How to deploy pure html to Octopress? - github-pages

I am using Octopress to write posts, which uses markdown file to generate html files, using :
rake new_post['my_post']
rake generate
But what if I need to add some JavaScript demo inside my post, which I need to write some code inside the post, which may possibly be a html page I am writing as.
Can I achieve this with Octopress and remain overall consistency of style?

You can put your Javascript block into its own HTML file, in your source/_includes/ directory. Then you can embed that into your post using Liquid include tags:
layout: post
title: "JS Demo"
date: 2015-01-01 01:01:01
{% include myjs.html %}
and the contents of myjs.html would be:
<div id="myelement"></div>
$('div#myelement').text("hello world");
and myjs.html would be at source/_includes/myjs.html. Then your final page source code would (for example) render as:
<div><h1>JS Demo</h1></div>
<div id="myelement">hello world</div>
If you want to structure the Javascript code you're including a bit more, you can make a directory for Javascript files in (e.g.) source/_includes/demo/, then put your Javascript into source/_includes/demo.html. Then your markdown would have the following Liquid include tags:
{% include demo/demo.html %}


Where does the head section come from when github pages generates source?

I created for my GitHub pages site
with the following in
title: This is my title
layout: default
## Welcome to GitHub Pages My
I am just editing the directly in the GitHub editor. I have not installed Jekyll locally.
What do I change so that the generated source does not have my repository name in the title ?
Looking at the source I have
I have tried changing the theme.
I also tried experimented with adding a header.html to the _includes folder
This caused me to start receiving emails with subject containing "Page build failed"
Since then I have removed all the folders. I no longer get the "Page build failed" email, but I am unsure of how to proceed.
GitHub Pages silently sets default layouts using jekyll-default-layout, as described in Publishing with GitHub Pages, now as easy as 1, 2, 3.
To avoid this, you can create your own _layouts/default.html, which should look something like this:
{{ content }}
And then apply the layout to your files:
layout: default
If you want to include the page title in the title tag, you can do something like this instead of the _layouts/default.html above:
<title>{{ page.title }}</title>
{{ content }}
Which will use the title in your YAML front matter:
layout: default
title: Title
For more information, take a look at the Jekyll documentation:
The site title can be set in _config.yml
However it seems that the _layout\default.html is also required to make the setting work.
The help to set up the default.html is here
under the title "Customizing your Jekyll theme's HTML layout"
Post content will mention name of layout file which will be in _layout folder. So for following post corresponding layout will be in _layouts/default.html
title: This is a post with default layout
layout: default
Some text for post
Typically default.html layout consumes files head.html and header.html inside _includes folder.
Now you have to look at markdown of your page or post and identify its parent layout (inside _layouts) and from there drill-down into _includes. This will allow you to trace lines those are getting generated into output html. Also you can have your own _includes and _layouts for custom html output.

WYSIWYG editor pastes html tags in output textfield

I use this redactor for admin site django-wysiwyg-redactor
But when I enter some text, it pastes it with html tags. When discovering my source code, I noticed that html code that is responsible for my input data, is placed in quotes.
I think you have to use "safe", the built-in template filter to render the html properly in your template. Example:
{{ myTextField|safe }}
Safe in django docs

Wagtail Image template tags

I'm using Django-variant CMS Wagtail and am trying to build my own templates for it.
I can upload images into the rich text field in Wagtail's CMS as shown:
In my template's html, I would like to be able to call specific images uploaded in the body so that I can style those specific images differently with js.
perhaps something like {{ body.image }}?
the html:
{% extends 'wagweb/base.html' %}
{% load rich_text static compress cache image_tags pageurl %}
{% block content %}
<div class="box">
<article class ="content">
{{ self.body | richtext }}
{% endblock %}
I'm lost at this point, as I can't figure out how to find the pre-existing tag dictionary (if there is any) or to create one without messing with the Or would it be more straight-forward to install markdown into the richtextfield and work from there?
I'm tons more comfortable with html and css, so one solution is to simply write everything in html and use {{ MEDIA_URL }} to call the specific images. But that seems like an unintelligent way to use Wagtail and Django.
Currently the rich text editor doesn't support embedded images with custom attributes (like CSS classes). It also doesn't provide a HTML source editor for the richtext field.
However, if you don't need to have the images inline with the rich text (but rather before or after the text, you could include them in your page model using InlinePanel pointing to table which uses a ParentalKey. Then, in your templates, you could loop through multiple images and apply the specialized CSS classes. The Wagtail demo project uses this method to create an image carousel. You can find some explanation on the more general tactic of using ParentalKey/InlinePanel here in the Editing API.

Django - How to break the HTML code in file

I've many lines of code in HTML(over 1000), I want to break the HTML code into different files and then include that code in the main file. In PHP, we have <?php
?>, and we can include the somfile.php under main file.
Is there something similar in Django?
You can try "include",
{% include xxxx.html %}
More details is in django's document

How do I include raw HTML files in Symfony2/Twig templates?

I'm working on a project in Symfony2 and I have several small pieces of html that need to be included in one of my main views. According to the official Twig documentation I should be able to simply use {% include 'filename.html' %} but in Symfony unless the filename ends in ".html.twig" it throws and error saying it cannot find the file. I'd like to avoid using Twig templates for these files since they have no dynamic content and lots of double braces (they're javascript templates) and requiring the template designer to have to wrap every one of these files in {% raw %} tags seems like a really Kludgey way to do it.
I also came upon the same problem trying to find a solution to include files (mustache templates) as raw in Twig templates so Twig doesn't try to parse them.
At first I had my mustache template files named simply sometemplate.html and wrapped in {% raw %} tags. This worked for a while, but then I started using PhpStorm IDE with the Handlebars plugin (for mustache syntax). For PhpStorm to recognize the files as mustache syntax, they need to have a unique file extension (.mustache by default), so I renamed my sometemplate.html to sometemplate.mustache but I really disliked the idea that my mustache templates needed to be wrapped with Twig tags. So I ended up doing what #rdjs said in his option 3. This is the best solution imo.
Here's the working Twig extension function I made:
function twig_include_raw(Twig_Environment $env, $template) {
return $env->getLoader()->getSource($template);
$twig->addFunction('include_raw', new Twig_Function_Function('twig_include_raw', array('needs_environment' => true)));
With this in place you can easily include files as "raw" without Twig parsing them by doing:
{{ include_raw('sometemplate.mustache')|raw }}
I even made a Twig macro for simplifying including mustache templates to HTML head sections:
{% macro mustache_script(id, file) -%}
<script id="{{ id }}" type="text/x-mustache-template">
{{ include_raw(file)|raw }}
{%- endmacro %}
And after importing the file with the above macro to your Twig template ({% import "macros.twig" %} for example), you can easily import mustache template files in your Twig templates by simply doing {{ mustache_script('sometemplate_tpl', 'sometemplate.mustache') }} inside a HTML <head> section.
I hope this helps someone who's looking for a solution to the same problem.
A quick recap on twig file extensions (taken from the documentation):
Every template name also has two extensions that specify the format and engine for that template.
AcmeBlogBundle:Blog:index.html.twig - HTML format, Twig engine
AcmeBlogBundle:Blog:index.html.php - HTML format, PHP engine
AcmeBlogBundle:Blog:index.css.twig - CSS format, Twig engine
By default, any Symfony2 template can be written in either Twig or PHP, and the last part of the extension (e.g. .twig or .php) specifies which of these two engines should be used. The first part of the extension, (e.g. .html, .css, etc) is the final format that the template will generate.
Therefore it makes sense to me that including a file as .html would be at the least ambiguous even if it didn't throw an error.
So you have 3 choices:
If the files are purely javascript then include them as script tags in your page.
If they are mixed HTML and JS then escape the JS with {% raw %} and include the files as foo.html.twig templates. If there are lots of scripts being included like this then most likely your designers could do with a little refactoring and move the bulk of their scripts to external files (see option 1)
If you really insist you could always write a Twig extension to include raw HTML files. (EDIT: See #Haprog's answer below for more details on this option).
{{ include_html('foo/bar.html') }}
UPDATE 2015 twig has since added the source function:
{{ source('AcmeSomeBundle:Default:somefile.html.twig') }}
Kudos to #Nigel Angel in the comments below for option 4.
I came accross this post, as I had a similar question. After an hour or so searching and trying, I found out, that as from Twig Version 1.15 the "source Function" was added.
Maybe that helps someone in the future.
Follow up on Kari, if you're in an extension.. you can apply it this way.
public function getFunctions() {
return [
'include_raw' => new \Twig_Function_Method($this, 'twig_include_raw', array('needs_environment'=> true, 'is_safe'=> array('all')))
And that'd be a $this->twig_include_raw type method. You'd include within your template as:
{{ include_raw("my/file/here.html.twig") }}
No need for " | raw".