framework/library for property-tree-like data structure with generic get/set-implementation? - c++

I'm looking for a data structure which behaves similar to boost::property_tree but (optionally) leaves the get/set implementation for each value item to the developer.
You should be able to do something like this:
std::function<int(void)> f_foo = ...;
my_property_tree tree;
tree.register<int>("", f_foo);
auto v1 = tree.get<int>(""); // <-- calls f_foo
auto v2 = tree.get<int>("some.other.path"); // <-- some fallback or throws exception
I guess you could abuse property_tree for this but I haven't looked into the implementation yet and I would have a bad feeling about this unless I knew that this is an intended use case.
Writing a class that handles requests like val = tree.get("") by calling a provided function doesn't look too hard in the first place but I can imagine a lot of special cases which would make this quite a bulky library.
Some extra features might be:
subtree-handling: not only handle terminal keys but forward certain subtrees to separate implementations. E.g.
tree.register("some.path.config", some_handler);
// calls some_handler.get<int>("network.hostname")
v = tree.get<int>("");
search among values / keys
automatic type casting (like in boost::property_tree)
"path overloading", e.g. defaulting to a property_tree-implementation for paths without registered callback.
Is there a library that comes close to what I'm looking for? Has anyone made experiences with using boost::property_tree for this purpose? (E.g. by subclassing or putting special objects into the tree like described here)

After years of coding my own container classes I ended up just adopting QVariantMap. This way it pretty much behaves (and is as flexible as) python. Just one interface. Not for performance code though.
If you care to know, I really caved in for Qt as my de facto STL because:
Industry standard - used even in avionics and satellite software
It has been around for decades with little interface change (think about long term support)
It has excellent performance, awesome documentation and enormous user base.
Extensive feature set, way beyond the STL

Would an std::map do the job you are interested in?
Have you tried this approach?
I don't quite understand what you are trying to do. So please provide a domain example.

I have some home-cooked code that lets you register custom callbacks for each type in GitHub. It is quite basic and still missing most of the features you would like to have. I'm working on the second version, though. I'm finishing a helper structure that will do most of the job of making callbacks. Tell me if you're interested. Also, you could implement some of those features yourself, as the code to register callbacks is already done. It shouldn't be so difficult.

Using only provided data structures:
First, getters and setters are not native features to c++ you need to call the method one way or another. To make such behaviour occur you can overload assignment operator. I assume you also want to store POD data in your data structure as well.
So without knowing the type of the data you're "get"ting, the only option I can think of is to use boost::variant. But still, you have some overloading to do, and you need at least one assignment.
You can check out the documentation. It's pretty straight-forward and easy to understand.
Making your own data structures:
Alternatively, as Dani mentioned, you can come up with your own implementation and keep a register of overloaded methods and so on.


C++ member variable change listeners (100+ classes)

I am trying to make an architecture for a MMO game and I can't figure out how I can store as many variables as I need in GameObjects without having a lot of calls to send them on a wire at the same time I update them.
What I have now is:
Game::ChangePosition(Vector3 newPos) {
SendOnWireNEWPOSITION(, newPos);
It makes the code rubbish, hard to maintain, understand, extend. So think of a Champion example:
I would have to make a lot of functions for each variable. And this is just the generalisation for this Champion, I might have have 1-2 other member variable for each Champion type/"class".
It would be perfect if I would be able to have OnPropertyChange from .NET or something similar. The architecture I am trying to guess would work nicely is if I had something similar to:
For HP: when I update it, automatically call SendFloatOnWire("HP", hp);
For Position: when I update it, automatically call SendVector3OnWire("Position", Position)
For Name: when I update it, automatically call SendSOnWire("Name", Name);
What are exactly SendFloatOnWire, SendVector3OnWire, SendSOnWire ? Functions that serialize those types in a char buffer.
OR METHOD 2 (Preffered), but might be expensive
Update Hp, Position normally and then every Network Thread tick scan all GameObject instances on the server for the changed variables and send those.
How would that be implemented on a high scale game server and what are my options? Any useful book for such cases?
Would macros turn out to be useful? I think I was explosed to some source code of something similar and I think it used macros.
Thank you in advance.
EDIT: I think I've found a solution, but I don't know how robust it actually is. I am going to have a go at it and see where I stand afterwards.
On method 1:
Such an approach could be relatively "easy" to implement using a maps, that are accessed via getters/setters. The general idea would be something like:
class GameCharacter {
map<string, int> myints;
// same for doubles, floats, strings
GameCharacter() {
int getInt(string fld) { return myints[fld]; };
void setInt(string fld, int val) { myints[fld]=val; sendIntOnWire(fld,val); }
Online demo
If you prefer to keep the properties in your class, you'd go for a map to pointers or member pointers instead of values. At construction you'd then initialize the map with the relevant pointers. If you decide to change the member variable you should however always go via the setter.
You could even go further and abstract your Champion by making it just a collection of properties and behaviors, that would be accessed via the map. This component architecture is exposed by Mike McShaffry in Game Coding Complete (a must read book for any game developer). There's a community site for the book with some source code to download. You may have a look at the actor.h and actor.cpp file. Nevertheless, I really recommend to read the full explanations in the book.
The advantage of componentization is that you could embed your network forwarding logic in the base class of all properties: this could simplify your code by an order of magnitude.
On method 2:
I think the base idea is perfectly suitable, except that a complete analysis (or worse, transmission) of all objects would be an overkill.
A nice alternative would be have a marker that is set when a change is done and is reset when the change is transmitted. If you transmit marked objects (and perhaps only marked properties of those), you would minimize workload of your synchronization thread, and reduce network overhead by pooling transmission of several changes affecting the same object.
Overall conclusion I arrived at: Having another call after I update the position, is not that bad. It is a line of code longer, but it is better for different motives:
It is explicit. You know exactly what's happening.
You don't slow down the code by making all kinds of hacks to get it working.
You don't use extra memory.
Methods I've tried:
Having maps for each type, as suggest by #Christophe. The major drawback of it was that it wasn't error prone. You could've had HP and Hp declared in the same map and it could've added another layer of problems and frustrations, such as declaring maps for each type and then preceding every variable with the mapname.
Using something SIMILAR to valve's engine: It created a separate class for each networking variable you wanted. Then, it used a template to wrap up the basic types you declared (int, float, bool) and also extended operators for that template. It used way too much memory and extra calls for basic functionality.
Using a data mapper that added pointers for each variable in the constructor, and then sent them with an offset. I left the project prematurely when I realised the code started to be confusing and hard to maintain.
Using a struct that is sent every time something changes, manually. This is easily done by using protobuf. Extending structs is also easy.
Every tick, generate a new struct with the data for the classes and send it. This keeps very important stuff always up to date, but eats a lot of bandwidth.
Use reflection with help from boost. It wasn't a great solution.
After all, I went with using a mix of 4, and 5. And now I am implementing it in my game. One huge advantage of protobuf is the capability of generating structs from a .proto file, while also offering serialisation for the struct for you. It is blazingly fast.
For those special named variables that appear in subclasses, I have another struct made. Alternatively, with help from protobuf I could have an array of properties that are as simple as: ENUM_KEY_BYTE VALUE. Where ENUM_KEY_BYTE is just a byte that references a enum to properties such as IS_FLYING, IS_UP, IS_POISONED, and VALUE is a string.
The most important thing I've learned from this is to have as much serialization as possible. It is better to use more CPU on both ends than to have more Input&Output.
If anyone has any questions, comment and I will do my best helping you out.

How to make API names into variables for easier coding

I am looking for a way to turn some long and confusing API function names into shorter types to reduce the amount of typing and over all errors due to misspelling.
For example : I would like to take gtk_functionName(); and make it a variable like so. doThis = gtk_functionName;
Sometimes the code will have lots of repeating suffix. I want to know if I can take this g_signal_connect_ and turn it into this connect so I could just type connectswapped instead of g_signal_connect_swapped.
I am looking to do this in C\C++ but would be happy to know how its done in any language. I thought I had seen a code that did this before but I can not figure out what this would be called so searching for it has been fruitless.
I am sure this is possible and I am just not able to remember how its done.
I believe what you are wanting to do is apply the Facade Pattern, which is to present a simplified interface to a larger, more complex body of code.
What this basically means is you define your own simplified interfaces for the functionality you want. The implementation of these interfaces use the longer more complex packages you want to simplify. After that, the rest of your code use the simplified interfaces instead of the complex package directly.
void doThis (That *withThat) {
gtk_functionName(withThat->arg1, withThat->arg2 /* etc. */);

Metaprogramming C/C++ using the preprocessor

So I have this huge tree that is basically a big switch/case with string keys and different function calls on one common object depending on the key and one piece of metadata.
Every entry basically looks like this
} else if ( strcmp(key, "key_string") == 0) {
} else if ( ...
where do_something can have different invocations, so I can't just use function pointers. Also, some keys require object to be cast to a subclass.
Now, if I were to code this in a higher level language, I would use a dictionary of lambdas to simplify this.
It occurred to me that I could use macros to simplify this to something like
case_call("key_string", class_name, do_something());
case_call( /* ... */ )
where case_call would be a macro that would expand this code to the first code snippet.
However, I am very much on the fence whether that would be considered good style. I mean, it would reduce typing work and improve the DRYness of the code, but then it really seems to abuse the macro system somewhat.
Would you go down that road, or rather type out the whole thing? And what would be your reasoning for doing so?
Some clarification:
This code is used as a glue layer between a simplified scripting API which accesses several different aspects of a C++ API as simple key-value properties. The properties are implemented in different ways in C++ though: Some have getter/setter methods, some are set in a special struct. Scripting actions reference C++ objects casted to a common base class. However, some actions are only available on certain subclasses and have to be cast down.
Further down the road, I may change the actual C++ API, but for the moment, it has to be regarded as unchangeable. Also, this has to work on an embedded compiler, so boost or C++11 are (sadly) not available.
I would suggest you slightly reverse the roles. You are saying that the object is already some class that knows how to handle a certain situation, so add a virtual void handle(const char * key) in your base class and let the object check in the implementation if it applies to it and do whatever is necessary.
This would not only eliminate the long if-else-if chain, but would also be more type safe and would give you more flexibility in handling those events.
That seems to me an appropriate use of macros. They are, after all, made for eliding syntactic repetition. However, when you have syntactic repetition, it’s not always the fault of the language—there are probably better design choices out there that would let you avoid this decision altogether.
The general wisdom is to use a table mapping keys to actions:
std::map<std::string, void(Class::*)()> table;
Then look up and invoke the action in one go:
Or use find to check for failure:
const auto i = table.find(key);
if (i != table.end())
throw std::runtime_error(...);
But if as you say there is no common signature for the functions (i.e., you can’t use member function pointers) then what you actually should do depends on the particulars of your project, which I don’t know. It might be that a macro is the only way to elide the repetition you’re seeing, or it might be that there’s a better way of going about it.
Ask yourself: why do my functions take different arguments? Why am I using casts? If you’re dispatching on the type of an object, chances are you need to introduce a common interface.

Design methods for multiple serialization targets/formats (not versions)

Whether as members, whether perhaps static, separate namespaces, via friend-s, via overloads even, or any other C++ language feature...
When facing the problem of supporting multiple/varying formats, maybe protocols or any other kind of targets for your types, what was the most flexible and maintainable approach?
Were there any conventions or clear cut winners?
A brief note why a particular approach helped would be great.
[ ProtoBufs like suggestions should not cut it for an upvote, no matter how flexible that particular impl might be :) ]
Reading through the already posted responses, I can only agree with a middle-tier approach.
Basically, in your original problem you have 2 distinct hierarchies:
n classes
m protocols
The naive use of a Visitor pattern (as much as I like it) will only lead to n*m methods... which is really gross and a gateway towards maintenance nightmare. I suppose you already noted it otherwise you would not ask!
The "obvious" target approach is to go for a n+m solution, where the 2 hierarchies are clearly separated. This of course introduces a middle-tier.
The idea is thus ObjectA -> MiddleTier -> Protocol1.
Basically, that's what Protocol Buffers does, though their problematic is different (from one language to another via a protocol).
It may be quite difficult to work out the middle-tier:
Performance issues: a "translation" phase add some overhead, and here you go from 1 to 2, this can be mitigated though, but you will have to work on it.
Compatibility issues: some protocols do not support recursion for example (xml or json do, edifact does not), so you may have to settle for a least-common approach or to work out ways of emulating such behaviors.
Personally, I would go for "reimplementing" the JSON language (which is extremely simple) into a C++ hierarchy:
Applying the Composite pattern to combine them.
Of course, that is the first step only. Now you have a framework, but you don't have your messages.
You should be able to specify a message in term of primitives (and really think about versionning right now, it's too late once you need another version). Note that the two approaches are valid:
In-code specification: your message is composed of primitives / other messages
Using a code generation script: this seems overkill there, but... for the sake of completion I thought I would mention it as I don't know how many messages you really need :)
On to the implementation:
Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu said in their C++ Coding Standards
Prefer non-member non-friend methods
This applies really well to the MiddleTier -> Protocol step > creates a Protocol1 class and then you can have:
Protocol1 myProtocol;
myProtocol << myMiddleTierMessage;
The use of operator<< for this kind of operation is well-known and very common. Furthermore, it gives you a very flexible approach: not all messages are required to implement all protocols.
The drawback is that it won't work for a dynamic choice of the output protocol. In this case, you might want to use a more flexible approach. After having tried various solutions, I settled for using a Strategy pattern with compile-time registration.
The idea is that I use a Singleton which holds a number of Functor objects. Each object is registered (in this case) for a particular Message - Protocol combination. This works pretty well in this situation.
Finally, for the BOM -> MiddleTier step, I would say that a particular instance of a Message should know how to build itself and should require the necessary objects as part of its constructor.
That of course only works if your messages are quite simple and may only be built from few combination of objects. If not, you might want a relatively empty constructor and various setters, but the first approach is usually sufficient.
Putting it all together.
// 1 - Your BOM
class Foo {};
class Bar {};
// 2 - Message class: GetUp
class GetUp
typedef enum {} State;
State m_state;
// 3 - Protocl class: SuperProt
class SuperProt: public Protocol
// 4 - GetUp to SuperProt serializer
class GetUp2SuperProt: public Serializer
// 5 - Let's use it
Foo foo;
Bar bar;
SuperProt sp;
GetUp getUp = GetUp(foo,bar);
MyMessage2ProtBase.serialize(sp, getUp); // use GetUp2SuperProt inside
If you need many output formats for many classes, I would try to make it a n + m problem instead of an n * m problem. The first way I come to think of is to have the classes reductible to some kind of dictionary, and then have a method to serlalize those dictionarys to each output formats.
Assuming you have full access to the classes that must be serialized. You need to add some form of reflection to the classes (probably including an abstract factory). There are two ways to do this: 1) a common base class or 2) a "traits" struct. Then you can write your encoders/decoders in relation to the base class/traits struct.
Alternatively, you could require that the class provide a function to export itself to a container of boost::any and provide a constructor that takes a boost::any container as its only parameter. It should be simple to write a serialization function to many different formats if your source data is stored in a map of boost::any objects.
That's two ways I might approach this. It would depend highly on the similarity of the classes to be serialized and on the diversity of target formats which of the above methods I would choose.
I used OpenH323 (famous enough for VoIP developers) library for long enough term to build number of application related to VoIP starting from low density answering machine and up to 32xE1 border controller. Of course it had major rework so I knew almost anything about this library that days.
Inside this library was tool (ASNparser) which converted ASN.1 definitions into container classes. Also there was framework which allowed serialization / de-serialization of these containers using higher layer abstractions. Note they are auto-generated. They supported several encoding protocols (BER,PER,XER) for ASN.1 with very complex ASN sntax and good-enough performance.
What was nice?
Auto-generated container classes which were suitable enough for clear logic implementation.
I managed to rework whole container layer under ASN objects hierarchy without almost any modification for upper layers.
It was relatively easy to do refactoring (performance) for debug features of that ASN classes (I understand, authors didn't intended to expect 20xE1 calls signalling to be logged online).
What was not suitable?
Non-STL library with lazy copy under this. Refactored by speed but I'd like to have STL compatibility there (at least that time).
You can find Wiki page of all the project here. You should focus only on PTlib component, ASN parser sources, ASN classes hierarchy / encoding / decoding policies hierarchy.
By the way,look around "Bridge" design pattern, it might be useful.
Feel free to comment questions if something seen to be strange / not enough / not that you requested actuall.

How would you implement Erlang-like send and receive in C++?

Actually, this question seems to have two parts:
How to implement pattern matching?
How to implement send and receive (i.e. the Actor model)?
For the pattern matching part, I've been looking into various projects like App and Prop. These look pretty nice, but couldn't get them to work on a recent version (4.x) of g++. The Felix language also seems to support pattern matching pretty well, but isn't really C++.
As for the Actor model, there are existing implementations like ACT++ and Theron, but I couldn't find anything but papers on the former, and the latter is single-threaded only [see answers].
Personally, I've implemented actors using threading and a thread-safe message queue. Messages are hash-like structures, and used these together with a number of preprocessor macros to implemented simple pattern matching.
Right now, I can use the following code to send a message:
(new Message(this))
->set("foo", "bar")
->set("baz", 123)
And the following to do simple pattern matching (qDebug and qPrintable are Qt-specific):
match_key("foo") { qDebug("foo: %s", qPrintable(m->value("foo").toString())); }
or_match_key("baz") { qDebug("baz: %d", m->value("baz").toInt()); }
However, this looks a bit hackish to me, and isn't very robust.
How would you do it? Did I miss any existing work?
As for the Actor model, there are
existing implementations like ACT++
and Theron, but I couldn't find
anything but papers on the former, and
the latter is single-threaded only.
As the author of Theron, I was curious why you believe it's single-threaded?
Personally, I've implemented actors
using threading and a thread-safe
message queue
That's how Theron is implemented.. :-)
One of the important things about erlang is how the features are used to make robust systems.
The send/recieve model is no-sharing, and explicitly copying.
The processes themselves are lightweight threads.
If you did desire the robust properties of the erlang model, you would be best to use real processes and IPC rather than threads.
If you want robust message passing though you may end up wanting to serialize and deserialise the contents. Especially with type safety.
Pattern matching in C++ isn't always pretty but there will be a good pattern for this - you will end up creating a dispatcher object that uses some form of polymorphism to get what you want.
Although if you are not careful you end up with xml over pipes :)
Really, if you want the erlang model you really want to use erlang. If there are slow bits, I'm sure you can augment your program using a foreign function internet.
The problem about re-implementing parts, is you won't get a good cohesive library and solution. The solutions you have already don't look much like C++ anymore.
I'm currently implementing an actor library for C++ called "acedia" (there's nothing yet about it on google) that uses "type matching". The library is a project for my master thesis and you can send any kind of data to an actor with it.
A small snippet:
recipient.send(23, 12.23f);
And on the recipient side you can either analyze the received message like this:
Message msg = receive();
if (msg.match<int, float>() { ... }
... or you can define a rule set that invokes a function or method for you:
void doSomething(int, float);
InvokeRuleSet irs;
irs.add(on<int, float>() >> doSomething);
It's also possible to match both on type and on value:
Message msg = receive();
if (msg.match<int, float>(42, WILDCARD) { ... }
else if (msg.match<int, float>() { ... }
The constant "WILDCARD" means, that any value will be acceptet. Pass no arguments is equal set all arguments to "WILDCARD"; meaning that you only want to match the types.
This is certainly a small snippet. Also you can use "case classes" like in Scala. They are comparable to "atomics" in erlang. Here is a more detailed example:
To react to the defined case classes you can write an actor like this:
class SomeActor : public Actor
void shutdown() { done = true; }
void handleEvent1();
void handleEvent1();
SomeActor() : done(false) { }
virtual void act()
InvokeRuleSet irs;
.add(on<ShutdownMessage>() >> method(&SomeActor::shutdown))
.add(on<Event1>() >> method(&SomeActor::handleEvent1))
.add(on<Event2>() >> method(&SomeActor::handleEvent2))
while (!done) receiveAndInvoke(irs);
To create a new actor and start it, all you have to write is:
Although the library not even reached beta stadium the shown snippets work and i have a first application running on it. One major goal of the library is to support distributed programming (also across a network).
Your question is a while ago, but if you're interested in it: let me know! :)
You can mimic the behavior using Qt's signal/slot mechanism, especially since Qt's signal/slot supports multithread.
I would definitely be interested in looking at your "acedia" library and would love to help in any way that I could. Erlang has some wonderful constructs and C++ could definitely benefit from such a library.
Today I hostet the library at sourceforge:
As I said before it's an early release. But feel free to critique it!
Today, if you want erlang style robust actors in C++, and pattern matching,
maybe Rust is the answer.
Of course this wasn't around publically when the OP asked ~5years ago, and as of april 2014 it still isn't v1.0 yet - but its been progressing very well and is definitely stabilizing, enough of the language core is stable I think.
And ok its not C++, but it has the same approach to memory management as C++, except that it supports lightweight tasks with no shared memory by default (then provides controlled library features for sharing - "Arc");
It can directly call (and directly expose) 'extern C' functions. You can't share templated library headers with C++ - but you can write generics that mimick C++ collection classes (and vica versa) to pass references to data-structures across.