Sublime Text 3: how to create a build system? - build

I m a ROS user. With that framework you usually define a working directory:
$ mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
// Here create your c++ packages
and then let the system to compile your packages by typing the following:
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/
$ catkin_make
But this means that you should keep at least one more console open, to call the command:
$ catkin_make
which compiles at once all the packages you ve written in that working directory.
Since I m using Sublime Text 3 to write my software I want to be able to call that function from Sublime
I went through this tutorial so many times, but I still don't understand how I can create my building system.
I tried already with the following:
"path": "~/workspace_ros",
"cmd": ["catkin_make"]
but I get the following error message:
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'catkin_make'
[cmd: ['catkin_make']]
[dir: /home/will/workspace_ros/src/flight_system/src/include]
[path: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games]
I tried even with the following options:
but still it doesn't recognize catkin as command for compiling
What's wrong?
PS: in the workspace I have already a CMakeLists.txt file. Calling catkin in the shell compiles everything fine.

I am not sure if this is the best way to accomplish it, but this is what I did. Keep in mind that I did this for a winros project, so for regular ROS projects, you just need to tweak it a bit.
First, I created a build system for the project as follows (so append this to your project file):
"name" : "ROS",
"cmd" : ["$project_path/build.bat"],
"working_dir" : "$project_path",
"variants" : [
"name" : "Run",
"cmd" : ["$project_path/run.bat"]
I then created the build.bat and run.bat scripts referenced in there in the project's root directory (in your case ~/workspace_ros). I created these scripts because there is more to building/running the nodes than just calling catkin_make. You also need to call the setup scripts first.
Here's build.bat
REM Basically, change the cwd to the project's root dir
SET ws_path=%~dp0
cd /D "%ws_path%"
call setup.bat
winros_make -i
You might want to change this to a bash script for your linux system, and tweak the script itself. The idea is to change your cwd to the project's path and call the setup file and build afterwards.
Here's run.bat
REM Call the setup script and launch the node
call "C:\opt\ros\hydro\x86\setup.bat"
roslaunch eyetracker_talker talker.launch
Again, you might need to change this to a bash script. In my case, I use roslaunch to run the node.
Finally, this gives you two build options (Build and Build: Run). The output of both should be shown in the build output window.
Hope this helps.

I realize this is a bit of an old question, but it is still top on google for using catkin with Sublime, so heres my shameless self plug.
I recently wrote a Sublime 3 Package, Catkin Builder that bulids ROS packages inside Sublime. It uses catkin build as opposed to catkin_make but it might help you out.


F# package for Sublime Text Build System absent

I am starting out with F# and trying to get it to work with Sublime Text 3 with a package, After installing the package using Package Control, I see F# appear as an available language to use in Sublime Text's bottom bar, and syntax highlighting appears to work more or less, from what I can tell, but the build system for F# fails to appear as it should.
So, trying to fix things, I run " install" and get an error, "Cannot open assembly '.paket/paket.bootstrapper.exe': No such file or directory." I am sort of stuck. Many thanks for any help.
From the comments you've made, you appear to be a little unfamiliar with the Unix underpinnings of OS X. I'll explain those first, then I'll suggest something for you to try that may fix your problem.
Technically, files or directories whose name starts with . are not "reserved for the system" as you put it; they're hidden. Now, it's true that Finder won't allow you to create files or directories whose name starts with ., because Apple didn't want to have to field all the tech-support calls from people who didn't know about the hidden-files feature: "I named my file ... more important stuff for work and now it's gone! Help!!!" But if you're in the Terminal app, then you can easily create files or directories with . as their first letter: mkdir .foo should work. You won't see it when you do ls, but ls -a (a for "all") will show you all files, including hidden files. And you can also do cd .foo and create files inside the hidden .foo directory -- and while the .foo folder won't show up in Finder, it will be perfectly accessible in the Terminal, and to any F# programs you might write.
So when you say that you cloned but it failed to include the .github and .paket directories, I think you just don't know how to see them. You can't see them in the Finder (well, you can if you jump through a couple of hoops but I don't think it's worth the effort), but you can see them with ls -a. Just open your terminal, run cd /Users/Username/Paket, and then run ls -a and I think you'll see that the .paket and .github directories were indeed created by your git clone command.
So what you should probably try is this:
Go to
Download the paket.bootstrapper.exe and paket.exe files. Put them in /Users/Username/Downloads (or wherever the default OS X Downloads directory is if it's different -- just as long as it's somewhere where you can find them easily).
Open the Terminal app.
Go to the directory where you've unpacked the Sublime Text 3 package. I.e., in the Terminal app, run cd /Users/Username/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/sublime-fsharp-package-master.
Run ls -a and see if there's a .paket directory.
If it does not exist, run mkdir .paket.
Now do cd .paket so you're in the hidden .paket directory under sublime-fsharp-package-master.
Now do ls and see if there's a paket.bootstrapper.exe file.
If it doesn't exist, then copy in the .exe files you downloaded earlier:
cp /Users/Username/Downloads/paket.bootstrapper.exe .
cp /Users/Username/Downloads/paket.exe .
Important: Now do cd .. to go back up to the /Users/Username/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/sublime-fsharp-package-master/ directory.
Now instead of running /Users/Username/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/sublime-fsharp-package-master/ install, try running it as ./ install. (And also try ./ Install, since I'm pretty sure the capital I is necessary).
(BTW, If you're not familiar with the syntax that I used in steps 9, 10 and 11, where I used a single . or two dots .. in commands, those are a long-standing Unix idiom: . means "the current directory", and .. means "the parent directory".)
I just looked at the script that you've been running, and it seems to assume that you've done a cd into the package's base directory (the sublime-fsharp-package-master directory) before running the script. So that could explain why it was failing: you were running it from a different directory, rather than doing a cd first. Hence why I marked step 10 as important: I think that was the root cause of the problem.

How to install ninja-build for C++
I have downloaded the folder and extracted it. When I open it, there is a single .exe file in the entire folder. When I double click it a cmd window flashes for a split second. I have also tried running it as administrator, but the same thing happens. What I don't understand is, what am I expected to do with this .exe file?
You must open a terminal (cmd.exe on Windows) and type something like ninja -f /path/to/buld/file. You may also wish to modify the PATH environment variable so that Windows knows where to find the Ninja executable, depending on your setup.
You can simple download ninja.exe file from this Link
After that you just have to add the path to your ninja.exe file to your windows environment variables and then you can use ninja commands from anywhere in windows.
1. Open cmd in your Project Directory
2. There are guides on the internet on where to save the Ninja.exe so that it'll be callable in Cmd without specifying directory. Either follow them or:
i, Specify Directory when Calling Ninja. Putting "ninja" in Cmd actually calls Ninja.exe and is the same as something like "C:\users\user1\downloads\Ninja". or:
ii, Save Ninja.exe in the same directory as Project.
3. proceed with rest of the command.
Therefore the Final Command would be:
"C:\users\user\downloads\Ninja.exe" -f "D:\Projects\Project1"

How to deploy Qt applications for Linux

I followed all the steps successfully as mention in the Qt documentation:
Qt for Linux/X11 - Building from Source
Qt for Linux/X11 -
But I still couldn't make static Qt application, the executable generated by the above documented steps still needs Qt shared objects on other system.
Any ideas?
You need to deploy the application, for this purpose I use the utility
This utility itself collects all the necessary dependencies of your application and you do not have to spend your time on it, or you can automate this process.
You can install from github releases (Windows)
from snapstore (Linux)
sudo snap install cqtdeployer
You can use as follows:
%cqtdeployer% -bin myApp -qmake path/to/Qt/5.x.x/build/bin/qmake.exe -qmlDir path/to/my/qml/files/dir
cqtdeployer -bin myApp -qmake path/to/Qt/5.x.x/build/bin/qmake -qmlDir path/to/my/qml/files/dir
path/to/Qt/5.x.x/build/bin/qmake - This is the way qmake is used to build your program.
path/to/my/qml/files/dir - this is the path directly to your qml file (which you wrote)
And Run application with sh script (Linux) or exe (Windows)
If you'll use the version from snap then make sure that you have all the permissions.
If you need use windows version just install application from installer
If you want create a simple installer for you application just add qif option for command of cqtdeployer.
Example :
cqtdeployer -bin myApp -qmake path/to/Qt/5.x.x/build/bin/qmake -qmlDir path/to/my/qml/files/dir qif
Details on all the intricacies of cqtdeployer can be found on the official wiki project.
The best way to deploy your application is not necessarily to statically link it for the following reasons:
LGPL licencing means that your application must now be made public and may not sold (I think) - i.e. since its statically linked and the qt libs are within your executable your executable is now part of the open source.
Its a massive pain in the arse... I have gone around this loop and know the pain well.
Installing qt-everywhere is also not so great, I just don't see how you can garantee that the libraries will be the same version as the ones that your program needs.
So what I started to do was create my own script to deploy qt for me. The basic "jist" of this is that you use ldd to find out which qt libraries you need and copy them into a sub folder (./lib) within the same folder as your executable to make an install bundle.
Note: on Windows there is a deployqt application which does somthing similar (can't remember exactly what it is called).
Below I have copied a version of my deploy script. Note that it is quite old now, but I don't see why it should not work (its not written particularly well), but if not it will give you a start place. Also look out for the plugin's. In this script I have added code to copy the audio plugin since I was using that. If you are using other plugins then you will need to copy those (they are usually in sub dir's of the qt libs like .../audio)... I had a todo to try to figure out what plugins are needed from the .pro file but I never got around to that (I would have to pass in the .pro file to this script as well)...
To run, just run this script and pass in the directory that your executable lives in.
# Rememeber start dir
# Determine which dir to deploy in and cd to that dir
if [ -d "$1" ]; then
echo "Deploy dir: $DEPLOY_DIR"
# Run ldd on all files in the directory and create a list of required qt libs
for entry in `ldd $DEPLOY_DIR/* | grep -i qt`; do
if $flag; then
# Only add to the array if it is not already in it
if ! [[ $libsArray =~ $entry ]]; then
echo "adding $entry"
libsArray="$libsArray $entry"
# If we see a "=>" then the next line will be a library
if [ $entry == "=>" ]; then
# Create the required folder structure. Note here we are need the qt audio plugin so we are going to manually copy that as well.
mkdir -p lib
mkdir -p lib/audio
# Now copy these files to the deploy directory
for entry in $libsArray; do
echo "cp -v -f $entry $DEPLOY_DIR/lib"
cp -v -f $entry $DEPLOY_DIR/lib
# Now get the audio lib - this is a plugin that we are using so we need these libs as well.
# Add other plugins here as well.
# TODO: maybe we can read this in from the *.pro file.
cp -v -f `qmake -query QT_INSTALL_BINS`/../plugins/audio/* $DEPLOY_DIR/lib/audio
# Go back to start dir
Once you have all the files you need you should be able to copy the whole lot to another PC and run it. Note: you may have to set the export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<path-to-libs> so that the libs can be found... or install the libs into somewhere like /usr/lib/your-appplication/.
But installing libs is another question/subject!

How do I run a C++ Program in Sublime 3 (Ubuntu)?

So I have started to use Sublime Text 3 recently with my Ubuntu OS. I wanted to test it out so wrote a simple piece of c++ code. But when I try to build it does nothing, I have checked online and still nothing I even installed a build system ( and still whenever I go to build it just opens open a black section at the bottom (see picture)
Install g++ to run c++ code
apt-get install g++
Then I will tell you a personal trick that I used. it is:
find | grep "part of your filename"
Replace "part of your filename" section with the name of the file or a part of the name of the file.
Suppose, the file name is Here.c. I type "Here" in place of part of your filename.
Then the final step, type
Output is ready in front of you.
This post will help you in setting up Sublime Text 3 in a way that leads to a good workflow specifically for C++ programming environment (Ubuntu, GNU C++ Compiler) :
Note: Only the following step is essential for running c++ programs.
1. Create a Build System in Sublime Editor :
Sublime Text provides build systems to allow users to run external programs.
Go to Tools -> Build System -> New Build System.
Paste the following code in the file
"cmd": ["g++ -Wall -Wextra -O2 -pthread -H -std=c++17 \"${file}\" -o runfile && ./runfile <> output.out"],
//above line works fine if and output.out files are present in same directory in which .cpp file is present else add complete address of these files for using them as common input output files in your system.
"variants": [
"name": "Variant Run",
"cmd" : ["gnome-terminal -- bash -c \"g++ $file_name ;echo ------------Output-------------; ./a.out;echo;echo; echo Press ENTER to continue; read line;exit; exec bash\""
Save the file (By default the file is placed in "~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User" dir) something like "C++17.sublime-build" to differentiate it from the other build system files.
Create and output.out text files in your working directory. This can be used for piping input from the file, and output to the output.out file.
Note in the first line it uses the -std=c++17 flag to enable the latest features of C++17. If you don't want this or want to use C++14, replace this with the -std=c++14 flag.
Refer to for different compiler flags.
See Also
2. Setup window layout :
Create three new c++ file, file.cpp. Select View > Layout > Columns : 3. This will create three columns in the workspace. Select View > Groups > Max Columns : 2.
Write a hello world program & save inputs if any in the file, and test its working. Use Shift+Ctrl+B and Select C++17 to build and execute the file (If selected C++17 - Variant Run it will execute the program in a separate terminal window like a normal program would).
The windows will look like this when you are done.
Layout Preview
3. Precompile headers :
Generally useful in competitive programming, we can speed up compilation time by precompiling all the header files as mentioned here, i.e. by precompiling the bits/stdc++.h header file.
For this, first, navigate to the stdc++.h file. This will be located at a directory similar to ~/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/9/bits Open terminal window here.
Run the command sudo g++ -std=c++17 stdc++.h, to compile the header. Take care to use the same flags you used in your build system. Check to make sure that the stdc++.h.gch file was created in that directory.
4. Sublime Text features :
Snippets & Completion
Read up on the documentation of snippets and completions at the official guide.
5. Other Features :
This program works perfectly fine for me using Build 3120, and I expect it will work fine with previous builds. First, you need to select Tools → Build System → C++ Single File (Tools → Build System → Automatic should also work, but I prefer to be explicit). Then, either hit CtrlShiftB or select Tools → Build With… and select C++ Single File - Run. This will compile your .cpp file to an executable in the same directory as the source file, then run it.
Well I also got various issues with this thing finally I got an amazing thing in the package control pallet.Follow the instructions:
1.Open up the Package control Pallet
2.Search for C++ Builder
3.You will see C++ Builder-Mingyang Yang it and then wait for a couple of seconds
5.finally go to tools->build system->select C++ Builder-Mingyang Yang
6.finally tap the Shift+Ctrl+B and then select C++ Builder-Mingyang Yang Build and Run
7.finally here you go you can not only build this but also use the console for input
Note:This will execute only when there is gcc compiler included in the terminal otherwise at first install gcc by the command apt-get install gcc then you can use c++

Setting up ROS package in CLion

I am using CLion (C++ IDE) for editing a ROS package. I was able to open a package by opening the CMakeLists.txt file. But, I get an error,
"FATAL_ERROR "find_package(catkin) failed. catkin was neither found in the workspace nor in the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. One reason may be that
no ROS was sourced before"
How do I solve this problem? Will I be able to make the project in CLion (If so, how do I) after I make changes to the code or do I have to catkin_make in a separate terminal?
Try this (for Linux):
Open a command line
Run catkin_make on your package.
source your catkin_workspace/devel/setup.bash file e.g. source ~/my_dev_folder/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
Start CLion from [CLion install dir]/bin/ e.g. cd ~/Downloads/clion-1.2.4/bin && ./
CLion should then start with knowledge about the packages in your catkin workspace, through the local environment variables set up by the setup.bash file.
To add on to what WillC suggested, you can also modify the desktop entry to start the application from bash instead of manually doing so.
To do this, edit the desktop file located at
by modifying the line containing Exec= to
Exec=bash -i -c "/INSTALL_LOCATION/clion-2016.3.2/bin/" %f
To add on to what WillC suggested,CLion reload the last cmake compiling result by default.
However, if you failed to find catkin.cmake during the last attempt even though you source the devel/setup.bash and open CLion, you also cannot find catkin.cmake.
You should click File --> Reload Cmake Project and you should get the right result.