Ember Cli on windows - ember.js

I m trying to get Ember cli on Windows 7.I have installed node and npm.
But when I type npm install -g ember-cli I get the following error.Is there anything that I am missing?

Try running:
npm package.json
to see errors in the package.json file. Otherwise try:
npm cache clean


I am getting errors while installing ember add on ember-cli-tutorial-style,

enter image description here
below versions of node, npm and ember-cli i am using...
ember-cli: 2.18.0
node: 8.9.4
os: win32 ia32
npm : 5.6.0
please guide me how to address this kind of issues
In error, warning its saying to update minimatch version to 3.0.2 for that you can run the below command,
npm install --save-dev minimatch#3.0.2
After that you can try running ember install ember-cli-tutorial-style.
If this still shows error, you can directly do,
npm install --save-dev ember-cli-tutorial-style
Actually this does not have to do with minimatch warning.
What npm is telling you, is that it cannot find that module (in your case ember-cli-tutorial-style).
Make sure that, this npm package actually exists!

Ionic CLI not uninstalling

This is related to my previous question here which was never resolved. I am trying to fix the problem by doing a fresh reinstall of Ionic.
I first tried uninstalling Ionic with sudo npm uninstall -g ionic, and it completes with no errors, but doing ionic -v still outputs 2.1.1, so obviously it didn't really get uninstalled. After that I tried sudo npm install -g ionic#latest, and my problem still persists.
What is even weirder is what happened when I tried to create a new project from scratch to test it. I did ionic start test --v2 on my Ubuntu machine, and doing ionic serve still does the same thing that I stated in my previous question.
npm uninstall -g ionic
npm uninstall -g #ionic/cli
finally i was able to uninstall with this...
I had the same issue for resolving this
Run npm uninstall -g ionic
Go to the location "/usr/local/bin/"
Delete Ionic File
Close terminal
Open new terminal and run "npm uninstall -g ionic"
Now run "ionic -v"
This probably happens due to multiple installations of ionic in your machine, more so this happens on windows.
"where ionic" in your command prompt
if it does not work try :
"which ionic" !! (probably linux)
This will give you the location of your installed ionic, in windows its mostly ..Local\AppData\Roaming.. somewhere.
Go to that location delete ionic and ionic.cmd file there.
Run: ionic -v now, make sure it gives you an error.
Be Happy if you see error.
run: npm install ionic#latest -g now
Run: ionic -v, make sure you see your latest ionic version there.
Be more happy now.
Uninstall cordova and ionic.
npm uninstall -g cordova
npm uninstall -g ionic
Then check to make sure you have the right version:
ionic -v
Use this command please
npm uninstall -g #ionic/cli
What is your node and npm versions ?
Please update latest node js (https://nodejs.org/en/download/current/)
then check that
node -v
npm -v
Node version must be v8.5.0 (includes npm 5.3.0) and then
sudo npm uninstall -g ionic
sudo npm cache clean --force
sudo npm install ionic
check the ionic version
ionic -v
version will be ^3.10.1. If everything is ok you can use new project command as given below
ionic start --list
you can see what kind of project types here as an example
ionic start blank
You can try running the command as below, it worked for me:
sudo npm uninstall -g #ionic/cli
If you are checking the ionic version inside project folder then
try to remove the ionic cli without -g option. It may be possible that you have installed local version of ionic inside project.
If you're using nvm, remember to delete ionic from where ionic. I deleted it via nvm uninstall {{version}}.

Why should I use ember install over NPM or yarn?

I'm new to ember and I discover the command ember install pkg and I'm wondering why such package instead of using external package manager such as yarn or npm which are industry-wide/de-facto standard.
Why should I use ember install over NPM or yarn?
ember install addon-name is a short hand for npm install --save-dev addon-name && ember g addon-name
The documentation provides the answer for this one (ctrl + f ember install):
Installs the given addon into your project and saves it to the
package.json file. If provided, the command will run the addon’s
default blueprint.
The release notes for version 0.1.5 provide a clue for this as well:
#2805 Added the install:addon command, which installs an addon with NPM and then runs the included generator of the same name if it
provides one.
So, ember install is just a replacement for npm in most cases but when a blueprint is provided it will run those as well.

Ember 2.7.2 and ember-models-table: A helper named "models-table" could not be found

I install Ember 2.7.2 and I create my first application. I install the addon ember-models-table (ember install ember-models-table).
I use "ember server" to test my app. When I go to http://localhost:4200/prueba I see this error in console:
Uncaught Error: Assertion Failed: A helper named "models-table" could not be found
Any idea of what is wrong?
Maybe you didn't install this addon correctly for some reason. All I can recommend you is to re-install it by typing these commands:
npm uninstall --save ember-models-table
npm prune
rm -rf node_modules tmp
npm cache clean
npm install
ember install ember-models-table
If the problem still exists after you re-install the addon, probably something is wrong with your environment, not the ember itself.

Loopback lb-ng (LoopBack Angular SDK command-line tool) not working

I'm going through the tutorials of http://docs.strongloop.com, and I've reached http://docs.strongloop.com/display/public/LB/Add+a+client+app.
Yet when I execute 'lb-ng ../server/server.js js/lb-services.js' I get an error: Cannot find module 'loopback'.
Any help would be appreciated!
For the new version of loopback you need to install lb-ng command with this line of command
sudo npm install -g loopback-sdk-angular-cli
also try to be in the client folder make sure that you have js directory in client directory then execute these lb-ng commad
lb-ng ../server/server.js js/lb-services.js
it will work
did you npm install your dependencies? check and see if you have a node_modules dir in your project root.
if you're using a newer version of node, try uninstalling node and reinstalling an LTS version.
npm uninstall -g strongloop
npm cache clear
npm install -g strongloop
This is how I fixed this problem for me.
install strong loop and then run lb-ng command this is how i fixed this problem