.setinterval and XSS - xss

In the OWASP XSS prevention cheat sheet it says that untrusted data cannot be safely put inside the .setinterval JS function. Even if escaped/encoded, XSS is still possible.
But if I have something like this:
setInterval(function(){ alert('<%=UNTRUSTED_DATA%>'); }, 3000);
And if I JS encode "UNTRUSTED_DATA", how would XSS be possible?

There is an overload of setInterval that accepts a string of code instead of a function, which is basically exec on an interval.
I believe that is what the OWASP cheat sheet is referring to, you can put untrusted strings in that overload. You are using the function overload, which is not the one OWASP is calling out.


Is this enough to prevent xss?

I'm working on a website where there is going to be a lot of user generated content. As an WYSIWYG editor I'm using tinyMCE. As a template engine, I'm using ejs.
In order to prevent XSS I decided to use xss npm package.
I'm using these custom rulles:
const strict = {
whiteList: {},
const withTags = {
whiteList: {
div: [],
strong: [],
em: [],
br: [],
ul: [],
li: [],
ol: [],
blockquote: [],
Let's say a user uses text area and submits this code:
In my DB it's saved this way:
Now, when the content is rendered by ejs some content is rendered with escaped output (<%= %>). Rendered escaped output (html page) looks like this:
However, some content is rendered with ejs unescaped raw output (<%- %>). Html will look this way:
I have 2 questions:
Because < and > are escaped as < and > is it safe to render ejs unescaped output?
Is what I'm doing generally enough for XSS protection?
Thank you very much!
First of all your data probably isn't saved in database the way you presented. In all likelihood it's stored there without any encoding (as it should be).
EJS in itself, when used correctly, takes care of encoding output for you so that you can safely construct parameterized HTML. But in your case you want to disable this protection to render raw HTML, so yes, you must be careful. There are a couple of security controls at your disposal.
1. DOMPurify
I haven't used the xss library personally, it seems to have a lot of downloads and probably it's not a bad option. But DOMPurify is probably better. It also doesn't require configuration and has built-in support for trusted-types (I'll get to that in a minute).
You would use it twice. First on server-side when the HTML is submitted by the user, and second on client-side when the HTML is rendered by EJS.
If you are serious about security then you will connect anomaly alerts from the server-side purification to your SIEM/SOC etc. Then you will know when someone has attempted an XSS attack on your website.
2. Sandboxed Iframes
Another client-side control that you can implement is sandboxed iframes. Instead of just rendering the HTML on the page, you create an IFRAME, give it a properly configured sandbox attribute, and then set the purified HTML as the content. Now even if something goes wrong with the purification, the malicious HTML would be isolated in its own world.
3. Content Security Policy
The coolest and (when used properly) most effective defence against XSS is CSP. How it works is that you give your website restrictions such as "do not execute scripts", "do not load images", etc. And then you allow the scripts that you do want to execute, and nothing else. Now if an attacker manages to inject a script, link, form, etc. on the page, it will not work because it hasn't been specifically allowed.
I've written about CSP at length here, you will even find specific examples for your case (NodeJS and EJS) with CodeSandbox examples on that article. And in general about XSS protection you can read more here.
Hope this helps!

ColdFusion doing OWASP esapi via Java

I am have some old ColdFusion code. It was originally written for CF9, but is now running on CF 2016.
local.esapi = createObject("java", "org.owasp.esapi.ESAPI");
application.esapiEncoder = local.esapi.encoder()
Much later
Regular page
form.Reason = application.esapiEncoder.encodeForHtml(form.Reason);
I am thinking of replacing this with
form.Reason = encodeForHTML(form.Reason);
Do these function the same?
Yes, the encodeForX() functions use OWASP's ESAPI behind the scenes. encodeForHTML() is CF10+ and has a canonicalize argument, which takes the input down to its lowest factor. CF2016 added an encodeFor argument to a cfoutput tag for outputting that does similar. There's also the canonicalize() function that will throw an error that you can catch. That's useful for seeing if someone is trying to throw nefarious inputs at your form or site. I can't think of a legit reason for double- or multi-encoding an input, and I would interpret such as an attack. The argument in the encodeForX() function will take it down to its base evaluation, but it doesn't throw an error and just returns the resulting output. Personally, I'm not sure that there's much of an accidental way to pass a value that would be picked up by canonicalization, and I'd simply rather catch that attempt and kick that user off of my site.

Is Mustache XSS-proof?

I was thinking about my app's XSS vulnerability. On the server side I don't sanitize either input or output, so
is stored in database exactly so. To view this value on the client side I use Mustache. If this script was executed by an admin, it is of course easy to hijack his session. However I've noticed that Mustache by default escapes these values & \ " < > when you use the {{}} syntax. Do I need to worry about XSS, when the value from the database would be inserted into
or even
<p data-id='{{value}}'>something</p>
? Should I perhaps review my Mustache templates to look for any vulnerable code, or unless I'd use
I am safe?
Well, you should always worry :) But yes, Mustache accomplishes the goal you are talking about here, protecting your examples from XSS (except where you're outputting the value directly into a <script> tag).
Note: check that the Mustache implementation you're using escapes single quotes. It's apparently not in the spec to do so (https://github.com/mustache/spec/issues/69) but the major implementations thankfully escape it anyway.

Online JSONP converter/wrapper

I would like to fetch a source of file and wrap it within JSONP.
For example, I want to retrieve pets.txt as text from a host I don't own. I want to do that by using nothing but client-side JavaScript.
I'm looking for online service which can convert anything to JSONP.
Yahoo Query Language is one of them.
This works if URL is not blocked by robots.txt. YQL have respect to robots.txt. I can't fetch http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/62706.user.js because it blocked via robots.txt.
"forbidden":"robots.txt for the domain disallows crawling for url: http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/62706.user.js"
So I'm looking for another solutions.
I built jsonpwrapper.com.
It's unstable and slower than YQL, but it doesn't care about robots.txt.
Here's another one, much faster, built on DigitalOcean & CloudFlare, utilizing caching et al: http://json2jsonp.com
Nononono. No. Just please; no. That is not JSONP, it is javascript that executes a function with an object as its parameter that contains more javascript. Aaah!
This is JSON because it's just one object:
'one': 1,
'two': 2,
This is JSONP because it's just one object passed through a function; if you go to http://somesite/get_some_object?jsonp=grab, the server will return:
'one': 1,
'two': 2,
This is not JSON at all. It's just Javascript:
And this? Javascript code stored inside a string (ouch!) inside an object passed to a function that should evaluate the string (but it might or might not):
grab({"body": "alert(\"Hello!\");\n"});
Look at all those semicolons and backslashes! I get nightmares from this kind of stuff. It's like a badly written Lisp macro because it's much more complicated than it needs to (and should!) be. Instead, define a function called grab in your code:
function grab(message) {
and then use JSONP to have the server return:
grab({body: "Hello!"});
Don't let the server decide how to run your web page Instead, let your web page decide how to run the web page and just have the server fill in the blanks.
As for an online service that does this? I don't know of any, sorry
I'm not sure what you're trying to do here, but nobody will use something like this. Nobody is going to trust your service to always execute as it should and output expected JavaScript code. You see Yahoo doing it because people trust Yahoo, but they will not trust you.

Measures to prevent XSS vulnerability (like Twitter's one a few days before)

Even famous sites like Twitter are suffering from XSS vulnerability, what should we do to prevent this kind of attack?
The #1 Thing you can do is set your cookies to HTTP Only ... which at least protects against session cookie hijacking. Like someone stealing your cookie when you are likely admin of your own site.
The rest comes down to validating all user input.
RULE #0 - Never Insert Untrusted Data Except in Allowed Locations
RULE #1 - HTML Escape Before Inserting Untrusted Data into HTML Element Content
RULE #2 - Attribute Escape Before Inserting Untrusted Data into HTML Common Attributes
RULE #3 - JavaScript Escape Before Inserting Untrusted Data into HTML JavaScript Data Values
RULE #4 - CSS Escape Before Inserting Untrusted Data into HTML Style Property Values
RULE #5 - URL Escape Before Inserting Untrusted Data into HTML URL Attributes
Very lengthy subject discussed in detail here:
XSS is only one of many exploits and every web dev should learn the top 10 OWASP by heart imho
Just like you can make SQL injection a non-issue by using prepared statements, you can make XSS non-issue by using templating engine (DOM serializer) that does similar thing.
Design your application so that all output goes via templating engine. Make that templating engine HTML-escapes all data by default. This way you'll have system that's secure by default and does not rely on humans (and rest of the large system) being diligent in escaping of HTML.
I don't what you write your code with, but if your use asp.net, you are partly covered.
asp.net has what they call request validation that when enabled, it prevent malicious script to be introduced via user input.
But sometimes, you'll have to allow some kind of text editor like the one you typed in this question. In this case, you'll have to partly disable request validation to allow some "rich text" html to be input by the end user. In this case you will have to build some kind of white list filtering mechanism.
FYI, I don't know about others but Microsft has library called Anti-Xss.