Hello i'm trying to show a 640x480 BMP image (16 color bitmap) with inline ASM in c++, it has to be with inline asm because it's a homework. I have this code in assembly code to do that:
cad db 'Error, file not found, press a key to finish.$'
filename db "C:\image.bmp"
handle dw ?
col dw 0
ren dw 479
col1 dw ?
ren1 dw ?
col2 dw ?
ren2 dw ?
buffer db ?
colo db ?
mov ah,3dh
mov al,0
mov dx,offset filename
int 21h
jc err
mov handle,ax
mov cx,118d
push cx
mov ah,3fh
mov bx,handle
mov dx,offset buffer
mov cx,1
int 21h
pop cx
loop eti1
mov ah,00h
mov al,18d
int 10h
mov ah,3fh
mov bx,handle
mov dx,offset buffer
mov cx,1
int 21h
mov al,buffer
and al,11110000b
ror al,4
mov colo,al
mov ah,0ch
mov al,colo
mov cx,col
mov dx,ren
int 10h
mov al,buffer
and al,00001111b
mov colo,al
inc col
mov ah,0ch
mov al,colo
mov cx,col
mov dx,ren
int 10h
inc col
mov ah,0ch
mov al,colo
mov cx,col
mov dx,ren
int 10h
cmp col,639d
jbe eti2
mov col,0
dec ren
cmp ren,-1
jne eti2
Now to put it in inline ASM i'm trying with the next code:
void main(void)
unsigned char buffer,colo;
unsigned int handle,col=0,ren=479,col1,col2,ren2;
int filename=675892105109971031011104698109112;
mov ah,3dh
mov al,0
mov dx,filename
int 21h
mov handle,ax
mov cx,118d
cout<<"si mino1";
for(int i=118;i>0;i++){
mov ah,3fh
mov bx,handle
mov dx,offset buffer
mov cx,1
int 21h
mov ah,00h
mov al,18d
int 10h
cout<<"si mino2";
mov ah,3fh
mov bx,handle
mov dx,offset buffer
mov cx,1
int 21h
mov al,buffer
and al,11110000b
ror al,4
mov colo,al
mov ah,0ch
mov al,colo
mov cx,col
mov dx,ren
int 10h
mov al,buffer
and al,00001111b
mov colo,al
inc col
mov ah,0ch
mov al,colo
mov cx,col
mov dx,ren
int 10h
inc col
mov ah,0ch
mov al,colo
mov cx,col
mov dx,ren
int 10h
cmp col,639d
jbe eti2
mov col,0
dec ren
cmp ren,-1
jne eti2
cout<<"si mino3";
the code reaches to the first cout and then enters in an infinite loop.
Do you really mean the following line of code:
for(int i=118;i>0;i++)
This initializes i to 118, and every iteration, adds 1. It will only ever get larger (until i overflows). The test for whether the loop should continue is i > 0, which will always be true (until i overflows).
Are you sure you're in an infinite loop? Maybe the many, many int 21h just take a very, very long time.
I figured out how to show an 640x200 16 colors BMP with the next code:
// << DISPLAY 4-Bit BMP (16 colors) >>
// This program shows how to display a 16 color bitmap.
// I am not using palettes for bmp,hence all default 16 colors are used.
// If you know BMP structure you can try to add palettes.
#include <alloc.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <graphics.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define UL unsigned long
#define UI unsigned int
#define UC unsigned char
//+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+< BMP Structures >+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
typedef struct
char Type[2];
UL Size;
UI R1;
UI R2;
UL OffSet;
typedef struct
UL headsize;
UL Hlen;
UL Vlen;
UI planes;
UL Method;
UL BmpSize;
UL HRes;
UL VRes;
UL Colors;
UL IColors;
//+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-< Display BMP >+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
int ShowBMP(int x, int y, char* FileName)
int b,a;
BMP1 Obj1;
BMP2 Obj2;
UC * Holder;
int in=0;
UC c=0;
FILE * fp;
fp = fopen(FileName,"rb");
return 0;
fread(&Obj1, sizeof(Obj1), 1, fp);
fread(&Obj2, sizeof(Obj2), 1, fp);
if(Obj2.BPP!=4) // This isn't a 16 color bmp we can read;
return 0;
Holder=(UC *) calloc(Obj2.Hlen/2+1, sizeof(UC));
fread(Holder, sizeof(UC), Obj2.Hlen/2, fp);
c = (Holder[in] | 0x00) >>4;
c = (Holder[in] | 0xF0) & 0x0F;
free (Holder);
return 1;
//+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-< **** >+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// Two bmp demo.bmp & demo1.bmp are provided.
// open these bmp in windows paint & change.(do not change size of bmp)
//+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-< Main >+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
void main()
int color,D=3,E=0;
if(!ShowBMP(0,0,"C:\\imagen.bmp")) E=1;
if(E) printf("\nError.");
else printf("Sucess !");
I asked this question few days ago.
I wanted to get the stack allocation size (after the function creation). The answer suggests to do:
if((INS_Opcode(ins) == XED_ICLASS_ADD || INS_Opcode(ins) == XED_ICLASS_SUB) &&
REG(INS_OperandReg(ins, 0)) == REG_STACK_PTR && INS_OperandIsImmediate(ins, 1)
Which in theory is correct and does make sense. But, it doesn't work in practice (correct me if I'm wrong here). It works perfectly fine if I remove REG(INS_OperandReg(ins, 0)) == REG_STACK_PTR check. Why? Because pin doesn't detect the REG_STACK_PTR register when REG(INS_OperandReg(ins, 0)) is used to detect it. rather, it detects ah (which I believe is RAX), when I do check against add rsp, 0xffffffffffffff80 instruction (so, every time it gives: register: ah), as can be seen in my output below:
register: rbp
40051e push rbp
register: *invalid*
value: -128
40051f mov rbp, rsp
register: ah
400522 add rsp, 0xffffffffffffff80
register: *invalid*
400526 mov dword ptr [rbp-0x28], 0x7
register: *invalid*
40052d mov dword ptr [rbp-0x64], 0x9
register: eax
400534 mov eax, 0x0
register: *invalid*
400539 call 0x4004e6
register: rbp
4004e6 push rbp
register: *invalid*
value: 64
4004e7 mov rbp, rsp
register: ah
4004ea sub rsp, 0x40
register: *invalid*
4004ee mov dword ptr [rbp-0xc], 0x4
register: rax
4004f5 lea rax, ptr [rbp-0xc]
register: *invalid*
4004f9 mov qword ptr [rbp-0x8], rax
register: rax
4004fd mov rax, qword ptr [rbp-0x8]
register: eax
400501 mov eax, dword ptr [rax]
register: *invalid*
400503 mov esi, eax
register: edi
400505 mov edi, 0x4005d0
register: eax
40050a mov eax, 0x0
register: rdi
40050f call 0x4003f0
register: rdi
4003f0 jmp qword ptr [rip+0x200c22]
register: *invalid*
4003f6 push 0x0
register: *invalid*
4003fb jmp 0x4003e0
register: *invalid*
4003e0 push qword ptr [rip+0x200c22]
register: rdi
4003e6 jmp qword ptr [rip+0x200c24]
register: *invalid*
400514 mov dword ptr [rbp-0x3c], 0x3
40051b nop
register: *invalid*
40051c leave
register: *invalid*
40051d ret
register: eax
40053e mov eax, 0x0
register: *invalid*
400543 leave
Well, interestingly it does this for every occurrences of rsp (i.e. it detects ah instead of rsp). Also, it always prints the instruction 400522 add rsp, 0xffffffffffffff80, including rsp (So, why it doesn't print ah here?)
If ah represents rsp in some way, then I can always detect ah using: REG(INS_OperandReg(ins, 0)) == REG_AH. But, I want to understand what is going on here.
My code:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "pin.H"
#include <unordered_map>
// key to open the main Routine
static uint32_t key = 0;
// Ins object mapping
class Insr
// Disassembled instruction
string insDis;
INS ins;
Insr(string insDis, INS ins) { this->insDis = insDis; this->ins = ins;}
string get_insDis() { return insDis;}
INS get_ins() { return ins;}
// Stack for the Insr structure
static std::unordered_map<ADDRINT, Insr*> insstack;
// This function is called before every instruction is executed
VOID protect(uint64_t addr)
if (addr > 0x700000000000)
if (!key)
// Initialize the diassembled instruction
string insdis = insstack[addr]->get_insDis();
INS ins = insstack[addr]->get_ins();
if (INS_OperandCount(ins) > 0)
if (REG(INS_OperandReg(ins, 0)) == REG_AH)
std::cout << "register: " << REG_StringShort(REG(INS_OperandReg(ins, 0))) << '\n';
if((INS_Opcode(ins) == XED_ICLASS_ADD || INS_Opcode(ins) == XED_ICLASS_SUB) &&
INS_OperandIsImmediate(ins, 1))
int value = INS_OperandImmediate(ins, 1);
std::cout << "value: " << dec<<value << '\n';
std::cout << hex <<addr << "\t" << insdis << std::endl;
// Pin calls this function every time a new instruction is encountered
VOID Instruction(INS ins, VOID *v)
if (INS_Address(ins) > 0x700000000000)
insstack.insert(std::make_pair(INS_Address(ins), new Insr(string(INS_Disassemble(ins)),
// if (REG_valid_for_iarg_reg_value(INS_MemoryIndexReg(ins)))
// std::cout << "true" << '\n';
// Insert a call to docount before every instruction, no arguments are passed
INS_InsertCall(ins, IPOINT_BEFORE, (AFUNPTR)protect, IARG_ADDRINT, INS_Address(ins),
// Lock Routine
void mutex_lock()
key = 0;
void mutex_unlock()
key = 1;
void Routine(RTN rtn, VOID *V)
if (RTN_Name(rtn) == "main")
RTN_InsertCall(rtn, IPOINT_BEFORE, (AFUNPTR)mutex_unlock, IARG_END);
RTN_InsertCall(rtn, IPOINT_AFTER, (AFUNPTR)mutex_lock, IARG_END);
INT32 Usage()
cerr << "This tool counts the number of dynamic instructions executed" << endl;
cerr << endl << KNOB_BASE::StringKnobSummary() << endl;
return -1;
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
// Initialize the symbol table
// Initialize pin
if (PIN_Init(argc, argv)) return Usage();
// Routine instrumentation
RTN_AddInstrumentFunction(Routine, 0);
// Register Instruction to be called to instrument instructions
INS_AddInstrumentFunction(Instruction, 0);
// Start the program, never returns
return 0;
I have few questions regarding that.
How can I understand such a behavior? And how can I detect rsp if I want to? Lastly, how does the instruction prints rsp, but REG(INS_OperandReg(ins, 0)) == REG_STACK_PTR can not detect it?
The INS objects are only valid inside instrumentation routines, such as your Instruction routine. The INS type is nothing but a 32-bit integer that identifies an instruction. The Pin runtime internally maintains a table that maps these 32-bit integers to specific static instructions. It creates such a table whenever it's about to call an instrumentation routine. When the instrumentation routine returns, there is no guarantee that any of these identifiers map to the same static instructions and they may not even be valid. So when you save a copy of an INS object in the following line of code:
insstack.insert(std::make_pair(INS_Address(ins), new Insr(string(INS_Disassemble(ins)),
that copy is only useful in the same instance of the Instruction routine. The next time the Instruction routine is called (or any other instrumentation routine), an instruction identifier might be reused for other instructions.
If you really want to pass an instruction to an analysis routine, you have two options:
Copy the actual bytes of the instruction to a buffer and pass the address of the buffer and later decode it using the XED API.
Pass the address of the instruction and later decode it using the XED API. This works if the instruction is guaranteed to be available at the same location later.
I asked this question few days ago.
I wanted to get the stack allocation size (after the function creation). The answer suggests to do:
if((INS_Opcode(ins) == XED_ICLASS_ADD || INS_Opcode(ins) == XED_ICLASS_SUB) &&
REG(INS_OperandReg(ins, 0)) == REG_STACK_PTR && INS_OperandIsImmediate(ins, 1)
Which in theory is correct and does make sense. But, it doesn't work in practice (correct me if I'm wrong here). It works perfectly fine if I remove REG(INS_OperandReg(ins, 0)) == REG_STACK_PTR check. Why? Because pin doesn't detect the REG_STACK_PTR register when REG(INS_OperandReg(ins, 0)) is used to detect it. rather, it detects ah (which I believe is RAX), when I do check against add rsp, 0xffffffffffffff80 instruction (so, every time it gives: register: ah), as can be seen in my output below:
register: rbp
40051e push rbp
register: *invalid*
value: -128
40051f mov rbp, rsp
register: ah
400522 add rsp, 0xffffffffffffff80
register: *invalid*
400526 mov dword ptr [rbp-0x28], 0x7
register: *invalid*
40052d mov dword ptr [rbp-0x64], 0x9
register: eax
400534 mov eax, 0x0
register: *invalid*
400539 call 0x4004e6
register: rbp
4004e6 push rbp
register: *invalid*
value: 64
4004e7 mov rbp, rsp
register: ah
4004ea sub rsp, 0x40
register: *invalid*
4004ee mov dword ptr [rbp-0xc], 0x4
register: rax
4004f5 lea rax, ptr [rbp-0xc]
register: *invalid*
4004f9 mov qword ptr [rbp-0x8], rax
register: rax
4004fd mov rax, qword ptr [rbp-0x8]
register: eax
400501 mov eax, dword ptr [rax]
register: *invalid*
400503 mov esi, eax
register: edi
400505 mov edi, 0x4005d0
register: eax
40050a mov eax, 0x0
register: rdi
40050f call 0x4003f0
register: rdi
4003f0 jmp qword ptr [rip+0x200c22]
register: *invalid*
4003f6 push 0x0
register: *invalid*
4003fb jmp 0x4003e0
register: *invalid*
4003e0 push qword ptr [rip+0x200c22]
register: rdi
4003e6 jmp qword ptr [rip+0x200c24]
register: *invalid*
400514 mov dword ptr [rbp-0x3c], 0x3
40051b nop
register: *invalid*
40051c leave
register: *invalid*
40051d ret
register: eax
40053e mov eax, 0x0
register: *invalid*
400543 leave
Well, interestingly it does this for every occurrences of rsp (i.e. it detects ah instead of rsp). Also, it always prints the instruction 400522 add rsp, 0xffffffffffffff80, including rsp (So, why it doesn't print ah here?)
If ah represents rsp in some way, then I can always detect ah using: REG(INS_OperandReg(ins, 0)) == REG_AH. But, I want to understand what is going on here.
My code:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "pin.H"
#include <unordered_map>
// key to open the main Routine
static uint32_t key = 0;
// Ins object mapping
class Insr
// Disassembled instruction
string insDis;
INS ins;
Insr(string insDis, INS ins) { this->insDis = insDis; this->ins = ins;}
string get_insDis() { return insDis;}
INS get_ins() { return ins;}
// Stack for the Insr structure
static std::unordered_map<ADDRINT, Insr*> insstack;
// This function is called before every instruction is executed
VOID protect(uint64_t addr)
if (addr > 0x700000000000)
if (!key)
// Initialize the diassembled instruction
string insdis = insstack[addr]->get_insDis();
INS ins = insstack[addr]->get_ins();
if (INS_OperandCount(ins) > 0)
if (REG(INS_OperandReg(ins, 0)) == REG_AH)
std::cout << "register: " << REG_StringShort(REG(INS_OperandReg(ins, 0))) << '\n';
if((INS_Opcode(ins) == XED_ICLASS_ADD || INS_Opcode(ins) == XED_ICLASS_SUB) &&
INS_OperandIsImmediate(ins, 1))
int value = INS_OperandImmediate(ins, 1);
std::cout << "value: " << dec<<value << '\n';
std::cout << hex <<addr << "\t" << insdis << std::endl;
// Pin calls this function every time a new instruction is encountered
VOID Instruction(INS ins, VOID *v)
if (INS_Address(ins) > 0x700000000000)
insstack.insert(std::make_pair(INS_Address(ins), new Insr(string(INS_Disassemble(ins)),
// if (REG_valid_for_iarg_reg_value(INS_MemoryIndexReg(ins)))
// std::cout << "true" << '\n';
// Insert a call to docount before every instruction, no arguments are passed
INS_InsertCall(ins, IPOINT_BEFORE, (AFUNPTR)protect, IARG_ADDRINT, INS_Address(ins),
// Lock Routine
void mutex_lock()
key = 0;
void mutex_unlock()
key = 1;
void Routine(RTN rtn, VOID *V)
if (RTN_Name(rtn) == "main")
RTN_InsertCall(rtn, IPOINT_BEFORE, (AFUNPTR)mutex_unlock, IARG_END);
RTN_InsertCall(rtn, IPOINT_AFTER, (AFUNPTR)mutex_lock, IARG_END);
INT32 Usage()
cerr << "This tool counts the number of dynamic instructions executed" << endl;
cerr << endl << KNOB_BASE::StringKnobSummary() << endl;
return -1;
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
// Initialize the symbol table
// Initialize pin
if (PIN_Init(argc, argv)) return Usage();
// Routine instrumentation
RTN_AddInstrumentFunction(Routine, 0);
// Register Instruction to be called to instrument instructions
INS_AddInstrumentFunction(Instruction, 0);
// Start the program, never returns
return 0;
I have few questions regarding that.
How can I understand such a behavior? And how can I detect rsp if I want to? Lastly, how does the instruction prints rsp, but REG(INS_OperandReg(ins, 0)) == REG_STACK_PTR can not detect it?
The INS objects are only valid inside instrumentation routines, such as your Instruction routine. The INS type is nothing but a 32-bit integer that identifies an instruction. The Pin runtime internally maintains a table that maps these 32-bit integers to specific static instructions. It creates such a table whenever it's about to call an instrumentation routine. When the instrumentation routine returns, there is no guarantee that any of these identifiers map to the same static instructions and they may not even be valid. So when you save a copy of an INS object in the following line of code:
insstack.insert(std::make_pair(INS_Address(ins), new Insr(string(INS_Disassemble(ins)),
that copy is only useful in the same instance of the Instruction routine. The next time the Instruction routine is called (or any other instrumentation routine), an instruction identifier might be reused for other instructions.
If you really want to pass an instruction to an analysis routine, you have two options:
Copy the actual bytes of the instruction to a buffer and pass the address of the buffer and later decode it using the XED API.
Pass the address of the instruction and later decode it using the XED API. This works if the instruction is guaranteed to be available at the same location later.
I have a simple class with one private member that is accessible via get() and set() in a multithreaded environment (multi readers/multi writers). how do I lock a Get() as it only has a return statement?
class MyValue
System::CriticalSection lock;
int val { 0 };
int SetValue(int arg)
val = arg;
int GetValue()
return val;
//Where should I do lock.Leave()?
Don't lock anything. In your example, it is enough if you make your member an std::atomic integer.
You do not need anything else here. As a matter of fact, due to Intel architecture (strong memory ordering model), this std::atomic is not even likely to cause any performance issues.
I'm not a multithreading expert, but I think following should work.
int GetValue()
int ret = val;
return ret;
This is a demonstration of the synchronization object from hauron's answer -- I wanted to show that object construction and destruction overhead simply does not exist with an optomized build.
In the code below, CCsGrabber is an RAII-like class which enters a critical section (wrapped by a CCritical object) when constructed, then leaves it when destroyed:
class CCsGrabber {
class CCritical& m_Cs;
CCsGrabber(CCritical& cs);
class CCritical {
CCritical() {
~CCritical() { DeleteCriticalSection(&cs); }
void Enter() { EnterCriticalSection(&cs); }
void Leave() { LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); }
void Lock() { Enter(); }
void Unlock() { Leave(); }
inline CCsGrabber::CCsGrabber(CCritical& cs) : m_Cs(cs) { m_Cs.Enter(); }
inline CCsGrabber::CCsGrabber(CCritical *pcs) : m_Cs(*pcs) { m_Cs.Enter(); }
inline CCsGrabber::~CCsGrabber() { m_Cs.Leave(); }
Now, a global CCritical object is created (cs), which is used in SerialFunc(), along with a local CCsGrabber instance (csg) to take care of locking and unlocking:
CCritical cs;
DWORD last_tick = 0;
void SerialFunc() {
CCsGrabber csg(cs);
last_tick = GetTickCount();
int main() {
std::cout << last_tick << std::endl;
And below is the dissasembly of main() from an optimized 32-bit build. (I apologize for pasting in the whole thing -- I wanted to show that I wasn't hiding anything:
int main() {
00401C80 push ebp
00401C81 mov ebp,esp
00401C83 and esp,0FFFFFFF8h
00401C86 push 0FFFFFFFFh
00401C88 push 41B038h
00401C8D mov eax,dword ptr fs:[00000000h]
00401C93 push eax
00401C94 mov dword ptr fs:[0],esp
00401C9B sub esp,0Ch
00401C9E push esi
00401C9F push edi
00401CA0 push 427B78h ; pointer to CS object
00401CA5 call dword ptr ds:[41C00Ch] ; _RtlEnterCriticalSection#4:
00401CAB call dword ptr ds:[41C000h] ; _GetTickCountStub#0:
00401CB1 push 427B78h ; pointer to CS object
00401CB6 mov dword ptr ds:[00427B74h],eax ; return value => last_tick
00401CBB call dword ptr ds:[41C008h] ; _RtlLeaveCriticalSection#4:
std::cout << last_tick << std::endl;
00401CC1 push ecx
00401CC2 call std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> >::operator<< (0401D90h)
00401CC7 mov esi,eax
00401CC9 lea eax,[esp+0Ch]
00401CCD push eax
00401CCE mov ecx,dword ptr [esi]
00401CD0 mov ecx,dword ptr [ecx+4]
00401CD3 add ecx,esi
00401CD5 call std::ios_base::getloc (0401BD0h)
00401CDA push eax
00401CDB mov dword ptr [esp+20h],0
00401CE3 call std::use_facet<std::ctype<char> > (0403E40h)
00401CE8 mov dword ptr [esp+20h],0FFFFFFFFh
00401CF0 add esp,4
00401CF3 mov ecx,dword ptr [esp+0Ch]
00401CF7 mov edi,eax
00401CF9 test ecx,ecx
00401CFB je main+8Eh (0401D0Eh)
00401CFD mov edx,dword ptr [ecx]
00401CFF call dword ptr [edx+8]
00401D02 test eax,eax
00401D04 je main+8Eh (0401D0Eh)
00401D06 mov edx,dword ptr [eax]
00401D08 mov ecx,eax
00401D0A push 1
00401D0C call dword ptr [edx]
00401D0E mov eax,dword ptr [edi]
00401D10 mov ecx,edi
00401D12 push 0Ah
00401D14 mov eax,dword ptr [eax+20h]
00401D17 call eax
00401D19 movzx eax,al
00401D1C mov ecx,esi
00401D1E push eax
00401D1F call std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> >::put (0404220h)
00401D24 mov ecx,esi
00401D26 call std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> >::flush (0402EB0h)
00401D2B mov ecx,dword ptr [esp+14h]
00401D2F xor eax,eax
00401D31 pop edi
00401D32 mov dword ptr fs:[0],ecx
00401D39 pop esi
00401D3A mov esp,ebp
00401D3C pop ebp
00401D3D ret
So we can see that SerialFunc() was inlined directly into main, after prologue at the beginning and before the cout code -- and nowhere to be found is any superflouous object creation, memory allocation or anything -- it just looks like the minimum amount of assembly code required to enter the critical section, get the tick count in a variable, and then leave the critical section.
Then I changed SerialFunc() to:
void SerialFunc() {
last_tick = GetTickCount();
With explicitly-placed cs.Enter() and cs.Leave(), just to compare with the RAII version. The generated code turned out to be identical:
int main() {
00401C80 push ebp
00401C81 mov ebp,esp
00401C83 and esp,0FFFFFFF8h
00401C86 push 0FFFFFFFFh
00401C88 push 41B038h
00401C8D mov eax,dword ptr fs:[00000000h]
00401C93 push eax
00401C94 mov dword ptr fs:[0],esp
00401C9B sub esp,0Ch
00401C9E push esi
00401C9F push edi
00401CA0 push 427B78h
00401CA5 call dword ptr ds:[41C00Ch]
00401CAB call dword ptr ds:[41C000h]
00401CB1 push 427B78h
00401CB6 mov dword ptr ds:[00427B74h],eax
00401CBB call dword ptr ds:[41C008h]
std::cout << last_tick << std::endl;
00401CC1 push ecx
00401CC2 call std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> >::operator<< (0401D90h)
In my opinion, SergeyA's answer is best for the given situation -- a critical section for synchronizing reads and writes from/to 32-bit variables is excessive. However, if something comes up which calls for a critical section or mutex, using an RAII-like object to simplify your code is probably not going to incur significant (or even any) object creation overhead.
(I used Visual C++ 2013 to compile the code above)
Consider using a class wrapper locking in ctor, and unlocking in dtor. See standard implementation: http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/thread/unique_lock
This way you don't need to remember about unlocking in case of complex code or exceptions thrown within your code, altering the normal execution.
I found this call sub_10636F0 in 5 different places trying to figure out how to call it from C++ DLL which is injected into the target application so It has full access to all the calls in that application.
I had a chart of all the places where it's called most of these call's are cut right after another call above it, to ensure it's completeness.
I read tons of questions on stackoverflow about this subject found a few good answers from Necrolis, saying if its a EDX then you could use __fastcall.
I googled to find out about ECX and it seems to also be used to __fastcall so either ECX or EDX mean __fastcall.
But the function it calls uses the wrapper
sub esp, 5F4h
add esp, 5F4h
retn 8
I have no idea what this is about again doing tons of research I think SUB ESP, XXX at beginning and ADD ESP, XXX at end are used only for _cdecl conversions
My current code looks like this
typedef void(__fastcall *TThreeParamter)(int, int, int);
typedef void(__fastcall *TTwoParamter)(int, int);
typedef void(__fastcall *TOneParamter)(int);
typedef void(__fastcall *TZeroParamter)();
TTwoParamter sub_10636F0 = (TTwoParamter)(DWORD)GetModuleHandle(NULL) + 0xC636EF;
//the call
sub_10636F0(0x11223344, 0x55667788);
Don't ask me why the 0xC636EF is different from 10636F0 in the sub, I can tell you it's going into the correct sub upon inspection in a debugger, the sub's keep moving around everytime the program is re-launched it seems to be either a protection method, or possibly because this program loads over 50 dll's and the addresses need to move around.
I tried all different configurations, 2 int's, 3 int's nothing works..
IDA detects this method as being 3 parameters, but the last parameter isn't used anywhere in the decompiled pesudo-code, which I cannot figure out,
Pseudo-code looks like this ( I did heavy modifications to it, like change it to _fastcall from __thiscall )
Pseudo-code from IDA
//probably wrong.. packet is a variable not a parameter which will crash
void __fastcall sub_10636F0(int var1)
__int128 v1; // xmm0#0
int v2; // esi#1
int v3; // ebx#1
SOCKET v4; // ebp#1
int v5; // eax#2
int v6; // ecx#3
int v7; // [sp+8h] [bp-5FCh]#7
char a2a[1492]; // [sp+10h] [bp-5F4h]#2
int v9; // [sp+5E4h] [bp-20h]#2
int v10; // [sp+5E8h] [bp-1Ch]#2
struct _FILETIME SystemTimeAsFileTime; // [sp+5F0h] [bp-14h]#2
__int16 v12; // [sp+5F8h] [bp-Ch]#2
int packet; // [sp+608h] [bp+4h]#0
int to; // [sp+60Ch] [bp+8h]#0
v2 = to;
v3 = var1;
v4 = *(_DWORD *)(packet + 220);
if ( v4 != -1 )
//snipped lots of code
//probably wrong.. packet is a variable not a paramter which will crash
void __fastcall sub_10636F0(int var1, int var2)
__int128 v2; // xmm0#0
int v3; // esi#1
int v4; // ebx#1
SOCKET v5; // ebp#1
int v6; // eax#2
int v7; // ecx#3
int v8; // [sp+8h] [bp-5FCh]#7
char a2a[1492]; // [sp+10h] [bp-5F4h]#2
int v10; // [sp+5E4h] [bp-20h]#2
int v11; // [sp+5E8h] [bp-1Ch]#2
struct _FILETIME SystemTimeAsFileTime; // [sp+5F0h] [bp-14h]#2
__int16 v13; // [sp+5F8h] [bp-Ch]#2
int packet; // [sp+608h] [bp+4h]#0
int to; // [sp+60Ch] [bp+8h]#0
v3 = to;
v4 = var1;
v5 = *(_DWORD *)(packet + 220);
if ( v5 != -1 )
//snipped lots of code
//this looks the best, but still `to` isn't detected as paramter
void __fastcall sub_10636F0(int var1, int var2, int var3)
__int128 v3; // xmm0#0
int v4; // esi#1
int v5; // ebx#1
SOCKET v6; // ebp#1
int v7; // eax#2
int v8; // ecx#3
int v9; // [sp+8h] [bp-5FCh]#7
char a2a[1492]; // [sp+10h] [bp-5F4h]#2
int v11; // [sp+5E4h] [bp-20h]#2
int v12; // [sp+5E8h] [bp-1Ch]#2
struct _FILETIME SystemTimeAsFileTime; // [sp+5F0h] [bp-14h]#2
__int16 v14; // [sp+5F8h] [bp-Ch]#2
int to; // [sp+60Ch] [bp+8h]#0
v4 = to; //still doesn't detect this..
v5 = var1; //okay this isn't bad another parameter
v6 = *(_DWORD *)(var3 + 220); //like this detects this as parameter class atleast
if ( v6 != -1 )
//snipped lots of code
This is the code IDA recommends by default
char __userpurge sub_10636F0#<al>(int a1#<ecx>, __int128 a2#<xmm0>, int a3, int a4)
int v4; // esi#1
int v5; // ebx#1
SOCKET v6; // ebp#1
int v7; // eax#2
int v8; // ecx#3
int v9; // eax#8
char v11; // [sp+8h] [bp-5FCh]#7
int v12; // [sp+10h] [bp-5F4h]#4
int v13; // [sp+24h] [bp-5E0h]#2
int v14; // [sp+28h] [bp-5DCh]#2
int v15; // [sp+2Ch] [bp-5D8h]#2
int v16; // [sp+30h] [bp-5D4h]#2
char v17; // [sp+34h] [bp-5D0h]#2
signed int v18; // [sp+5E4h] [bp-20h]#2
int v19; // [sp+5E8h] [bp-1Ch]#2
int v20; // [sp+5F0h] [bp-14h]#2
__int16 v21; // [sp+5F8h] [bp-Ch]#2
v4 = a4;
v5 = a1;
v6 = *(_DWORD *)(a3 + 220);
if ( v6 == -1 )
return 0;
//Snipped code
if ( v9 >= 0 && v9 == *(_DWORD *)(v4 + 1492) )
return 1;
return 0;
Function in ASM
.text:010636F0 ; void __fastcall sub_10636F0(int var1, int var2, int var3)
.text:010636F0 sub_10636F0 proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_1062960+E0p
.text:010636F0 ; sub_10637E0+D4p ...
.text:010636F0 a2 = byte ptr -5F4h
.text:010636F0 var_20 = dword ptr -20h
.text:010636F0 var_1C = dword ptr -1Ch
.text:010636F0 SystemTimeAsFileTime= _FILETIME ptr -14h
.text:010636F0 var_C = word ptr -0Ch
.text:010636F0 var_4 = dword ptr -4
.text:010636F0 packet = dword ptr 4
.text:010636F0 to = dword ptr 8
.text:010636F0 test = dword ptr 0Ch
.text:010636F0 sub esp, 5F4h
.text:010636F6 mov eax, ___security_cookie
.text:010636FB xor eax, esp
.text:010636FD mov [esp+5F4h+var_4], eax
.text:01063704 push ebx
.text:01063705 push ebp ; a5
.text:01063706 push esi ; a4
.text:01063707 mov esi, [esp+600h+to]
.text:0106370E push edi ; a3
.text:0106370F mov edi, [esp+604h+packet]
.text:01063716 mov ebx, ecx
.text:01063718 mov ebp, [edi+0DCh]
.text:0106371E cmp ebp, 0FFFFFFFFh
.text:01063721 jz loc_10637BB
.text:010637BB loc_10637BB: ; CODE XREF: sub_10636F0+31j
.text:010637BB ; sub_10636F0+BDj ...
.text:010637BB xor al, al
.text:010637BD loc_10637BD: ; CODE XREF: sub_10636F0+C9j
.text:010637BD mov ecx, [esp+604h+var_4]
.text:010637C4 pop edi
.text:010637C5 pop esi
.text:010637C6 pop ebp
.text:010637C7 pop ebx
.text:010637C8 xor ecx, esp
.text:010637CA call #__security_check_cookie#4 ; __security_check_cookie(x)
.text:010637CF add esp, 5F4h
.text:010637D5 retn 8
.text:010637D5 sub_10636F0 endp ; sp-analysis failed
Calls to this function in ASM
.text:010638B0 push esi ; packet
.text:010638B1 push ebx ; this
.text:010638B2 mov ecx, ebp ; this
.text:010638B4 call sub_10636F0
.text:01062A2E mov byte ptr [esi+5E9h], 1
.text:01062A35 loc_1062A35: ; CODE XREF: sub_1062960+C1j
.text:01062A35 add dword ptr [esi+5D4h], 2
.text:01062A3C push esi ; packet
.text:01062A3D push edi ; this
.text:01062A3E mov ecx, ebx ; this
.text:01062A40 call sub_10636F0
.text:01063AF4 mov eax, [ebx+1128h]
.text:01063AFA mov [esp+1A4h+var_AC], eax
.text:01063B01 push esi ; packet
.text:01063B02 lea eax, [esp+1A8h+to]
.text:01063B06 push eax ; this
.text:01063B07 mov ecx, ebx ; this
.text:01063B09 mov [esp+1ACh+var_4], 1
.text:01063B14 call sub_10636F0
.text:01089145 loc_1089145: ; CODE XREF: sub_10890B0+4Fj
.text:01089145 ; sub_10890B0+67j
.text:01089145 mov ecx, [edi+110h] ; this
.text:0108914B push esi ; packet
.text:0108914C push edi ; this
.text:0108914D call sub_10636F0
.text:01089CBA mov ecx, [esi+110h] ; this
.text:01089CC0 push edi ; packet
.text:01089CC1 push esi ; this
.text:01089CC2 call sub_10636F0
I have no idea what this is about again doing tons of research I think
SUB ESP, XXX at beginning and ADD ESP, XXX at end are used only for
_cdecl conversions
No, it's used for ALL functions that use local variables (with minor variations as to exactly how it's done, but stack space needs to be allocated by subtracting from ESP, and "freed" by adding the same amount to the stack pointer.
However, the RET 8 does indeed indicate that the calling convention is NOT _cdecl, but one where the stack is cleaned up by the callee. There are a few different calling conventions that match this, but I have a feeling it's C++ code and a member function, which would make it thiscall - that does make it a little hard to simulate, since you want this in ECX.
The ret 8 says that the function has 8 bytes worth of arguments, so two int or void * variables.
I'm far from convinced there is a simple way to do this. You may be able to do something like this. Create a class X with a virtual function that takes two arguments:
class X
virtual void Func(int x, int y) { }
Then figure out where the compiler put the vtable, and modify the vtable for func to point at your target function, rather than the empty implementation of the class.
Now you can use X to create an instance:
X* p = new X;
and then call func.
p->func(1, 2);
However, if you are unlucky, the compiler doesn't realize that you have messed with the vtable, and end up calling the function directly. So you may need to do some trickery with separate compilation and other stuff.
In other words, you have your work cut out. But then reverse engineering wouldn't be any fun at all if you didn't have to trick around a bit.
Of course, the cheaters method is to just write a few lines of inline assembler, like such:
void CallMyFunc(void *func, int a, int b, int c)
__asm(mov ecx, a
push b
push c
call *func);
[It's about 10 years since I last wrote Windows inline assembly code, so apologies if the syntax isn't quite right - consider it a "rough sketch" and do modify it until it actually compiles...]
Im trying to get the starting address of buf. So I compile the following program and load it up in gdb.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
char buf[128];
if(argc < 2) return 1;
strcpy(buf, argv[1]);
printf("%s\n", buf);
return 0;
On disassembling main we get:-
(gdb) disassemble main
Dump of assembler code for function main:
0x080483b4 <main+0>: push ebp
0x080483b5 <main+1>: mov ebp,esp
0x080483b7 <main+3>: sub esp,0xa8
0x080483bd <main+9>: and esp,0xfffffff0
0x080483c0 <main+12>: mov eax,0x0
0x080483c5 <main+17>: sub esp,eax
0x080483c7 <main+19>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8],0x1
0x080483cb <main+23>: jg 0x80483d9 <main+37>
0x080483cd <main+25>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-0x8c],0x1
0x080483d7 <main+35>: jmp 0x8048413 <main+95>
0x080483d9 <main+37>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [ebp+0xc]
0x080483dc <main+40>: add eax,0x4
0x080483df <main+43>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [eax]
0x080483e1 <main+45>: mov DWORD PTR [esp+0x4],eax
0x080483e5 <main+49>: lea eax,[ebp-0x88]
0x080483eb <main+55>: mov DWORD PTR [esp],eax
0x080483ee <main+58>: call 0x80482d4 <strcpy#plt>
0x080483f3 <main+63>: lea eax,[ebp-0x88]
0x080483f9 <main+69>: mov DWORD PTR [esp+0x4],eax
0x080483fd <main+73>: mov DWORD PTR [esp],0x8048524
0x08048404 <main+80>: call 0x80482b4 <printf#plt>
0x08048409 <main+85>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-0x8c],0x0
0x08048413 <main+95>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x8c]
0x08048419 <main+101>: leave
0x0804841a <main+102>: ret
End of assembler dump.
In order to find the starting address of buf, I need to see the address which is being loaded into eax. When I set a breakpoint at 0x080483e5 or 0x080483ee I get the following.
(gdb) b 0x080483eb
Function "0x080483eb" not defined.
Make breakpoint pending on future shared library load? (y or [n])
(gdb) run test
Starting program: /levels/level05 test
Program exited normally.
What am I doing wrong? Why doesn't the program execution pause at that address?
If you want to set a break point at an address, you have to say b *0x080483eb
See here for more info.
You should also compile your program with -g , and without optimization. You can just break main to stop when you get to main, step a few lines with n and print buf with p buf