I found this great article on how to implement Concepts in C++14. In one section about how to make a compiles checker he gives the following:
template <typename ... Ts>
using void_t = void;
template <typename T, template <typename> class Expression, typename AlwaysVoid = void_t<>>
struct compiles : std::false_type {};
template <typename T, template <typename> class Expression>
struct compiles<T, Expression, void_t<Expression<T>>> : std::true_type {};
The above code will check if an expression compiles, but has no checks on the return type. Later on he mentioned that a compiles_convertible_type and compiles_same_type checker can be created by wrapping the compiles trait but doesn't give an example of how to do that, stating that it is simple. However, I am somewhat new to SFINAE so I'm not sure exactly what to do here.
template <typename T, typename Result, template <typename> class Expression>
struct compiles_convertible_type : /* some invocation of compiles<> trait here */
template <typename T, typename Result, template <typename> class Expression>
struct compiles_same_type : /* some invocation of compiles<> trait here */
For reference, this is what I have tried, but it returns true for everything. I think because the is_same and is_convertible expressions compile.
template <typename T, typename Result, template <typename> class Expression>
struct compiles_convertible_type :
compiles<T, Expression, void_t<std::is_convertible<Result, std::result_of<Expression<T>>>>> {};
template <typename T, typename Result, template <typename> class Expression>
struct compiles_same_type :
compiles<T, Expression, void_t<std::is_same<Result, std::result_of<Expression<T>>>>> {};
namespace memory {
struct memory_block{};
struct MyAllocator {
memory::memory_block allocate_block(){return {};};
void deallocate_block(memory::memory_block){};
std::size_t next_block_size() const {return 0;};
struct MyBadAllocator {
memory::memory_block allocate_block(){return {};};
void deallocate_block(memory::memory_block){};
void next_block_size() const {};
template <typename T>
struct BlockAllocator_impl
template <class Allocator>
using allocate_block = decltype(std::declval<Allocator>().allocate_block());
template <class Allocator>
using deallocate_block = decltype(std::declval<Allocator>().deallocate_block(std::declval<memory::memory_block>()));
template <class Allocator>
using next_block_size = decltype(std::declval<const Allocator>().next_block_size());
using result = std::conjunction<
compiles_convertible_type<T, memory::memory_block, allocate_block>,
compiles<T, deallocate_block>,
compiles_same_type<T, std::size_t, next_block_size>
using has_allocate_block = compiles_convertible_type<T, memory::memory_block, allocate_block>;
using has_deallocate_block = compiles<T, deallocate_block>;
using has_next_block_size = compiles_same_type<T, std::size_t, next_block_size>;
template <typename T>
using BlockAllocator = typename BlockAllocator_impl<T>::result;
template <typename T>
using BlockAllocatorAllocate = typename BlockAllocator_impl<T>::has_allocate_block;
template <typename T>
using BlockAllocatorDeallocate = typename BlockAllocator_impl<T>::has_deallocate_block;
template <typename T>
using BlockAllocatorNextBlockSize = typename BlockAllocator_impl<T>::has_next_block_size;
#include <fmt/core.h>
int main()
fmt::print("has allocate: {}\n", BlockAllocatorAllocate<MyBadAllocator>::value);
fmt::print("has deallocate: {}\n", BlockAllocatorDeallocate<MyBadAllocator>::value);
fmt::print("has next block size: {}\n", BlockAllocatorNextBlockSize<MyBadAllocator>::value);
fmt::print("Is BlockAllocator: {}\n", BlockAllocator<MyBadAllocator>::value);
fmt::print("has allocate: {}\n", BlockAllocatorAllocate<MyAllocator>::value);
fmt::print("has deallocate: {}\n", BlockAllocatorDeallocate<MyAllocator>::value);
fmt::print("has next block size: {}\n", BlockAllocatorNextBlockSize<MyAllocator>::value);
fmt::print("Is BlockAllocator: {}\n", BlockAllocator<MyAllocator>::value);
has allocate: true
has deallocate: true
has next block size: true // expect false
Is BlockAllocator: true // expect false
has allocate: true
has deallocate: true
has next block size: true
Is BlockAllocator: true
The following implementations give exactly the expected output (and probably those are close to what the author of the article used behind the scenes):
template <typename T, typename Result, template <typename> class Expression, typename AlwaysVoid = void_t<>>
struct compiles_same_type : std::false_type {};
template <typename T, typename Result, template <typename> class Expression>
struct compiles_same_type<T, Result, Expression, void_t<Expression<T>>> : std::is_same<Result, Expression<T>> {};
template <typename T, typename Result, template <typename> class Expression, typename AlwaysVoid = void_t<>>
struct compiles_convertible_type : std::false_type {};
template <typename T, typename Result, template <typename> class Expression>
struct compiles_convertible_type<T, Result, Expression, void_t<Expression<T>>> : std::is_convertible<Result, Expression<T>> {};
The trick is to replace the inherited std::true_type on the template specialization selected by SFINAE when the expression is valid with other struct/class that does the desired type check (aka a type trait in C++'s standard library terminology). Of course you should modify the template parameter list of the initial compiles type with the extra parameters needed by the inherited type trait (in those cases only Result is needed as both std::is_same and std::is_convertible have only two template type parameters).
In addition, the std::result_of is both unnecessary and wrong. std::is_same will check if the value of Result type parameter is something staring with std::result_of rather than the actual type of the expression. You probably would want something like std::result_of<...>::type, but that will be an invalid as Expression<T> is not a callable type in any usage from the BlockAllocator example. You should keep in mind that the actual value of Expression is already the resulted type and not the expression itself:
template <class Allocator>
using allocate_block = decltype(std::declval<Allocator>().allocate_block());
you should interpret that as "the resulted type of the expression a.allocate_block() where a has Allocator type.
If you want to see more information about std::result_of then cppreference is a good place to start:
I want to implement a has_no_duplicates<...> type trait that evaluates to std::true_type if the passed variadic type list has no duplicate types.
static_assert(has_no_duplicates<int, float>{}, "");
static_assert(!has_no_duplicates<float, float>{}, "");
Let's assume, for the scope of this question, that I want to do that using multiple inheritance.
When a class inherits from the same type more than once, an error occurs.
template<class T>
struct type { };
template<class... Ts>
struct dup_helper : type<Ts>... { };
// No errors, compiles properly.
dup_helper<int, float> ok{};
// Compile-time error:
// base class 'type<float>' specified more than once as a direct base class
dup_helper<float, float> error{};
I assumed I could've used void_t to "detect" this error, but I couldn't implement a working solution following the code samples from cppreference.
This is what I tried:
template<class, class = void>
struct is_valid
: std::false_type { };
// First try:
template<class T>
struct is_valid<T, std::void_t<decltype(T{})>>
: std::true_type { };
// Second try:
template<class T>
struct is_valid<T, std::void_t<T>>
: std::true_type { };
For my third try, I tried delaying the expansion of dup_helper<...> using a wrapper class that took dup_helper as a template template parameter, like wrapper<dup_helper, ...> and expanded it inside of void_t.
Unfortunately, all my tries resulted in the aforementioned error always preventing compilation.
I assume this type of error is not detectable as a "substitution failure", but I'd like confirmation.
Is this kind of error actually impossible to detect using void_t? (Will it always result in a compilation failure?)
Is there a way to detect it without causing compilation to fail? (Or a non-void_t workaround that still makes use of the "multiple inheritance trick")?
As #Canoninos noted, the problem is that:
it isn't the declaration of dup_helper<T, T> which causes an error but its definition [...].
Or, in Standardese, the error occurs outside the "immediate context" ([temp.deduct]) of the substitution:
8 - [...] Only invalid types and expressions in the immediate context of the function type and
its template parameter types can result in a deduction failure. [ Note: The evaluation of the substituted types
and expressions can result in side effects such as the instantiation of class template specializations and/or
function template specializations, the generation of implicitly-defined functions, etc. Such side effects are
not in the “immediate context” and can result in the program being ill-formed. — end note ]
Here the error occurs while instantiating dup_helper<float, float> so is not in the "immediate context".
One multiple inheritance trick that's very close to yours involves adding an extra layer of inheritance, by indexing the multiple bases:
helper<<0, 1>, <float, float>>
v v
ix<0, float> ix<1, float>
+ +
v v
t<float> t<float>
This gives us a helper class with a valid definition and that can be instantiated but not cast to its ultimate base classes, because of ambiguity:
static_cast<t<float>>(helper<...>{}); // Error, SFINAE-usable
That's my solution using meta-programming and type-list idiom.
I use this code as part of my library implementing reflection for C++. I think there is no need in void_t or inheritance at all to solve this task.
template <typename ...Args>
struct type_list
using empty_list = type_list<>;
// identity
template<typename T>
struct identity
using type = T;
// is_typelist
template<typename T>
struct is_typelist: std::false_type
template<typename ...Args>
struct is_typelist<type_list<Args...>>: std::true_type
template<typename T>
struct check_typelist
using type = void;
static constexpr void *value = nullptr;
static_assert(is_typelist<T>::value, "T is not a type_list!");
// indexof
namespace internal {
template<typename T, typename V, std::int64_t index>
struct typelist_indexof_helper: check_typelist<T>
template<typename H, typename ...T, typename V, std::int64_t index>
struct typelist_indexof_helper<type_list<H, T...>, V, index>:
std::conditional<std::is_same<H, V>::value,
std::integral_constant<std::int64_t, index>,
typelist_indexof_helper<type_list<T...>, V, index + 1>
template<typename V, std::int64_t index>
struct typelist_indexof_helper<empty_list, V, index>: std::integral_constant<std::int64_t, -1>
template<typename T, typename V>
using typelist_indexof = ::internal::typelist_indexof_helper<T, V, 0>;
template<typename T, typename V>
struct typelist_exists: std::integral_constant<bool, typelist_indexof<T, V>::value >= 0>
// remove_duplicates
namespace internal {
template<typename P, typename T>
struct typelist_remove_duplicates_helper: check_typelist<T>
template<typename ...P, typename H, typename ...T>
struct typelist_remove_duplicates_helper<type_list<P...>, type_list<H, T...>>:
std::conditional<typelist_exists<type_list<T...>, H>::value,
typelist_remove_duplicates_helper<type_list<P...>, type_list<T...>>,
typelist_remove_duplicates_helper<type_list<P..., H>, type_list<T...>>
template<typename ...P>
struct typelist_remove_duplicates_helper<type_list<P...>, empty_list>: identity<type_list<P...>>
template<typename T>
using typelist_remove_duplicates = ::internal::typelist_remove_duplicates_helper<empty_list, T>;
template<typename ...Args>
struct has_no_duplicates: std::integral_constant<bool, std::is_same<type_list<Args...>,
typename typelist_remove_duplicates<type_list<Args...>>::type>::value>
This is more of a conceptual question. I'm trying to find the easiest way of converting a two-arg template (the arguments being types) into a one-arg template. I.e., binding one of the types.
This would be the meta-programming equivalent of bind in boost/std. My example includes a possible use-case, which is, passing std::is_same as template argument to a template that takes a one-arg template template argument (std::is_same being a two-arg template), i.e. to TypeList::FindIf. The TypeList is not fully implemented here, neither is FindIf, but you get the idea. It takes a "unary predicate" and returns the type for which that predicate is true, or void if not such type.
I have 2 working variants but the first is not a one-liner and the 2nd uses a rather verbose BindFirst contraption, that would not work for non-type template arguments. Is there a simple way to write such a one-liner? I believe the procedure I'm looking for is called currying.
#include <iostream>
template<template<typename, typename> class Function, typename FirstArg>
struct BindFirst
template<typename SecondArg>
using Result = Function<FirstArg, SecondArg>;
//template<typename Type> using IsInt = BindFirst<_EqualTypes, int>::Result<Type>;
template<typename Type> using IsInt = std::is_same<int, Type>;
struct TypeList
template<template<typename> class Predicate>
struct FindIf
// this needs to be implemented, return void for now
typedef void Result;
int main()
static_assert(IsInt<int>::value, "");
static_assert(!IsInt<float>::value, "");
// variant #1: using the predefined parameterized type alias as predicate
typedef TypeList::FindIf<IsInt>::Result Result1;
// variant #2: one-liner, using BindFirst and std::is_same directly
typedef TypeList::FindIf< BindFirst<std::is_same, int>::Result>::Result Result2;
// variant #3: one-liner, using currying?
//typedef TypeList::FindIf<std::is_same<int, _>>::Result Result2;
return 0;
Click here for code in online compiler GodBolt.
I think the typical way of doing this is keep everything in the world of types. Don't take template templates - they're messy. Let's write a metafunction named ApplyAnInt that will take a "metafunction class" and apply int to it:
template <typename Func>
struct ApplyAnInt {
using type = typename Func::template apply<int>;
Where a simple metafunction class might be just checking if the given type is an int:
struct IsInt {
template <typename T>
using apply = std::is_same<T, int>;
static_assert(ApplyAnInt<IsInt>::type::value, "");
Now the goal is to support:
static_assert(ApplyAnInt<std::is_same<_, int>>::type::value, "");
We can do that. We're going to call types that contain _ "lambda expressions", and write a metafunction called lambda which will either forward a metafunction class that isn't a lambda expression, or produce a new metafunction if it is:
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct lambda {
using type = T;
template <typename T>
struct lambda<T, std::enable_if_t<is_lambda_expr<T>::value>>
struct type {
template <typename U>
using apply = typename apply_lambda<T, U>::type;
template <typename T>
using lambda_t = typename lambda<T>::type;
So we update our original metafunction:
template <typename Func>
struct ApplyAnInt
using type = typename lambda_t<Func>::template apply<int>;
Now that leaves two things: we need is_lambda_expr and apply_lambda. Those actually aren't so bad at all. For the former, we'll see if it's an instantiation of a class template in which one of the types is _:
template <typename T>
struct is_lambda_expr : std::false_type { };
template <template <typename...> class C, typename... Ts>
struct is_lambda_expr<C<Ts...>> : contains_type<_, Ts...> { };
And for apply_lambda, we just will substitute the _ with the given type:
template <typename T, typename U>
struct apply_lambda;
template <template <typename...> class C, typename... Ts, typename U>
struct apply_lambda<C<Ts...>, U> {
using type = typename C<std::conditional_t<std::is_same<Ts, _>::value, U, Ts>...>::type;
And that's all you need actually. I'll leave extending this out to support arg_<N> as an exercise to the reader.
Yeah, I had this issue to. It took a few iterations to figure out a decent way to do this. Basically, to do this, we need to specify a reasonable representation of what we want and need. I borrowed some aspects from std::bind() in that I want to specify the template that I wish to bind and the parameters that I want to bind to it. Then, within that type, there should be a template that will allow you to pass a set of types.
So our interface will look like this:
template <template <typename...> class OP, typename...Ts>
struct tbind;
Now our implementation will have those parameters plus a container of types that will be applied at the end:
template <template <typename...> class OP, typename PARAMS, typename...Ts>
struct tbind_impl;
Our base case will give us a template type, which I'll call ttype, that'll return a template of the contained types:
template <template <typename...> class OP, typename...Ss>
struct tbind_impl<OP, std::tuple<Ss...>>
using ttype = OP<Ss...>;
Then we have the case of moving the next type into the container and having ttype refer to the ttype in the slightly simpler base case:
template <template <typename...> class OP, typename T, typename...Ts, typename...Ss>
struct tbind_impl<OP, std::tuple<Ss...>, T, Ts...>
using ttype = typename tbind_impl<
, std::tuple<Ss..., T>
, Ts...
>::template ttype<Us...>;
And finally, we need a remap of the templates that will be passed to ttype:
template <template <typename...> class OP, size_t I, typename...Ts, typename...Ss>
struct tbind_impl<OP, std::tuple<Ss...>, std::integral_constant<size_t, I>, Ts...>
using ttype = typename tbind_impl<
, typename std::tuple<
, typename std::tuple_element<
, typename std::tuple<Us...>
, Ts...
>::template ttype<Us...>;
Now, since programmers are lazy, and don't want to type std::integral_constant<size_t, N> for each parameter to remap, we specify some aliases:
using t0 = std::integral_constant<size_t, 0>;
using t1 = std::integral_constant<size_t, 1>;
using t2 = std::integral_constant<size_t, 2>;
Oh, almost forgot the implementation of our interface:
template <template <typename...> class OP, typename...Ts>
struct tbind : detail::tbind_impl<OP, std::tuple<>, Ts...>
Note that tbind_impl was placed in a detail namespace.
And voila, tbind!
Unfortunately, there is a defect prior to c++17. If you pass tbind<parms>::ttype to a template that expects a template with a particular number of parameters, you will get an error as the number of parameters don't match (specific number doesn't match any number). This complicates things slightly requiring an additional level of indirection. :(
template <template <typename...> class OP, size_t N>
struct any_to_specific;
template <template <typename...> class OP>
struct any_to_specific<OP, 1>
template <typename T0>
using ttype = OP<T0>;
template <template <typename...> class OP>
struct any_to_specific<OP, 2>
template <typename T0, typename T1>
using ttype = OP<T0, T1>;
Using that to wrap tbind will force the compiler to recognize the template having the specified number of parameters.
Example usage:
static_assert(!tbind<std::is_same, float, t0>::ttype<int>::value, "failed");
static_assert( tbind<std::is_same, int , t0>::ttype<int>::value, "failed");
tbind<std::is_same, float, t0>::ttype
, 1
>::ttype<int>::value, "failed");
static_assert( any_to_specific<
tbind<std::is_same, int , t0>::ttype
, 1
>::ttype<int>::value, "failed");
All of which succeed.
I'm trying to write a metafunction that checks whether all types passed as a variadic template parameter are distinct. It seems that the most performant way to do this is to inherit from a set of classes and detect, whether there is an error.
The problem is that compilation fails in the following code, while I would expect SFINAE to work.
Edit. The question is not "how to write that metafunction" but "how do I catch that double inheritance error and output false_type when it happens". AFAIK, it's possible only with SFINAE.
template <typename T>
struct dummy {};
// error: duplicate base type ‘dummy<int>’ invalid
template <typename T, typename U>
struct fail : dummy<T>, dummy<U> {};
template <typename T>
true_type test(fail<T, T> a = fail<T, T>());
false_type test(...);
int main() {
cout << decltype(test<int>())::value << endl;
Live version here.
Edit. Previously I've tried to do this with specialization failure, but it didn't work either with the same compilation error.
template <typename T>
struct dummy {};
template <typename T, typename U>
struct fail : dummy<T>, dummy<U>, true_type {};
template <typename T, typename U = void>
struct test : false_type {};
template <typename T>
struct test<T, typename enable_if<fail<T, T>::value, void>::type> : true_type {};
Live version here.
You can't catch duplicate inheritance with SFINAE, because it is not one of the listed reasons for deduction to fail under 14.8.2p8 [temp.deduct]; equally, it is because the error occurs outside the "immediate context" of template deduction, as it is an error with the instantiation of your struct fail.
There is however a very similar technique which is suitable for use in your case, which is to detect an ambiguous conversion from a derived class to multiple base classes. Clearly the ambiguous base classes can't be inherited directly from a single derived class, but it works fine to inherit them in a linear chain:
C<> A<int>
| /
C<int> A<char>
| /
C<char, int> A<int>
| /
C<int, char, int>
Now a conversion from C<int, char, int> to A<int> will be ambiguous, and as ambiguous conversion is listed under 14.8.2p8 we can use SFINAE to detect it:
#include <type_traits>
template<class> struct A {};
template<class... Ts> struct C;
template<> struct C<> {};
template<class T, class... Ts> struct C<T, Ts...>: A<T>, C<Ts...> {};
template<class... Ts> void f(A<Ts>...);
template<class... Ts> std::false_type g(...);
template<class... Ts> decltype(f((A<Ts>(), C<Ts...>())...), std::true_type()) g(int);
template<class... Ts> using distinct = decltype(g<Ts...>(0));
static_assert(distinct<int, char, float>::value, "!!");
static_assert(!distinct<int, char, int>::value, "!!");
prog.cpp: In instantiation of ‘struct fail<int, int>’:
prog.cpp:23:29: required from here
prog.cpp:9:8: error: duplicate base type ‘dummy<int>’ invalid
struct fail : dummy<T>, dummy<U> {};
As stated in the above diagnostic you cannot explicitly inherit from the same base more than once in a base-specifier-list, and since T and U can possibly be of the same type.. BOOM.
SFINAE is only checked in the immediate context of the template itself, error that happens beyond the declaration are not suitable to trigger a SFINAE.
14.8.2p8 Template argument deduction [temp.deduct]
If a substitution results in an invalid type or expression, type deduction fails. An invalid type or expression is one that would be ill-formed, with a diagnostic required, if written using the substituted arguemts.
Only invalid types and expressions in the immediate context of the function type and its templat eparameter types can result in a deduction failure.
The ill-formed inheritance does not happen in the immediate context, and the application is ill-formed.
To answer your question explicitly: since inheritance never happens in the declaration of a certain function, the ill-formed inheritance itself cannot be caught by SFINAE.
Sure, you can ask for the compiler to generate a class that uses inheritance, by instantiation it in the function declaration, but the actual (ill-formed) inheritance is not in the immediate context.
As I understand, you want a traits to check if all type are differents,
following may help:
#include <type_traits>
template <typename T, typename ...Ts> struct is_in;
template <typename T> struct is_in<T> : std::false_type {};
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename ... Ts>
struct is_in<T1, T2, Ts...> : std::conditional<std::is_same<T1, T2>::value, std::true_type, is_in<T1, Ts...>>::type {};
template <typename ... Ts> struct are_all_different;
template <> struct are_all_different<> : std::true_type {};
template <typename T> struct are_all_different<T> : std::true_type {};
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename ... Ts> struct are_all_different<T1, T2, Ts...> :
std::conditional<is_in<T1, T2, Ts...>::value, std::false_type, are_all_different<T2, Ts...>>::type {};
static_assert(are_all_different<char, int, float, long, short>::value, "type should be all different");
static_assert(!are_all_different<char, int, float, char, short>::value, "type should not all different");
What about a simple std::is_same<>? As far as I can see, it directly models the desired behaviour of your class.
So try something like this:
template<typename T, typename U>
fail(const T &t, const U &u)
static_assert(std::is_same<T,U>::value,"T and U must have a distinct type");
Or even better, directly use std::is_same<T,U> in your code.
EDIT: Here is a solution inspired by Jarod42's but which uses only a single class (to make it clearer: this is an answer to the question how to write a variadic class template which detects whether all given types are distinct, which seemed to be the desired goal in one of the early versions of the original question):
#include <type_traits>
template <typename ...Ts> struct are_all_different {};
template <> struct are_all_different<> {static const bool value=true;};
template <typename T> struct are_all_different<T> {static const bool value=true;};
template <typename T1, typename T2>
struct are_all_different<T1, T2>
static const bool value = !std::is_same<T1, T2>::value;
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename ...Ts>
struct are_all_different<T1,T2,Ts...>
static const bool value = are_all_different<T1, T2>::value
&& are_all_different<T1, Ts...>::value
&& are_all_different<T2, Ts...>::value;
static_assert(are_all_different<char, int, float, long, short>::value, "type should be all different");
static_assert(!are_all_different<char, int, float, char, short>::value, "type should not all different");
In the end, for n variadic template arguments, this should check for equality of all of the n*(n+1)/2 combinations.
I don’t really understand what you are trying to achieve, but I can help you with the error
template <typename T, typename U>
struct fail : dummy<T>, dummy<U> {};
template <typename T>
struct fail<T, T> : dummy<T> {};
The error is because when you instantiate fail with T and U the same you basically inherit from the same class twice, which is illegal, so you need to create a specialization to take care of this case.
I'm trying to partially specialize a trait for arrays of non-chars:
template<typename T>
struct is_container : std::false_type {};
template<typename T, unsigned N>
struct is_container<T[N]>
: std::enable_if<!std::is_same<T, char>::value, std::true_type>::type {};
Visual Studio 2010 gives me a C2039 (type is no element of enable_if...). However, shouldn't SFINAE just bottom out here instead of giving a compiler error? Or does SFINAE not apply in this case?
Of course I could just separate the specializations for non-char and char:
template<typename T>
struct is_container : std::false_type {};
template<typename T, unsigned N>
struct is_container<T[N]> : std::true_type {};
template<unsigned N>
struct is_container<char[N]> : std::false_type {};
But I would really like to know why SFINAE doesn't work in this particular case.
Check the topic '3.1 Enabling template class specializations' at
Edit: in case link dies...
3.1 Enabling template class specializations
Class template specializations can be enabled or disabled with enable_if. One extra template parameter needs to be added for the enabler expressions. This parameter has the default value void. For example:
template <class T, class Enable = void>
class A { ... };
template <class T>
class A<T, typename enable_if<is_integral<T> >::type> { ... };
template <class T>
class A<T, typename enable_if<is_float<T> >::type> { ... };
Instantiating A with any integral type matches the first specialization, whereas any floating point type matches the second one. All other types match the primary template. The condition can be any compile-time boolean expression that depends on the template arguments of the class. Note that again, the second argument to enable_if is not needed; the default (void) is the correct value.