Stream of Integers arriving at specified interval need to look sorted - c++

Interview question: There is a stream of Integers that arrives at specified intervals (say every 20 sec). Which Container of STL would you use to store them so that the Integers look sorted? My reply was map/set when there is no duplicate or multimap/multiset when there is duplicate. Any better answer if exists?

Use a multiset if you want to preserve duplicates. If you don't want to preserve duplicates, use a set.

If it's only being updated every 20 seconds, it probably doesn't matter a whole lot (unless it goes for so long that the set of integers becomes tremendously huge).
If you had data coming in a lot faster, there are alternatives that might be worth considering. One would be to use a couple of vectors. As data arrives, just push it onto one of the vectors. When you need to do an in-order traversal, sort that newly arrived data, and merge with the other vector of existing (already-sorted data). That'll give you results in order, which you can then write out to another vector, and start the same cycle again.
The big advantage here is that you're dealing with contiguous data instead of individually allocated nodes. Even with a possibility of three vectors in use at a time, your total memory usage is likely to be about equal (or possibly even less than) that of using a set or multiset.
Another possibility to consider (that's a bit of a hybrid between the two) would be something like a B+ tree. This is still a tree, so you can do in-order insertions with logarithmic complexity, but you have all the data in the leaf nodes (which are fairly large) so you get at least a reasonable amount of contiguous access as well.

To maintain a sorted list of integers streaming I would use std::priority_queue with any underlying container (vector or deque depending on the particular use).
You can keep push() ing to the priority_queue and use top() and pop() to retrieve in the sorted order.

Answer should be std::set . std::map<key, value> has to consider when there is a pairs of data as <key, value> and it need to be sorted according to the value of key
In same way if you have to consider duplicates, use std::multiset and std::multimap according to type of data.


Storing in std::map/std::set vs sorting a vector after storing all data

Language: C++
One thing I can do is allocate a vector of size n and store all data
and then sort it using sort(begin(),end()). Else, I can keep putting
the data in a map or set which are ordered itself so I don't have to
sort afterwards. But in this case inserting an element may be more
costly due to rearrangements(I guess).
So which is the optimal choice for minimal time for a wide range of n(no. of objects)
It depends on the situation.
map and set are usually red-black trees, they should do a lot of work to be balanced, or the operation on it will be very slow. And it doesn't support random access. so if you only want to sort one time, you shouldn't use them.
However, if you want to continue insert elements into the container and keep order, map and set will take O(logN) time, while the sorted vector is O(N). The latter is much slower, so if you want frequently insert and delete, you should use map or set.
The difference between the 2 is noticable!
Using a set, you get O(log(N)) complexity for each element you insert. So by result you get O(N log(N)), which is the complexity of an insertion sort.
Adding everything in a vector is of complexity O(1), and sorting it will be O(N log(N)) since C++11 (before it, std::sort have O(N log(N)) on average.).
Once sorted, you could use binary_search to have the same complexity as in a set.
The API of using a vector as set ain't the friendly, although it does give nice performance benefits. This off course is only useful when you can do a bulk insert of data or when the amount of lookups is much larger than the manipulations of the content. Algorithmsable to sort on partially sorted vector, when you have to extend later on.
Finally, one has to remark that you don't have the same guarantees of iterator invalidation.
So, why are vectors better? Cache locality!
A vector has all data in a single memory block, hence the processor can do prefetching while for a set, the memory is scattered around the place requireing the data to find the next address. This makes vector a better set implementation than std::set for large data when you can live with the limitations.
To give you an idea, on the codebase I'm working on, we have several set and map implementations based on vectors which have their own narratives to function in. (For example: no erase or no operator[])

What container to choose for fast search/insert with huge amounts of data?

So it's a thought experiment. I want to have a huge collection of structures such as:
KeyType key;
ValueType value;
And I need fast access by a key and fast insertion of new values.
I would not use std::map cuz it has too big memory overhead for one structure and for huge amounts of data it might be drastical. Right?
So next I would consider using sorted std::vector and binary_search. It's fine for searching, but adding new values to the vector would be too slow. Imagine you need to add a new value to the beginning of the sorted array, you'd have to move data right aaaaaAAAALOT!
What if I use deque? As I know it has O(1) for push_back/push_front, but still O(n) for inserting (as it would have to move data anyway, less data though).
The questions are:
1) Is O(n) of inserting data in deque much faster in real situation than O(n) in vector?
2) What happens when you insert a value to Deque and the bucket it should go into is full?
3) Is there another preferable type of container in case you need to store lots of data and need two fast operations: search and insertion?
I would not use std::map cuz it has too big memory overhead for one structure and for huge amounts of data it might be drastical. Right?
That depends on the size of your structs... the bigger they are the less the overheads are as a proportion of the overall memory use. For example, a std::map implementation might average say 20 bytes of housekeeping data per element (I just made that up - measure on your own system), so if your struct size is in the hundreds of bytes - who cares...? But, if the struct holds 2 ints, it's a big proportion....
So next I would consider using sorted std::vector and binary_search. It's fine for searching, but adding new values to the vector would be too slow. Imagine you need to add a new value to the beginning of the sorted array, you'd have to move data right aaaaaAAAALOT!
Totally unsuitable....
1) Is O(n) of inserting data in deque much faster in real situation than O(n) in vector?
As deque is likely implemented as a vector of fixed-sized arrays, insertion implies a shuffling of all elements towards the nearest end of the container. The shuffling's probably a tiny bit less cache efficient, but if inserting nearer the front of the container it would likely still end up faster.
2) What happens when you insert a value to Deque and the bucket it should go into is full?
As above, it'll need to shuffle, overflowing either:
the last element to become the first element of the next "bucket", moving all those elements along and overflowing into the next bucket, etc.
the first element to become the last element of the previous bucket, moving all those elements along and overflowing into the next bucket, etc.
3) Is there another preferable type of container in case you need to store lots of data and need two fast operations: search and insertion?
unordered_map, which is implemented as a hash map. If you have small objects (e.g. less than 20 or 30 bytes) or a firm cap on the number of elements, you can normally easily outperform unordered_map with custom code, but it's rarely worth the effort unless the table access dominates you application's performance, and that performance is critical.
3) Is there another preferable type of container in case you need to store lots of data and need two fast operations: search and insertion?
Consider using std::unordered_map, which is an implementation of a hash map. Insertion, lookup, and removal are all O(1) in the average case. This assumes that you will only ever look for an item based on its exact key; if your searches can have different constraints then you either need a different structure, or you need multiple maps to map the various keys you will search for to the corresponding object.
This requires that there is an available hash function for KeyType, either as part of the standard library or provided by you.
There's no container which would provide the best of all the worlds to you. Like you are saying you want best lookup/insertion with minimum amount of space needed for storing elements.
Below if the list of containers which you could consider for your implementation:-
1) Space is allocated only for holding data.
2) Good for random access.
3) Container of choice if insertions/deletions are not in the middle of the container.
1) poor performance if insertions/deletions are at the middle.
2) rellocations happen if reserve is not used properly.
Choose deque over vector in case insertions/deletions are at the beginning as well as end of the container.
Disadvantage over vector:-
1) more space is allocated for holding pointers.
Advantages over vector:-
1) better insertions/deletions/lookup as compared to vector.
If std::unordered_map is used then these dictionary operations would be amortized O(1).
Firstly, in order to directly answer your questions:
1) Is O(n) of inserting data in deque much faster in real situation
than O(n) in vector?
The number of elements that have to be moved is (on average) only half compared to vector. However, it can actually perform worse as the data is stored in non-contiguous memory, so copying/moving the same number of elements is much less efficient (it cannot e.g. be implemented in terms of a single memcopy operation).
2) What happens when you insert a value to Deque and the bucket it
should go into is full?
At least for the gnu gcc Libstdc++ implementation, every bucket except the first and last one is always full. I believe, that inserting in the middle means that all elements are moved/copied one slot to the closer end (front or back) and the effect ripples through all buckets until the first or last one is reached.
In summary, the only scenario, where std::deque is consistently better than vector is if you use it as (suprise) a queue (only inserting and removing elements from the front or end) and that's what the implementation is optimized for. It is not optimized for insertions in the middle.
3) Is there another preferable type of container in case you need to
store lots of data and need two fast operations: search and insertion?
As already stated by others: A hash table like std::unordered_map is the data structure you are looking for.
From what I've heard however, std::unordered_map is a slightly suboptimal implementation if it, as it uses buckets in order to resolve hash collisions and those buckets are implemented as linked lists (here is a very interesting talk from Chandler Carruth on the general topic of the performance of different data structures). For random access on big data structures, cache locality should matter a lot less, so this is probably not such a big issue in your case.
Finally I'd like to mention that if your value and key types are small PODs and depending on how big your huge collection is (are we talking about some million or rather billions of elements) and how often you actually have to insert/remove elements, there might still be cases, where a simple std::vector outperforms any other STL container. So as always: if your thought experiment ever becomes reality try out and measure.

C++ Data Structure that would be best to hold a large list of names

Can you share your thoughts on what the best STL data structure would be for storing a large list of names and perform searches on these names?
The names are not unique and the list can grow as new names can continuously added to it. And by large I am talking of from 1 million to 10 million names.
Since you want to search names, you want a structure that support fast random access. That means vector, deque and list are all out of the question. Also, vector/array are slow on random adds/inserts for sorted sets because they have to shift items to make room for each inserted item. Adding to end is very fast, though.
Consider std::map, std::unordered_map or std::unordered_multimap (or their siblings std::set, std::unordered_set and std::unordered_multiset if you are only storing keys).
If you are purely going to do unique, random access, I'd start with one of the unordered_* containers.
If you need to store an ordered list of names, and need to do range searches/iteration and sorted operations, a tree based container like std::map or std::set should do better with the iteration operation than a hash based container because the former will store items adjacent to their logical predecessors and successors. For random access, it is O(log N) which is still decent.
Prior to std::unordered_*, I used std::map to hold large numbers of objects for an object cache and though there are faster random access containers, it scaled well enough for our uses. The newer unordered_map has O(1) access time so it is a hashed structure and should give you the near best access times.
You can consider the possibility of using concatenation of those names using a delimiter but the searching might take a hit. You would need to come up with a adjusted binary searching.
But you should try the obvious solution first which is a hashmap which is called unordered_map in stl. See if that meets your needs. Searching should be plenty fast there but at a cost of memory.

What is better, a STL list or a STL Map for 20 entries, considering order of insertion is as important as the search speed

I have the following scenario.The implementation is required for a real time application.
1)I need to store at max 20 entries in a container(STL Map, STL List etc).
2)If a new entry comes and 20 entries are already present i have to overwrite the oldest entry with the new entry.
Considering point 2, i feel if the container is full (Max 20 entries) 'list' is the best bet as i can always remove the first entry in the list and add the new one at last (push_back). However, search won't be as efficient.
For only 20 entries, does it really make a big difference in terms of searching efficiency if i use a list in place of a map?
Also considering the cost of insertion in map i feel i should go for a list?
Could you please tell what is a better bet for me ?
1)I need to store at max 20 entries in a container(STL Map, STL List etc). 2)If a new entry comes and 20 entries are already present i have to overwrite the oldest entry with the new entry.
This seems to me the job for boost::circular_buffer.
In general the term circular buffer refers to an area in memory which is used to store incoming data. When the buffer is filled, new data is written starting at the beginning of the buffer and overwriting the old.
The circular_buffer is a STL compliant container. It is a kind of sequence similar to std::list or std::deque. It supports random access iterators, constant time insert and erase operations at the beginning or the end of the buffer and interoperability with std algorithms. The circular_buffer is especially designed to provide fixed capacity storage. When its capacity is exhausted, newly inserted elements will cause elements either at the beginning or end of the buffer (depending on what insert operation is used) to be overwritten.
The circular_buffer only allocates memory when created, when the capacity is adjusted explicitly, or as necessary to accommodate resizing or assign operations. On the other hand, there is also a circular_buffer_space_optimized available. It is an adaptor of the circular_buffer which does not allocate memory at once when created, rather it allocates memory as needed.
For the fast search, I think that with just 20 elements (if their comparison isn't too complicated) you're ok with a "low-cost" container like this and normal linear search, in my opinion it would be difficult to achieve better performance with other STL containers.
Maintain order of insertion, or allow fast searching: choose one.
std::map is not an option here because it doesn't maintain the order of insertion. Besides, it's an associative container. You should choose between a list, a deque and a vector. In terms of performance your best bet is a list, since you can pop off an element from the back and insert a new one at the front (or vice-versa) without any shifting or performance penalty.
The cost of insertion in a map, just as a sidenote, isn't expensive it all: it's in the order of O(log n). Practically irrelevant in the case of 20 elements. The same holds for a std::set.
With only 20 elements, I would not worry much about which container you use. If you determine that the container chosen is in fact a detriment to the performance of your application, it should be relatively easy to swap out the container chosen and replace it with a more-efficient container later.
With that being said, for a large number of elements, the std::deque would probably give you the best all-around efficiency for what you are trying to accomplish. Unlike std::vector, std::deque allows for removal from the front without needing to move all of the other elements. Unlike std::list, std::deque allows for random access of its elements.
You just need to implement a priority queue. STL Map doesn't work.
It depends on the size of the elements.
I know from my own experience that for five integers an unordered array of integers searched with linear search is faster than a set, a list or insertion sort and binary search on an ordered array.
The O() notation of an unordered array may be much worse than any of the other options but the normally unseen C in O(N+C) + C is so much smaller.
A list, set or map (anything that uses dynamic memory and is linked by pointers) will be dominated by cache misses, memory allocations and indirect reference penalties.
You need a Priority Queue implemented on an array.
See the Binary Heap for an implementation.
Do you already know that this is a bottleneck?
My advice would be to first use what is more natural to read while programming and only optimize it when you see that the performance is not what you need.
My suggestion would be to make a circular buffer. But that only works if "old" is determined by when it was inserted, and not some field.
If you need to have a proper LRU, then you should probably go and look at something like
But with 20 entries as your max, it will be very hard to you to find a complex algorithm that is actually faster than the trivial lineary check of every element.

Should use an insertion sort or construct a heap to improve performance?

We have large (100,000+ elements) ordered vectors of structs (operator < overloaded to provide ordering):
std::vector < MyType > vectorMyTypes;
std::sort(vectorMyType.begin(), vectorMyType.end());
My problem is that we're seeing performance problems when adding new elements to these vectors while preserving sort order. At the moment we're doing something like:
for ( a very large set )
std::sort(vectorMyType.begin(), vectorMyType.end());
ValidateStuff(vectorMyType); // this method expects the vector to be ordered
This isn't exactly what our code looks like since I know this example could be optimised in different ways, however it gives you an idea of how performance could be a problem because I'm sorting after every push_back.
I think I essentially have two options to improve performance:
Use a (hand crafted?) insertion sort instead of std::sort to improve the sort performance (insertion sorts on a partially sorted vector are blindingly quick)
Create a heap by using std::make_heap and std::push_heap to maintain the sort order
My questions are:
Should I implement an insertion sort? Is there something in Boost that could help me here?
Should I consider using a heap? How would I do this?
Thanks for all your responses. I understand that the example I gave was far from optimal and it doesn't fully represent what I have in my code right now. It was simply there to illustrate the performance bottleneck I was experiencing - perhaps that's why this question isn't seeing many up-votes :)
Many thanks to you Steve, it's often the simplest answers that are the best, and perhaps it was my over analysis of the problem that blinded me to perhaps the most obvious solution. I do like the neat method you outlined to insert directly into a pre-ordered vector.
As I've commented, I'm constrained to using vectors right now, so std::set, std::map, etc aren't an option.
Ordered insertion doesn't need boost:
std::upper_bound(vectorMyTypes.begin(), vectorMyTypes.end(), newType),
upper_bound provides a valid insertion point provided that the vector is sorted to start with, so as long as you only ever insert elements in their correct place, you're done. I originally said lower_bound, but if the vector contains multiple equal elements, then upper_bound selects the insertion point which requires less work.
This does have to copy O(n) elements, but you say insertion sort is "blindingly fast", and this is faster. If it's not fast enough, you have to find a way to add items in batches and validate at the end, or else give up on contiguous storage and switch to a container which maintains order, such as set or multiset.
A heap does not maintain order in the underlying container, but is good for a priority queue or similar, because it makes removal of the maximum element fast. You say you want to maintain the vector in order, but if you never actually iterate over the whole collection in order then you might not need it to be fully ordered, and that's when a heap is useful.
According to item 23 of Meyers' Effective STL, you should use a sorted vector if you application use its data structures in 3 phases. From the book, they are :
Setup. Create a new data structure by inserting lots of elements into it. During this phase, almost all operation are insertions and erasure. Lookups are rare on nonexistent
Lookup. Consult the data structure to find specific pieces of information. During this phase, almost all operations are lookups. Insertion and erasures are rare or nonexistent. There are so many lookups, the performance of this phase makes the performance of the other phases incidental.
Reorganize. Modify the content of the data structure. perhaps by erasing all the current data and inserting new data in its place. Behaviorally, this phase is equivalent to phase 1. Once this phase is completed, the application return to phase 2
If your use of your data structure resembles this, you should use a sorted vector, and then use a binary_search as mentionned. If not, a typical associative container should do it, that means a set, multi-set, map or multimap as those structure are ordered by default
Why not just use a binary search to find where to insert the new element? Then you will insert exactly into the required position.
If you need to insert a lot of elements into a sorted sequence, use std::merge, potentially sorting the new elements first:
void add( std::vector<Foo> & oldFoos, const std::vector<Foo> & newFoos ) {
std::vector<Foo> merged;
// precondition: oldFoos _and newFoos_ are sorted
merged.reserve( oldFoos.size() + newFoos.size() ); // only for std::vector
std::merge( oldFoos.begin(), oldFoos.end(),
newFoos.begin(), newFoos.end(),
std::back_inserter( merged );
// apply std::unique, if wanted, here
merged.erase( std::unique( merged.begin(), merged.end() ), merged.end() );
oldFoos.swap( merged ); // commit changes
Using a binary search to find the insertion location isn't going to speed up the algorithm much because it will still be O(N) to do the insertion (consider inserting at the beginning of a vector - you have to move every element down one to create the space).
A tree (aka heap) will be O(log(N)) to insert, much better performance.
Note that a tree will still have worst case O(N) performance for insert unless it is balanced, e.g. an AVL tree.
Why not to use boost::multi_index ?
NOTE: boost::multi_index does not provide memory contiguity, a property of std::vectors by which elements are stored adjacent to one another in a single block of memory.
There are a few things you need to do.
You may want to consider making use of reserve() to avoid excessive re-allocing of the entire vector. If you have knowledge of the size it will grow to, you may gain some performance by doing resrve()s yourself (rather than having the implemetation do them automaticaly using the built in heuristic).
Do a binary search to find the insertion location. Then resize and shift everything following the insertion point up by one to make room.
Consider: do you really want to use a vector? Perhaps a set or map are better.
The advantage of binary search over lower_bound is that if the insertion point is close to the end of the vector you don't have to pay the theta(n) complexity.
If you want insert an element into the "right" position, why do you plan on using sort. Find the position using lower_bound and insert, using, well, `insert' method of the vector. That will still be O(N) to insert new item.
heap is not going to help you, because heap is not sorted. It allows you get get at the smallest element quickly, and then quickly remove it and get next smallest element. However, the data in heap is not stored in sort order, so if you have algorithms that must iterate over data in order, it will not help.
I am afraid you description skimmed to much detail, but it seems like list is just not the right element for the task. std::deque is much better suited for insertion in the middle, and you might also consider std::set. I suggest you explain why you need to keep the data sorted to get more helpful advice.
You might want to consider using a BTree or a Judy Trie.
You don't want to use contiguous memory for large collections, insertions should not take O(n) time;
You want to use at least binary insertion for single elements, multiple elements should be presorted so you can make the search boundaries smaller;
You do not want your data structure wasting memory, so nothing with left and right pointers for each data element.
As others have said I'd probably have created a BTree out of a linked list instead of using a vector. Even if you got past the sorting issue, vectors have the problem of fully reallocating when they need to grow, assuming you don't know your maximum size before hand.
If you are worried about a list allocating on different memory pages and causing cache related performance issues, preallocate your nodes in an array, (pool the objects) and insert these into the list.
You can add a value in your data type that denotes if it is allocated off the heap or from a pool. This way if you detect that your pool runs out of room, you can start allocating off the heap and throw an assert or something to yourself so you know to bump up the pool size (or make this a command line option to set.
Hope this helps, as I see you already have lots of great answers.