Is there a way to retrieve the metadata of the arguments inside a clojure macro without using eval? The only thing I could come up with so far is this:
(def ^{:a :b} my-var)
(defmacro my-macro [s] (prn (eval `(meta (var ~s)))))
(my-macro my-var)
;; Prints {:a :b, :name my-var, ...}
I ended up finding a solution:
(def ^{:a :b} my-var)
(defmacro my-macro [s] (prn (meta (resolve s))))
(my-macro my-var)
;; Prints {:a :b, :name my-var, ...}
So the key part here is to use resolve function to get the var associated to the symbol.
Does Clojure/Script offer a way to build a destructured map out of the arguments plus filled-in defaults in case the keys weren't supplied in the call?
Consider this example (that doesn't quite do what the code implies by a quick glance). Does clojure provide a way to build the map prompt with these four keys and values either from the caller or the defaults. I hate to think I have to repeat these key names two more times to get what I am after.
(fn [db [_ {title :title
text :text
label-yes :label-yes
label-no :label-no
:or {title "Confirm"
text "Are you sure?"
label-yes "Ok"
label-no "Cancel"}
:as prompt}]]
(-> db
(update :state conj :modal-prompt)
(assoc :prompt prompt))))
After reviewing the official documentation page about destructuring, I don't think that Clojure proposes a more convient way of doing that.
But just by curiosity, I was wondering what is the code generated by destructuring, because I'm expecting it relies on macro stuff. Let consider this toy example:
(def my-map {:text "Some text"})
[{title :title
:or {title "Confirm"}
:as prompt} my-map]
(str "I got " title " from " prompt))
;; => "I got Confirm from {:text \"Some text\"}"
(macroexpand '(let
[{title :title
:or {title "Confirm"}
:as prompt} my-map]
(str "I got " title " from " prompt)))
;; => (let*
;; [map__12555
;; my-map
;; map__12555
;; (if
;; (clojure.core/seq? map__12555)
;; (clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap/create
;; (clojure.core/seq map__12555))
;; map__12555)
;; prompt
;; map__12555
;; title
;; (clojure.core/get map__12555 :title "Confirm")]
;; (str "I got " title " from " prompt))
So as you can see, after a macro expansion, the :or mechanism which allows to specifies default value relies on clojure.core/get.
In this particular example, title is affected by (clojure.core/get map__12555 :title "Confirm") form. It's a way to avoid repeating the title variable, but does it worth it?
You can also check the source code of the destructuring macro to get full details about it, but personally I found it pretty difficult to handle ^^'.
it is doable, maybe not very practical though, but nice for self education:
let's begin with making up the function what would be special binding case.
let's say, we want to pass vectors of length 2 or 3, where vector of 2 will represent the simple binding map key-value pair like [:as abc] or [a :a], and the vector of size 3 would be k-v-default triple: [a :a "my default"]. The example of it's usage:
(bindings-preproc [['a 1 "asd"]
['b 2 "ddd"]
[:or {'x 10}]
[:as 'whole]])
resulting to
{a 1, b 2, :or {x 10, a "asd", b "ddd"}, :as whole}
this function could look like this:
(defn bindings-preproc [decls]
(let [defaults (into {} (keep (fn [decl]
(when (and (not (keyword? (first decl)))
(= 3 (count decl)))
(let [[nm _ default] decl]
[nm default])))
all-kvs (apply assoc {} (mapcat (partial take 2) decls))]
(update all-kvs :or merge defaults)))
(this one doesn't include error checks for the sake of illustrative simplicity)
The next thing is to employ it inside the binding macros. The idea to make bindings-preproc a macro fails, because binding forms are checked for validity before the inner macros are evaluated.
But still we have a feature, that would help, namely reader tags. They are used for example when you use #inst syntax. Since these reader tags are processed at read-time, before any macros are getting expanded, we can plug our preprocessor in.
(here i will use actual reference update, to demonstrate it from repl, but in real projects you would declare these tags in a special file)
user> (alter-var-root
assoc 'my/reader #'user/bindings-preproc)
;;=> {uuid #'clojure.uuid/default-uuid-reader,
;; inst #'clojure.instant/read-instant-date,
;; my/reader #'user/bindings-preproc}
so, now we can try to make it work:
(defn f [#my/reader [[a :a 10]
[b :b 20]
[z :z]
[:keys [k1 k2 k3]]
[[c1 c2 & cs] :c]
[:or {z 101
k3 :wooo}]
[:as whole]]]
{:a a :b b :c1 c1 :c2 c2 :cs cs :z z :k1 k1 :k2 k2 :k3 k3 :whole whole})
user> (f {:a 1000 :c [:one]})
;;=> {:cs nil,
;; :c2 nil,
;; :z 101,
;; :c1 :one,
;; :k3 :wooo,
;; :b 20,
;; :whole {:a 1000, :c [:one]},
;; :k1 nil,
;; :k2 nil,
;; :a 1000}
user> (let [a 10
b 20
#my/reader [[x :x 1]
[y :y 2]
[z :z 100]] {:z 432}]
[a b x y z])
;;=> [10 20 1 2 432]
I like to make a map of all default values, then use into or similar to fuse the user-supplied values into the map of default values. For example:
(ns tst.demo.core
(:use tupelo.core tupelo.test) )
(def stuff-default {:a 1 :b 2})
(defn apply-defaults
(let [stuff (glue stuff-default arg)] ; or use `into`. Last one wins, so put defaults first
(with-map-vals stuff [a b]
(spyx a)
(spyx b))
(is= (apply-defaults {}) ; no inputs => all default values
{:a 1, :b 2})
(is= (apply-defaults {:a 100}) ; some inputs => partial defaults
{:a 100, :b 2})
(is= (apply-defaults {:a 100, :b 200}) ; all inputs => no defaults used
{:a 100, :b 200}))
Here glue is like into but with more error checking. We also use tupelo.core/with-map-vals to destruct the map, with less repetition than native Clojure destructuring (vals->map does the reverse).
The output is:
Clojure 1.10.1 Java 14
a => 1
b => 2
a => 100
b => 2
a => 100
b => 200
Ran 2 tests containing 3 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.
When I attach some metadata to a function and then call it I am not able to access those metadata within that function
(let [I (fn I [x] (println I) (println (meta I)))]
(let [f (with-meta I {:rr 5})]
(println I)
(println f)
(f I)))
I see that the self reference from within the function is not the function instance actually invoked and thus no metadata is available through that self reference. I need the self reference to give me the function instance actually invoked to access those metadata
I think that the problem is that your conflating the value of the function and the identity of the function together. It's a thing many other languages do so it's natural when you're learning Clojure. In your example, I has a reference to itself, and looks up the metadata from that reference, which returns nil. You then create f which is the same as I, but with some metadata. So when you run f it looks up the metadata on I and returns nil. Defining f doesn't change I at all, it just creates a new thing in terms of the old thing. If you want to change something you need to introduce a reference type that you can change. There are several of these, but usually to store functions you'd use a Var (see here for reference)
(defn i [] (meta i))
(i) ;;=> nil
(alter-var-root #'i with-meta {:rr 5})
(i) ;;=> {:rr 5}
Here we define a function in the current namespace called i which just returns it's own metadata. We call it to get nil. Then we alter the global reference with some new metadata, and call it again.
If you wanted a more lexically scoped example, you could use an atom as below:
(let [i (atom nil)
f (fn [] (meta #i))]
(reset! i f)
(prn 'before '>> (#i))
(swap! i with-meta {:rr 5})
(prn 'after '>> (#i)))
However, other than learning how these things fit together, I'm not sure what the goal is. It's probably a bad idea to try and use these structures in a real program that you plan on maintaining.
Rather accidentally, I found a trick that enables functions to read it own metadata. It appears, the Clojure compiler generates metadata support code differently when the original function definition has custom metadata. If it is present, (meta fn-name) works inside the body of the function, otherwise it does not. For example, the following produces the result desired by the OP:
;;=> {:major 1, :minor 10, :incremental 0, :qualifier nil}
(let [f1 ^{:foo true} (fn f [] (meta f))
f2 (with-meta f1 {:bar true})]
(prn (f1))
(prn (f2)))
;;=> {:foo true}
;;=> {:bar true}
;;=> nil
We can examine the code generated for a function without the metadata in the original definition - there is just the invoke method
(require '[clojure.pprint :as p])
(let [ff (fn f [] (meta f))]
(p/pprint (seq (.getDeclaredMethods (class ff)))))
;;=> (#object[java.lang.reflect.Method 0x2b56b137 "public java.lang.Object user$eval2171$f__2172.invoke()"])
;;=> nil
And when the metadata is present, additional methods (meta and withMeta) are generated to deal with the metadata.
(let [ff ^:foo (fn f [] (meta f))]
(p/pprint (seq (.getDeclaredMethods (class ff)))))
;;=> (#object[java.lang.reflect.Method 0x3983bd83 "public clojure.lang.IObj user$eval2175$f__2176.withMeta(clojure.lang.IPersistentMap)"]
;;=> #object[java.lang.reflect.Method 0x547d182d "public clojure.lang.IPersistentMap user$eval2175$f__2176.meta()"]
;;=> #object[java.lang.reflect.Method 0x62c3d0fe "public java.lang.Object user$eval2175$f__2176.invoke()"])
;;=> nil
Welcome to Clojure, #xstreamer!
I'm going to suggest something different from what (precisely) you're asking for. I don't know how querying the function's metadata from within the function should work, really. So I'm going to suggest defining the function first, and redefining the function metadata afterwards. This is fairly simple in Clojure.
(defn f
"Boring doc"
(meta #'f)
;; => {:arglists ([]),
;; :doc "Boring doc",
;; :line 32,
;; :column 1,
;; :file "C:/Users/teodorlu/IdeaProjects/th-scratch/src/th/play/core.clj",
;; :name f,
;; :ns #object[clojure.lang.Namespace 0x3b402f0c ""]}
Now, redefine it!
(alter-meta! #'f assoc :rr 5)
(meta #'f)
;; => {:arglists ([]),
;; :doc "Boring doc",
;; :line 32,
;; :column 1,
;; :file "C:/Users/teodorlu/IdeaProjects/th-scratch/src/th/play/core.clj",
;; :name f,
;; :ns #object[clojure.lang.Namespace 0x3b402f0c ""],
;; :rr 5}
Where assoc sets a value in a map.
(assoc {} :rr 5)
;; {:rr 5}
(assoc {:some :stuff} :more :stuff)
;; {:some :stuff, :more :stuff}
If you're confused by the #'f, this is how you get the var representing the binding of f, instead of just the value it refers to. For more information about vars and how to use them, refer to the official reference on vars and the less terse guide from 8th light.
I'm trying to write a macro that can be used both in a global and nested way, like so:
;;; global:
(do-stuff 1)
;;; nested, within a "with-context" block:
(with-context {:foo :bar}
(do-stuff 2)
(do-stuff 3))
When used in the nested way, do-stuff should have access to {:foo :bar} set by with-context.
I've been able to implement it like this:
(def ^:dynamic *ctx* nil)
(defmacro with-context [ctx & body]
`(binding [*ctx* ~ctx]
(do ~#body)))
(defmacro do-stuff [v]
`(if *ctx*
(println "within context" *ctx* ":" ~v)
(println "no context:" ~v)))
However, I've been trying to shift the if within do-stuff from runtime to compile-time, because whether do-stuff is being called from within the body of with-context or globally is an information that's already available at compile-time.
Unfortunately, I've not been able to find a solution, because nested macros seem to get expanded in multiple "macro expansion runs", so the dynamic binding of *ctx* (as set within with-context) is not available anymore when do-stuff gets expanded. So this does not work:
(def ^:dynamic *ctx* nil)
(defmacro with-context [ctx & body]
(binding [*ctx* ctx]
`(do ~#body)))
(defmacro do-stuff [v]
(if *ctx*
`(println "within context" ~*ctx* ":" ~v)
`(println "no context:" ~v)))
Any ideas how to accomplish this?
Or is my approach totally insane and there's a pattern for how to pass state in such a way from one macro to a nested one?
The body of with-context should be able to work with arbitrary expressions, not only with do-stuff (or other context aware functions/macros). So something like this should also be possible:
(with-context {:foo :bar}
(do-stuff 2)
(do-stuff 3))
(I'm aware that some-arbitrary-function is about side effects, it might write something to a database for example.)
When the code is being macroexpanded, Clojure computes a fixpoint:
(defn macroexpand
"Repeatedly calls macroexpand-1 on form until it no longer
represents a macro form, then returns it. Note neither
macroexpand-1 nor macroexpand expand macros in subforms."
{:added "1.0"
:static true}
(let [ex (macroexpand-1 form)]
(if (identical? ex form)
(macroexpand ex))))
Any binding you establish during the execution of a macro is no more in place when you exit your macro (this happens inside macroexpand-1). By the time an inner macro is being expanded, the context is long gone.
But, you can call macroexpand directly, in which case the binding are still effective. Note however that in your case, you probably need to call macroexpand-all.
This answer explains the differences between macroexpand and clojure.walk/macroexpand-all: basically, you need to make sure all inner forms are macroexanded.
The source code for macroexpand-all shows how it is implemented.
So, you can implement your macro as follows:
(defmacro with-context [ctx form]
(binding [*ctx* ctx]
(clojure.walk/macroexpand-all form)))
In that case, the dynamic bindings should be visible from inside the inner macros.
I'd keep it simple.
This is solution avoids state in an additional *ctx* variable. I think it is a more functional approach.
(defmacro do-stuff
([arg1 context]
`(do (prn :arg1 ~arg1 :context ~context))
{:a 4 :b 5})
`(prn :arg1 ~arg1 :no-context)))
(->> {:a 3 :b 4}
(do-stuff 1)
(do-stuff 2))
:arg1 1 :context {:a 3, :b 4}
:arg1 2 :context {:b 5, :a 4}
there is one more variant to do this, using some macro magic:
(defmacro with-context [ctx & body]
(let [ctx (eval ctx)]
`(let [~'&ctx ~ctx]
(binding [*ctx* ~ctx]
(do ~#body)))))
in this definition we introduce another let binding for ctx. Clojure's macro system would then put it into the &env variable, accessible by the inner macros at compile-time. Notice that we also keep bindings so that inner functions could use it.
now we need to define the function to get the context value from macro's &env:
(defn env-ctx [env]
(some-> env ('&ctx) .init .eval))
and then you can easily define do-stuff:
(defmacro do-stuff [v]
(if-let [ctx (env-ctx &env)]
`(println "within context" ~ctx ":" ~v)
`(println "no context:" ~v)))
in repl:
user> (defn my-fun []
(println "context in fn is: " *ctx*))
user> (defmacro my-macro []
`(do-stuff 100))
user> (with-context {:a 10 :b 20}
(do-stuff 1)
(do-stuff 2))
;;within context {:a 10, :b 20} : 1
;;context in fn is: {:a 10, :b 20}
;;within context {:a 10, :b 20} : 100
;;within context {:a 10, :b 20} : 2
user> (do (do-stuff 1)
(do-stuff 2))
;;no context: 1
;;context in fn is: nil
;;no context: 100
;;no context: 2
I have this code and would like to get the metadata transform
(defn truncate
[& {:keys [len]}]
(fn ^:transform [value]
(clojure.string/join (take len value))))
Ex: (meta (var (truncate)) //doesn't work
Something like this is possible? (meta (meta (var truncate))
I moved it top the function name and solved it this way:
(defn- func-meta [func]
(let [[name-space func-name _] (clojure.string/split (str func) #"\$")]
(meta (ns-resolve (symbol name-space) (symbol func-name)))))
(func-meta (transform/truncate)) ;=> metadata
Attaching this type of metadata to arglists has no particular meaning in Clojure. (Type hints may be attached to arglists, but that's a different matter.) You can, however, attach metadata to the function itself using either of the following methods:
(defn foo []
^:foo (fn [] 1))
(defn foo []
(with-meta (fn [] 1) {:foo 1}))
;; in either case:
(meta (foo))
;= {:foo true}
Also, the var special form gives convenient access to Vars:
(var +)
;= #'clojure.core/+
The #' shorthand notation is used much more frequently.
Given the below function -
(defn ^:export hi [] (+ 2 3))
I would like to write a macro that does this -
(defex hi [] (+ 2 3))
The macro defex just adds the ^:export metadata in front of the function. How do I do that?
Edit - I checked the function on repl (meta hi) and it gives nil. So most probably I dont want to add metedata but define a function in the above manner.
You don't want the meta on the function itself, you want it on the var (or whatever clojurescript's equivalent of that is):
user> (defmacro defex [name & defn-args]
`(defn ~(vary-meta name assoc :export true) ~#defn-args))
user> (defex hi [] "hi")
user> (meta #'hi)
{:arglists ([]), :ns #<Namespace user>, :name hi, :export true, :line 1, :file "NO_SOURCE_FILE"}
you can use a basic template-macro that builds a function and uses def to save it in a var
user> (defmacro defex [name args & body] `(def ~name ^{:export true} (fn ~args ~#body)))
user> (defex hi [] (+ 2 3))
user> (meta hi)
{:export true}