UnityScript If(var="this" OR "that"){//do something} - if-statement

I'm not sure how to make the following code work:
if(response!==("usernamewrong" OR "passwordwrong")){
print("login Wrong");
} else {
//if anything else other than the two shows up into the response goes here

You have to be explicit when doing multiple checks in a conditional:
if (response == "usernamewrong" || response == "passwordwrong")


why are my if and else if statements not running?

same as title.
const inputs =document.querySelectorAll('input');
_inputs.readOnly = !_inputs.readOnly;
if(_inputs.readyOnly == false){
}else if(_inputs.readyOnly == true){
As far as I can tell every thing seems right and should be working but the if statments never return true for some reason.

Hello everyone, please help me check this IF statement in Google app script

I want to make a code to assign logic input for my sheet. I use IF to make it. My code ran successfully but the logic didn't work. I have checked it many times, but I couldn't find something wrong. Can you help me with this? I'm stuck. Please review my example sheet and my script for more information. Thank you! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eV2SZ45Gs6jISgh_p6RIx-rfOGlHUM6vF114Mgf6c58/edit#gid=0
function logic(){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
var activeCell = ss.getActiveCell();
if (activeCell.getColumn() == 1 && activeCell.getRow() > 1 && ss.getSheetName() == "mama" && activeCell.getValue() == "Yes") {
} if (activeCell.getColumn() == 1 && activeCell.getRow() > 1 && ss.getSheetName() == "mama" && activeCell.getValue() == "Hafl") {
} if (activeCell.getColumn() == 1 && activeCell.getRow() > 1 && ss.getSheetName() == "mama" && activeCell.getValue() == "No") {
You can simplify your code this way.
(Note that I use the const variable declaration instead of var (ES6 - V8 engine))
function logic() {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
const activeCell = ss.getActiveCell();
const activeCellValue = activeCell.getValue();
if (activeCell.getColumn() === 1 && activeCell.getRow() > 1 && ss.getSheetName() == "mama") {
switch(activeCellValue) {
case 'Yes':
activeCell.offset(0, 1).clearContent();
activeCell.offset(0, 1).setValue('1');
case 'Half':
activeCell.offset(0, 1).clearContent();
activeCell.offset(0, 1).setValue('1/2');
case 'No':
activeCell.offset(0, 1).clearContent();
activeCell.offset(0, 1).setValue('0');
This way you only have to test the common conditions once.
Using the Switch function clearly shows the behavior of the script depending on the input value 'ActiveCellValue'.
If you need that only one action resolve per run, you need to use else if to chain the statements:
}else if (statement2){
}else if...

Testing multiple boolean values in a single IF statement

I a newbie C++ programmer trying to test aruments/parameters passed to a program.
Multiple arguments can be passed to the program, however I want to test that if certain arguments are passed then other arguments become invalid.
e.g. PGM accepts arg(1) arg(2) arg(3) arg(4) arg(5) etc...
if arg(1) and arg(2) are supplied then arg(3), arg(4) and arg(5) etc... are invalid and the program should terminate with an error message if they are also supplied along with arg(1) and arg(2).
I've thought that using boolean IF tests would be a good way to check if certain values are true/false.
I searched on stackoverflow but not found an answer that encompasses exactly what i'm trying to do. If someone can point me in the right direction or suggest a far more efficient way of doing this I would be very grateful.
My code currently looks like this:
bool opt1 = false;
bool opt2 = false;
bool opt3 = false;
bool opt4 = false;
bool opt5 = false;
for(int i=1; i<argc; i++) {
char *str = argv[i];
if (strcmp (str, "-opt1:")==0) {opt1 = true;}
else if (strcmp (str, "-opt2:")==0) {opt2 = true;}
else if (strcmp (str, "-opt3:")==0) {opt3 = true;}
else if (strcmp (str, "-opt4:")==0) {opt4 = true;}
else if (strcmp (str, "-opt5:")==0) {opt5 = true;}
if((opt1) && (opt2) && (~(opt3)) && (~(opt4)) && (~(opt5)) {
} else {
A good solution would be using operands ! and &&
! denotes "not" (or in such case "not true") while && combines two different logical comparisons (in such case, "logic test 1" and "logic test 2")
Here's an example to do it:
if((opt1 && opt2)&&(!(opt3||opt4||opt5))){
Do something if opt1 and opt2 are true and others are false
This is practically the same as #Fareanor's solution above (first solution)
A possible fix could be (if I have well understood your problem):
if(opt1 && opt2) // opt3, opt4 and opt5 are invalid
if(!(opt3 || opt4 || opt5))
// Do something
// Display error message because at least opt3 or opt4 or opt5 is provided and not requested
else // opt3, opt4 and opt5 are valid
// Do something
But I think it could be better to just ignore the obsolete parameters instead of display an error while you can still run your process with only opt1 and opt2. Which could lead us to the simpler code:
if(opt1 && opt2)
// Do something without using opt3, opt4 and opt5
// Do something taking into account opt3, opt4 and opt5
I hope it is what you was looking for.

String pre-definition in .h file and using it to filter user input

Consider the following situation:
#define YES "y"||"Y"||"yes"||"Yes"||"YES"
#define NO "n"||"N"||"no"||"No"||"NO"
With macros being used at the user input.
latestResponse = FRW::getUserInput();
if (latestResponse == YES)
retry = false;
else if (latestResponse == NO)
retry = true;
I am aware that this is wrong and I should actually use...
#define YES latestResponse == "y"|| latestResponse == "Y"|| latestResponse == "yes"|| latestResponse == "Yes"|| latestResponse == "YES"
... and checking as
if (latestResponse == YES)
retry = false;
else if (latestResponse == NO)
retry = true;
Please, can somebody recommend any other way of implementing string macros?
Or should I stay this way?
There's no benefit in using macros this way.
You should rather ask, what is the proper abstraction here? In this case it could be
bool is_yes(const std::string &response) {
return response == "y" || response == "yes" || ...;
bool is_no(const std::string &response) {
// ...
and then using this in your code.

How can I get which part of an if expression is true?

Assume I have code like:
if(condition1 || condition2 || condition 3 || condition4)
// this inner part will be executed if one of the conditions is true.
// Now I want to know by which condition this part is executed.
I'm sure there are better ways to do this, here's one:
int i = 0;
auto check = [&i](bool b)->bool
if (!b) ++i;
return b;
if (check(false) || // 0
check(false) || // 1
check(true) || // 2
check(false)) // 3
std::cout << i; // prints 2
|| is short circuit evaluation, so you can have code like this :
if(condition1 || condition2 || condition 3 || condition4)
if (condition1 )
//it must be condition1 which make the overall result true
else if (condition2)
//it must be condition2 which make the overall result true
else if (condition3)
//it must be condition3 which make the overall result true
//it must be condition4 which make the overall result true
// this inner part will executed if one of the condition true. Now I want to know by which condition this part is executed.
If the conditions are independent of each other, you need to check them separately, or, if they belong to one variable, you can use a switch statement
bool c1;
bool c2
if ( c1 || c2 )
// these need to be checked separately
int i; // i should be checked for multiple conditions. Here switch is most appropriate
switch (i)
case 0: // stuff
case 1: // other stuff
default: // default stuff if none of the conditions above is true
Without a switch you can use only or and if statements:
if(condition1 || condition2 || condition 3 || condition4) {
// this inner part will executed if one of the condition true.
//Now I want to know by which condition this part is executed.
if ( condition1 || condition2 ) {
if ( condition1 )
printf("Loop caused by 1");
printf("Loop caused by 2");
if ( condition3)
printf("Loop caused by 3");
printf("Loop caused by 4");
I'm not sure that this is the most efficient thing you've ever seen, but it will identify which of the four conditions caused entry into the if ... block.
If you need to know for programmatic reasons, i.e. run different code depending on which condition is true, you could do something like this
if (condition1)
else if (condition2)
else if (condition3)
else if (condition4)
If you only want to know for debugging reasons, just do a printout.
What about the comma operator?
By using that logical operators follow the short circuit evaluation method, the following works fine:
int w = 0; /* w <= 0 will mean "no one is true" */
if ( (w++, cond1) || (w++, cond2) || ... || (w++, condN) )
printf("The first condition that was true has number: %d.\n", w);