Architecture Design for API of Cloud Service - web-services

I've a local application that process the user input for 3 second (approximately) and then return an answer (output) to the user.
(I don't want to go into details about my application in purpose of not complicate the question and keep it a pure architectural question)
My Goal:
I want to make my application a service in the cloud and expose API
(for the upcoming website and for clients that will connect the service without install the software locally)
Possible Solutions:
Deploy WCF on the cloud and use my application there, so clients can invoke the service and use my application on the cloud. (RPC style)
Use a Web-API that will insert the request into queue and then a worker role will dequeue requests and post the results to a DB, so the client will send one request for creating a request in the queue, and another request for getting the result (which the Web-API will get from the DB).
The Problems:
If I go with the WCF solution (#1) I cant handle great loads of requests, maybe 10-20 simultaneously.
If I go with the WebAPI-Queue-WorkerRole solution (#2) sometimes the client will need to request the results multiple times its can be a problem.
If I go with the WebAPI-Queue-WorkerRole solution (#2) the process isn't sync, the client will not get the result once the process of his request is done, he need to request the result.
In the WebAPI-Queue-WorkerRole solution (#2), can I somehow alert the client once his request has processed and done ? so I can save the client multiple request (for the result).
Asking multiple times for the result isn't old stuff ? I remmemeber that 10 - 15 years ago its was accepted but now ? I know that VirusTotal API use this kind of design.
There is a better solution ? one that will handle great loads and will be sync or async (returning result to the client once it done) ?
Thank you.

If you're using Azure, why not simply fire up more servers and use load balancing to handle more load? In that way, as your load increases, you have more servers to handle the requests.
Microsoft recently made available the Azure Service Fabric, which gives you a lot of control over spinning up and shutting down these services.


How to push data to a running Windows Service

My question is, is there a good way to push an integer value to a running windows service without restarting it and without writing to disk or having it poll some database?
Here's my scenario and a few thoughts:
I need to pass data to a windows service in real time I DO NOT want there to be a delay. All I need to give it is in integer and it can do the rest. My predecessor had it set up to poll a database every 10 min but that is no longer an option. I need the response time to be less than a second. I suppose technically I could just reduce the poll time to 0.5 sec but I'm thinking that would be bad for the database server. I know you can pass data to a windows service when it starts but restarting this service isn't an option because of what it's doing.
I would love to use a web service and just call a web method to pass in the data but the tasks require elevated (admin) permissions and almost everything involves file system access so my understanding is that a web service isn't really the best option either.
I've thought of using a hybrid scenario where I run a web service and a windows service on the same machine but then I still have the problem of how to pass the integer from the web service to the windows service... I could technically use a file system watcher but I really don't want to create a file just to pass an integer. I thought maybe I could use localDb and have the web service just write the value there and have the windows service poll localDb every 0.5 sec, But I'm not sure how much that polling would affect overall performance of other things. I really want a way to push data to the windows service rather than having the service poll somewhere else.
The project I work on has a front-end UI that communicates with a Windows Service running on the same system. In the past, I used the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), but found this to be heavy-weight for what I really needed. I am now using a TCP socket over the localhost address ( to exchange data between the UI and the service.
Based on your description, the web service approach seems heavy-weight, kinda like the WCF approach we used to use. And, as you've noted, it has permissions issues. A simple application that pushes the integer to your service over a socket would be straightforward in my mind.
If WCF is of interest, here's a couple links that might help:
Creating a user interface for monitoring and interacting with a running windows service
GUI and windows service communication

How to get intermediate feedback from my REST service for a single GET request

In my user interface, I am trying to implement a progress bar which shows the percent of completion of work for a user request.
My back-end REST service needs to do a lot of computations; hence it is relatively slow. I want to show the user what work in backend is finished. For instance: Task1 finished, working on Task2 (hence show 50% on the progress bar)
My problem:
The service returns result only after it has finished its entire task. I do not know how to get intermediate feedback to show the user that a certain percent of work is complete so he/she should be patient.
Just to clarify, before you start suggesting any of following:
I do not want to use gif Ajax loader.
Service is already optimized, cannot be fine tuned any further.
The service work is already very atomic, it cannot be further broken down in more than 1 service without causing further performance penalty due to additional network traffic.
Let me know if above is not possible to accomplish, I can stop my search.
What you want to do is bi-directional communication with an HTTP-Server and there are basically two ways to do it:
Set up a second API-Call that a client could poll in regular intervals to get the current status of the computation.
Set up a WebSocket-connection between your client and your server, which would allow the server to initiate the communication to the client and send a message as soon as a task is finished. Adding WebSockets just for that would probably cause even more network traffic than Rest-Polling.
If none of these are options for you, then I don`t think that what you want is possible.

tips to reduce message traffic and size in order to have less download amount

I have a mobile application integrated to a server where users can see tasks assigned and close the task request after work. In this project timing is very important, at least ones in a minute program should check if a task is assigned. Moreover mobile should also check the server if there is a change on the task that it already downloaded.
Because of the nature of the project download amount is high. How can we reduce it? Should we use another technology for server communication (Now we use ASP.NET Web Service Application)?
Thanks in advance.
Use JSON instead of XML Server.
Try using selective sync options like instead of complete tasks sync as it would become slow with higher number of tasks.
Mark task changes locally on mobile. mark entities dirty and then only update marked tasks to cloud/Server.
as SLaks suggested use push instead of pull it will save mobile battery and user's data package.
Here is what can help you:
Microsoft Sync Framework.

Ideal way/architecture to deliver large data over Web Services

We are trying to design 6 web services, which will serve another client component. The client component requires data from the web service we are implementing.
Now, the problem is, there is not 1 Web Service we are implementing, there is one Web Service which the client component hits, this initiates a series (5 more) of Web Services which gather data from their respective data stores and finally provide the data back to the original Web Service, which then delivers the data back to the client component.
So, if the requested data becomes huge, then, this will be a serious problem for our internal communication channel.
So, what do you guys suggest? What can be done to avoid overloading of the communication channel between the internal Web Service and at the same time, also delivering the data to the client component.
Update 1
Using 5 WS, where, 1WS does not know about the others, except the next one is a business requirement. Actually, 5 companies "small services" are being integrated.
We use Java and Axis2
We've had a similar problem. Apart from trying to avoid it (eg for internal communication go direct to db instead of web service) you can mitigate it by at least not performing the 5 or so tasks in series. Make new threads to collect them all in parallel and process them at the end to reduce latency (except where they might contend for the same resource and bottle neck).
But before I'd do anything load test it and see if it is even an issue and get some baseline stats so you can see what improvement each change makes. Also sometimes you might be better off tweaking network settings or the actual network rather than trying to optimise the code - but again test and see.
Put all the data on a temporary compressed file and give back the ftp url of the file.
The client fetches the big data chunk uncompress it and reads it. (maybe some authentication mechanism for the ftp server)

Forcing asmx web service to handle requests one at a time

I am debugging an ASMX web service that receives "bursts" of requests. i.e., it is likely that the web service will receive 100 asynchronous requests within about 1 or 2 seconds. Each request seems to take about a second to process (this is expected and I'm OK with this performance). What is important however, is that each request is dealt with sequentially and no parallel processing takes places. I do not want any concurrent request processing due to the external components called by the web service. Is there any way I can force the web service to only handle each response sequentially?
I have seen the maxconnection attribute in the machine.config but this seems to only work for outbound connections, where as I wish to throttle the incoming connections.
Please note that refactoring into WCF is not an option at this point in time.
We are usinng IIS6 on Win2003.
What I've done in the past is to simply put a lock statement around any access to the external resource I was using. In my case, it was a piece of unmanaged code that claimed to be thread-safe, but which in fact would trash the C runtime library heap if accessed from more than one thread at a time.
Perhaps you should be queuing the requests up internally and processing them one by one?
It may cause the clients to poll for results (if they even need them), but you'd get the sequential pipeline you wanted...
In IIS7 you can set up a limit of connections allowed to a web site. Can you use IIS7?