I have a string in perl, how do I replace it with the same string but with [ ] around only the numbers? [closed] - regex

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Example: DATA500 replaced with DATA[500]

This should work. It replaces groups of one or more digits, the "\d+" part, with the captured string surrounded by [], the "[$1]" part.
$a = "bob123bob123";
$a =~ s/(\d+)/[$1]/g;
print "$a";
# bob[123]bob[123]


Split string by word contain space in Java [closed]

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Closed 5 months ago.
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I have a String pattern: "hh:mm:ss dd:MM:yyyy to hh:mm:ss dd:MM:yyyy" and I want to extract date String from it.
S = "00:00:00 19/08/2022 to 23:59:59 19/08/2022"
Split into S1 = "00:00:00 19/08/2022" and S2 = "23:59:59 19/08/2022".
I'm trying to use String.split function but can't figure out the regex yet. Can somebody help?
I'm using Java 8.
Just split on \s+to\s+:
String pattern = "00:00:00 19/08/2022 to 23:59:59 19/08/2022";
String[] parts = pattern.split("\\s+to\\s+");
This prints:
[00:00:00 19/08/2022, 23:59:59 19/08/2022]

line start string and end string matches then it needs to replace end string of a line and ignore any string that matches in between of same line [closed]

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Closed 7 months ago.
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Require a shell script for the below issue
elecj_test: |1009676|F|269.13348200|3|348415|237.06|0.00|0.00|||SSPPPSSSPSSS|UNTESTED||
If a line starts with elecj_test: and ends with || it needs to replace with | |
Here Space is added in between | |
In the middle of the line if it is found || it must not replace only it must replace at end of the line.
You should show your attempt and the issue you are finding.
echo 'elecj_test: |1009676|F|269.13348200|3|348415|237.06|0.00|0.00|||SSPPPSSSPSSS|UNTESTED||' | sed '/^elecj_test:/s#||$#| |#'
This changes the last occurrence only (end of line: $).

Find and Replace , between 2 characters [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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So I have a CSV file with some anomaly for eg
2019-07-25 00:00:00,1014488,2019-07-25 12:24:12,112629,Amy,Flutmus,84004,GM,0001,2.99,312,FFO & CS PLATE ||22,10999,90027,90062||Sand w/ Options,1,0,0.2,18.85,0,1
i want to replace , between these characters || ||.
So I'm expecting
2019-07-25 00:00:00,1014488,2019-07-25 12:24:12,112629,Amy,Flutmus,84004,GM,0001,2.99,312,FFO & CS PLATE ,22,*10999*90027*90062,Sand w/ Options,1,0,0.2,18.85,0,1
You could use re.sub to capture all your strings between || and then replacing the ,s with *s:
import re
value = "2019-07-25 00:00:00,1014488,2019-07-25 12:24:12,112629,Amy,Flutmus,84004,GM,0001,2.99,312,FFO & CS PLATE ||22,10999,90027,90062||Sand w/ Options,1,0,0.2,18.85,0,1"
pattern = re.compile(r'\|\|(.+)\|\|')
cleaned_value = pattern.sub(lambda match: match.group().replace(",", "*"), value)
print(cleaned_value.replace(r'||', ','))

Regex to use in HTML source [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I need a regex to extract the number 330 on ...163&angleKreludor=330&viewID=.... This number vary from day to day...it could be an Integer with up to 3 digits, but it can be a double number like 127.57 with 2 decimal places ... so I would need to capture anything between angleKreludor= and &viewID.... Here is the complete HTML:
var swf = new SWFObject('http://images.lulaser.com/shenkuu/lunar/shenkuu_calendar_v1.swf?angleNeopia=163&angleKreludor=330&viewID=2&lang=pt', 'flash_36175654223', '550', '500', '6', '#FFFFFF');
swf.addParam('quality', 'high');
swf.addParam('scale', 'exactfit');
swf.addParam('menu', 'false');
swf.addParam('allowScriptAccess', 'always');
swf.addParam('swLiveConnect', 'true');
swf.addParam('bgcolor', 'white');
P.S: This is needed to use in Javascript code in Selenium IDE ... I tried in the past and Selenium IDE does not accept look-aheads nor look-behinds
You can search for digits with positive look-behind for the angleKreludor= key
For JavaScript use non-captuinrg group
var s = 'http://images.lulaser.com/shenkuu/lunar/shenkuu_calendar_v1.swf?angleNeopia=163&angleKreludor=330&viewID=2&lang=pt';
var nr = s.match(/(?:angleKreludor=)(\d+)/);

Ignoring bracketed sections in a regex match [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Right now I have this regex:
/regular(\[[a-z]*\])* expression/i
which correctly matches this string:
Regular[AECC][XVK] Expression
but fails to match these:
R[AECC]egular [XVK]Expression
R[ABC]egular Expression
Regular[xx] Expressio[]n
How can I match all of the above with a single regex?
r (?:\[[a-z]*\])?
e (?:\[[a-z]*\])?
g (?:\[[a-z]*\])?
i (?:\[[a-z]*\])?
o (?:\[[a-z]*\])?
my $pat = join '(?:\\[[a-z]*\\])?', map quotemeta, split //, 'regular expression';
my $re = qr/$pat/i;
/regular expression/i