This code that I wrote gives me the error:
java.lang.Long cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn
which means that I am using a number where a function is expected.
I think it has to do with the expt functions from clojure.math.numeric-tower but I am not sure. cryptic error messages FTL.
(ns point-normalize.core
(:require [clojure.math.numeric-tower :as math :only (sqrt expt)]))
(defn normalize [x y]
(let [x1 (/ x (math/sqrt ((math/expt x 2)+ (math/expt y 2))))
y1 (/ y (math/sqrt ((math/expt x 2)+ (math/expt y 2))))]
(x1 y1)))
Any hints would be appreciated. Thank You.
the + is in the wrong place in:
((math/expt x 2)+ (math/expt y 2)))
should be:
(+ (math/expt x 2) (math/expt y 2)))
and the same for y1 as well. Since you have this correct elsewhere it looks like a simple typo.
While it's very normal to see ))))))) in clojure code, occurrences of (( warrent a second glance.
I am trying to write a macro that will allow me to do the following
(:= x 1)
(:= y 2)
(:= z 3)
(db-call x y z)
(:= p 33)
(db-call x y z p))
(let [x 1
y 2
z 3]
(db-call x y z)
(let [p 33]
(db-call x y z p)))
So far my implementation has been the following
(defn assignment?
[[s _]]
(= s ':=))
(defmacro without-nesting
[& body]
(let [[bindings xs] (split-with assignment? body)
[non-bindings remaining] (split-with (complement assignment?) xs)]
`(let [~#(mapcat rest bindings)]
~(when (seq remaining)
`(without-nesting ~#remaining)))))
I'm having issues when remaining is going to be empty. In my current implementation a nil gets placed which prevents the last form in non-bindings to return its value. I have no clue on how to proceed with a recursive macro. Can someone help
So I was able to get rid of the nil but I just want to know if there's a better way to deal with this
(defmacro without-nesting
[& body]
(let [[bindings xs] (split-with assignment? body)
[non-bindings remaining] (split-with (complement assignment?) xs)]
`(let [~#(mapcat rest bindings)]
~#(if (seq remaining)
[`(without-nesting ~#remaining)]
Also would this be a good way to write code? Or do you see any caveats? For me it looks more linear as compared to nested let
I do see how ppl may abuse this. In the case of let, if the nesting becomes too much, then it's a hint to refactor the code. This might hide that
Just use let. It is already recursive. To incorporate function calls where you only care about the side effects, the convention is to bind to an underscore.
(let [x 1
y 2
z 3
_ (db-call x y z)
p 33
_ (db-call x y z p)])
I'm having problems eval-ing a LazySeq returned by Deriva:
(use 'clojure.core.matrix)
(use 'com.lambder.deriva.core)
(def f1 '(cos (* x y)))
(def f2 '(sin (* x y)))
(def f [f1 f2])
(def u ['x 'y])
(def x 4)
(def y 3)
(defn jacobian [f u]
(map #(partial-derivative f %) u)
Returns a LazySeq
((vector (* (* -1 (sin (* x y))) y) (* (cos (* x y)) y)) (vector (* (* -1 (sin (* x y))) x) (* (cos (* x y)) x)))
Which can be successfully eval-ed using the REPL:
(eval (into [] (jacobian f u)))
Results in the correct matrix
[[1.609718754001305 2.5315618761974763] [2.1462916720017398 3.3754158349299686]]
If I put the eval inside the clj file and lein run
(defn -main
(eval (into [] (jacobian f u)))
I get Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: sin in this context, compiling:(/tmp/form-init2786363415298022761.clj:1:113) since eval works in a different namespace.
Is there any way to include the clojure.math functions in the temporary namespace generated by eval? Or is there a better way to evaluate the expression?
Maybe you need to use java.lang.Math/sin function of java.
Consider using syntax-quote (`) instead quote (') to obtain fully qualified symbols that you can later eval:
=> s
=> user/s
See more about quoting here:
In the Common Lisp REPL I can do that:
>(DEFUN SOS (x y) (+ (sq x) (sq y)))
>(sos 5 4)
Error in SOS [or a callee]: The function SQ is undefined.
Fast links are on: do (use-fast-links nil) for debugging
Broken at +. Type :H for Help.
1 (Abort) Return to top level.
Top level.
>(DEFUN sq (x) (* x x))
>(sos 5 4)
If I try the same in Clojure the result is this:
user=> (defn sos [x y] (+ (sq x) (sq y)))
CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: sq in this context, compiling:(NO_SOURCE_PATH:1:20)
user=> (quit)
Bye for now!
in clojure use declare to create forward references.
(declare sq)
(defn sos [x y] (+ (sq x) (sq y)))
This part of the one-pass compiler design decision.
I'm new to Clojure and am trying to write a Newton's method function using the built in iterate. I have tried several things that resulted in the following code. Any ideas as to why this is only returning empty parens? I'm open to new ideas as well.
(defn within-tol?
"returns true if the guess is within the given tolerance"
[guess x tolerance]
(< (abs (- (square guess) x)) tolerance))
(defn next-guess
[guess x]
(average guess (/ x guess)))
(defn average
[x y]
(float (/ (+ x y) 2)))
(defn abs
(< x 0) (- x)
:else x))
(defn square
(* x x))
(defn sqrt-iter
[guess x tolerance]
(if (within-tol? guess x tolerance) guess
(sqrt-iter (next-guess guess x) x tolerance)))
(defn sqrt
[guess x tolerance]
(take-while #(within-tol? % x tolerance) (iterate #((sqrt % x tolerance)) guess)))
Seems your sqrt is wrong as it does not use next-guess
Try that
(defn sqrt
[guess x tolerance]
(first (drop-while #(not (within-tol? % x tolerance))
(iterate #(next-guess % x) guess))))
(sqrt 1 169 0.01) => 13.0
I have the following defined in clojure:
(def ax '(fn x [] (+ 1 z)))
(let [z 4]
(str (eval ax))
:but instead of returning :
: I get :
Unable to resolve symbol: z in this context
: I have tried changing "let" to "binding" but this still does not work. Does anyone know what is wrong here?
Making the smallest possible changes to your code to get it to work:
(def ^:dynamic z nil)
(def ax '(fn x [] (+ 1 z)))
(binding [z 4]
(str ((eval ax)))
The two changes are defining z as a dynamic var, so that the name resolves, and putting another paren around (eval ax), because ax is returning a function.
A little bit nicer is to change the definition of ax:
(def ^:dynamic z nil)
(def ax '(+ 1 z))
(binding [z 4]
(str (eval ax))
So evaluating ax immediately gets the result you want, rather than returning a function that does it.
Nicer again is to skip the eval:
(def ^:dynamic z nil)
(defn ax [] (+ 1 z))
(binding [z 5]
(str (ax))
But best of all is to not have z floating around as a var, and pass it in to ax as Mimsbrunnr and Joost suggested.
The short answer is don't use eval. You almost never need to, and certainly not here.
For example:
user> (defn ax [z]
(+ 1 z))
user> (let [f #(ax 4)]
Right so I'm not entirely sure what you are trying to do here.
I mean this works, though it's not using eval it's defining x to be the function (fn [ x ] (+ x 1))
> (def x #(+ 1 %))
> (x 4)
In the end, eval is not something you should be using. As a Lisp Cljoure's support for lambda abstraction and macros ( see the fn definition above ) should remove the need.