I have a search index that I have created using Solr. I want to add individual django objects to the search index.
To remove objects from the solr database we use remove_object.
some = SomFooModel.objects.get(pk=1)
foo = FooIndex()
foo.remove_object(some) #This works
To add it, is there something like add_object or a work around here ?
What I want is.
foo.add_object(some). # there is no such thing
This also does not work. It does not add the object to index.
I have tried reading the django-haystack documentation but there seems to be nothing that might help.
I did not read the documentation well enough as a result I messed up on the QuerySet part.
The above does add the object to the index. Its just that I was not searching for it properly.
I was searching for the object after removing it in the following way.
This gave a empty query set always.
SearchQuerySet().models(SomFooModel).filter(foo = some.foo)
This gives the correct result.
I'm trying to order_by a query but i cannot seem to accomplish it, any help would be appreciated
users = User.objects.filter(Q(groups__name=group)).distinct()
This is the starting query i have tried many ways to make this work with the order_by method. But cant seem to get it working i am trying to order the query by the first_name in descending order.
Something like this?
I get an error 'str' object has no attribute 'desc'
I have tried to look this up but cant see it being produced in the context that i am using it so i cant relate to the answers
-- Edit --
i have had some progress, Names are changing places but i cant seem to match a pattern, So i am thinking that (Q(groups__name=group)) could be the cause of it but i have no idea what this actually does, Can anyone explain this to me? thanks
instead of
- stands for descending already. otherwise you are trying to call a method on a string instead of QuerySet object
I've run into a snag in my views.
Here "filtered_posts" is array of Django objects coming back from the model.
I am having a little trouble figuring out how to get as text data that I can
later pack into json instead of using serializers.serialize...
What results is that the data comes double-escaped (escaped once by serializers.serialize and a second time by json.dumps).
I can't figure out how to return the data from the db in the same way that it would come back if I were using the MySQLdb lib directly, in other words, as strings, instead of references to objects. As it stands if I take out the serializers.serialize, I get a list of these django objects, and it doesn't even list them all (abbreviates them with '...(remaining elements truncated)...'.
I don't think I should, but should I be using the __unicode__() method for this? (and if so, how should I be evoking it?)
JSONtoReturn = json.dumps({
'lowest_id': user_posts[limit - 1].id,
'user_posts': serializers.serialize("json", list(filtered_posts)),
The Django Rest Framework looks pretty neat. I've used Tastypie before, too.
I've also done RESTful APIs that don't include a framework. When I do that, I define toJSON methods on my objects, that return dictionaries, and cascade the call to related elements. Then I call json.dumps() on that. It's a lot of work, which is why the frameworks are worth looking at.
What you're looking for is Django Rest Framework. It handles related objects in exactly thew way you're expecting it to (you can include a nested object, like in your example, or simply have it output the PK of the related object for the key).
In my field the content is "example".
I want to find not only the exact word "example", I also want to find "examp". How can I do that? Are there any options. Can't find anything.
If you just want to search for objects starting with some string, then just look at Haystack SearchQuerySet API documentation. It resembles the Django QuerySet API, so it is possible to write:
or whatever you want.
But there is also something deeper in this question. I don't think you really need to. Because of the way search engines works - when someone searches for e.q. 'monitoring' it gets stemmed (it is process of getting something similar to root of the word - so we will have f.e. 'monitor' from 'monitoring') and that will be searched for in fact. Also everything in search indexes gets stemmed, so searching for monitor will return results containing f.e. 'monitors', 'monitoring', 'monitorize' etc.
I am almost done with my first production-ready django-project. I got one big problem left:
I got an article-search-view that renders a list of found articles. Pagination is working just fine for the resultlist. When I click on the article-title the object-detail-page opens. What I want: previous- and next-result-links on the object-detail-page.
I tried several approaches to similar problems but didn't find a working solution. If I try to use a paginator with only one article (for the object-detail-page) I need to know that paginator-index in the resultlist. But how?
Even the .get_next(previous)_by_foo-Method is not really usable in this scenario AFAICT. Or am I missing something obvious here? Thanks for any help in advance!
Paginator from django works with lists. A way of searching indexes in lists it's like that:
['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'].index('bbb') # result: 1
or so like this:
model = object()
[object(), object(), model].index(model) # result: 2
Hope that gives you a hint on how you find paginator-index on your list.
If you want to get a link, at object-details-page, to next item from search-result, you must get next item from the search-result. To get a next item you need to perform the same search query which was executed in search-page and apply some extra filters to get only the next item from that list. But here you have a problem: you only have object-id in object-details page, you don't have the search-term. Without search-term you won't be able to create the search-query. That means you need to get search-term somehow. How do you get that search-term? You need to pass it from the search-result-page somehow. You can save the search-term in session/cookie, or, maybe better: you can pass it via a GET parameter to object-details page. Now when you search-term in object-display page, you can perform a search-query, and from that query you can select the next and the previous objects.
I think now you should be able to implement that. If not you could show some of your code of object-details view, maybe someone will write some code for you.
you could use this
next »
« previous
I need to find model instances whose FileFields point to a particular set of files. This is probably obvious and documented somewhere but I can't seem to find it: what's the syntax for using FieldField.name in a django filter query? Something like:
Nevermind - it's just
a separate issue was causing me to think this wasn't working, but in fact it is.