Criteria for choosing simple Apache Synapse Vs WSO2 - wso2

While evaluating various ESB's, I came across Apache Synapse & WSO2. In WSO2 it's mentioned that WSO2 completely uses Synapse and built on top of it.
However I am not still clear what additional features does WSO2 offer over Synapse? (Apart from commercial support).
One difference I could see is the web UI to manage proxy definitions, sequences creation etc. Are there any other features which WSO2 provides over Synapse? Also please share if there are any guidelines to choose between Synpase & WSO2
I just wanted to be sure why I am going to WSO2 over Synapse.

WSO2 ESB offer many great features on top of synapse. I am listing few here.
Graphical management console to create/manage/monitor proxies/APIs and services.
Support for many transports [1].
Statistics, logging and auditing support
Support for many content types
And industry accepted proven performance.
List can go on and on. Hence I am referring you to WSO2 documentation on features[2]. Hope you can get some idea from there.


How to use product of WSO2 correctly?

I have already read many documentations of WSO2, there are some products of WSO2 such as: Enterprise Integration (EI), API Management (APIM), Identity Access Management (IS), Analytics Stream Processing (SP). I can understand the functions of IS and SP.
1. But I dont know what are differences between EI and APIM?
2. When can we use EI? When can we use APIM?
3. Can we merge WSO2 EI and APIM and IS and SP Products to execute all of them on one server?
Sorry for many questions, but I am really confuse in these matters, please give me advice.
WSO2 EI can be used to integrate different systems, orchestrate and then expose as new services/APIs.
WSO2 APIM can be used to manage those services/APIs. You can manage security, rate limiting, CORS, etc. and can see analytics of API usage etc. too. For APIM analytics, there is a customized version of SP which you can download separately.
You can't run all 4 as a single server. Those are 4 runtimes, so you have to start them separately.

WsO2 ESB development thru Tooling Vs Management Console

Why does the management console provide features to develop a service or customize a component of WSO2 ESB?
What's the purpose of one Vs other?
Doesn't the development stops after handover of CAR files/artifacts to DevOps team?
My understanding with Management Console is to deploy, manage(start-stop) & monitor ESB services/integration flows.
Is there an overlap on these two ? The documentation itself provides two ways to do the same thing. I mean why?
All these features are available in Management console for users to try out easily. For example, when they want to see what are available feature etc, quickly.
When you're using ESB in real development, you should use toolings instead.


newbie on ESB and BRS here.
Below message was displayed in WSO2 download page for BRS:
The WSO2 Business Rules Server (WSO2 BRS) was created as a mechanism to host standalone business rules services. We no longer believe it is well suited for others to use directly, and as such it will no longer be available for download.
We currently have the ability to execute business rules within WSO2 ESB, and we encourage you to continue to use the WSO2 ESB to create business rules services.
If you are currently using WSO2 BRS as a standalone product please contact us
We will of course support it as needed or help you migrate to the right higher level product.
How can I implement this example I saw on youtube using WSO2 ESB because BRS is no longer promoted.
I don't know also if I got it right, but my understanding is that the mediators like rule mediator is the best fit solution to implement business rules in ESB now. Am I right?
I hope you can help me how to translate the video tutorial from using BRS to ESB in WSO2, or at least if you know some good sites to read and use as reference, then I am happy to visit them as well.
Thank you in advance.

limitations of running WSO2 Carbon 4.x and WSO2 Carbon based products in webapp mode?

WSO2 Carbon is not officially supported in webapp mode (see the selected answer here). However, I have no choice - If I want to run carbon, it must be run in webapp mode.
There are some detailed instructions here for setting up carbon 4.x in webapp mode.
I am concerned is that standalone mode is strongly recommended by WSO2.
My Questions are: What are the limitations:
when running Carbon 4.x in webapp mode?
when running other Carbon based products (e.g. ESB, AS, etc) in webapp mode?
If possible, please provide a detailed list of the limitations.
When you take the ESB, as you might have seen it exposes ports 8280/8243 (HTTP/HTTPS) in addition to 9763/9443 which is exposed through the servlet transport. In the case of ESB you need (and want) to use port 8280/8243 when you're interacting with the ESB because those are the two non-blocking high performant transports. When you deploy ESB on top of another web container, you're limited by the servlet transports provided by the container. So we can't get the desired performance out of the ESB for proxying and other scenarios.
Complexities involving using web container functionalities. Carbon has its own clustering/caching/security etc... infrastructure. When you deploy Carbon as a webapp then we should look at supporting all those functions provided by the container for different containers. Which is complex, not consistent and in some cases sub-optimal
IMHO those were the two most important factors why it's discouraged to deploy Carbon on top of other containers. Going with a standalone deployment approach it has contributed immensely to not include web container specific "hacks" into the platform to get things done and have a much cleaner consistent platform.
One issues with deploying Carbon in web-app mode is that this deployment model is not supported by WSO2. I will add more issues to this answer as I encounter them...
AFAIK, webapp is not supported... Please refer this thread :Running WSO2 Carbon as Web Application in Tomcat

wso2 carbon registry - high level use cases

The carbon registry seems to have multiple purposes in the WSO2 carbon platform. It would be useful to understand the high level use cases that the registry is used for. Here are some that I can think of:
Storing internal WSO2 product configuration for clustering, etc
Storing configuration data for shaing between custom applications or services
As a content repository for WSO2 governance server, e.g. for wsdls, documents, etc
Are these use cases correct?
Are there any more use cases?
Is it appropriate to think of the carbon registry as providing similar functionality to windows registry but it is also accessible remotely?
i think you should be able to read up all the features and use cases here [1]. i hope this is what you are looking for check out the faqs here [2]. and take an look at the Enterprise Use Case Webinar here[3].
Yes the use cases that you have mentioned are valid and cover most of the use cases of WSO2 Greg with other WSO2 products below some i think you missed but this may not be all the use cases
Handling life cycles management
Integrating with BAM to achieve monitoring related use cases [4]
Integrating with API Manager to handle API's [5]
Deployment synchroniser for dynamic configurations in clustering - will be available in future releases in addition to the exiting svn based model