how to remove new lines in sublime text using regex - regex

I have a text/csv file that looks like this:
I wanted to remove all the blank new lines. How can I do so?
I tried using regex with matching \n, but then this would merge all the lines into one line.

Press ctrl + shift + f
and Replace "\n\n" to "\n"

you can use that, if you elaborate a bit more I could help you to find a more accurate regular expression
with this you should get any line with blank characters,

For sublime replace[ctrl+alt+f]
use regex \n
replace with <nothing>


Find and replace in Notepad++ matching beginning and end of line

I would like to find all lines that follow this format:
And replace them with a single replacement line:
The problem is that there are many other lines which also start with type="file_ or end with _id" , so I'm thinking that searching for lines that both begin with type="file_ and end with _id" will be required. Is there a way to do this with notepad++?
You could search for ^type="file_.*_id"$ (using Regular Expressions) and replace with type="my_generic_replacement"
To replace the lines in Notepad++ you can use this regex:
To open the window click Search => Replace
You can find and replace \r\n and tick Extended in the Replace box; \r\n matches carriage-return + line-feed.
Some systems may only have \r or only \n at the line breaks

How do I replace a newline in Atom?

In Atom, If I activate regex mode on the search-and-replace tool, it can find newlines as \n, but when I try to replace them, they're still there.
Is there no way to replace a newline-spanning string in Atom?
Looks like Atom matches newlines as \r\n but behaves inconsistently when replacing just the \n with nothing.
So newlines seem to match \s+ and \r\n, and only "half" of the line-ending matches \n.
If you replace \n with a string, nothing happens to the line-ending, but the string is appended to the next line
If you replace \r with a string, nothing happens at all, but the cursor advances.
It's alittle bit late to answer but i use following term to search and it works with Atom v1.19.7 x64
None of these answers helped me.
What worked for me:
I just added a new line at the end of the file.
Shift + <- (arrow to left)
Ctrl + C
Ctrl + V in the "Replace in current buffer" line
Just copied the new line and pasted it in :D
(using the "Find in buffer" function)
(- open your code-file with the Atom-Editor)
Hit cmd(mac)/ctrl(win) + f on your keyboard for activating the Find in buffer function (a little window appears at the bottom atom-screen edge).
Mark your Code in which you want to delete the invisible Line breaks.
Click on the Markup-Mode Button and after that on the Regex-Mode (.*) Button and type into the first field: \n
After that click replace all.
[And Atom will delete all the invisible line breaks indicated by \n (if you use LF-Mode right bottom corner, for CRLF-Mode (very common on windows machines as default) use \r\n) by replacing them with nothing.]
Hope that helps.
You can use backreferencing:
eg. Replace triple blank lines with a single blank line
Find regex: (\r\n){3}
Replace: $1
You can indicate double blank lines with (\r\n){2} ... or any number n of blank lines with (\r\n){n}. And you can omit the $1 and leave replace blank to remove the blank lines altogether.
If you wanted to replace 3 blank lines with two, your replace string can be $1$1 or $1$2 (or even $1$3 ... $3$3 ... $3$2 ... ): $1 just refers to the first round bracketed expression \r\n; $2 with the second (which is the same as the first, so $1$1 replaces the same way as $1$2 because $1 == $2). This generalizes to n blank lines.
The purists will probably not like my solution, but you can also transform the find and replace inputs into a multiline text box by copying content with several line breaks and pasting it into the find/replace inputs. It will work with or without using regex.
For example, you can copy this 3 lines and paste them into both find and replace inputs:
line 1
line 2
line 3
Now that your inputs have the number of lines that you need, you can modify them as you want (and add regex if necessary).
Heh, very weird, Ctrl+Shift+F does not work too!
Workaround: open Atom Settings, then Core Packages->line-ending-selector, scroll to bottom to see tips about command to convert line endings: 'convert-to-LF'.
To convert: Cmd+Shift+P type 'line' and choose 'convert-to-LF' - done!
You could change default option 'Default line ending' from 'OS' to 'LF'.
Also after settings changed your new files will use 'LF'.
prerequisite: activate 'Use Regexp'
in my version of atom (linux, 1.51.0) i used the following code to add 'export ' after a new line
search '\n'
replace '\nexport '
worked like a charm
\r\n didn't match anything

Unwrap text in Sublime Text 2

I'd like to unwrap lines so that I can turn them from lines with hard line-breaks to no line breaks.
Specifically, this means that contiguous runs of lines with non-whitespace should be joined together Essentially, any \n with no whitespace on either side should be replaced with a single space. Other linebreaks shouldn't get touched.
I feel like it ought to be a search-and-replace with a search string something like (?!\n)\n(?!\n) -> , but that doesn't work, as it doesn't match anything.
Is there an ST2 built-in command for this?
any \n with no whitespace on either side
other linebreaks shouldn't get touched.
Replace with ''
As #flow mentioned, there are built-ins for that task. Just select the lines you want to join and press Ctrl + J.
And your way should works too. Only you missed a bit. It should be (?<!\n)\n(?!\n)
The following solution works best for text copied from a console log with 80 columns. It only removes \n if the line touches the last column.

Regex find a line in notepad++

I have words like this in a file.
I am able to find the words by using this regexp ^\".*$
I need to append another quote to the text so that the text becomes a quoted text.
How to achieve this?
You can usually just replace
If your words always start at the beginning of the line you could record a macro and run it from the beginning to the end of the file.
Otherwise you can use regular expressions:
In notepad++ v6.3.3 this worked for me:
Ctrl + F -> Replace -> Regular expression
Find: ^\".*$
Replace: $0"

Sublime text find and replace with special characters

I suck at regular expressions and what to do a simple find and replace of '}' to '} /n' notepad++ can recongise what I'm after as it has the 3 options of normal find and replace, special chars and full regex. I however only ever used to option two. How can I enable special characters in my search using sublime text 2.
In sublime you can use find & replace. Drag the replace panel large enough and use cmd + enter to go to a new line.
Hit replace all:
And thats it your sorted chap
If you want to replace } within notepad++ with } \n you can use the following rules:
find: }
Replace with: } \n
Searchmethod: Extended (\n, \e...)
Press replace all