Dijkstra's algorithm in C++ - c++

I'm required to implement the Dijkstra's algorithm via ADT graph using the adjacency matrix representation for finding a shortest path by enhancing the pseudo code below using either C/C++ language.
procedure Dijkstra(G, w, r, Parent[0:n-1], Dist)
for v← 0 to n-1 do
Dist[v] ← ∞
InTheTree[v] ← .false.
Parent[r] ←-1
Dist[r] ←0
for Stage ←1 to n-1 do
Select vertex u that minimises Dist[u] over all u such that InTheTree[u] = .false.
InTheTree[u] = .true. // add u to T
for each vertex v such that uv ∈ E do // update Dist[v] and
if .not. InTheTree[v] then // Parent[v] arrays
if Dist[u] + w(uv) < Dist[v]
Dist[v] = Dist[u] + w(uv)
Nearest[v] ←w(uv)
Parent[v] ← u
end Dijkstra
Here is my solution of code which is being coded in C++. My lecturer claim that the code does not meet the pseudocode requirements and I'm not sure
where it went wrong so can anyone help me to spot what doesn't match between the code and the pseudocode?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#define N 9
int minDistance(int dist[], bool sptSet[])
int min = INT_MAX, min_index;
for (int n = 0; n < N; n++)
if (sptSet[v] == false && dist[n] <= min)
min = dist[n], min_index = n;
return min_index;
int printSolution(int dist[], int v)
printf("Vertex Distance from Source\n");
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
printf("%d \t\t %d\n", i, dist[i]);
void dijkstra(int graph[N][N], int src)
int dist[N];
bool sptSet[N];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
dist[i] = INT_MAX;
sptSet[i] = false;
dist[src] = 0;
for (int count = 0; count < N-1; count++)
int u = minDistance(dist, sptSet);
sptSet[u] = true;
for (int n = 0; n < N; n++)
if (!sptSet[n] && graph[u][n] && dist[u] != INT_MAX
&& dist[u]+graph[u][n] < dist[n])
dist[n] = dist[u] + graph[u][n];
printSolution(dist, N);
int main()
int graph[N][N] = {{0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0},
{4, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, 0},
{0, 8, 0, 7, 0, 4, 0, 0, 2},
{0, 0, 7, 0, 9, 14, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 4, 0, 10, 0, 2, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 14, 0, 2, 0, 1, 6},
{8, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 7},
{0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 6, 7, 0}
dijkstra(graph, 0);
return 0;

The most obvious mismatch is that your code does not have anything corresponding to to the pseudocode's Parent array. I take that as an output parameter, though it's not explicitly so marked. As you seem to have recognized, it is not needed for computing only the lengths of the minimum paths, but it contains all the information about the actual steps in those paths, and that is often desired information.
You also have no analog of the pseudocode's Nearest; it would be a bit mean to complain about that, though, as Nearest is not a parameter to the routine, and the pseudocode does not show its elements ever being read. As such, it does not appear to serve any useful purpose.
It appears that this code also does not quite match:
if (!sptSet[n] && graph[u][n] && dist[u] != INT_MAX
&& dist[u]+graph[u][n] < dist[n])
dist[n] = dist[u] + graph[u][n];
The condition && dist[u] != INT_MAX does not correspond to anything in the pseudocode. (It's also unnecessary, inasmuch as u was returned by minDistance(), and therefore that condition should always be satisfied).
Conceivably, your instructor may also be dissatisfied that you print the min path lengths instead of returning them. It depends a bit on the pseudocode dialect, but I'd be inclined to take the appearance of Dist in the parameter list as an indication that it is an output parameter, not merely an internal variable.
If your instructor is being extremely picky, then perhaps you can get some slack by pointing out some apparent errors in the pseudocode:
As already mentioned, Nearest is not a parameter, and it is written to but never read from.
It looks like the conditional if Dist[u] ← w(uv) < Dist[v] then should instead be if Dist[u] + w(uv) < Dist[v] then. (You have implemented the correct version, which could be construed as another difference from the pseudocode.)
It looks like Parent[r] ← u should be Parent[v] ← u.
Of course, it could be that your instructor wanted you to implement the pseudocode exactly, errors and all ....
As a matter of strategy, I would have tried to use variable names better matching the pseudocode. I don't think it would be fair for your instructor to reject the code on those grounds, but comparing the C++ code to the pseudocode would have been easier for everyone if you had stuck a bit closer with your names.
While I'm talking about your code, by the way, I observe that although your minDistance() function appears to implement the pseudocode's requirements, it does so in an inefficient way (and Dijkstra isn't particularly efficient to begin with). The usual approach uses a min-heap to track nodes that have been seen but not yet visited, which reduces the cost of selecting the min-distance node from O(n) to O(log n). Not that it matters for so few elements as you are testing on, of course, but for large graphs the difference is enormous.

On problem is i belive your minDistance function, it seems that you only update unvisited nodes ( line 10 if (sptSet[v] == false && dist[n] <= min)). I guess this is wrong. Consider the following graph (nodes V={n1, n2, n3, n4} with the following distances d(n1, n2) = 10; d(n1,n3) = 3; d(n3,n2) = 3 ( all others are infinity).
Starting in n1 you discover n2 with the cost of 10
you discover also n3 with the cost of 3
from n2 you dont discover the shorter path to n2 ( n1-n3-n2), because you marked n2 already as visited.
I'm not sure, if i'm wright. If not dont blame me.


Zero Subsequences problem - What's wrong with my C++ solution?

Problem Statement:
Given an array arr of n integers, count the number of non-empty subsequences of the given array such that their product of maximum element and minimum element is zero. Since this number can be huge, compute it modulo 10 ^ 9 + 7
A subsequence of an array is defined as the sequence obtained by deleting several elements from the array (possible none) without changing the order of the remaining elements.
Given n = 3, arr = [1, 0, – 2].
There are 7 subsequences of arr that are-
[1], minimum = 1, maximum =1 , min * max = 1 .
[1,0] minimum = 0, maximum=1, min * max=0
[ 1,0, – 2], minimum = – 2, maximum =1, min* max = -2.
[0], minimum = 0, maximum =0, min * max=0
[0,-2],minimum=-2,maximum=0, min* max=0,
[1, -2] minimum=-2, maximum=1,min* max=-2
[- 2] minimum =-2 maximum = – 2 , min* max = 4.
There are 3 subsequences whose minimum * maximum = 0 that are
[1, 0], [0], [0, – 2] . Hence the answer is 3.
I tried to come up with a solution, by counting the number of zeroes, positive numbers and negative numbers and then adding possible subsequences(2^n, per count) to an empty variable.
My answer is way off though, it's 10 when the expected answer is 3. Can someone please point out my mistake?
using namespace std;
#define int long long
int zeroSubs(vector<int> arr){
int x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, ans = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++){
if(arr[i] == 0) z++;
else if(arr[i] < 0) x++;
else y++;
ans += ((int)pow(2, z))*((int)pow(2, x));
ans += ((int)pow(2, y))*((int)pow(2, z));
ans += ((int)pow(2, z));
return ans;
int32_t main()
//directly passed the sample test case as an array
cout<<zeroSubs({1, 0, -2});
return 0;
ans += ((1<<z)-1)*((1<<x)-1);
ans += ((1<<y)-1)*((1<<z)-1);
ans += ((1<<z)-1);
Made this slight change in the logic, thanks a lot to everyone for the valuable feedback. It works now.

Efficient way to get index of every element in array greater than some value

I have a (quite large) standard C++ array of type double, with ~50,000,000 rows and 20 columns. The array is filled with random data, according to some Gaussian distribution (if that's of any use in answering this question).
I've written an algorithm to solve a problem using this array. A significant part of this algorithm's time is spent iterating, row by row (and sometimes over the same row more than once) and returning, for each row, the index of every element in that row such that the absolute value of that element exceeds some value (also of type double).
Unfortunately, the algorithm is quite slow. As it's rather large, and the problem being solved is a bit complex for simply dumping the code here on SO, I'd like to start by tacking this issue. What is the most efficient (or, at least, a more efficient way) to grab the index of every element in a row of a multidimensional array?
What I've tried:
I've tried simply iterating through each row (with an iterator), passing each value to fabs(), and using std::distance() to get the index. I then store it in an std::set() (I don't care much about how the indices are stored, unless that is a significant speed factor, so long as they are "easily accessible").
for(auto it = row.begin(); it != row.end(); ++it){
auto &element = *it;
if(fabs(element) >= threshold){
cache.insert(std::distance(row.begin(), it));
I've also tried using std::find_if, and similarly through std::range. Neither gave measurable speed improvements (admittedly, I haven't used particularly scientific benchmarks, however I'm going for a visibly noticeable improvement).
I.e. something like this:
auto exceeds_thresh = [](double x){ return x > threshold}
it = ranges::find_if(row, exceeds_thresh);
while(it != end(row)){
resuts.emplace_back(distance(begin(row), it));
it = ranges::find_if(std::next(it), std::end(row), exceeds_thresh)
Note that, by efficiency, I'm focusing on speed
Here, 11.3, 9.8, 17.5 satisfy the condition, so their indices 1,3,6 should be printed. Note that, in practice, each array is a row in a far larger array (as above), and with far greater number of elements in each row:
double row_of_array[5] = {1.4, 11.3, 4.2, 9.8, 0.1, 3.2, 17.5};
double threshold = 8;
for(auto it = row_of_array.begin(); it != row_of_array.end(); ++it){
auto &element = *it;
if(fabs(element) > threshold){
std::cout << std::distance(row_of_array.begin(), it) << "\n";
You can try loop unrolling
double row_of_array[] = {1, 11, 4, 9, 0, 3, 17};
constexpr double threshold = 8;
std::vector<int> results;
for(int i{}, e = std::ssize(row_of_array); i < e; i += 4)
if(std::abs(row_of_array[i]) > threshold)
if(i + 1 < e && std::abs(row_of_array[i + 1]) > threshold)
results.push_back(i + 1);
if(i + 2 < e && std::abs(row_of_array[i + 2]) > threshold)
results.push_back(i + 2);
if(i + 3 < e && std::abs(row_of_array[i + 3]) > threshold)
results.push_back(i + 3);
or the riskier
double row_of_array[20] = {1, 11, 4, 9, 0, 3, 17};
constexpr double threshold = 8;
std::vector<int> results;
static_assert(std::ssize(row_of_array) % 4 == 0, "only works for mul of 4");
for(int i{}, e = std::ssize(row_of_array); i < e; i += 4)
if(std::abs(row_of_array[i]) > threshold) results.push_back(i);
if(std::abs(row_of_array[i + 1]) > threshold) results.push_back(i + 1);
if(std::abs(row_of_array[i + 2]) > threshold) results.push_back(i + 2);
if(std::abs(row_of_array[i + 3]) > threshold) results.push_back(i + 3);

Tiles Stacking Problem to build a stable stack

I am studying Dynamic Programming on GeeksForGeeks and have a problem with Tiles Stacking Problem and the way it is solved
A stable tower of height n is a tower consisting of exactly n tiles of unit height stacked vertically in such a way, that no bigger tile is placed on a smaller tile. An example is shown below :
We have infinite number of tiles of sizes 1, 2, …, m. The task is calculate the number of different stable tower of height n that can be built from these tiles, with a restriction that you can use at most k tiles of each size in the tower.
Note: Two tower of height n are different if and only if there exists a height h (1 <= h <= n), such that the towers have tiles of different sizes at height h.
For example:
Input : n = 3, m = 3, k = 1.
Output : 1
Possible sequences: { 1, 2, 3}.
Hence answer is 1.
Input : n = 3, m = 3, k = 2.
Output : 7
{1, 1, 2}, {1, 1, 3}, {1, 2, 2},
{1, 2, 3}, {1, 3, 3}, {2, 2, 3},
{2, 3, 3}.
The way to solve is to count number of decreasing sequences of length n using numbers from 1 to m where every number can be used at most k times. We can recursively compute count for n using count for n-1.
Declare a 2D array dp[][], where each state dp[i][j] denotes the number of decreasing sequences of length i using numbers from j to m. We need to take care of the fact that a number can be used a most k times. This can be done by considering 1 to k occurrences of a number. Hence our recurrence relation becomes:
Also, we can use the fact that for a fixed j we are using the consecutive values of previous k values of i. Hence, we can maintain a prefix sum array for each state. Now we have got rid of the k factor for each state.
I have read this algorithm for many times but I don't understand it and how to prove the accuracy of it. I have tried to find the guide on the internet but only its variations. Please help me to explain it.
Observe that the largest size tile (m) can appear only at the bottom.
Its appearances are consecutive
Your recurrence becomes:
T(n,m,k) = SIGMA_{i=0,...,k} T(n-i,m-1,k)
Then you have to define the base cases of the recurrence:
T(n,m,1) = // can you tell what this is?
T(n,1,k) = // can you tell what this is?
T(1,m,k) = m // this is easy
We can prove it by forming a logical recurrence:
(A) If the maximum stack height, given m and k is smaller than n, we cannot create any stack.
(B) If only one tile is allowed, we can choose m different sizes for that tile.
(C) If only one size is allowed, if k is greater than or equal to n, we can construct one stack of n tiles of size 1; otherwise, zero stacks.
(D) For each possible count, x, of tiles of size m stacked, we have one way that is multiplied by the number of ways to stack (n - x) tiles, using sizes of at most (m - 1) since we used m.
To convert the recurrence to bottom-up dynamic programming, we initialise the matrix using the base cases of the recurrence, and fill in subsequent entries using its general-case logical branch.
Here's a demonstration of the recurrence in JavaScript (sorry I'm not versed in C++ but the first function, f, which calculates just the count, should be very easy to convert):
// Returns the count
function f(n, m, k){
if (n > m * k)
return 0;
if (n == 1)
return m;
if (m == 1)
return n <= k ? 1 : 0;
let result = 0;
for (let x=0; x<=k; x++)
result += f(n - x, m - 1, k);
return result;
// Returns the sequences
function g(n, m, k){
if (n > m * k)
return [];
if (n == 1)
return new Array(m).fill(0).map((_, i) => [i + 1]);
if (m == 1)
return n <= k ? [new Array(n).fill(1)] : [];
let result = [];
for (let x=0; x<=k; x++){
const pfx = new Array(x).fill(m);
const prev = g(n - x, m - 1, k);
for (let s of prev)
return result;
var inputs = [
[3, 3, 1],
[3, 3, 2],
[1, 2, 2]
for (let args of inputs){
console.log('' + args);

Minimization of (z-xi)^2

If I want to find a median (it is equivalent to minimize a function |z - xi|), I can use the following code snippet:
std::vector<int> v{5, 6, 4, 3, 2, 6, 7, 9, 3};
std::nth_element(v.begin(), v.begin() + v.size()/2, v.end());
std::cout << "The median is " << v[v.size()/2] << '\n';
Is there something like this, to find "median" for minimization of (z-xi)^2? That is, I want to find an element of the array in which the sum of these functions will be minimal.
If you want to find the nth_element() according to a predicate comparing (z - xi) ^ 2 you could just add the corresponding logic to the binary predicate you can optionally pass to nth_element():
auto trans = [=](int xi){ return (z - xi) * (z - xi); };
std::nth_element(v.begin(), v.begin() + v.size() / 2, v.end(),
[&](int v0, int v1) { return trans(v0) < trans(v1); });
From the question it isn't clearly whether z or xi is the changing variable. From the looks of it I assumed xi is meant to be xi. If z is changing, just rename the argument in the lambda trans (which I just also gave a = in the capture...).
Your question works on at least two different levels: You're asking how to implement a certain algorithm idiomatically in C++11, and at the same time you're asking for an efficient algorithm for computing the mean of a list of integers.
You correctly observe that to compute the median, all we have to do is run the QuickSelect algorithm with k set equal to n/2. In the C++ standard library, QuickSelect is spelled std::nth_element:
int v[] = { 5, 6, 4, 3, 2, 6, 7, 9, 3 };
const int k = std::size(v) / 2;
std::nth_element(std::begin(v), &v[k], std::end(v)); // mutate in-place
int median = v[v.size()/2]; // now the k'th element is
(For std::size, see proposal N4280, coming soon to a C++17 near you! Until then, use your favorite NELEM macro, or go back to using heap-allocated vector.)
This QuickSelect implementation doesn't really have anything to do with "finding array element xk such that ∑i |xi − xk| is minimized." I mean, it's mathematically equivalent, yes, but there's nothing in the code that corresponds to summing or subtracting integers.
The naïve algorithm to "find array element xk such that ∑i |xi − xk| is minimized" is simply
int v[] = { 5, 6, 4, 3, 2, 6, 7, 9, 3 };
auto sum_of_differences = [v](int xk) {
int result = 0;
for (auto&& xi : v) {
result += std::abs(xi - xk);
return result;
int median =
std::min_element(std::begin(v), std::end(v), [](int xa, int xb) {
return sum_of_differences(xa) < sum_of_differences(xb);
This is a horribly inefficient algorithm, given that QuickSelect does the same job.
However, it's trivial to extend this code to work with any mathematical function you want to "minimize the sum of". Here's the same skeleton of code, but with the function "squared difference" instead of "difference":
int v[] = { 5, 6, 4, 3, 2, 6, 7, 9, 3 };
auto sum_of_squared_differences = [v](int xk) {
int result = 0;
for (auto&& xi : v) {
result += (xi - xk) * (xi - xk);
return result;
int closest_element_to_the_mean =
std::min_element(std::begin(v), std::end(v), [](int xa, int xb) {
return sum_of_squared_differences(xa) < sum_of_squared_differences(xb);
In this case we can also find an improved algorithm; namely, compute the mean up front and only afterward scan the array looking for the element that's closest to that mean:
int v[] = { 5, 6, 4, 3, 2, 6, 7, 9, 3 };
double actual_mean = std::accumulate(std::begin(v), std::end(v), 0.0) / std::size(v);
auto distance_to_actual_mean = [=](int xk) {
return std::abs(xk - actual_mean);
int closest_element_to_the_mean =
std::min_element(std::begin(v), std::end(v), [](int xa, int xb) {
return distance_to_actual_mean(xa) < distance_to_actual_mean(xb);
(P.S. – remember that none of the above code snippets should be used in practice, unless you're absolutely sure you don't need to care about integer overflow, floating-point rounding error, and a host of other mathy issues.)
Given an array x1, x2, …, xn of integers, the real number z that minimizes ∑i&in;{1,2,…,n} (z - xi)2 is the mean z* = (1/n) ∑i&in;{1,2,…,n} xi. You want to call std::min_element with a comparator that treats xi as less than xj if and only if |n xi - n z*| < |n xj - n z*| (we use n z* = ∑i&in;{1,2,…,n} xi to avoid floating-point arithmetic; there are ways to reduce the extra precision required).

Coin flipping game: Optimization problem

There is a rectangular grid of coins, with heads being represented by the value 1 and tails being represented by the value 0. You represent this using a 2D integer array table (between 1 to 10 rows/columns, inclusive).
In each move, you choose any single cell (R, C) in the grid (R-th row, C-th column) and flip the coins in all cells (r, c), where r is between 0 and R, inclusive, and c is between 0 and C, inclusive. Flipping a coin means inverting the value of a cell from zero to one or one to zero.
Return the minimum number of moves required to change all the cells in the grid to tails. This will always be possible.
returns: 1
returns: 2
returns: 20
returns: 6
This is what i tried:
Since the order of flipping doesn't matter, and making a move on a coin twice is like not making a move at all, we can just find all distinct combinations of flipping coins, and minimizing the size of good combinations(good meaning those that give all tails).
This can be done by making a set consisting of all coins, each represented by an index.(i.e. if there were 20 coins in all, this set would contain 20 elements, giving them an index 1 to 20). Then make all possible subsets and see which of them give the answer(i.e. if making a move on the coins in the subset gives us all tails). Finally, minimize size of the good combinations.
I don't know if I've been able to express myself too clearly... I'll post a code if you want.
Anyway, this method is too time consuming and wasteful, and not possible for no.of coins>20(in my code).
How to go about this?
I think a greedy algorithm suffices, with one step per coin.
Every move flips a rectangular subset of the board. Some coins are included in more subsets than others: the coin at (0,0) upper-left is in every subset, and the coin at lower-right is in only one subset, namely the one which includes every coin.
So, choosing the first move is obvious: flip every coin if the lower-right corner must be flipped. Eliminate that possible move.
Now, the lower-right coin's immediate neighbors, left and above, can only potentially be flipped by a single remaining move. So, if that move must be performed, do it. The order of evaluation of the neighbors doesn't matter, since they aren't really alternatives to each other. However, a raster pattern should suffice.
Repeat until finished.
Here is a C++ program:
#include <iostream>
#include <valarray>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
void print_board( valarray<bool> const &board, size_t cols ) {
for ( size_t i = 0; i < board.size(); ++ i ) {
cout << board[i] << " ";
if ( i % cols == cols-1 ) cout << endl;
cout << endl;
int main() {
srand( time(NULL) );
int const rows = 5, cols = 5;
valarray<bool> board( false, rows * cols );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < board.size(); ++ i ) board[i] = rand() % 2;
print_board( board, cols );
int taken_moves = 0;
for ( size_t i = board.size(); i > 0; ) {
if ( ! board[ -- i ] ) continue;
size_t sizes[] = { i%cols +1, i/cols +1 }, strides[] = { 1, cols };
gslice cur_move( 0, valarray<size_t>( sizes, 2 ),
valarray<size_t>( strides, 2 ) );
board[ cur_move ] ^= valarray<bool>( true, sizes[0] * sizes[1] );
cout << sizes[1] << ", " << sizes[0] << endl;
print_board( board, cols );
++ taken_moves;
cout << taken_moves << endl;
Not c++. Agree with #Potatoswatter that the optimal solutition is greedy, but I wondered if a Linear Diophantine System also works. This Mathematica function does it:
f[ei_] := (
xdim = Dimensions[ei][[1]];
ydim = Dimensions[ei][[2]];
(* Construct XOR matrixes. These are the base elements representing the
possible moves *)
For[i = 1, i < xdim + 1, i++,
For[j = 1, j < ydim + 1, j++,
b[i, j] = Table[If[k <= i && l <= j, -1, 0], {k, 1, xdim}, {l, 1, ydim}]
(*Construct Expected result matrix*)
Table[rv[i, j] = -1, {i, 1, xdim}, {j, 1, ydim}];
(*Construct Initial State matrix*)
Table[eiv[i, j] = ei[[i, j]], {i, 1, xdim}, {j, 1, ydim}];
(*Now Solve*)
repl = FindInstance[
Flatten[Table[(Sum[a[i, j] b[i, j], {i, 1, xdim}, {j, 1, ydim}][[i]][[j]])
eiv[i, j] == rv[i, j], {i, 1, xdim}, {j, 1, ydim}]],
Flatten[Table[a[i, j], {i, 1, xdim}, {j, 1, ydim}]]][[1]];
Table[c[i, j] = a[i, j] /. repl, {i, 1, xdim}, {j, 1, ydim}];
Print["Result ",xdim ydim-Count[Table[c[i, j], {i, 1, xdim}, {j, 1,ydim}], 0, ydim xdim]];)
When called with your examples (-1 instead of 0)
ei = ({
{1, 1, 1, 1},
{1, 1, 1, 1}
ei = ({
{-1, 1},
{-1, 1}
ei = {{-1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1,
1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1}};
ei = ({
{-1, -1, -1},
{-1, -1, -1},
{-1, -1, 1},
{-1, 1, 1}
The result is
Result :1
Result :2
Result :20
Result :6
Or :)
Solves a 20x20 random problem in 90 seconds on my poor man's laptop.
Basically, you're taking the N+M-1 coins in the right and bottom borders and solving them, then just calling the algorithm recursively on everything else. This is basically what Potatoswatter is saying to do. Below is a very simple recursive algorithm for it.
if Grid[N-1][M-1] == Heads
for each element i from N-2 to 0 inclusive //This is empty if N is 1
If Grid[i][M-1] == Heads
for each element i from M-2 to 0 inclusive //This is empty if M is 1
If Grid[N-1][i] == Heads
if N>1 and M > 1:
Solver(Grid.ShallowCopy(N-1, M-1))
Note: It probably makes sense to implement Grid.ShallowCopy by just having Solver have arguments for the width and the height of the Grid. I only called it Grid.ShallowCopy to indicate that you should not be passing in a copy of the grid, though C++ won't do that with arrays by default anyhow.
An easy criterion for rectangle(x,y) to be flipped seems to be: exactly when the number of ones in the 2x2 square with top-left square (x,y) is odd.
(code in Python)
def flipgame(grid):
w, h = len(grid[0]), len(grid)
sol = [[0]*w for y in range(h)]
for y in range(h-1):
for x in range(w-1):
sol[y][x] = grid[y][x] ^ grid[y][x+1] ^ grid[y+1][x] ^ grid[y+1][x+1]
for y in range(h-1):
sol[y][w-1] = grid[y][w-1] ^ grid[y+1][w-1]
for x in range(w-1):
sol[h-1][x] = grid[h-1][x] ^ grid[h-1][x+1]
sol[h-1][w-1] = grid[h-1][w-1]
return sol
The 2D array returned has a 1 in position (x,y) if rectangle(x,y) should be flipped, so the number of ones in it is the answer to your original question.
EDIT: To see why it works:
If we do moves (x,y), (x,y-1), (x-1,y), (x-1,y-1), only square (x,y) is inverted. This leads to the code above. The solution must be optimal, as there are 2^(hw) possible configurations of the board and 2^(hw) possible ways to transform the board (assuming every move can be done 0 or 1 times). In other words, there is only one solution, hence the above produces the optimal one.
You could use recursive trials.
You would need at least the move count and to pass a copy of the vector. You'd also want to set a maximum move cutoff to set a limit to the breadth of branches coming out of at each node of the search tree. Note this is a "brute force" approach."
Your general algorithm structure would be:
const int MAX_FLIPS=10;
const unsigned int TREE_BREADTH=10;
int run_recursion(std::vector<std::vector<bool>> my_grid, int current flips)
bool found = true;
int temp_val = -1;
int result = -1;
//Search for solution with for loops; if true is found in grid, found=false;
if ( ! found && flips < MAX_FLIPS )
//flip coin.
for ( unsigned int more_flips=0; more_flips < TREE_BREADTH; more_flips++ )
//flip one coin
//run recursion
if ( (result == -1 && temp_val != -1) ||
(temp_val != -1 && temp_val < result) )
result = temp_val;
return result;
...sorry in advance for any typos/minor syntax errors. Wanted to prototype a fast solution for you, not write the full code...
Or easier still, you could just use a brute force of linear trials. Use an outer for loop would be number of trials, inner for loop would be flips in trial. On each loop you'd flip and check if you'd succeeded, recycling your success and flip code from above. Success would short circuit the inner loop. At the end of the inner loop, store the result in the array. If failure after max_moves, store -1. Search for the max value.
A more elegant solution would be to use a multithreading library to start a bunch of threads flipping, and have one thread signal to others when it finds a match, and if the match is lower than the # of steps run thus far in another thread, that thread exits with failure.
I suggest MPI, but CUDA might win you brownie points as it's hot right now.
Hope that helps, good luck!