Get list of all loaded classes through JMX - classloader

I have a little Java program that makes a JMX connection to a remote Weblogic server. I want to get a list of all loaded classes.
I have an ObjectName object with for "java.lang:type=ClassLoading".
(How) is this possible?

It is not possible. The default JVM platform MXBeans don't publish this information.


API to get IBM WebSphere MQ version?

Is there any way to get IBM WebSphere MQ version and patch level, both client and manager side? I am looking for the same data that is shown by dspmqver but through the C/C++ API.
You call MQINQ, passing the Queue Manager handle, with the selectors for MQIA_COMMAND_LEVEL and Version is an attribute of the MQCFST structure.
I just want to add to Stavr00 answer that compile-time define of WMQ library is MQCMDL_CURRENT_LEVEL
P.S. Yet other details reported by dspmqver (like CMVC level, build type etc.) remain hidden within WMQ API internals :(

How to use infinispan as a remote session repository for Cipango Servlet engine?

I need to use infinispan in a remote node for keeping session states. how can I use it with Cipango? I know that jetty can use it, but what about Cipango? do
I need additional configuration in Cipango?
I have seen some classes in Cipango source code with the name of Cipango-replication, what should I do with them? I'm not seeing this module in pom.xml of Cipango source code? how to add this module if it's necessary.
I also know that I would use a HotRod client in my servlet engine to read/write session states from/to Infinispan, but I have no Idea where to start it with Cipango?

JMX monitoring/statistics in Akka application

Are there any built in JMX exposed monitoring/statistics that can be enabled in Akka (Java), besides the Cluster MBean? I have looked at Typesafe Console, but since it requires a license to be used with collecting data from multiple nodes, I was hoping to be able to achieve the same with plain JMX. I have checked the Akka documentation without any luck on this topic.
No - the Cluster JMX support is it.
There are a couple of projects aimed at collecting data from Akka. Both are at very early stages at this point but the code could be a starting point for you.
Eigengo Monitor -
Kamon -
Both are using AspectJ to get the data out of Akka.
Typesafe Console is free to use in non-Production environments, if that works for you.
Try this. I did a pull request with the necessary functionality to Kamon.
After the release of this version (after 0.5.1), all you will need to do to make jmx work - you need to add the module kamon-jmx to project and activate it autostart on configuration.

soap_call_<something> compilation error: "identifier not found"

I am trying to use gsoap 2.8 to connect a C++ plugin to several web services.
When I used it to connect to single service I got, among other, a function soap_call_KitPro_GetDefectsByDateRange()
Now that I have created a wsdl file containing several web services that my plugin should connect to, I see no functions starting with soap_call_* at all.
What may be the reason? what should I check?
Is there any other way to actually activate the connection to the service I need?

Programmatically query deployed Jetty 8 applications

Is there a way I can query the list of deployed applications in a Jetty 8 server in code? For instance, can I inject the DeploymentManager and query it?
From a handler, you should have a reference to the Server object so you should be able to dig around for it from there, or just pass in reference to it when you create it and are knitting things together. Handlers are simple to write and wire up. Look at the StatisticsHandler usage as an example if you like.
From a servlet that is not really appropriate since there is a webapp classloader and webapps are classloader isolated for a reason.