of file structure will be a lot easier.
There are three essential components when you deliver a library:
several versions the library itself: .so under Unix, .dll and .lib under Windows, with versions for debugging, optimized versions, possibly multithreaded and single threaded, possibly a version with profiling activated... and support for static linking (.a under Unix, .lib under Windows, but not the same one as you need to link the DLL),
the headers which define your external interface, and
the documentation, explaining how to install and link the libraries, which compiler options are required for each version, etc. as well as the documentation of the library itself (pre- and post-conditions for every function, etc.)
Anything less, and the client won't be able to use it.
Regarding deployment, again, this should be documented. If the client links the library statically, then nothing should be required; if he links it dynamically, then he will need to deploy the .so/.dll files as well.

Difference between shared objects (.so), static libraries (.a), and DLL's (.so)?

I have been involved in some debate with respect to libraries in Linux, and would like to confirm some things.
It is to my understanding (please correct me if I am wrong and I will edit my post later), that there are two ways of using libraries when building an application:
Static libraries (.a files): At link time, a copy of the entire library is put into the final application so that the functions within the library are always available to the calling application
Shared objects (.so files): At link time, the object is just verified against its API via the corresponding header (.h) file. The library isn't actually used until runtime, where it is needed.
The obvious advantage of static libraries is that they allow the entire application to be self-contained, while the benefit of dynamic libraries is that the ".so" file can be replaced (ie: in case it needs to be updated due to a security bug) without requiring the base application to be recompiled.
I have heard some people make a distinction between shared objects and dynamic link libraries (DLL's), even though they are both ".so" files. Is there any distinction between shared objects and DLLs when it comes to C/C++ development on Linux or any other POSIX compliant OS (ie: MINIX, UNIX, QNX, etc)? I am told that one key difference (so far) is that shared objects are just used at runtime, while DLL's must be opened first using the dlopen() call within the application.
Finally, I have also heard some developers mention "shared archives", which, to my understanding, are also static libraries themselves, but are never used by an application directly. Instead, other static libraries will link against the "shared archives" to pull some (but not all) functions/resources from the shared archive into the static library being built.
Thank you all in advance for your assistance.
In the context in which these terms were provided to me, it was effectively erroneous terms used by a team of Windows developers that had to learn Linux. I tried to correct them, but the (incorrect) language norms stuck.
Shared Object: A library that is automatically linked into a program when the program starts, and exists as a standalone file. The library is included in the linking list at compile time (ie: LDOPTS+=-lmylib for a library file named The library must be present at compile time, and when the application starts.
Static Library: A library that is merged into the actual program itself at build time for a single (larger) application containing the application code and the library code that is automatically linked into a program when the program is built, and the final binary containing both the main program and the library itself exists as a single standalone binary file. The library is included in the linking list at compile time (ie: LDOPTS+=-lmylib for a library file named mylib.a). The library must be present at compile time.
DLL: Essentially the same as a shared object, but rather than being included in the linking list at compile time, the library is loaded via dlopen()/dlsym() commands so that the library does not need to be present at build time for the program to compile. Also, the library does not need to be present (necessarily) at application startup or compile time, as it is only needed at the moment the dlopen/dlsym calls are made.
Shared Archive: Essentially the same as a static library, but is compiled with the "export-shared" and "-fPIC" flags. The library is included in the linking list at compile time (ie: LDOPTS+=-lmylibS for a library file named mylibS.a). The distinction between the two is that this additional flag is required if a shared object or DLL wants to statically link the shared archive into its own code AND be able to make the functions in the shared object available to other programs, rather than just using them internal to the DLL. This is useful in the case when someone provides you with a static library, and you wish to repackage it as an SO. The library must be present at compile time.
Additional Update
The distinction between "DLL" and "shared library" was just a (lazy, inaccurate) colloquialism in the company I worked in at the time (Windows developers being forced to shift to Linux development, and the term stuck), adhering to the descriptions noted above.
Additionally, the trailing "S" literal after the library name, in the case of "shared archives" was just a convention used at that company, and not in the industry in general.
A static library(.a) is a library that can be linked directly into the final executable produced by the linker,it is contained in it and there is no need to have the library into the system where the executable will be deployed.
A shared library(.so) is a library that is linked but not embedded in the final executable, so will be loaded when the executable is launched and need to be present in the system where the executable is deployed.
A dynamic link library on windows(.dll) is like a shared library(.so) on linux but there are some differences between the two implementations that are related to the OS (Windows vs Linux) :
A DLL can define two kinds of functions: exported and internal. The exported functions are intended to be called by other modules, as well as from within the DLL where they are defined. Internal functions are typically intended to be called only from within the DLL where they are defined.
An SO library on Linux doesn't need special export statement to indicate exportable symbols, since all symbols are available to an interrogating process.
I've always thought that DLLs and shared objects are just different terms for the same thing - Windows calls them DLLs, while on UNIX systems they're shared objects, with the general term - dynamically linked library - covering both (even the function to open a .so on UNIX is called dlopen() after 'dynamic library').
They are indeed only linked at application startup, however your notion of verification against the header file is incorrect. The header file defines prototypes which are required in order to compile the code which uses the library, but at link time the linker looks inside the library itself to make sure the functions it needs are actually there. The linker has to find the function bodies somewhere at link time or it'll raise an error. It ALSO does that at runtime, because as you rightly point out the library itself might have changed since the program was compiled. This is why ABI stability is so important in platform libraries, as the ABI changing is what breaks existing programs compiled against older versions.
Static libraries are just bundles of object files straight out of the compiler, just like the ones that you are building yourself as part of your project's compilation, so they get pulled in and fed to the linker in exactly the same way, and unused bits are dropped in exactly the same way.
I can elaborate on the details of DLLs in Windows to help clarify those mysteries to my friends here in *NIX-land...
A DLL is like a Shared Object file. Both are images, ready to load into memory by the program loader of the respective OS. The images are accompanied by various bits of metadata to help linkers and loaders make the necessary associations and use the library of code.
Windows DLLs have an export table. The exports can be by name, or by table position (numeric). The latter method is considered "old school" and is much more fragile -- rebuilding the DLL and changing the position of a function in the table will end in disaster, whereas there is no real issue if linking of entry points is by name. So, forget that as an issue, but just be aware it's there if you work with "dinosaur" code such as 3rd-party vendor libs.
Windows DLLs are built by compiling and linking, just as you would for an EXE (executable application), but the DLL is meant to not stand alone, just like an SO is meant to be used by an application, either via dynamic loading, or by link-time binding (the reference to the SO is embedded in the application binary's metadata, and the OS program loader will auto-load the referenced SO's). DLLs can reference other DLLs, just as SOs can reference other SOs.
In Windows, DLLs will make available only specific entry points. These are called "exports". The developer can either use a special compiler keyword to make a symbol an externally-visible (to other linkers and the dynamic loader), or the exports can be listed in a module-definition file which is used at link time when the DLL itself is being created. The modern practice is to decorate the function definition with the keyword to export the symbol name. It is also possible to create header files with keywords which will declare that symbol as one to be imported from a DLL outside the current compilation unit. Look up the keywords __declspec(dllexport) and __declspec(dllimport) for more information.
One of the interesting features of DLLs is that they can declare a standard "upon load/unload" handler function. Whenever the DLL is loaded or unloaded, the DLL can perform some initialization or cleanup, as the case may be. This maps nicely into having a DLL as an object-oriented resource manager, such as a device driver or shared object interface.
When a developer wants to use an already-built DLL, she must either reference an "export library" (*.LIB) created by the DLL developer when she created the DLL, or she must explicitly load the DLL at run time and request the entry point address by name via the LoadLibrary() and GetProcAddress() mechanisms. Most of the time, linking against a LIB file (which simply contains the linker metadata for the DLL's exported entry points) is the way DLLs get used. Dynamic loading is reserved typically for implementing "polymorphism" or "runtime configurability" in program behaviors (accessing add-ons or later-defined functionality, aka "plugins").
The Windows way of doing things can cause some confusion at times; the system uses the .LIB extension to refer to both normal static libraries (archives, like POSIX *.a files) and to the "export stub" libraries needed to bind an application to a DLL at link time. So, one should always look to see if a *.LIB file has a same-named *.DLL file; if not, chances are good that *.LIB file is a static library archive, and not export binding metadata for a DLL.
You are correct in that static files are copied to the application at link-time, and that shared files are just verified at link time and loaded at runtime.
The dlopen call is not only for shared objects, if the application wishes to do so at runtime on its behalf, otherwise the shared objects are loaded automatically when the application starts. DLLS and .so are the same thing. the dlopen exists to add even more fine-grained dynamic loading abilities for processes. You dont have to use dlopen yourself to open/use the DLLs, that happens too at application startup.
I suspect some kind of misunderstanding here, but header files, at least of the .h variety used for compiling source code, are most definitely NOT checked during link time.
.h, and for that matter, .c/.cpp files, are only involved during the compilation phase, which includes preprocessing. Once the object code has been created the header file is long gone well before the linker gets around to dealing with things.

How does the Import Library work? Details?

I know this may seem quite basic to geeks. But I want to make it crystal clear.
When I want to use a Win32 DLL, usually I just call the APIs like LoadLibrary() and GetProcAdderss(). But recently, I am developing with DirectX9, and I need to add d3d9.lib, d3dx9.lib, etc files.
I have heard enough that LIB is for static linking and DLL is for dynamic linking.
So my current understanding is that LIB contains the implementation of the methods and is statically linked at link time as part of the final EXE file. While DLL is dynamic loaded at runtime and is not part of the final EXE file.
But sometimes, there're some LIB files coming with the DLL files, so:
What are these LIB files for?
How do they achieve what they are meant for?
Is there any tools that can let me inspect the internals of these LIB files?
Update 1
After checking wikipedia, I remember that these LIB files are called import library.
But I am wondering how it works with my main application and the DLLs to be dynamically loaded.
Update 2
Just as RBerteig said, there're some stub code in the LIB files born with the DLLs. So the calling sequence should be like this:
My main application --> stub in the LIB --> real target DLL
So what information should be contained in these LIBs? I could think of the following:
The LIB file should contain the fullpath of the corresponding DLL; So the DLL could be loaded by the runtime.
The relative address (or file offset?) of each DLL export method's entry point should be encoded in the stub; So correct jumps/method calls could be made.
Am I right on this? Is there something more?
BTW: Is there any tool that can inspect an import library? If I can see it, there'll be no more doubts.
Linking to a DLL file can occur implicitly at compile link time, or explicitly at run time. Either way, the DLL ends up loaded into the processes memory space, and all of its exported entry points are available to the application.
If used explicitly at run time, you use LoadLibrary() and GetProcAddress() to manually load the DLL and get pointers to the functions you need to call.
If linked implicitly when the program is built, then stubs for each DLL export used by the program get linked in to the program from an import library, and those stubs get updated as the EXE and the DLL are loaded when the process launches. (Yes, I've simplified more than a little here...)
Those stubs need to come from somewhere, and in the Microsoft tool chain they come from a special form of .LIB file called an import library. The required .LIB is usually built at the same time as the DLL, and contains a stub for each function exported from the DLL.
Confusingly, a static version of the same library would also be shipped as a .LIB file. There is no trivial way to tell them apart, except that LIBs that are import libraries for DLLs will usually be smaller (often much smaller) than the matching static LIB would be.
If you use the GCC toolchain, incidentally, you don't actually need import libraries to match your DLLs. The version of the Gnu linker ported to Windows understands DLLs directly, and can synthesize most any required stubs on the fly.
If you just can't resist knowing where all the nuts and bolts really are and what is really going on, there is always something at MSDN to help. Matt Pietrek's article An In-Depth Look into the Win32 Portable Executable File Format is a very complete overview of the format of the EXE file and how it gets loaded and run. Its even been updated to cover .NET and more since it originally appeared in MSDN Magazine ca. 2002.
Also, it can be helpful to know how to learn exactly what DLLs are used by a program. The tool for that is Dependency Walker, aka depends.exe. A version of it is included with Visual Studio, but the latest version is available from its author at It can identify all of the DLLs that were specified at link time (both early load and delay load) and it can also run the program and watch for any additional DLLs it loads at run time.
Update 2
I've reworded some of the earlier text to clarify it on re-reading, and to use the terms of art implicit and explicit linking for consistency with MSDN.
So, we have three ways that library functions might be made available to be used by a program. The obvious follow up question is then: "How to I choose which way?"
Static linking is how the bulk of the program itself is linked. All of your object files are listed, and get collected together in to the EXE file by the linker. Along the way, the linker takes care of minor chores like fixing up references to global symbols so that your modules can call each other's functions. Libraries can also be statically linked. The object files that make up the library are collected together by a librarian in a .LIB file which the linker searches for modules containing symbols that are needed. One effect of static linking is that only those modules from the library that are used by the program are linked to it; other modules are ignored. For instance, the traditional C math library includes many trigonometry functions. But if you link against it and use cos(), you don't end up with a copy of the code for sin() or tan() unless you also called those functions. For large libraries with a rich set of features, this selective inclusion of modules is important. On many platforms such as embedded systems, the total size of code available for use in the library can be large compared to the space available to store an executable in the device. Without selective inclusion, it would be harder to manage the details of building programs for those platforms.
However, having a copy of the same library in every program running creates a burden on a system that normally runs lots of processes. With the right kind of virtual memory system, pages of memory that have identical content need only exist once in the system, but can be used by many processes. This creates a benefit for increasing the chances that the pages containing code are likely to be identical to some page in as many other running processes as possible. But, if programs statically link to the runtime library, then each has a different mix of functions each laid out in that processes memory map at different locations, and there aren't many sharable code pages unless it is a program that all by itself is run in more than process. So the idea of a DLL gained another, major, advantage.
A DLL for a library contains all of its functions, ready for use by any client program. If many programs load that DLL, they can all share its code pages. Everybody wins. (Well, until you update a DLL with new version, but that isn't part of this story. Google DLL Hell for that side of the tale.)
So the first big choice to make when planning a new project is between dynamic and static linkage. With static linkage, you have fewer files to install, and you are immune from third parties updating a DLL you use. However, your program is larger, and it isn't quite as good citizen of the Windows ecosystem. With dynamic linkage, you have more files to install, you might have issues with a third party updating a DLL you use, but you are generally being friendlier to other processes on the system.
A big advantage of a DLL is that it can be loaded and used without recompiling or even relinking the main program. This can allow a third party library provider (think Microsoft and the C runtime, for example) to fix a bug in their library and distribute it. Once an end user installs the updated DLL, they immediately get the benefit of that bug fix in all programs that use that DLL. (Unless it breaks things. See DLL Hell.)
The other advantage comes from the distinction between implicit and explicit loading. If you go to the extra effort of explicit loading, then the DLL might not even have existed when the program was written and published. This allows for extension mechanisms that can discover and load plugins, for instance.
These .LIB import library files are used in the following project property, Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies, when building a bunch of dll's that need additional information at link time which is supplied by the import library .LIB files. In the example below to not get linker errors I need to reference to dll's A,B,C, and D through their lib files. (note for the linker to find these files you may need to include their deployment path in Linker->General->Additional Library Directories else you will get a build error about being unable to find any of the provided lib files.)
If your solution is building all dynamic libraries you may have been able to avoid this explicit dependency specification by relying instead on the reference flags exposed under the Common Properties->Framework and References dialog. These flags appear to automatically do the linking on your behalf using the *.lib files.
This however is as it says a Common Properties, which is not configuration or platform specific. If you need to support a mixed build scenario as in our application we had a build configuration to render a static build and a special configuration that built a constrained build of a subset of assemblies that were deployed as dynamic libraries. I had used the Use Library Dependency Inputs and Link Library Dependencies flags set to true under various cases to get things to build and later realizing to simplify things but when introducing my code to the static builds I introduced a ton of linker warnings and the build was incredibly slow for the static builds. I wound up introducing a bunch of these sort of warnings...
warning LNK4006: "bool __cdecl XXX::YYY() already defined in CoreLibrary.lib(JSource.obj); second definition ignored D.lib(JSource.obj)
And I wound up using the manual specification of Additional Dependencies to satisfy the linker for the dynamic builds while keeping the static builders happy by not using a common property that slowed them down. When I deploy the dynamic subset build I only deploy the dll files as these lib files are only used at link time, not at runtime.
Here are some related MSDN topics to answer my question:
Linking an Executable to a DLL
Linking Implicitly
Determining Which Linking Method to Use
Building an Import Library and Export File
There are three kinds of libraries: static, shared and dynamically loaded libraries.
The static libraries are linked with the code at the linking phase, so they are actually in the executable, unlike the shared library, which has only stubs (symbols) to look for in the shared library file, which is loaded at run time before the main function gets called.
The dynamically loaded ones are much like the shared libraries, except they are loaded when and if the need arises by the code you've written.
In my mind, there are two method to link dll to exe.
Use dll and the import library (.lib file) implicitly
Use functions like loadlibrary() explicitly

Building C++ source code as a library - where to start?

Over the months I've written some nice generic enough functionality that I want to build as a library and link dynamically against rather than importing 50-odd header/source files.
The project is maintained in Xcode and Dev-C++ (I do understand that I might have to go command line to do what I want) and have to link against OpenGL and SDL (dynamically in SDL's case). Target platforms are Windows and OS X.
What am I looking at at all?
What will be the entry point of my
library if it needs one?
What do I have to change in my code?
(calling conventions?)
How do I release it? My understanding
is that headers and the compiled
library (.dll, .dylib(, .framework),
whatever it'll be) need to be
available for the project -
especially as template functionality
can not be included in the library by
What else I need to be aware of?
I'd recommend building as a statc library rather than a DLL. A lot of the issues of exporting C++ functions and classes go away if you do this, provided you only intend to link with code produced by the same compiler you built the library with.
Building a static library is very easy as it is just an collection of .o/.obj files - a bit like a ZIP file but without compression. There is no need to export anything - just include the library in the list of files that your application links with. To access specific functions or classes, just include the relevant header file. Note you can't get rid of header files - the C++ compilation model, particularly for templates, depends on them.
It can be problematic to export a C++ class library from a dynamic library, but it is possible.
You need to mark each function to be exported from the DLL (syntax depends on the compiler). I'm poking around to see if I can find how to do this from xcode. In VC it's __declspec(dllexport) and in CodeWarrior it's #pragma export on/#pragma export off.
This is perfectly reasonable if you are only using your binary in-house. However, one issue is that C++ methods are named differently by different compilers. This means that nobody who uses a different compiler will be able to use your DLL, unless you are only exporting C functions.
Also, you need to make sure the calling conventions match in the DLL and the DLL's client. This either means you should have the same default calling convention flag passed to the compiler for both the DLL or the client, or better, explicitly set the calling convention on each exported function in the DLL, so that it won't matter what the default is for the client.
This article explains the naming issue:
The C++ standard doesn't define a standard ABI, and that's bad news for people trying to build C++ libraries. This means that you get different behavior from your compiled code depending on which flags were used to compile it, and that can lead to mysterious bugs in code that compiles and links just fine.
This extends beyond just different calling conventions - C++ code can be compiled to support or not support RTTI, exception handling, and with various optimizations that can affect the the memory layout of class instances, which C++ code relies on.
So, what can you do? I would build C++ libraries inside my source tree, and make sure that they're built as part of my project's build, and that all the libraries and the code that links to them use the same compiler flags.
Note that name mangling, which was supposed to at least prevent you from linking object files that were compiled with different compilers/compiler flags only mostly works, and there are certain things you can do, especially with GCC, that will result in code that links just fine and fails at runtime.
You have to be extra careful with vendor supplied dynamic C++ libraries (QT on most Linux distributions, for example.) I've seen instances of vendor supplied libraries that were compiled in ways that prevented certain things from working properly. For example, some Redhat Linux releases (maybe all of them) disabled exceptions in QT, which made it impossible to catch exceptions in main() if the exceptions were thrown in a QT callback. Fun.