Running SonarQube on internal Web Server - web-services

I am trying to make Sonarqube working on a virtual machine, IP, running on a production server (Win Server 2012 R2). I need also to access it from the Internet. Thus, I created a new website in IIS on the Physical server enabling the reverse proxy and redirecting everything to This apparently works: I can access successfully the dashboard from any remote pc.
The problem is: when i try to login, sonarqube redirects to As you can easily imagine this blows up everything from a remote pc.
I tried everything in and but nothing.
I tried an Outbound rule in IIS to overwrite with my website address but it doesn't work with gzip compression.
What can I do?

I had to check "Reverse rewrite host in response headers" option in IIS -> Machine -> Application Request Routing Cache -> Server Proxy Settings.


[local IP]:[PORT] redirects to public website (Flask, server configuration, local environment)

I want to debug a flask app on mobiles.
My application configuration allows to expose the app to the network: '',port=5000,threaded=True)
However, if I load mylocalIP:5000, it redirects to, where the production site is hosted, and cannot figure out where it is written to resolve the redirect.
So I cannot see my local environment but in my local machine, and cannot debug the app on other machines - like mobile phones.
Where should I look to solve the problem ?
I must have changed configuration on my machine somewhere, I don't think it is related to flask.
Note: as alternative , I tried use my local host alias:
I'm using a mac, System Preferences > Sharing > Internet Sharing is enabled, other computers in local networks can access my local env at myLocal.local host, but still access to myLocal.local:5000 is forbidden for other machines but my computer.
You can do one thing, install Fiddler app and configure the reverse proxy on your mobile phone. This tutorial will help you to configure fiddler in android applications.
After configuring the reverse proxy, run the flask application on localhost or machine IP and you can access your machine IP on your mobile. Fiddler would also help you to intercept all the calls made to your application. If you don't want to inspect via fiddler you can directly put your mobile on same network of application.

Not able to see test webpage remotely but can ping the server

I have a test server that I can ping successfully although I'm not able to see a hello world test page I've created and mapped in IIS. I've also created an Inbound rule in the windows firewall. Is there something else I'm missing? I'm browsing http://x.x.x.x:888
Any advice greatly appreciated.
Many thanks,
This is a AWS server
Have tried telnet from a client machine but I get Operation timed out
Nothing in IIS logs (C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\xxx)
Port 888 is what I assign the test website to in IIS
Have also moved the test file (index.htm) into the default website within IIS and tried browsing http://x.x.x.x:80/index.htm but I get This site can’t be reached
browsing http://localhost on the server displays the 'hello' message test page.
In windows explorer I've gone to the security settings by right clicking on the website folder and allowing 'everyone' read access
Firewall screen shot
Important update
the IP http://x.x.x.x:888 is the public IP within AWS for the server, not the interal IP of that actual server
On windows 10, I found a firewall issue for my testing server, this worked for me: go to Windows Firewall -> Advanced Settings -> Windows Firewall properties and set a public profile to allow incoming connections.

change port in wso2 sample

I am executing sample programm of wso2. I have installed wso2is on different machine and tomcat is on local machine. I have changed localhost:9443 to my ipaddress(eg from and But when I execute sample from click on login button it always redirecting me localhost and giving error.
I think you need to try the following,
While the tomcat is running,
Open the travelocity.war with an archive manager
Edit the file,
update SAML2.IdPURL value
eg : SAML2.IdPURL=
Save and update the web app
Restart the tomcat server just to be sure (You don't really have to do this since tomcat hot deploys once it detects a change)
I tried this locally and it redirected me to the IP address I put in SAML2.IdpURL. Clearly the problem seems to be a configuration error on the web app side :)
You need to change <HostName> and <MgtHostName> attributes at repository/conf/carbon.xml of your Identity Server with your IP address. By default they are set as localhost, so when logging it will be redirected to location specified there.

IE10 Page can't be displayed, other browsers can

I started with a problem connecting to a webservice on a remote server [internal] from a custom made program.
We tested the ws from Firefox and Chrome - both latest and it connects instantly. But in IE10 (latest version for windows 2012 not R2) we get a page can't be displayed error:
Make sure the web address https://remoteserver:9443 is correct.
Look for the page with your search engine.
Refresh the page in a few minutes.
Make sure TLS and SSL protocols are enabled. Go to Tools > Internet Options > Advanced > Settings > Security
I think that IE10 and our program are using the same system libraries, and thats the reason both cannot connect to the web service. If i solve the problem with IE i presume that i could connect to the ws from the program.
The url port is custom and OK as other browsers work. IE10 can open HTTPS connection to other remote servers.
I tried:
flushing DNS setting,
reinstalling the CA certificate. Certificate is valid in chrome.
enabling TLS1.0, TLS1.1, TLS1.2, SSLv3 and SSLv2
telnet to remote server on port 9443 works
Using developer tool in IE simulated IE 9, IE8, ...
ping to remote sever works
nslookup finds the remote server
What could be the cause of this issue?
A combination of hardening for PCI DSS(securing servers) and the webservice provider not announcing protocols that were enabled was causing the issue.
Moving the server out of PCIDSS policy made the webservice connection function normally.
The changes were displayed only after restarting the server, because of registry modification.
Thanks to #Steffen Ullrich for driving me in the right direction.

CFHTTP firewall issue? How are CFHTTP requests made?

CFHTTP on my new CF 9 server is failing. I get back "408 Request Time-out" when attempting to connect to the test page on the server via its internal or external IP. I am not using SSL and using the standard port 80.
My old CF 9 server can connect to itself fine but it also fails if attempting to connect to the new server.
If I RDP into the server, I am able to pull up the same test page via a web browser or via telnet to that ip port 80.
I suspect that this is a firewall issue. I'd like to know how CF makes an HTTP request under the hood before I talk to the hosting team. What service is making the call? What port is it running under, etc.
You don't say what operating system you are running under, but if it is Windows, I'd take a look at the Windows Firewall settings on your new machine, and disable the firewall. That will allow you to check if indeed it is the Firewall in the way.
If that works you can then try and add a firewall exception for the application, i.e. JRun.
Hope that helps.