I have one problem with my x-cart website. When I click on any menu or any featured product, it show the below message:
Page not found
The page you are trying to access does not exist on this server.
Possible reasons:
- The page may have been moved or deleted
- You may have used an outdated or broken link
- You may have typed the address (URL) incorrectly
Can you give me any idea about this error, because I don't do any change with this website.
My website: http://www.toyscenter.biz/
Many thanks in advance.
You might want to check your product categories in the store administration. It seems that your categories are missing.
I am making edits to a client's Sharepoint site.
I checked out the page, made all the changes required, checked it back in, and am waiting on their go-ahead to publish.
I want to double-check that certain elements are the same as they were before I started editing. Generally I would go to site contents > pages > version history of the page I am working on, and look at the currently published version (because, as an editor, it seems to only show me the unpublished draft when I am on the page URL).
Tried to do that today and am getting an error: Sorry, something went wrong
Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131904.... Insightful and intuitive Microsoft error - well done guys (NOT).
Is there any other way that is more straightforward to just view what is currently published?
The quickest way to do this is to either log on as a test account that has only got read only permissions, or to ask one of your colleagues that doesn't have edit permissions to browse to the page and you can see what they see.
Version history, while is helpful when you need to roll back, won't show changes to web parts or other hidden elements when viewing it, so it's not always that helpful when using it for a case like yours.
As a side note, to log in as another user in SP2013, append this to your URL: http://yoursite/_layouts/15/closeconnection.aspx?loginasanotheruser=true
I have the below site structure. When you access the site MyWebsite.com by default the page being loaded is Home item under Korea (MyWebsite/Korea/Home).
What I need to do is:
When the site is being access in china the default homepage should be the one under china (MyWebsite/china/Home). Same thing with Japan, when the site is access or browse in japan the default homepage should be the one in Japan(MyWebsite/Japan/Home). Other than this, the default homepage should be the one under in Korea.
How to do this? And what is the best of doing this in Sitecore.
I am experimenting about Geolocation HTML5 API to determine the location. Then redirects to the appropriate page once I know the location. But I am hesitant becuase I am thinking that there maybe a better way of doing this in Sitecore.
Your advice and help is greatly appreciated.
Your options appear to be:
Use a geoIP lookup service in a pipeline to redirect the user based on their location - Maxmind provides a free implementation that will give you the country.
You can change your approach slightly - using geoip to persoanlise the homepage using Sitecore's personalisation engine. This way you have 1 home page, but present different components to a user depending on their location. this is ideal if the content varies but the overall site structure is the same for each site.
If the sites are fundamentally different then you can set them up as separate sites in Sitecore and bind them to different host names i.e mysite.jp, mysite.cn etc. With your current set up you may experience problems with cross links - i.e visitors on the chinese site being able to access korean pages.
The final option (which i believe is now available in sitecore 8) is to have 1 homepage and vary the presentation by language. This was not previously possible as the layout field was shared.
To expand on this option - Sitecore 8 has changed the way that the page layout is created. Previously the __Renderings field was shared across all language versions. This is still the case however there is now the addition of a _FinalRenderings field. If you open an item and look at the presentation > details view from the ribbon you will see two tabs - shared layout and final layout. It is this final layout that can be varied across language versions. If you open the page in page editor then it is this final layout that you are editing. See the following blogs for a more detailed explanation:
To implement this, open your base homepage - Korean i think in your example and create a new language version in say Japanese (here is a link to a useful tool from the Sitecore marketplace to instantly copy all the content from the Korean version - not sure if it works on 8 though https://www.cognifide.com/blogs/sitecore/quickly-create-new-language-versions-on-your-sitecore-cms/ )
Once you have your Japanese version open the presentation details and start editing the layout. If you now publish and view the Korean page you should see a different layout to the Korean version.
Once you have done this, you will solve your problem by using Sitecore language settings to control your content - if the user changes language, or if you go to www.mysite.com/jp-jp then you should see the Japanese version of the homepage
As #Moorag suggests, a Geo IP service (or local database) is a common way to achieve location based redirection. There are already modules in the Sitecore marketplace to help with this. Here's a good one:
Geiolite Lookup Provider
.. and here are some good posts on the subject:
Sitecore GeoIP Country Resolving - Jump to Lightspeed
Sitecore GeoIP: Helping The First Visit
If you're concerned about the overhead that doing a lookup entails, then a lighter weight option is to try to initially determine the country/language using the user's browser settings which are included as part of the request. This post has the code to achieve it:
Get language and country from a browser in ASP.NET
It's less accurate, but can be a good "first pass" option before going to the Geo IP lookup if it fails.
within a project I encountered a problem with the Liferay inheritance/propagation. I added 3 pages to the "User private pages" Site template (as child pages of an already existing page, if that matters). I expected, that all users would have these pages available. But in fact, they have not. When opening one of the new pages, it says page not found. I can solve this by manually going to the private pages root page of that user, which seems to activate the propagation which leads to a generation of the new pages.
I wasn't able to find something related on the web. Is this a known bug? Am I just unable to find the correct settings?
Please help.
LifeRay BugTracker, STATUS: Under Development, AGE: 11 weeks, 1 day
I recommend using the GIT to set LifeRay Portal to commit ID f5ce41ae4424e47230e7222294559f94656acd22.
This feature is reported to work under that commit ID. I am performing a GIT bisection to replicate this issue on my system, and attempt to fix it by applying the patch I will find at the commit ID captioned above.
I got a page on Facebook and i want to know how come people can't check in on my page? I tried checking in and it came up with a different page and i have merged the pages together but it still not working. Can you please let me know if my need to change any settings.
I'm implementing a Facebook Send dialog, by opening facebook.com/dialog/send in a popup window. When I click the 'Send' button the dialog will display the error: 'Sorry, something went wrong' – but only for certain link URLs. The best examples I have are:
Not Working:
These links are identical except that the first one shares 'facebook.com' and the second one shares 'google.com'. Only the second one works.
The same errors occur if I use the Facebook JavaScript API with FB.ui({method: 'send'}).
Answering my own question:
Both the links now work for me, although I have not changed anything. I can only hypothesise that Facebook has either fixed this bug, or this issue occurs on some internet connections and not others.
I think Facebook is trying to read the URL and pre-populate the image and content. In your case probably because skiggle.com.au is a redirected to the other domain and facebook doesn't accept it.
Edit. Your first link works though
I had the same problem & worked out that this was due to linking to a Facebook page that did not have a vanity URL set up (i.e. http://www.facebook.com/CubicMushroom rather than http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=261963707177053). If you set up a vanity URL for the page it seems to work OK (providing you link to the vanity URL version of the page URL).
To claim a vanity URL, once you have a certain no of like (it used to be 25, but think it's a little lower now) visit https://www.facebook.com/username/
This can also happen if you share a link to localhost