Incorrect output using array as counter - c++

I'm trying to teach myself programming by attempting problems from
I'm not getting the correct output on this question.
Here is an array of length M with numbers in the range 1 ... N, where N is less than or equal to 20. You are to go through it and count how many times each number is encountered.
Input data contain M and N in the first line.
The second (rather long) line will contain M numbers separated by spaces.
Answer should contain exactly N values, separated by spaces. First should give amount of 1-s, second - amount of 2-s and so on.
Data input:
10 3
1 2 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 3
Correct Output:
5 2 3
My Output:
7 3 4
You can check here
My Code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int arrayLength,range,a;
int array[20];
for(int i=0; i<arrayLength; i++)
for(a=0; a<range; a++)
cout<<array[a]<<" ";
return 0;
There aren't any error messages or warnings. Also, if you have any suggestions for improving the code, that'd be nice.

int array[20];
is wrong, since it leave the array un-initialized and tries to initialize the 21st element (which is undefined behaviour btw, since your array has only 20 elements, remember that indexing starts from 0). Use
int array[20] = {0}; // this will initialize all elements to 0
and your code will work as expected. See here for more details regarding aggregate initialization in C++.

array[20]={0}; initializes the 21st element(non-existing) to 0.
So you have to use int array[20] = {0}; which will initialize all 20 elements to zero.
Also from your code, you are not storing the elements to an array. You are just incrementing the corresponding count when an input is read. If so, what is the need of initializing an array to max limit. Just declare the array as you need it. In your case,
int array[range] = {0};
It will initialize an array of three (range =3 here) elements.


Recurrence relation for a variant of knapsack problem?

I am finding it difficult to understand two specific implementations which solve this problem on codeforces link.
I understand this is similar to the knapsack problem. However when i solved it myself, i was not aware of the algorithm. I solved it from my own understanding of dynamic programming. My idea is to regard the remaining length of the ribbon as the next state. Here's my code
using namespace std;
int main(){
int n,res1=0,res2,x=0;
int a,b,c;
cin >> n >> a >> b >> c;
for(int i=0;i <= n/a; i++){
res2 = -20000;
for(int j=0; j <= (n-(a*i))/b; j++){
x = (n - (a*i) - (b*j));
res2=max(res2,(j + ((x % c) ? -10000 : x/c)));
cout << res1 << endl;
return 0;
Implementation 1:
1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
2 using namespace std;
3 int main()
4 {
5 int f[4005],n,a,i,j;
6 fill(f+1,f+4005,-1e9);
7 cin>>n;
8 for(;cin>>a;)
9 for(i=a;i<=n;i++)
10 f[i]=max(f[i],f[i-a]+1);
11 cout<<f[n];
12 }
Implementation 2:
1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
2 int n, a, b, c, ost;
3 std::bitset<4007> mog;
4 main()
5 {
6 std::cin>>n>>a>>b>>c;
7 mog[0]=1;
8 for (int i=1; i<=n; i++)
9 if ((mog=((mog<<a)|(mog<<b)|(mog<<c)))[n])
10 ost=i;
11 std::cout << ost;
12 }
Though i understand the general idea of solving the knapsack problem. I do not have a clear understanding of how lines 8,9,10 in Implementation 1 achieve this. Specifically irrespective of the input values of a,b,c the inner for loop is a single pass over the array for the corresponding value a received.
Similarly, I can see that lines 8,9,10 in implementation 2 does the same thing. But i have no clue at all how this piece of code works.
Please help me understand this. I feel there is some hidden structure to these two solutions which i am not seeing. Thanks in advance.
Implementation 1
This is quite straightforward implementation of dynamic programming.
Outer loop just goes through three values: a, b, and c
8 for(;cin>>a;)
Inner loop visits every element of an array and updates current best known number of cuts for given ribbon length.
9 for(i=a;i<=n;i++)
10 f[i]=max(f[i],f[i-a]+1);
Implementation 2
I don't think that it can be called dynamic programming, but the trick is quite neat.
It allocates array of bits with length equal to max n. Then sets one bit on the left. It means, that ribbon with length of 0 is a valid solution.
On each iteration algorithm shifts given array to the left by a, b, and c. Result of each such shift can be viewed as the new valid sizes of ribbon. By oring result of all 3 shifts, we get all valid sizes after i'th cut. If n'th bit set we know ribbon of size n can be cut i times without remainder.
n = 10
a = 2
b = 3
c = 5
0|0000000001 // mog
0|0000000100 // mog<<a
0|0000001000 // mog<<b
0|0000100000 // mog<<c
0|0000101100 // mog=(mog<<a)|(mog<<b)|(mog<<c)
^ here is a bit checked in 'if' statement '(mog=(...))[n]'
0|0000101100 // mog
0|0010110000 // mog<<a
0|0101100000 // mog<<b
1|0110000000 // mog<<c // here we have solution with two pieces of size 5
1|0111110000 // (mog<<a)|(mog<<b)|(mog<<c)
^ now bit set, so we have a solution
We know that there is exactly i cuts at that point, so we set ost=i. But we found the worst solution, we have to keep going until we are sure that there is no more solutions.
Eventually we will reach this state:
1|1100000000 // mog
1|0000000000 // mog<<a // 5 pieces of size 2
0|0000000000 // mog<<b
0|0000000000 // mog<<c
1|0000000000 // (mog<<a)|(mog<<b)|(mog<<c)
Here it is the last time when bit at position n will be set. So we will set ost=5 and will do some more iterations.
Algorithm uses n as upper bound of possible cuts, but it's obvious that this bound can be improved. For example n / min({a,b,c}) should be sufficient.

vector <pair<int,int>>v(size); showing 0 as values when printed

C++: vector<pair<int,int>>v(size); showing 0 as values when I am trying to print out the values, but when the vector size is not declared it is showing correct output? Why so?
For example:
int x;
vector<pair<int,int>>v(x); //Size declared.
for(int i=0;i<x;i++){
int p,q;
But when I am trying to print the values, it is printing 0 only.
1 2
3 4
5 6
0 0
0 0
0 0
But when I don't declare the size of the vector it prints the output without any error, why is that?
int x;
vector<pair<int,int>>v; //Size is not declared.
for(int i=0;i<x;i++){
int p,q;
1 2
3 4
5 6
1 2
3 4
5 6
It shows the correct output. Why is that?
It is because the vector's constructor accepting an integral (it is of type size_t) does not only provide sufficient size, but creates x default objects. You then append your new objects to these default ones.
Be aware that the term 'size' in STL wording refers to the number of elements already inserted/contained, the total number of elements that can be held without re-allocation is referred to as 'capacity'.
If you want to pre-allocate sufficent capacity without creating new objects, you need to use reserve:
std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> v;
Vector constructor with int means it create that many elements. They are pairs of zeroes. Then you push back and it creates new elements at the end. So all elements are X * 2.
I am assuming then you do not check the size, but instead you list first X elements.
You can fix by either vector::reserve(x) or by using []instead of pushing back. Then operation will look more like array access.
Because element is pair of int, both options are good.
Reserve is faster, array like access is more generic.

Does anyone know how to solve problems on variable length arrays?

Input Format
The first line contains two space-separated integers denoting the respective values of (the number of variable-length arrays) and (the number of queries).
Each line of the subsequent lines contains a space-separated sequence in the format k a[i]0 a[i]1 … a[i]k-1 describing the -element array located at.
Each of the subsequent lines contains two space-separated integers describing the respective values of (an index in the array ) and (an index in the array referenced by ) for a query.
Output Format-
For each pair of and values (i.e., for each query), print a single integer denoting the element located at an index of the array referenced by. There should be a total of lines of output.
Sample Input
2 2
3 1 5 4
5 1 2 8 9 3
0 1
1 3
Sample Output
Somebody has solved this problem by -
int main() {
/* Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT */
int n,q; //n number of variable lenght arrays
// q no of queries asked
cin >>n >>q;
int ** Vectors = new int *[n];//no of length of var. arrays
int j;
for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
Vectors[i] = new int [j];
for (int y=0;y<j;y++)
int q1,q2;
for (int i=0;i<q;i++)
cin >>q1 >> q2;
return 0;
Can somebody explain me this code? Or if anyone has a better approach to solve this problem. Then please explain it in detail.
This shouldn't be hard to understand, that code is basically initializing dynamic 2D array at run time then inserting values to the 2D array and then accessing it by giving index:
int ** Vectors = new int *[n];//no of length of var. arrays
int j;
for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
Vectors[i] = new int [j]; // initialzing inner array.. consider it as 2D array with n rows and j columns
for (int y=0;y<j;y++)
cin>>Vectors[i][y]; // insert element at specified index
cout<<Vectors[q1][q2]<<endl; // access element from 2D array
What you might want to use is a Matrix class.
should do it.
Alternatively the snipet code should be refactored into a Matrix class with a constructor and a destructor.
The example you give present a memory leak since the allocated memory is not freed.

Strange behavior of C++ array size

I am writing a c++ function to calculate the size of an C-type array in C++
I noticed a very strange behavior when using these two different codes:
code 1:
int sz = sizeof array / sizeof *array;
code 2:
int array_size(const int *pointer)
{ int count=0;
while(*pointer) {
return count;
When I applied these two method on a array, it gave me very strange behavior:
example 1 :
int array[10] = {31,24,65,32,14,5};// defined to be size 10 but init with size 6
the code one will give me size = 10, but code 2 will give me size 6,and when I print out the element that is pointed by *pointer, it will give me the correct array elements:
31 24 65 32 14 5
example 2
int array[] = {31,24,65,32,14,5}; // no declared size but init with 6
Code 1 will give me size 6, code 2 will give me size 12, and when I print out the element that is pointed by *pointer in code 2, it gives me :
31 24 65 32 14 5 -802013403 -150942493 1461458784 32767 -1918962231 32767
which is really not right, so what could be the problem that cause this behavior? and what are those numbers?
Thanks for your answer
This array has 10 elements, regardless of how you initialize it:
int array[10] = {31,24,65,32,14,5};
But the initialization sets the first 6 elements to certain values, and the rest to 0. It is equivalent to this:
int array[10] = {31,24,65,32,14,5,0,0,0,0};
The first calculation using sizeof uses the actual size fo the array (its length times the size of an int), while the second one counts elements until it finds a 0. So it doesn't calculate the length of the array, but the length of the first non-zero sequence in the array.
Note that the second method only "works" if the array has an element with value 0. Otherwise you go out of bounds and invoke undefined behaviour.
array_size assumes that there is a 0 just past the end of the array. That assumption is unjustified.
code 2 is not right. you can't assume an array end with 0

how to find consecutive numbers in a sequence

im trying to a write a program that accepts 10 random integers and checks whether there are three consecutive numbers in the sequence or not.The consecutive numbers can be in ascending or descending order.
here are some examples to help you understand better:
order. Examples:
2 9 8 3 20 15 9 6 4 24
Yes, 2 3 and 4 are consecutive
16 21 3 8 20 6 3 9 12 19
Yes, 21 20 and 19 are consecutive
I can't figure out whats wrong with my code.
here is my code so far:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int a[10];
int i,n;
int count=0;
cout << "Enter 10 numbers between 1 and 25" << endl;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
{ cin >> a[i];
for (n=0; n<10; n++)
for (i=1; i<10; i++)
if (a[i]==a[n]+1)
Your code is currently O(N2), and to get it to work it'll be O(N3).
I'd rather use an algorithm that's O(N) instead.
Given that you only care about 25 values, you can start with a 32-bit word, and set the bit in that word corresponding to each number that was entered (e.g., word |= 1 << input_number;).
Then take a value of 7 (which is three consecutive bits set) and test it at the possible bit positions in that word to see if you have three consecutive bits set anywhere in the word. If so, the position at which they're set tells you what three consecutive numbers you've found. If not, then there weren't three consecutive numbers in the input.
for (int i=0; i<32-3; i++) {
int mask = 7 << i;
if (word & mask == mask)
// three consecutive bits set -> input contained i, i+1 and i+2
Your logic is wrong. What your current code does is that it checks if there are any two consecutive integers. To check for three, you should introduce another nested loop. This would make the time complexity O(n^3).
Another possible way to check this is to first sort the array, and then check for consecutive elements. This would make the running time O(nlogn). You can use the inbuilt sort function for sorting.
The algorithm needs to be reworked. As it is, what you are doing is saying:
For each array element x
See if another array element is x+1
print out the array element that is x+1
Stick in more cout lines to see what is going on, like
if (a[i]==a[n]+1)
A possible, although slow, algorithm would be
For each array element x
See if another array element is x+1
See if another array element is x+2
print out x, x+1, and x+2