How to debug JavaScript in DukeScript - firebug-lite

Is it possible to debug JavaScript when using DukeScript?
I've tried adding FirebugLite
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
It loads and that's awesome but it has no visibility of the $root model.
Also I don't know if it's possible to add breakpoints.

Partly, one can include FirebugLite. See for example here.
One problem I've found is that Firebug loads but has no visibility of the model, $root returns undefined.
I've tried to work around this problem by creating a Javascript resource MyResource.js under main/resouces
MyResource = {
loadFirebug: function(){
if (!document.getElementById('FirebugLite')){
E = document['createElement' + 'NS'] && document.documentElement.namespaceURI;
E = E ? document['createElement' + 'NS'](E, 'script') : document['createElement']('script');
E['setAttribute']('id', 'FirebugLite');
E['setAttribute']('src', '' + 'firebug-lite.js' + '#startOpened');
E['setAttribute']('FirebugLite', '4');(document['getElementsByTagName']('head')[0] || document['getElementsByTagName']('body')[0]).appendChild(E);
E = new Image;E['setAttribute']('src', '' + '#startOpened');
someProperty: "someProperty"
Then we create a correpsponding Java class in order to load the resource
public class MyResource {
args = {}, body =
public static native void loadFireBug();
Now in the onPageLoad() Java method we can invoke the JavaScript method that loads FirebugLite
* Called when the page is ready.
public static void onPageLoad() throws Exception {
d = new Data();
d.setMessage("Hello World from HTML and Java!");
Now when Firebug starts, it has at least a scope of its enclosing resource.
We still can't add breakpoints because the resource doesn't appear under the files. Perhaps DukeScript experts can suggest a better way of handling this.
Note 1: you can use load Bootstrap simply by including it into the the page with the script tag. See here
Note 2: Unfortunately FireBug Lite seems to have some problems with Bootstrap, beyond version 1.2. See here
Note 3: Here are a couple of ways on how to access a DukeScript model from the javascript context


Coldbox recommended way of getting access to variables set inside legacy application cfc

I am adding Coldbox to our legacy application and I ran into a problem where we can't access certain variables from within the views when using Coldbox. In the existing legacy code inside of Application.cfc in the onRequestStart method we set several variables like so:
VARIABLES.screenID = 0;
VARIABLES.DSN = 'datasourcemain';
VARIABLES.DSNRO = 'datasourcereadonly';
VARIABLES.DSNADMIN = 'datasourceadmin';
VARIABLES.pagetitle = "Default Page Title for web application";
This is just a small snippet of the variables set. The problem is that in the legacy code these were used all over the place like in the header and footer. When browsing to a legacy page these are still accessible but when sending the request through coldbox the variables become inaccessible. My question is, is there a recommended way that I can have Coldbox know about these variables and pass them along to the views so I don't have to modify hundreds of files?
It depends, there are a few places to define such variables. From the limited information given, I would suggest you add the datasource information to the Coldbox.cfc > datasources struct (#1) and add the default pageTitle to the global request handler (#2). As for the screenID, who knows -- good luck!
config/Coldbox.cfc has both a settings and datasources struct that can be injected via wirebox into the handlers/controllers.
// Dependency Injection using WireBox
property name='settings' inject='coldbox:settings';
Use a global request handler and add all the global vars into the prc (private request context) which is visible to the controller and views.
coldbox = {
requestStartHandler: 'Main.onRequestStart'
// handlers/Main.cfc
component extends='coldbox.system.EventHandler' {
function onRequestStart( event, rc, prc) {
prc.screenID = 0;
prc.DSN = 'datasourcemain';
prc.DSNRO = 'datasourcereadonly';
prc.DSNADMIN = 'datasourceadmin';
prc.pagetitle = "Default Page Title for web application";
Use a request interceptor and add data to the prc.
interceptors = [
{ class="interceptors.Globals" }
component {
property name='legacyGlobals' inject='LegacyGlobals';
function preProcess(event, interceptData) {
event.setPrivateValue('someLegacyGlobalVar', legacyGlobals.getSomeLegacyGlobalVar() );

Ionic2: invalid page component: ProjectInfoPage

export class ProjectDetail {
page: string;
the page info contained in json, like this:
page: "PageInfoPage"
page: "PageInfoPage1"
I parse info from this json,then saved in Array.
when execute this.nav.push(,throw exception as title described.I don't know how to convert 'string' to 'component'.
I use the method like Angular 2 - Resolve Component Factory with a string described. This is my code:
itemClick(pd: ProjectDetail) {
var factories = Array.from(this.resolver['_factories'].keys());
var factoryClass = <Type<any>>factories.find((x: any) => ===;
const factory = this.resolver.resolveComponentFactory(factoryClass);
const compRef = this.vcRef.createComponent(factory);
if (this.componentRef) {
this.componentRef = compRef;
this.nav.push(compRef, {
item: pd,
it still does not work.Thank you for your answer.
At last,I solved it with a stupid method.As I create a map like this:
componentRegistry = {
'ProjectInfoPage': ProjectInfoPage
And then push like this:
this.nav.push(this.componentRegistry[], {
item: pd,
Normally, you have to import the actual component class for the page that you want to navigate to and then push that class onto the stack. By default, there is no way built into ionic2 to navigate via string references. I had the same problem today where I wanted to be able to navigate using strings rather than pushing the component class on the stack.
Check out the following link from the ionic forums on how to accomplish this. Look at the last two responses to the thread, which include how to solve this problem from beta stages and then an updated answer for how to do so with ionic 2.2.0. Although I'm pretty sure the same solution will work for all versions of ionic 2 since final release.

Is Qooxdoo protected against XSS

I'm looking for informations about security on Qooxdoo.
I want to check my app vs OWASP top 10
A point to review is the XSS OWASP A3 XSS
How can I be sure that Qooxdoo is secure against XSS attacks ?
Does Qooxdoo use some sanitizer tools ?
A short answer from all the discussions. Yes Qooxdoo is XSS safe. By default, no javascript value in any field will be executed.
But, if you use rich=true, you have to check input/output
A common XSS attack vector are situations where an attacker somehow inputs JS code into a web application, such that this code then shows up in the DOM of a webpage and gets thus activated.
To protect against this kind of XSS, you must make sure that the backend server does not send user generated (un-cleaned) html towards the browser ... (this has nothing to do with qooxdoo).
That said, the regular qooxdoo widgets do not in general display data as html so you are reasonably safe even without a clever server. The exception is the qx.ui.basic.Label widget and its descendants. The Label widget has the ability to display HTML directly if you set the rich property. The rich property is set to false by default, but if you enable it, you have to make sure you don't display 'dangerous' html content.
Only very few (non essential) qooxdoo widgets allow you to insert HTML code into the DOM. In these instance you have to take care to sanitize the data. The widgets in question are:
If you do use qx.html.* and*and qx.dom.* objects to work with the DOM directly, you are beyond the reach of qooxoo and have to take care to act accordingly.
Another important attack vector are authentication cookies. Most of the attacks work by getting the browser to send a request together with the cookie to its server without the user being aware it.
Qooxdoo itself does not require you to use cookies at all. Since qooxdoo applications by design run in a single browser window, you can work without ever using cookies. An easy way of implementing something like this is to have a 'server access singleton' which takes care of all the communication with the backend and supplies the access token in a special header added to every request.
The code below could serve as a guide ... for the cookie problem.
qx.Class.define('myapp.Server', {
extend :,
type : "singleton",
construct : function() {
timeout : 60000,
url : 'QX-JSON-RPC/',
serviceName : 'default'
properties: {
sessionCookie: {
init: null,
nullable: true
members : {
* override the request creation, to add our 'cookie' header
createRequest: function() {
var req = this.base(arguments);
var cookie = this.getSessionCookie();
if (cookie){
return req;
and if you provide a login popup window in myapp.uiLogin you could replace
the standard callAsync by adding the following to popup a login window if the backend is unhappy with your request.
* A asyncCall handler which tries to
* login in the case of a permission exception.
* #param handler {Function} the callback function.
* #param methodName {String} the name of the method to call.
* #return {var} the method call reference.
callAsync : function(handler, methodName) {
var origArguments = arguments;
var origThis = this;
var origHandler = handler;
var that = this;
var superHandler = function(ret, exc, id) {
if (exc && exc.code == 6) {
var login = myapp.uiLogin.getInstance();
login.addListenerOnce('login', function(e) {
var ret = e.getData();
origArguments.callee.base.apply(origThis, origArguments);
origHandler(ret, exc, id);
if (methodName != 'login') {
arguments[0] = superHandler;
arguments.callee.base.apply(this, arguments);
take a look at the CallBackery application to see how this works in a real application.

Can Glass.Mapper V3 support language fallback (field-level and item-level)?

We just updated our project to use Glass.Mapper V3. We LOVE it. But we've encountered an issue. It doesn't seem to respect language fallback.
We have our site set up so that if a user picks a non-default language, they will see the item of that language if it exists. If not, they will see the default ("fallback") language version. We have also set this up at the field level, so that if there is a non-default version of an item but not all the fields are changed, any unchanged fields will fall back to the default language version's value for that field.
Is there anything we can do to enable Glass to use language fallback?
I am updating this with a bit of background on why we do the check. If you ask for a Sitecore item that doesn't exist you get a null value, so that is simple to handle. However if you ask for a Sitecore item that doesn't exist in that particular language returns an item with no versions. This means we have to do this check because otherwise Glass would end up returning empty class which I don't think makes much sense.
This answer will get a little experimental.
First in the the Spherical.cs file you need to disable the check:
protected void Application_BeginRequest()
Sitecore.Context.Items["Disable"] = new VersionCountDisabler();
We can then move the check to later on to the Object Construction pipeline. First create a task:
public class FallbackCheckTask : IObjectConstructionTask
public void Execute(ObjectConstructionArgs args)
if (args.Result == null)
var scContext = args.AbstractTypeCreationContext as SitecoreTypeCreationContext;
if (scContext.Item == null)
//this checks to see if the item was created by the fallback module
if (scContext.Item is Sitecore.Data.Managers.StubItem)
// we could be trying to convert rendering parameters to a glass model, and if so, just return.
if (String.Compare(scContext.Item.Paths.FullPath, "[orphan]/renderingParameters", true) == 0)
if (scContext.Item.Versions.Count == 0)
Then finally register this task in the GlassMapperScCustom class:
public static void CastleConfig(IWindsorContainer container){
var config = new Config();
container.Install(new SitecoreInstaller(config));
I haven't tested this but it should in theory work <- disclaimer ;-)
There are few potential issues with provided solution when sitecore 7 (7.2) + IoC + solr + mvc is used.
When using IoC ex Winsdor please make sure that your Global.asax looks like this one <%# Application Codebehind="Global.asax.cs" Inherits="Sitecore.ContentSearch.SolrProvider.CastleWindsorIntegration.WindsorApplication" Language="C#" %>. Once, by mistake this file has been changed to <%# Application Codebehind="Global.asax.cs" Inherits="Merck.Manuals.Web.Global" Language="C#" %> and language fallback was not working. Also the errors we were getting wasn't descriptive as we thought that solr schema is incorrect.
Code Sitecore.Context.Items["Disable"] = new VersionCountDisabler(); can be added to PreprocessRequestProcessor and it works fine which is better solution that modifying global.asax.

How to generate media item link with id instead of path in Sitecore

Anyone knows how to generate links in sitecore with ID instead of item path?
If you use GetMediaUrl method from the API, I can get this URL:
/~/media/Images/Archive/content/News and Events/News_and_Events_Level2/20070419162739/iwhiz3.jpg
The problem with this approach is that if someone changes the media item name, removes it somewhere or deletes it, the above link will break.
I notice if I insert a media link from rich text editor, I get the link as below:
The second link is better because it's using the item id, so if the actual media item is renamed, removed, or deleted, all related links will be updated too. On top of that, when Sitecore renders the page, it will actually convert the above link and display the item path so it's readable.
I'm using Sitecore 6.5 and currently doing content migration so I need to make sure all internal links are updated properly.
May I know if there is a method to generate the second link by using sitecore API?
The GetMediaItemUrl extension method seems to give you what you want.
public static class ItemExtensions
public static string GetMediaItemUrl(this Item item)
var mediaUrlOptions = new MediaUrlOptions() { UseItemPath = false, AbsolutePath = true };
return Sitecore.Resources.Media.MediaManager.GetMediaUrl(item, mediaUrlOptions);
public class when_using_items_extensions
public void a_url_based_on_media_item_id_can_be_generated()
// Arrange
Database db = global::Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabase("master");
Item item = db.GetItem("/sitecore/media library/Images/MyImage");
// Act
var mediaUrl = item.GetMediaItemUrl();
// Assert
Assert.That(mediaUrl, Is.EqualTo("/~/media/17A1341ABEEC46788F2159843DCEAB03.ashx"));
These are called dynamic links and you can normally generate them using the LinkManager e.g:
.. but I'm not sure of the method to do this with Media links (there probably is one but I cant seem to find it and its not on MediaManager) but the basic syntax is:
"/~/media/" + item.ID.ToShortID() + ".ashx"
If you always want to use ID's instead of paths, you can change this setting in webconfig to false (like this):
<setting name="Media.UseItemPaths" value="false"/>`
Here is what the webconfig describes about it:
This setting controls if item paths are used for constructing media URLs.
If false, short ids will be used.
Default value: true
Then you can use the default implementation (without additional parameters):
This is what I use:
var imgField = ((Sitecore.Data.Fields.ImageField)currentItem.Fields["Icon"]);
MediaUrlOptions opt = new MediaUrlOptions();
opt.AlwaysIncludeServerUrl = true;
// Absolute Path works as well. So either use AbsolutePath or AlwaysIncludeServerUrl
opt.AbsolutePath = true;
string mediaUrl = MediaManager.GetMediaUrl(imgField.MediaItem, opt);