Loopback 'err' Object - loopbackjs

I am using a loopback remote method to parse data that I get from a REST endpoint . I am trying to understand the 'err' object that is passed to the callback . The second parameter is the response object - whatever I get from the response and the third is the context object - that contains the status code apart from the request object. When is the 'err' object set by loopback ? Suppose I get a non 200 code from the REST endpoint - err is still null. I check the status code from the context object and then set err on my own.

Can you provide an example of your remote method implementation?
Remote methods don't receive an error object so I'm thinking I'm not quite understanding your question and I would need a bit more information to be helpful.
Remote method strongloop docs here: https://docs.strongloop.com/display/public/LB/Remote+methods


#mswjs/data question: why does RTK-Query sandbox example need separately handcoded POST and PUT mocks?

This is a question about the default behaviour of #mswjs/data.toHandlers function using this example with #mswjs/data to create mocks for RTK-Query calls.
the file src/mocks/db.ts creates a mock database using #mswjs/data and defines default http mock responses using ...db.post.toHandlers('rest') but fails to work if I remove the additional PUT and POST mocks.
My understanding is that #mswjs/data toHandlers() function provides PUT and POST mock API calls for a defined database (in this case Posts) by default according to the github documentation so I am seeking advice to understand better why toHandlers does not work for PUT and POST in this example. i.e. if i remove PUT and POST mock API calls they fail.
What do the manual PUT and POST API mocks do that the default toHandlers dont?
You are correct to state that .toHandlers() generates both POST /posts and PUT /posts/:id request handlers. The RTK-Query example adds those handlers explicitly for the following reasons:
To emulate flaky error behavior by returning an error response based on the Math.random() value in the handler.
To set the id primary key to nanoid().
Adding a post fails if you remove the explicit POST /posts handler because the model definition for post does not define the initial value for the id primary key. You cannot create an entity without providing a primary key to it, which the example does not:
// PostManager.tsx
// The "post" state only contains the name of the new post.
const [post, setPost] = useState<Pick<Post, "name">>(initialValue);
// Only the "post" state is passed to the code that dispatches the
// "POST /posts" request handled by MSW.
await addPost(post).unwrap();
If we omit the random error behavior, I think the example should've used nanoid as the initial value of the id property in the model description:
import { nanoid } from "#reduxjs/toolkit";
const db = factory({
post: {
- id: primaryKey(String),
+ id: primaryKey(nanoid),
name: String
This way you would be able to create new posts by supplying the name only. The value of the id primary key would be generated using the value getter—the nanoid function.
The post edit operation functions correctly even if you remove the explicit PUT /posts/:id request handler because, unlike the POST handler, the PUT one is only there to implement a flaky error behavior (the edited post id is provided in the path parameters: req.params.id).

How to specify the database in an ArangoDb AQL query?

If have multiple databases defined on a particular ArangoDB server, how do I specify the database I'd like an AQL query to run against?
Running the query through the REST endpoint that includes the db name (substituted into [DBNAME] below) ie:
doesn't seem to work. The error message says 'unknown path /_db/[DBNAME]/_api/cursor'
Is this something I have to specify in the query itself?
Also: The query I'm trying to run is:
FOR col in COLLECTIONS() RETURN col.name
Fwiw, I haven't found a way to set the "current" database through the REST API. Also, I'm accessing the REST API from C++ using fuerte.
Tom Regner deserves primary credit here for prompting the enquiry that produced this answer. I am posting my findings here as an answer to help others who might run into this.
I don't know if this is a fuerte bug, shortcoming or just an api caveat that wasn't clear to me... BUT...
In order for the '/_db/[DBNAME/' prefix in an endpoint (eg full endpoint '/_db/[DBNAME/_api/cursor') to be registered and used in the header of a ::arangodb::fuerte::Request, it is NOT sufficient (as of arangodb 3.5.3 and the fuerte version available at the time of this answer) to simply call:
std::unique_ptr<fuerte::Request> request;
const char *endpoint = "/_db/[DBNAME/_api/cursor";
request = fuerte::createRequest(fuerte::RestVerb::Post,endpoint);
// and adding any arguments to the request using a VPackBuilder...
// in this case the query (omitted)
To have the database name included as part of such a request, you must additionally call the following:
Failure to do so seems to result in an error about an 'unknown path'.
Note 1: Simply setting the database member variable, ie
request->header.database = "[DBNAME]";
does not work.
Note 2: that operations without the leading '/_db/[DBNAME]/' prefix, seem to work fine using the 'current' database. (which at least for me, seems to be stuck at '_system' since as far as I can tell, there doesn't seem to be an endpoint to change this via the HTTP REST Api.)
The docs aren't very helpful right now, so just incase someone is looking for a more complete example, then please consider the following code.
EventLoopService eventLoopService;
// adjust the connection for your environment!
std::shared_ptr<Connection> conn = ConnectionBuilder().endpoint("http://localhost:8529")
.user(?) // enter a user with access
.password(?) // enter the password
// create the request
std::unique_ptr<Request> request = createRequest(RestVerb::Post, ContentType::VPack);
// enter the database name (ensure the user has access)
request->header.database = ?;
// API endpoint to submit AQL queries
request->header.path = "/_api/cursor";
// Create a payload to be submitted to the API endpoint
VPackBuilder builder;
// here is your query
builder.add("query", VPackValue("for col in collections() return col.name"));
// add the payload to the request
// send the request (blocking)
std::unique_ptr<Response> response = conn->sendRequest(std::move(request));
// check the response code - it should be 201
unsigned int statusCode = response->statusCode();
// slice has the response data
VPackSlice slice = response->slices().front();
std::cout << slice.get("result").toJson() << std::endl;

Web Service authorization issue

Need some help with KDSoap 1.7 or gSOAP
I'm trying to use some Web Service API: http://sparkgatetest.interfax.ru/iFaxWebService/ . There is list of methods and to interact with them u must:
call Authmethod
call any method u need to
call End
Problem is, this is HTTP protocol, so if you used Authmothod succesfully, and after that trying to call methods which return some information, u got an "Authorization error" message in xml response.
So, to correct usage of this API u should call three methods (Authmethod, some method, End) in one request. How should I do it with KDSoap/gSOAP?
p.s. i found setAuthentication function in client interface, but it takes KDSoapAuthentication class as argument, maybe there is a way to customize it? And End method also a big problem aswell.

OTRS Webservice as Requestor Test

I'm new to OTRS (3.2) and also new to PERL but I have been given the task of setting up OTRS so that it will make a call to our remote webservice so a record can be created on our end when a ticket is set as "Closed".
I set up various dynamic fields so the customer service rep can fill in additional data that will be passed into the webservice call along with ticket details.
I couldn't get the webservice call to trigger when the ticket was "Closed" but I did get it to trigger when the "priority" was changed so I'm just using that now to test the webservice.
I'm just using the Test.pm and TestSimple.pm files that were included with OTRS.
When I look at the Debugger for the Webserice, I can see that the calls were being made:
$VAR1 = {
'TicketID' => '6'
My webservice currently just has one method "create" which just returns true for testing.
however I get the following from the Test.pm
"Got no TicketNumber (2014-09-02 09:20:42, error)"
and the following from the TestSimple.pm
"Error in SOAP call: 404 Not Found at /TARGET/SHARE/var/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/Transport/HTTP/SOAP.pm line 578 (2014-09-02 09:20:43, error)
I've spent countless hours on Google but couldn't find anything on this. All I could find is code for the Test.pm and TestSimple.pm but nothing really helpful to help me create a custom invoker for my needs and configure the webservice in OTRS to get it to work.
Does anyone have any sample invokers that I can look at to see how to set it up?
Basically I need to pass the ticket information along with my custom dynamic fields to my webservice. From there I can create the record on my end and do whatever processing.
I'm not sure how to setup the Invoker to pass the necessary ticket fields and dynamic fields and how to make it call a specific method in my remote webservice.
I guess getting the Test.pm and TestSimple.pm to work is the first step then I can modify those for my needs. I have not used PERL at all so any help is greatly appreciated.
I'm also struggling with similar set of requirements too. I've also never programmed in PERL, but I can tell you at least that the "Got no TicketNumber" in the Test.pm is right from the PrepareRequest method, there you can see this block of code:
# we need a TicketNumber
if ( !IsStringWithData( $Param{Data}->{TicketNumber} ) ) {
return $Self->{DebuggerObject}->Error( Summary => 'Got no TicketNumber' );
You should change all references to TicketNumber to TicketID, or remove the validation whatsoever (also there is mapping to ReturnedData variable).
Invoking specific methods on your WS interface is quite simple (but poorly documented). The Invoker name that you specify in the "OTRS as requester" section of web service configuration corresponds to the WS method that will be called. So if you have WS interface with a method called "create" just name the Invoker "create" too.
As far as the gathering of dynamic field goes, can't help you on that one yet, sorry.

ldap_search function returns errorcode 10 using c++ Win32 api?

i am using ldap functions to get user attributes value using win32 api.
the user name is arun.
in ldap_functions like init,set_options,connect,bind is succeed.but ldap search function is returned error code 10.
here my code
errorCode = ldap_search_s(
pLdapConnection, // Session handle
pMyDN, // DN to start search
pMyFilter, // Filter
NULL, // Retrieve list of attributes
0, // Get both attributes and values
in pMyDN specified `"DC=SANJU,DC=CO,DC=IN"...
the return code 10 gives error is LDAP_REFERRAL.but i cant get it.
But i put pMyDN value into "OU=Marketing,DC=SANJU,DC=CO,DC=IN"
Now,search function succeed,So what is the problem?
i need this function without using OU,
can anyone help?
LDAP_REFERRAL: sent by Directory Server if the given base DN is an entry not handled by the current server and if the referral URL identifies a different server to handle the entry.
whether DNS and AD in different URL(IP) without trusted rule,this problem will occured.
LDAP response do not use error codes, they use result codes - so called because non-zero responses aren't necessarily errors. 10 is a case in point, it's a referral. The referral will contain information about the server which can process the request. If a directory proxy server is not in place to follow the referral, the LDAP client must follow the referral for itself.
Compare operation responses also use result codes to transmit the result of a compare.