grep string between two other strings as delimiters - regex

I have to do a report on how many times a certain CSS class appears in the content of our pages (over 10k pages). The trouble is, the header and footer contains that class, so a grep returns every single page.
So, how do I grep for content?
EDIT: I am looking for if a page has list-unstyled between <main> and </main>
So do I use a regular expression for that grep? or do I need to use PowerShell to have more functionality?
I have grep at my disposal and PowerShell, but I could use a portable software if that is my only option.
Ideally, I would get a report (.txt or .csv) with pages and line numbers where the class shows up, but just a list of the pages themselves would suffice.
EDIT: Progress
I now have this in PowerShell
$files = get-childitem -recurse -path w:\test\york\ -Filter *.html
foreach ($file in $files)
if ($htmlfile -match $regex) {
Write-Host $file.fullName has matches in the middle:
Which I run with this command .\FindStr.ps1 | Export-csv C:\Tools\text.csv
it outputs the filename and path with string in the console, put does not add anything to the CSV. How can I get that added in?

What Ansgar Wiechers' answer says is good advice. Don't string search html files. I don't have a problem with it but it is worth noting that not all html files are the same and regex searches can produce flawed results. If tools exists that are aware of the file content structure you should use them.
I would like to take a simple approach that reports all files that have enough occurrences of the text list-unstyled in all html files in a given directory. You expect there to be 2? So if more than that show up then there is enough. I would have done a more complicated regex solution but since you want the line number as well I came up with this compromise.
$pattern = "list-unstyled"
Get-ChildItem C:\temp -Recurse -Filter *.html |
Select-String $pattern |
Group-Object Path |
Where-Object{$_.Count -gt 2} |
$props = #{
File = $_.Group | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty Path
PatternFound = ($_.Group | Select-Object -ExpandProperty LineNumber) -join ";"
New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property $props
Select-String is a grep like tool that can search files for string. It reports the located line number in the file which I why we are using it here.
You should get output that looks like this on your PowerShell console.
File PatternFound
---- ------------
C:\temp\content.html 4;11;54
Where 4,11,54 is the lines where the text was found. The code filters out results where the count of lines is less than 3. So if you expect it once in the header and footer those results should be excluded.

You can create a regexp that will be suitable for multiline match. The regexp "(?m)<!-- main content -->([\w\W]*)<!-- end content -->" matches a multiline content delimited by your comments, with (?m) part meaning that this regexp has multiline option enabled. The group ([\w\W]*) matches everything between your comments, and also enables you to query $matches[1] which will contain your "main text" without headers and footers.
$regex="(?m)<!-- main content -->([\w\W]*)<!-- end content -->"
if ($htmlfile -match $regex) {
This is only an example of how should you parse the file. You populate $fileToGrep with a file name which you desire to parse, then run this snippet to receive a string that contains all the list-unstyled strings in the middle of that file.

Don't use string matches for something like this. Analyze the DOM instead. That should allow you to exclude headers and footers by selecting the appropriate root element.
$ie = New-Object -COM 'InternetExplorer.Application'
$url = '...'
$classname = 'list-unstyled'
do { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100 } until ($ie.ReadyState -eq 4)
$root = $ie.Document.getElementsById('content-element-id')
$hits = $root.getElementsByTagName('*') | ? { $_.ClassName -eq $classname }
$hits.Count # number of occurrences of $classname below content element


Trying to create a power shell script that removes text in a filename between two brackets using regex

I am trying to write a script to take a file name and remove any pair of brackets and the text between them from the string
get-childItem *.* -recurse |
foreach-object {$_ -replace '\(([^\)]+)\)', ''}
this will output a list of new values for every file in the folder to the prompt as it should look, however what I can't seem to find is a way to set the new values as the filenames, the plan is to do this for multiple files in a folder with the format "name(Randomnumbers).ext"
Any help is appreciated
From my understanding of your question, you want to rename each with the names contained within the parenthesis. To accomplish that, you can use the $Matches variable that is written by the -match operator. I'm also assuming you want to maintain the file extension.
Get-ChildItem -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -match '(?<name>.*)(?:\([^\)]+\))(?<ext>.*)') {
Rename-Item $_ "$($matches['name'])$($matches['ext'])"

Keep first regex match and discard others

Yep another regex question... I am using PowerShell to extract a simple number from a filename when looping through a folder like so:
# sample string "ABCD - (123) Sample Text Here"
Get-ChildItem $processingFolder -filter *.xls | Where-Object {
$name = $_.Name
$pattern = '(\d{2,3})'
$metric = ([regex]$pattern).Matches($name) | { $_.Groups[1].Value }
All I am looking for is the number surrounded by brackets. This is successful, but it appears the $_.Name actually grabs more than just the name of the file, and the regex ends up picking up some other bits I don't want.
I understand why, as it's going through each regex match as an object and taking the value out of each and putting in $metric. I need some help editing the code so it only bothers with the first object.
I would just use -match etc if I wasn't bothered with the actual contents of the match, but it needs to be kept.
I don't see a cmdlet call before $_.Groups[1].Value which should be ForEach-Object but that is a minor thing. We need to make a small improvement on your regex pattern as well to account for the brackets but not include them in the return.
$processingFolder = "C:\temp"
$pattern = '\((\d+)\)'
Get-ChildItem $processingFolder -filter "*.xls" | ForEach-Object{
$details = ""
if($_.Name -match $pattern){$details = $matches[1]}
$_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Details -Value $details -PassThru
} | select name, details
This will loop all the files and try and match numbers in brackets. If there is more than one match it should only take the first one. We use a capture group in order to ignore the brackets in the results. Next we use Add-Member to make a new property called Details which will contain the matched value.
Currently this will return all files in the $processingFolder but a simple Where-Object{$_.Details} would return just the ones that have the property populated. If you have other properties that you need to make you can chain the Add-Members together. Just don't forget the -passthru.
You could also just make your own new object if you need to go that route with multiple custom parameters. It certainly would be more terse. That last question I answered has an example of that.
After doing some research in to the data being returned itself (System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchCollection) I found the Item method, so called that on $metric like so:
$name = '(111) 123 456 789 Name of Report Here 123'
$pattern = '(\d{2,3})'
$metric = ([regex]$pattern).Matches($name)
Write-Host $metric.Item(1)
Whilst probably not the best approach, it returns what I'm expecting for now.

Retain carriage returns in text filtered through a regular expression

I need to search though a folder of logs and retrieve the most recent logs. Then I need to filter each log, pull out the relevant information and save to another file.
The problem is the regular expression I use to filter the log is dropping the carriage return and the line feed so the new file just contains a jumble of text.
$Reg = "(?ms)\*{6}\sBEGIN(.|\n){98}13.06.2015(.|\n){104}00000003.*(?!\*\*)+"
get-childitem "logfolder" -filter *.log |
where-object {$_.LastAccessTime -gt [datetime]$Test.StartTime} |
foreach {
$a=get-content $_;
[regex]::matches($a,$reg) | foreach {$_.groups[0].value > "MyOutFile"}
Log structure:
******* BEGIN MESSAGE *******
<Info line 1>
Date 18.03.2010 15:07:37 18.03.2010
<Info line 2>
File Number: 00000003
<Info line 3>
*Variable number of lines*
******* END MESSAGE *******
Basically capture everything between the BEGIN and END where the dates and file numbers are a certain value. Does anyone know how I can do this without losing the line feeds? I also tried using Out-File | Select-String -Pattern $reg, but I've never had success with using Select-String on a multiline record.
As #Matt pointed out, you need to read the entire file as a single string if you want to do multiline matches. Otherwise your (multiline) regular expression would be applied to single lines one after the other. There are several ways to get the content of a file as a single string:
(Get-Content 'C:\path\to\file.txt') -join "`r`n"
Get-Content 'C:\path\to\file.txt' | Out-String
Get-Content 'C:\path\to\file.txt' -Raw (requires PowerShell v3 or newer)
Also, I'd modify the regular expression a little. Most of the time log messages may vary in length, so matching fixed lengths may fail if the log message changes. It's better to match on invariant parts of the string and leave the rest as variable length matches. And personally I find it a lot easier to do this kind of content extraction in several steps (makes for simpler regular expressions). In your case I would first separate the log entries from each other, and then filter the content:
$date = [regex]::Escape('13.06.2015')
$fnum = '00000003'
$re1 = "(?ms)\*{7} BEGIN MESSAGE \*{7}\s*([\s\S]*?)\*{7} END MESSAGE \*{7}"
$re2 = "(?ms)[\s\S]*?Date\s+$date[\s\S]*?File Number:\s+$fnum[\s\S]*"
Get-ChildItem 'C:\log\folder' -Filter '*.log' | ? {
$_.LastAccessTime -gt [DateTime]$Test.StartTime
} | % {
Get-Content $_.FullName -Raw |
Select-String -Pattern $re1 -AllMatches |
select -Expand Matches |
% {
$_.Groups[1].Value |
Select-String -Pattern $re2 |
select -Expand Matches |
select -Expand Groups |
select -Expand Value
} | Set-Content 'C:\path\to\output.txt'
BTW, don't use the redirection operator (>) inside a loop. It would overwrite the output file's content with each iteration. If you must write to a file inside a loop use the append redirection operator instead (>>). However, performance-wise it's usually better to put writing to output files at the end of the pipeline (see above).
Wanted to see if I could make that regex better but for now if you are using those regex modes you should be reading your text file in as a single string which helps a lot.
$a=get-content $_ -Raw
or if you don't have PowerShell 3.0
$a=(get-content $_) -join "`r`n"
I had to solve the problem of disappearing newlines in a completely different context. What you get when you do a get-content of a text file is an array of records, where each record is a line of text.
The only way I found to put the newline back in after some transformation was to use the automatic variable $OFS (output field separator). The default value is space, but if you set it to carriage return line feed, then you get separate records on separate lines.
So try this (it might work):
$OFS = "`r`n"

Regex to match URL in Powershell

I am new to programming and Powershell, I've put together the following script; it parses through all the emails in a specified folder and extract the URLs from them. The script uses a regex pattern to identify the URLs and then extracts them to a text file. The extracted text is then run through another command where I am trying to remove the http:// or https:// portion (I need help with figuring this out), these are placed into another text file, from which I go through again to remove duplicates.
The main issue I am having is that the regex doesnt appear to extract the urls correctly. What I am getting is something like an example I have created below:
URL is
But I end up getting
The script is
#Adjust paths to location of saved Emails
$in_files = ‘C:\temp\*.eml, *.msg’
$out_file = ‘C:\temp\Output.txt’
$Working_file = ‘C:\temp\working.txt'
$Parsed_file = ‘C:\temp\cleaned.txt'
# Removes the old output file from earlier runs.
if (Test-Path $Parsed_file) {
Remove-Item $Parsed_file
# regex to parse thru each email and extract the URLs to a text file
$regex = ‘([a-zA-Z]{3,})://([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]+(/[\w- ./?%&=]*)*?’
select-string -Path $in_files -Pattern $regex -AllMatches | % { $_.Matches } | % { $_.Value } > $out_file
#Parses thru the output of urls to strip out the http or https portion
Get-Content $Out_file | ForEach-Object {$_.SubString(7)} | Out-File $Working_file
#Parses thru again to remove exact duplicates
$set = #{}
Get-Content $Working_file | %{
if (!$set.Contains($_)) {
$set.Add($_, $null)
} | Set-Content $Parsed_file
#Removes the files no longer required
Del $out_file, $Working_file
#Confirms if the email messages should be removed
$Response = Read-Host "Do you want to remove the old messages? (Y|N)"
If ($Response -eq "Y") {del *.eml, *msg}
#Opens the output file in notepad
Notepad $Parsed_file
Thanks for any help
Try this RegEx:
But remember that powershell -match is only capturing the first match. To capture all matches you could do something like this:
$txt=",, http:/,, text, http//:wrong.value";$hash=#{};$txt|select-string -AllMatches '(http[s]?|[s]?ftp[s]?)(:\/\/)([^\s,]+)'|%{$hash."Valid URLs"=$_.Matches.value};$hash
Best of luck! Enjoy!
RegExp for checking for URL can be like:
Check for more info here.

Search mutiple words using regular expression in powershell

I am new to powershell. I highly appreciate any help you can provide for the below. I have a powershell script but not being able to complete to get all the data fields from the text file.
I have a file 1.txt as below.
I am trying to extract output for "pid" and "ctl00_lblOurPrice" from the file in table format below so that I can get open this in excel. Column headings are not important. :
pid ctl00_lblOurPrice
0070362408 $6.70
008854787666 $50.70
Currently I am only able to get pid as below. Would like to also get the price for each pid. -->
This is sentence 1.. This is sentence 1.1... This is sentence A1...
fghfdkgjdfhgfkjghfdkghfdgh gifdgjkfdghdfjghfdg
This is sentence B1.. This is sentence B2... This is sentence B3...
<p class="price" style="display:inline;">
This is sentence 1.. This is sentence 1.1... This is sentence A1...
fghfdkgjdfhgfkjghfdkghfdgh gifdgjkfdghdfjghfdg
This is sentence B1.. This is sentence B2... This is sentence B3...
<p class="price" style="display:inline;">
Current powershell script:
$files=Get-ChildItem c:\scan -recurse
$output_file = ‘c:\output\outdata.txt’
foreach ($file in $files) {
$input_path = $file
$regex = ‘num=\d{1,13}’
select-string -Path $input_path -Pattern $regex -AllMatches | % { $_.Matches } | % {
($_.Value) -replace "num=","" } | Out-File $output_file -Append }
Thanks in advance for your help
I'm going to assume that you either mean pid=\d{1,13} in your code, or that your sample text should have read num= instead of pid=. We will go with the assumption that it is in fact supposed to be pid.
In that case we will turn the entire file into one long string with -Join "", and then split it on "href" to create records for each site to parse against. Then we match for pid= and ending when it comes across a non-numeric character, and then we look for a dollar amount (a $ followed by numbers, followed by a period, and then two more numbers).
When we have a pair of PID/Price matches we can create an object with two properties, PID and Price, and output that. For this I will assign it to an array, to be used later. If you do not have PSv3 or higher you will have to change [PSCustomObject][ordered] into New-Object PSObject -Property but that loses the order of properties, so I like the former better and use it in my example here.
$files=Get-ChildItem C:\scan -recurse
$output_file = 'c:\output\outdata.csv'
$Results = #()
foreach ($file in $files) {
$Results += ((gc $File) -join "") -split "href" |?{$_ -match "pid=(\d+?)[^\d].*?(\$\d*?\.\d{2})"}|%{[PSCustomObject][ordered]#{"PID"=$Matches[1];"Price"=$Matches[2]}}
$Results | Select PID,Price | Export-Csv $output_file -NoTypeInformation