Qt Designer menu disappears when title set to English - c++

I'm facing a problem I don't understand. I.e. if I want my menu bar to have two menus.
If I set the title of one to "Edit" it is not shown when running the application. If I set it to "Bearbeiten" (that's Edit in German) it is shown. I prefer English titles. But even some German titles are not shown.
I think source code is not necessary. But if so, let me know.
I'm on OS X Yosemite/ Qt Creator 3.4.1 (opensource) based on Qt 5.4.2 (Clang 6.0, 64bit)
Any help would be appreciated.
Best regards
Edit: On Windows the same project shows all English Menus as desired


Qt Creator Design Form Editor missing

Qt Creator Design Form Editor missing
I create a Qt Quick Application
Build system: qmake
Minimum required Qt version: Qt 5.15
Kit: Desktop Qt 5.15.2 MinGW 64-bit
First time I couldn't use the "Design" tab on the left. I went to Help->About Plugins->I search Qt Quick and I check the box "Load"->I clicked OK button.
When I clicked "Design" tab ->pup up 3 windows with the project... weird!
I close "X" one of the windows and all of them disappear...
I tried to find my window but no chance...
I research a bit on google and seems a error "Qt Designer has no canvas"
Thank you in advance for any suggestions to fix the issue..

QT 5.9.2 --> 5.10.0 application styles lost?

We recently upgraded the version of Qt we use in a desktop application from Qt 5.9.2 to 5.10.0. On startup it suddenly looked terrible.
Playing around with application styles (i.e. Looking at the return value of "QStyleFactory::keys()" which I might supply to "QApplication::setStyle()" ), I discovered that whereas 5.9.2 gave us 4 styles right out of the box, 5.10.0 gives us only 2.
5.9.2 gave us these:
However 5.10.0 only gives us "Windows" and "Fusion". By default it is now apparently choosing "Windows" when before it was choosing "WindowsVista" so it looks terrible.
Anyone out there familiar enough with Qt to tell me how I might get "WindowsVista" again in 5.10.0? Has it perhaps moved to some other DLL that we're failing to copy? Has it been removed?
(Note: We do not not build Qt ourselves, we use the installer. I don't see any sort of option in there for choosing additional styles" or anything like that...)
I did eventually figure this out and since someone asked (in the comments) what the resolution was, I'll answer my own question.
First of all I had to uninstall and completely reinstall Qt 5.10.0. I am guessing that my original install had failed to check some sort of box with the needed styles. I am not sure.
Second, once I did that, there were 3 styles available, not 2. "windowsvista", "Windows" and "Fusion"

No plist file available in Xcode C++ App

I'm new to Xcode. I am using version 8.3.3 on MacOS 10.12.5 (Sierra) to develop an experimental command line application. I want to set up a version number for the application. According to instructions in Apple documentation and many other places I should be able to do this under the General tab for the project. However, under the General tab Xcode does not seem to be able to find a plist file and instead
displays a 'Choose info.plist File' button.
When I click the click the button Xcode displays a selection dialog containing a project icon, but no sign of an info.plist file and no obvious way to navigate to or create one.
I have tried the technique described at Youtube (v=gYh4_80jHDk: sorry -- can't post it as a link as I'm also new to Stack Overflow!) but to no avail. It just gives me another 'Choose info.plist File' button.
I expect I'm missing something obvious, but it's not obvious to me. I'd be grateful for any help!
Many thanks

Qt Ctrl++ (Control Plus Plus) Shortcut Not Working in Qt 5.5

I've noticed in Qt 5.5.0 and in Qt Creator 3.4.2 (built on Qt 5.5.0), that Actions attempting to use Ctrl++ are not working. Note that the shortcut works correctly in older versions (for example, Qt Creator 2.7.0 built on Qt 5.0.2).
For example, if I try to increase the font size in QtCreator using Ctrl++, nothing happens. The same is true for the ImageViewer example. (Ctrl++ in the ImageViewer increases the image size, but in 5.5.0, it does not work.)
If I bind increasing the font size to another shortcut in QtCreator (via Tools->Options->Environment->Keyboard), such as Ctrl+Z, it works fine.
I did a little debug by overriding keyPressEvent, and it appears that Ctrl++ is being sucked up earlier in the dispatch, but I am having trouble figuring out exactly where.
My questions are:
Is this a bug?
If not, does anyone have any advice on how to see how the key is being dispatched?
This is a confirmed bug in Qt 5.5.0 and appears to be fixed in the latest builds.
There is more information here:

Qt localization

I have some problems with the localization of Qt programs.
At my computer all good but when i send my program to other users they can not see symbols of some languages. In this case I tested the Thai language.
Program output on screenshots:
My cpu OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1
User cpu OS same: Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1
User can print the Thai language in Microsoft Word and Notepad++ but not in the input fields of Qt.
And we found some interesting bug (http://myprintscreen.com/s/1if): If you copy the Thai text from a Microsoft Word in QTextEdit it displayed normally. QLineEdit and QPlainTextEdit do not display properly.
On Windows XP x86 SP3 (http://myprintscreen.com/s/1ii) does not display on Japanese but with Thai all is well :)
I try to use:
Qt project: http://www74.zippyshare.com/v/39453145/file.html
Help please. I can not understand what to do to make it work.
The solution was simple. The problem with fonts on the user's computer. In my case Qt use by default MS Shell Dlg 2 font. But on user computer he was 'corrupted'. I added this code:
QApplication::setFont(QFontDialog::getFont(0, QApplication::font()));
and continue testing. Some fonts are displayed, and some do not. On different computers have different behavior.
That's why I decided to add to the distribution necessary for me font and install it for QApplication.