Parenthesis after variable name C++ - c++

Working with the below source code (it is open source) and I've never seen parenthesis after a variable name. UDefEnergyH is definitely a variable as can be seen in line 1. Can anyone tell me what these parenthesis are doing? Don't really know how to Google this. Thanks.
bins[0] = UDefEnergyH.GetLowEdgeEnergy(size_t(0));
vals[0] = UDefEnergyH(size_t(0)); //Don't know what this does???
sum = vals[0];
for (ii = 1; ii < maxbin; ii++) {
bins[ii] = UDefEnergyH.GetLowEdgeEnergy(size_t(ii));
vals[ii] = UDefEnergyH(size_t(ii)) + vals[ii - 1];
sum = sum + UDefEnergyH(size_t(ii));
And it is declared here in the header file:
G4PhysicsOrderedFreeVector UDefEnergyH;

It appears operator() is overloaded for the tyupe of UDefEnerfyH.
One way to do this is this solution
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct MJ {
void GetLowEdgeEnergy(size_t arg) {
cout << "GetLowEdgeEnergy, arg = " << arg << endl;
void operator ()(size_t arg) {
cout << "operator (), arg = " << arg << endl;
int main() {
MJ UDefEnergyH;
return 0;

It seems you are referring to the field in the class G4SPSEneDistribution. Its type is G4PhysicsOrderedFreeVector. And have a look at its members here. As you can see there is operator() overloaded and apparently this is what is called on the second line. It is not very easy to find out what that does, but if you have a look at the comment in the header file for G4PhysicsVector, you will see:
00100 // Returns simply the value in the bin specified by 'binNumber'
00101 // of the dataVector. The boundary check will not be Done. If
00102 // you want this check, use the operator [].

This is what is known as direct initialization, in which it first constructs the object with '0' as an immediate parameter, and then assigns it to the first index of the vals array.


Pointers with cout in C++

I am in the process of learning C++ and SDL, and when I tried to print the content of an array I ran into some confusion. I have an array with two values in it, 2 and 3. When I want to print the values like this:
int* test = myApp.countDivisions(5);
std::cout << "Horizontal: " << *test<< std::endl;
std::cout << "Vertical: " << *(test+1) << std::endl;
I get:
Horizontal: -858993460
Vertical: -858993460
But when I write:
int* test = countDivisions(5);
int foo = *(test);
int boo = *(test+1);
std::cout << "Horizontal: " << foo << std::endl;
std::cout << "Vertical: " << boo << std::endl;
I get:
Horizontal: 2
Vertical: 3
I am confused as to why this happens. If anyone could explain why this behaviour happens, it would be great! I am aware that I should not be using C arrays in C++, but I am still interested in understanding what is happenning here!.
Edit: I modified a typo in the first example.
Also I got asked what my countDivisions(int) function does so here is the entire code:
#include <iostream>
#include <SDL.h>
class SDLApplication {
//This is the window of the application:
SDL_Window* AppWindow;
//This is the surface displayed by the window:
SDL_Surface* WindowSurface;
SDL_Renderer* Renderer;
//This is the name of the App:
std::string AppName;
//These are the dimensions of the window displaying the App
int WindowWidth;
int WindowHeight;
SDLApplication(std::string name) {
AppWindow = NULL;
WindowSurface = NULL;
AppName = name;
WindowHeight = 0;
WindowWidth = 0;
Renderer = NULL;
int* countDivisions(int divisions) {
//This helper functions takes as input the number of divisions on the screen and returns an array that tells
//us how many horizontal and vertical divisions we have, assuming we divide linearly starting from the right corner.
int horizontal = 0;
int vertical = 0;
int i = 0;
int divTemp = pow(2,i);
int divCount = divTemp;
int temp;
while (divCount < divisions) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
//Our power of two is pair, so we are adding horizontal divisions
horizontal += divTemp;
else {
//Our power of two is odd, so we are adding vertical divisions
vertical += divTemp;
divTemp = pow(2,i);
temp = divCount + divTemp;
if ( temp> divisions) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
//Our power of two is pair, so we are adding horizontal divisions
horizontal += divisions-divCount;
else {
//Our power of two is odd, so we are adding vertical divisions
vertical += divisions-divCount;
divCount =temp;
int result[] = { horizontal, vertical };
return result;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
SDLApplication myApp("SDL_Test");
int* test = myApp.countDivisions(5);
std::cout << "Horizontal: " << *test << std::endl;
std::cout << "Vertical: " << *(test + 1) << std::endl;
return 0;
I think printing *int is undefined behaviour - it is kind of meaningless. This expression is a type. Its a bit like saying "where is human" rather then "where is the human called bob" (ok, bit of a rubbish analogy), a type does not have an address on its own.
Your second example int* test is a variable named test which has a type of int* (pointer to an integer). You set the value of the pointer test to something (whatever myApp.countDivisions(5); returns - you should tell us what that returns).
int foo = *(test);
int boo = *(test+1);
foo is an integer variable that you set to the value of what test points to - and not the address itself. boo is set to the contents of the next address (address of test + 1).
If you want to print the address of the pointers you should do:
std::cout << "Horizontal: " << test << std::endl;
If you want to print the value of what the pointer is pointing to you should do:
std::cout << "Horizontal: " << *test << std::endl;
This is called dereferencing. See this little example:
update: updated as per question update
You are returning a pointer to a local variable called result. That variable is destroyed at the end of your countDevisions() function, which will lead to undefined behaviour (which you are seeing) meaning anything can happen!. See here for an example of that with the warnings printed out:
"A" fix for that is to change the scope of result by making its lifetime the entire life of the program, this can be done by making it static. Note I do this for demonstration only - this is not a good solution, but see it here working:
Perhaps a better solution would be to return a container from the standard template library (STL) like std::vector (something like an array):
Or perhaps (after reading your code properly) you don't really even want an array, it seems you just want two values: vertical and horizontal. So you could define your own struct and use that - this seems more optimal: This also makes more sense to the user of your function by being able to reference horizontal/vertical by name and not by some array index.
TLDR: "turn on warnings" and search for "c++ return multiple values"
You need to include iostream and define three classes, and fix two additional typos.
#include <iostream>
typedef int SDL_Window;
typedef int SDL_Surface;
typedef int SDL_Renderer;
This results in code that gives a useful warning message, which tells you that SDLApplication::countDivisions returns the address of a local variable or temporary. As you later attempt to use that temporary object which has gone out of scope, the result is, not surprisingly, undefined behavior.
Your function returns multiple values. You could have created an std::tuple object, but I would just define a struct so you can return one value, with named members.
struct Divisions {
int horizontal;
int vertical;
class SDLApplication {
Divisions countDivisions(int divisions) {
return Divisions{ horizontal, vertical };
see also
Return multiple values to a method caller
Returning multiple values from a C++ function

list requires class type

So I'm trying to make a bubble sort algorithm in class and I'm having this problem where it keeps giving me an error when I'm trying to find the length of the list where it says "expression must have a class type" and for the life of me I cannot figure out what to do. the tutorial I'm using isn't an help and I cannot find any other people with the same problem.
if anyone gets what it is asking I would appreciate the help, and any explanation would also be appreciated as I'm still new and would like to understand so I can try to learn
this was all done on VS 2017 (the free version)
#include "pch.h"
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
int main()
bool found = true;
int target{ 0 };
int temp{};
bool ordered{ false };
int list[10] = { 4,6,5,1,3,2,10,8,9,7 };
cout << list.length() << endl;
bool swapped{ false };
while (ordered = false)
target = 0;
while (target != list.length)
if (list[target] > list[target + 1])
swapped == true;
list[target] = temp;
list[target] = list[target + 1];
list[target + 1] = temp;
target = target + 1;
target = target + 1;
if (swapped == false)
ordered = true;
cout << list << endl;
return 0;
link to the photo of the error message
The error you have mentioned ("expression must have a class type") is caused by the below statement and other similar statements :
cout << list.length() << endl;
list is an integer array of size 10 as per this statement int list[10];
So you cannot use a . on it. You can use the . operator on a structure or class or union only. And even if list were a class/structure, length() method should be defined in it for the above to work.
Instead you should use sizeof operator. You can store it in a variable and use it later on.
size_t length = sizeof list/sizeof list[0];
cout << length << endl;

A function is outside main,it requires use of a variable how do use it?

My function is outside main()
it's this
void Ydisplay(int D1[])
for(int i=0;i<a;i++)
the array D1 is a dynamic array
the error is 'a' is undefined it's taken from user so it has to be in main..
but is there any other option?
You have to pass the array size along as a function parameter:
void Ydisplay(std::size_t len, int D1[])
for (std::size_t i = 0; i != len ;++i)
std::cout << '\t' << D1[i];
In C++, you would use a std:vector<int>, though.
void Ydisplay(std::vector<int> const & D1)
for (int n : D1)
std::cout << '\t' << n;
a is not know to function Ydisplay() it is local to main(), Pass value a from main.
change function syntax as:
void Ydisplay(int D1[], int a)
^ add
A syntax error, missing ":
cout<<"\t" <<D1[i];
// ^ added
Have your function in this way.,
void Ydisplay(int D1[])
cin >> a; //Remove getting input from main()
for(int i=0;i<a;i++)
I think you need to understand what you are trying to do. In this particular code, You are trying to print elements that are in the array D1. So you print the element starting from D1[0] to D1[n]. You use the for loop to traverse through each element in the array D1. int i starts at i = 0 to the last element which is i < sizeof(D1)/sizeof(int). You don`t need variable a, it make no sense with what you are trying to do. To print on each line try: cout << D1[i] << endl;

dynamic_bitset, crash my program

I'm new with boost. I have a program which uses dynamic_bitset inside a lambda function. After I try to run the program, I get this message. This message appears even without the function that initializes the bitset and the functions that handle it.
Does anybody know what this message means and what might be the problem?
The message:
/usr/include/boost/dynamic_bitset/dynamic_bitset.hpp:616: boost::dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>::~dynamic_bitset() [with Block = long unsigned int, Allocator = std::allocator<long unsigned int>]: Assertion 'm_check_invariants()' failed.
well the code is something like this
main call to this function :
int Molecule::initSimilarity(int depth){
cout << "_size is: " << _size << "\t depth is: " << depth << endl; //TODO delete
AtomSet viewing(_size);
int m = 0;
// break into initial groups by symbol and valancy
for(int i=0 ; i<_size ; i++)
if(viewing[i]) continue;
AtomSet mask = getSetMask( //AtomSet is typedef for dynamic_bitset
[&](const Atom& b)->bool
return (!viewing[b._index] && b._valence == _atoms[i]->_valence && strcmp(b._symbol, _atoms[i]->_symbol) == 0);
[&](Atom &b)
b._class = m; //set the equivalence class of atom 'b' to 'm'
viewing |= mask; //viewing now contains a set of atoms and for each atom it's equivalence class
cout << "number of equivalence class: " << m << endl; //TODO DELETE!
for (int j = 0; j < depth ; j++){
AtomSet viewed(_size);
int before = m;
// iteratively refine the breakdown into groups
for (int i = 0 ; i < _size ; i++) //for any atom A
if (viewed[i]) continue;
AtomSet mask = getSetMask(//put all atoms which are equivalnt but not similar to A in
//their own equivalence class
[&](const Atom& b)->bool
if (viewed[b._index])
return false; //if b is in viewed return false;
if (_atoms[i]->_class == b._class) //if in the same class add b to viewed
bool similar = !isSimilar(*_atoms[i],b);
return similar;
return false;
[&m](Atom& b)
b._class = m;
if (!mask.none()) m++;
if (before == m){
std::cout << "Finished early after just " << j << " iterations" << std::endl;
return m;
return m;
the signature of getSetMask is:
AtomSet getSetMask(std::function property, std::function action);
and the weirdest thing that even when i remove all the content of that function it still give me the error message
Probably the dynamic_bitset variable that you are referencing in the lambda has gone out of scope and has already been destroyed, or something similar. (Without the source code it's difficult to be more specific)
I had that problem and it took me 3 hours to find out the problem. Here is what can happen: The operator[] in dynamic_bitset does not do bound checking. So, one value can be assigned outside of allowed range and this does not create any error (sanitizer/valgrind do not see anything) since dynamic_bitset is using 64 bit integers (on my computer at least) in order to store values. So, you can get a stored integer of 32 while you allowed only 4 bits in the dynamic_bitset. The error is triggered at a later time when m_check_invariant() is called for example when the destructor is called.
So, the problem becomes to find this range error. The solution is to edit the boost/dynamic_bitset.hpp and add print statement in the code of operator[] when an operation out of range is called. If you cannot do that then download the boost library and install it in your home directory.
I had a similar problem with dynamic_bitset that was solved by calling reset() on it before it got destroyed.
That can indicate that you are writing past the end of the bitset without resizing it. Might want to do some bounds checking.
Read the explaination of Mathieu Dutour Sikiric. The problem is that you write outside of allowed range of the bitset via operator[] and this does not create any error because it's boost and it doesn't bother to waste compute time checking that you have right to write where you want. It is C++ you know...
So to detect it, go to boost/dynamic_bitset/dynamic_bitset.hpp, and modify the code to impose checks every time you use operator[].
boost/dynamic_bitset/dynamic_bitset.hpp, around line 300.
reference operator[](size_type pos) {
return reference(m_bits[block_index(pos)], bit_index(pos));
bool operator[](size_type pos) const {
return test(pos);
This makes it easier to detect the error in your code.

Segmentation Fault when trying to push a string to the back of a list

I am trying to write a logger class for my C++ calculator, but I'm experiencing a problem while trying to push a string into a list.
I have tried researching this issue and have found some information on this, but nothing that seems to help with my problem. I am using a rather basic C++ compiler, with little debugging utilities and I've not used C++ in quite some time (even then it was only a small amount).
My code:
#ifndef _LOGGER_H_
#define _LOGGER_H_
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <string>
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
using std::list;
using std::string;
class Logger
list<string> mEntries;
Logger() {}
~Logger() {}
// Public Methods
void WriteEntry(const string& entry)
void DisplayEntries()
cout << endl << "**********************" << endl
<< "* Logger Entries *" << endl
<< "**********************" << endl
<< endl;
for(list<string>::iterator it = mEntries.begin();
it != mEntries.end(); it++)
cout << *it << endl;
I am calling the WriteEntry method by simply passing in a string, like so:
Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated.
Now, the line:
cout << *it << endl;
causes the same error. I'm assuming this has something to do with how I am trying to get the string value from the iterator.
The code I am using to call it is in my main.cpp file:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include "CommandParser.h"
#include "CommandManager.h"
#include "Exceptions.h"
#include "Logger.h"
using std::string;
using std::stringstream;
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
#define MSG_QUIT 2384321
#define SHOW_LOGGER true
void RegisterCommands(void);
void UnregisterCommands(void);
int ApplicationLoop(void);
void CheckForLoggingOutput(void);
void ShowDebugLog(void);
// Operations
double Operation_Add(double* params);
double Operation_Subtract(double* params);
double Operation_Multiply(double* params);
double Operation_Divide(double* params);
// Variable
CommandManager *mCommandManager;
CommandParser *mCommandParser;
Logger *mLogger;
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
mLogger->WriteEntry("Registering commands...\0");
// Make sure we register all commands first
mLogger->WriteEntry("Command registration complete.\0");
// Check the input to see if we're using the program standalone,
// or not
if(argc == 0)
mLogger->WriteEntry("Starting application message pump...\0");
// Full version
int result;
result = ApplicationLoop();
} while(result != MSG_QUIT);
mLogger->WriteEntry("Starting standalone application...\0");
// Standalone - single use
// Join the args into a string
stringstream joinedStrings(argv[0]);
for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
joinedStrings << argv[i];
mLogger->WriteEntry("Parsing argument '" + joinedStrings.str() + "'...\0");
// Parse the string
// Get the command names from the parser
list<string> commandNames = mCommandParser->GetCommandNames();
// Check that all of the commands have been registered
for(list<string>::iterator it = commandNames.begin();
it != commandNames.end(); it++)
mLogger->WriteEntry("Checking command '" + *it + "' is registered...\0");
// TODO: Throw exception
mLogger->WriteEntry("Command '" + *it + "' has not been registered.\0");
// Get each command from the parser and use it's values
// to invoke the relevant command from the manager
double results[commandNames.size()];
int currentResultIndex = 0;
for(list<string>::iterator name_iterator = commandNames.begin();
name_iterator != commandNames.end(); name_iterator++)
string paramString = mCommandParser->GetCommandValue(*name_iterator);
list<string> paramStringArray = StringHelper::Split(paramString, ' ');
double params[paramStringArray.size()];
int index = 0;
for(list<string>::iterator param_iterator = paramStringArray.begin();
param_iterator != paramStringArray.end(); param_iterator++)
// Parse the current string to a double value
params[index++] = atof(param_iterator->c_str());
mLogger->WriteEntry("Invoking command '" + *name_iterator + "'...\0");
results[currentResultIndex++] =
mCommandManager->InvokeCommand(*name_iterator, params);
// Output all results
for(int i = 0; i < commandNames.size(); i++)
cout << "Result[" << i << "]: " << results[i] << endl;
mLogger->WriteEntry("Unregistering commands...\0");
// Make sure we clear up our resources
mLogger->WriteEntry("Command unregistration complete.\0");
return 0;
void RegisterCommands()
mCommandManager = new CommandManager();
mCommandParser = new CommandParser();
mLogger = new Logger();
// Known commands
mCommandManager->RegisterCommand("add", &Operation_Add);
mCommandManager->RegisterCommand("sub", &Operation_Subtract);
mCommandManager->RegisterCommand("mul", &Operation_Multiply);
mCommandManager->RegisterCommand("div", &Operation_Divide);
void UnregisterCommands()
// Unregister each command
// Delete the logger pointer
delete mLogger;
// Delete the command manager pointer
delete mCommandManager;
// Delete the command parser pointer
delete mCommandParser;
int ApplicationLoop()
return MSG_QUIT;
void CheckForLoggingOutput()
char answer = 'n';
cout << endl << "Do you wish to view the debug log? [y/n]: ";
cin >> answer;
case 'y':
void ShowDebugLog()
// Operation Definitions
double Operation_Add(double* values)
double accumulator = 0.0;
// Iterate over all values and accumulate them
for(int i = 0; i < (sizeof values) - 1; i++)
accumulator += values[i];
// Return the result of the calculation
return accumulator;
double Operation_Subtract(double* values)
double accumulator = 0.0;
// Iterate over all values and negativel accumulate them
for(int i = 0; i < (sizeof values) - 1; i++)
accumulator -= values[i];
// Return the result of the calculation
return accumulator;
double Operation_Multiply(double* values)
double accumulator = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < (sizeof values) - 1; i++)
accumulator *= values[i];
// Return the value of the calculation
return accumulator;
double Operation_Divide(double* values)
double accumulator = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < (sizeof values) - 1; i++)
accumulator /= values[i];
// Return the result of the calculation
return accumulator;
Did you remember to call mLogger = new Logger at some point? Did you accidantally delete mLogger before writing to it?
Try running your program in valgrind to see whether it finds any memory errors.
After your edit, the solution seem clear:
Your first line in main() is :
mLogger->WriteEntry("Registering commands...\0");
Here mLogger is a pointer that has never been initialized. This is "undefined behaviour", meaning anything can appen, often bad things.
To fix this you can either make it a "normal" variable, not a pointer or create a Logger instance using new (either at the declaration or as the first line in main).
I suggest you to not use a pointer to be sure the logger is always there and is automatically destroyed.
By the way, it seems like you want to create every instance of objects on the heap using pointers. It's not recommanded if it's not necessary. You should use pointers ONLY if you want to explicitely state the creation (using new) and destruction (using delete) of the instance object. If you just need it in a specific scope, don't use a pointer. You might come from another language like Java or C# where all objects are referenced. If so, you should start learning C++ like a different language to avoid such kind of problem. You should learn about RAII and other C++ scpecific paradigm that you cannot learn in those languages. If you come from C you should too take it as a different language. That might help you avoid complex problems like the one you showed here. May I suggest you read some C++ pointer, references and RAII related questions on stackoverflow.
First, you don't need to create the std::list on the heap. You should just use it as a normal member of the class.
class Logger
list<string> mEntries; // no need to use a pointer
Logger() // initialization is automatic, no need to do anything
~Logger() // clearing and destruction is automatic too, no need to do anything
Next, entryData don't exist in this code so I guess you wanted to use entry. If it's not a typo then you're not providing the definition of entryData that is certainly the source of your problem.
In fact I would have written your class that way instead:
class Logger
list<string> mEntries;
// no need for constructor and destructor, use the default ones
// Public Methods
void WriteEntry(const string& entry) // use a const reference to avoid unnecessary copy (even with optimization like NRVO)
mEntries.push_back( entry ); // here the list will create a node with a string inside, so this is exactly like calling the copy constructor
void DisplayEntries()
cout << endl << "**********************" << endl
<< "* Logger Entries *" << endl
<< "**********************" << endl
<< endl;
for(list<string>::iterator it = mEntries.begin();
it != mEntries.end(); ++it) // if you want to avoid unnecessary copies, use ++it instead of it++
cout << *it << endl;
What's certain is that your segfault is from usage outside of this class.
Is an instance of Logger being copied anywhere (either through a copy constructor or operator=)? Since you have mEntries as a pointer to a list, if you copy an instance of Logger, they will share the value of the pointer, and when one is destructed, it deletes the list. The original then has a dangling pointer. A quick check is to make the copy constructor and operator= private and not implemented:
void operator=(const Logger &); // not implemented
Logger(const Logger &); // not implemented
When you recompile, the compiler will flag any copies of any Logger instances.
If you need to copy instances of Logger, the fix is to follow the Rule of 3:
You can do this by eliminating the need for the destructor (by not using a pointer: list<string> mEntries), or by adding the needed code to the copy constructor and operator= to make a deep copy of the list.
You only need to do
list<string> entries;
You do not need to create a pointer to entries.
Nothing too obvious, though you typed
and I htink you meant entry instead of entryData. You also don't need the string conversion on that line, and your function should take entry by const reference.
However, none of these things would cause your program to segfault. What compiler are you using?
You're missing the copy constructor. If the Logger object is copied and the original deleted, you'll be dereferencing memory that was previously deleted.
A simplified example of the problem
Logger a;
Logger b;
Add a copy constructor.
Logger(const Logger& item)
mEntries = new list<string>();
std::copy(item.mEntries->begin(), item.mEntries->end(), std::back_inserter(*mEntries));