incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'malloc' - c++

My program is
#include <iostream>
char * grabNumber ( char * begin )
// Interpret *begin as the start of a double and add the characters to a
// string retstr
char * begincpy = begin;
int foundDot = 0;
while ((*begin >= '0' && *begin <= '9') || *begin == '.')
if (*begin == '.')
if (foundDot == 0) foundDot = 1;
else break;
long n = begin - begincpy; // # of characters parsed
char * retstr = malloc(sizeof(char) * (n + 1)); // string to be returned
for (long k = 0; k < n; ++k) retstr[k] = *begincpy++;
retstr[n] = '\0';
return retstr;
int main()
char str [] = "abc3.14def";
std::cout << grabNumber(str+3); // should print "3.14"
return 0;
and the errors I'm getting are
Line 20: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in
function 'malloc' Line 21: error: 'for' loop initial declaration used
outside C99 mode
corresponding to the 2 lines
char * retstr = malloc(sizeof(char) * (n + 1)); // string to be returned
for (long k = 0; k < n; ++k) retstr[k] = *begincpy++;
Also, is there a way that I can cut down on the redundancy of my algorithm, because it's checking for a . twice in each iteration of the while loop, and yet I can't think of a cleaner way to handle the fact that I need to stop the loop if we've run into a second .

I'm guessing you are trying to write C++ as you have included iostream and used std::cout. However the error message shows you are using a C compiler. I also guess that you wrote gcc myprogram.c. To get C++ compilation you either need to write g++ instead of gcc, or rename your file to have a .cc extension. (Preferably both).
To use malloc you need #include <cstdlib>.
Also you may need using namespace std; or using std::malloc; after that; and you will need to cast the value returned by malloc because C++ does not implicitly convert from void * to other pointer types.
However malloc is rarely used in C++ as it does not initialize non-trivial objects properly. Consider changing this code to:
char * retstr = new char[n+1];
then you won't need any extra includes.
But this is still a weak design as you are now relying on the caller to free the memory. In fact your main function has a memory leak as it does not free the memory.
In C++ it is better style to have memory managed by a container class that knows about memory management; so the programmer can't make any mistakes. (Incase you are wondering, this usually doesn't introduce any inefficiency and may even speed things up).
A much better approach would be to #include <string>, make the function return std::string, and change the last five lines of your function to:
return { begincpy, begin };
or if using a pre-C++11 compiler,
return std::string(begincpy, begin);

Let's start by observing that you are not writing C, you are writing C++. You should fix your compilation/project settings so you compile your files using the C++ compiler instead of the C compiler. This will fix the compilation error about the for loop also, as that is not valid in C before C-99.
Secondly, the first warning is actually due to a missing include. In C you would #include <stdlib.h> in C++ you'd #include <cstdlib> to get the definitions from the C standard library.


How to count assignment operators in a text file?

My task is to create a program in C ++ that processes a text file in sequential mode. The data must be read from the file one line at a time. Do not back up the entire contents of the file to RAM. The text file contains syntactically correct C++ code and I have to count how many assignment operators are there.
The only thing I could think of was making a function that searches for patterns and then counts how many times they appear. I insert every assignment operator as a pattern and then sum all the counts together. But this does not work because if I insert the pattern "=" many operators such as "%=" or "+=" also get counted in. And even operators like "!=" or "==" get counted, but they shouldn't because they are comparison operators.
My code gives the answer 7 but the real answer should be 5.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int patternCounting(string pattern, string text){
int x = pattern.size();
int y = text.size();
int rez = 0;
for(int i=0; i<=y-x; i++){
int j;
for(j=0; j<x; j++)
if(text[i+j] !=pattern[j]) break;
if(j==x) rez++;
return rez;
int main()
fstream file ("test.txt", ios::in);
string rinda;
int skaits=0;
if(!file){cout<<"Nav faila!"<<endl; return 47;}
getline(file, rinda);
return 0;
Contents of the text file:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int z=3;
int x=4;
for(int i=3; i<3; i++){
int f+=x;
float g%=3;
Note that as a torture test, the following code has 0 assignments on older C++ standards and one on newer ones, due to the abolition of trigraphs.
// = Torture test
int a = 0; int b = 1;
int main()
// The next line is part of this comment until C++17 ??/
a = b;
struct S
virtual void foo() = 0;
void foo(int, int x = 1);
S& operator=(const S&) = delete;
int m = '==';
char c = '=';
const char* s = [=]{return "=";}();
sizeof(a = b);
decltype(a = b) c(a);
There are multiple issues with the code.
The first, rather mundane issue, is your handling of file reading. A loop such as while (file.good()) … is virtually always an error: you need to test the return value of getline instead!
std::string line;
while (getline(file, line)) {
// Process `line` here.
Next, your patternCounting function fundamentally won’t work since it doesn’t account for comments and strings (nor any of C++’s other peculiarities, but these seem to be out of scope for your assignment). It also doesn’t really make sense to count different assignment operators separately.
The third issue is that your test case misses lots of edge cases (and is invalid C++). Here’s a better test case that (I think) exercises all interesting edge cases from your assignment:
int main()
int z=3; // 1
int x=4; // 2
// comment with = in it
"string with = in it";
float f = 3; // 3
f = f /= 4; // 4, 5
for (int i=3; i != 3; i++) { // 6
int f=x += z; // 7, 8
bool g=3 == 4; // 9
I’ve annotated each line with a comment indicating up to how many occurrences we should have counted by now.
Now that we have a test case, we can start implementing the actual counting logic. Note that, for readability, function names generally follow the pattern “verb subject”. So instead of patternCounting a better function name would be countPattern. But we won’t count arbitrary patterns, we will count assignments. So I’ll use countAssignments (or, using my preferred C++ naming convention: count_assignments).
Now, what does this function need to do?
It needs to count assignments (incl. initialisations), duh.
It needs to discount occurrences of = that are not assignments:
inside strings
inside comments
inside comparison operators
Without a dedicated C++ parser, that’s a rather tall order! You will need to implement a rudimentary lexical analyser (short: lexer) for C++.
First off, you will need to represent each of the situations we care about with its own state:
enum class state {
With this in hand, we can start writing the outline of the count_assignments function:
int count_assignments(std::string const& str) {
auto count = 0;
auto state = state::start;
auto prev_char = '\0';
for (auto c : str) {
switch (state) {
case state::start:
case state::comment:
case state::string:
case state::comparison:
prev_char = c;
// Useful for debugging:
// std::cerr << count << "\t" << str << "\n";
return count;
As you can see, we iterate over the characters of the string (for (c : str)). Next, we handle each state we could be currently in.
The prev_char is necessary because some of our lexical tokens are more than one character in length (e.g. comments start by //, but /= is an assignment that we want to count!). This is a bit of a hack — for a real lexer I would split such cases into distinct states.
So much for the function skeleton. Now we need to implement the actual logic — i.e. we need to decide what to do depending on the current (and previous) character and the current state.
To get you started, here’s the case state::start:
switch (c) {
case '=':
state = state::comparison;
case '<': case '>': case '!':
state = state::comparison;
case '"' :
state = state::string;
case '/' :
if (prev_char == '/') {
state = state::comment;
Be very careful: the above will over-count the comparison ==, so we will need to adjust that count once we’re inside case state::comparison and see that the current and previous character are both =.
I’ll let you take a stab at the rest of the implementation.
Note that, unlike your initial attempt, this implementation doesn’t distinguish the separate assignment operators (=, +=, etc.) because there’s no need to do so: they’re all counted automatically.
The clang compiler has a feature to dump the syntax tree (also called AST). If you have syntactically correct C++ code (which you don't have), you can count the number of assignment operators for example with the following command line (on a unixoid OS):
clang++ -Xclang -ast-dump -c my_cpp_file.cpp | egrep "BinaryOperator.*'='" | wc -l
Note however that this will only match real assigments, not copy initializations, which also can use the = character, but are something syntactically different (for example an overloaded = operator is not called in that case).
If you want to count the compound assignments and/or the copy initializations as well, you can try to look for the corresponding lines in the output AST and add them to the egrep search pattern.
In practice, your task is incredibly difficult.
Think for example of C++ raw string literals (you could have one spanning dozen of source lines, with arbitrary = inside them). Or of asm statements doing some addition....
Think also of increment operators like (for some declared int x;) a x++ (which is equivalent to x = x+1; for a simple variable, and semantically is an assignment operator - but not syntactically).
My suggestion: choose one open source C++ compiler. I happen to know GCC internals.
With GCC, you can write your own GCC plugin which would count the number of Gimple assignments.
Think also of Quine programs coded in C++...
NB: budget months of work.

R G B element array swap

I'm trying to create this c++ program to perform the description below. I am pretty certain the issue is in the recursive, but uncertain how to fix it. I'm guessing it just keeps iterating through to infinity and crashes. I do not even get an output. I figured I could just compare the previous and current pointer and perform a 3-piece temp swap based on lexicography. I would use a pointer to iterate through the array and decrement it after each swap, then recursively call with that ptr as the parameter. Didn't work, I'm here, help me please :). If there is a simpler solution that would work too, but prefer to understand where I went wrong with this code.
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Given an array of strictly the characters 'R', 'G', and
// 'B', segregate the values of the array so that all the
// Rs come first, the Gs come second, and the Bs come last.
// You can only swap elements of the array.
char* RGBorder(char* c_a)
size_t sz = sizeof(c_a)/sizeof(*c_a);
char* ptr_ca = c_a;
char* prv_ptr = ptr_ca;
char temp;
case 'R' :
if( *prv_ptr < *ptr_ca ) {
temp = *prv_ptr; *prv_ptr = *ptr_ca; *ptr_ca = temp;
} else if( *prv_ptr == *ptr_ca ) {
} else { ptr_ca--; RGBorder(ptr_ca); }
case 'G' :
if( *prv_ptr < *ptr_ca ) {
temp = *prv_ptr; *prv_ptr = *ptr_ca; *ptr_ca = temp;
} else if( *prv_ptr == *ptr_ca ) {
} else { ptr_ca--; RGBorder(ptr_ca); }
cout << *ptr_ca;
return c_a;
int main()
char ca[] = {'G', 'B', 'R', 'R', 'B', 'R', 'G'};
char *oca =RGBorder(ca);
char *pca = oca;
cout << *pca << endl;
There are many issues with your code.
1) You call the function RGBorder with a character pointer, and then attempt to get the number of characters using this:
size_t sz = sizeof(c_a)/sizeof(*c_a);
This will not get you the number of characters. Instead this will simply get you the
sizeof(char *) / sizeof(char)
which is usually 4 or 8. The only way to call your function using a char array is either provide a null-terminated array (thus you can use strlen), or you have to pass the number of characters in the array as a separate argument:
char *RGBorder(char *c_a, int size)
2) I didn't go through your code, but there are easier ways to do a 3-way partition in an array. One popular algorithm to do this is one based on the Dutch National Flag problem.
Since you want the array in RGB order, you know that the series of G will always come in the middle (somewhere) of the sequence, with R on the left of the sequence, and B always on the right of the sequence.
So the goal is to simply swap R to the left of the middle, and B to the right of the middle. So basically you want a loop that incrementally changes the "middle" when needed, while swapping R's and B's to their appropriate position when they're detected.
The following code illustrates this:
#include <algorithm>
char *RGBorder(char *c_a, int num)
int middle = 0; // assume we only want the middle element
int low = 0; // before the G's
int high = num - 1; // after the G's
while (middle <= high)
if ( c_a[middle] == 'R' ) // if we see an 'R' in the middle, it needs to go before the middle
std::swap(c_a[middle], c_a[low]); // swap it to a place before middle
++middle; // middle has creeped up one spot
++low; // so has the point where we will swap when we do this again
if (c_a[middle] == 'B') // if we see a 'B' as the middle element, it needs to go after the middle
std::swap(c_a[middle], c_a[high]); // place it as far back as you can
--high; // decrease the back position for next swap that comes here
++middle; // it is a 'G', do nothing
return c_a;
Live Example
Here is another solution that uses std::partition.
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
char *RGBorder(char *c_a, int num)
auto iter = std::partition(c_a, c_a + num, [](char ch) {return ch == 'R';});
std::partition(iter, c_a + num, [](char ch) {return ch == 'G';});
return c_a;
Live Example
Basically, the first call to std::partition places the R's to the front of the array. Since std::partition returns an iterator (in this case, a char *) to the end of where the partition occurs, we use that as a starting position in the second call to std::partition, where we partition the G values.
Note that std::partition also accomplishes its goal by swapping.
Given this solution, we can generalize this for an n-way partition by using a loop. Assume we want to place things in RGBA order (4 values instead of 3).
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
char *RGBorder(char *c_a, int num, char *order, int num2)
auto iter = c_a;
for (int i = 0; i < num2 - 1; ++i)
iter = std::partition(iter, c_a + num, [&](char ch) {return ch == order[i];});
return c_a;
int main()
std::cout << RGBorder(ca, strlen(ca), "RGBA", 4);
Sorry to put it blunt, but that code is a mess. And I don't mean the mistakes, those are forgivable for beginners. I mean the formatting. Multiple statements in one line make it super hard to read and debug the code. Short variable names that carry no immediate intrinsic meaning make it hard to understand what the code is supposed to do. using namespace std; is very bad practise as well, but I can imagine you were taught to do this by whoever gives that course.
1st problem
Your cases don't break, thus you execute all cases for R, and both G and default for G. Also your code will never reach the last 2 lines of your loop, as you continue out before in every case.
2nd problem
You have an endless loop. In both cases you have two situations where you'll end up in an endless loop:
In the else if( *prv_ptr == *ptr_ca ) branch you simply continue; without changing the pointer.
In the else branch you do ptr_ca--;, but then in default you call ptr_ca++; again.(Note that even with breaks you would still call ptr_ca++; at the end of the loop.)
In both cases the pointer doesn't change, so once you end up in any of those conditions your loop will never exit.
Possible 3rd problem
I can only guess, because it is not apparent from the name, but it seems that prv_ptr is supposed to hold whatever was the last pointer in the loop? If so, it seems wrong that you don't update that pointer, ever. Either way, proper variable names would've made it more clear what the purpose of this pointer is exactly. (On a side note, consistent usage of const can help identify such issues. If you have a variable that is not const, but never gets updated, you either forgot to add const or forgot to update it.)
How to fix
Format your code:
Don't use using namespace std;.
One statement per line.
Give your variables proper names, so it's easy to identify what is what. (This is not 1993, really, I'd rather have a thisIsThePointerHoldingTheCharacterThatDoesTheThing than ptr_xy.)
Fix the aforementioned issues (add breaks, make sure your loop actually exits).
Then debug your code. With a debugger. While it runs. With breakpoints and stepping through line by line, inspecting the values of your pointers as the code executes. Fancy stuff.
Good luck!
just count the number of 'R', 'G' and 'B' letters and fill the array from scratch.
much easier, no recursions.

Adding filenames from a directory to a char* array. c++

I ame trying to get filenames from a directory and put it in a char* array for latter use. But this dont seem to work the way i want to. When printing it only showes the last filename on all spots.
So my question howe can i add the file names in every spot inside the char*[]?
/*Placed outside*/
int i = 0;
char* Files[20] = {};
/*Placed outside*/
while (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
char buffer[4100];
sprintf_s(buffer, "%ls", search_data.cFileName);
Files[i] = buffer;
if (FindNextFile(handle, &search_data) == FALSE)
/*Printing I use ImGui*/
#define IM_ARRAYSIZE(_ARR) ((int)(sizeof(_ARR)/sizeof(*_ARR)))
static int listbox_item_current = 1;
ImGui::ListBox("", &listbox_item_current, Files, i, 4);
You could use C++ standard filesystem, but for that I guess you would need C++17 (or atleast VS15), not really sure.
You would have to include:
#include <experimental/filesystem>
#include <filesystem>
using namespace std::experimental::filesystem::v1;
Using it should be simple:
int i = 0;
const char * directoryToSearch = "C:\etc\etc";
for (const auto & file : directory_iterator(directoryToSearch)) {
files[i] = new char[file.path().stem().string().length() + 1];
strcpy(files[i], file.path().stem().string().c_str());
Indeed, you should clean up the array after you're done using it. Don't forget, not many compilers support this at the moment.
When printing it only shows the last filename on all spots. That is just normal: you store the filename on each iteration in the same buffer and just copy the address of the buffer into your array. Unrelated to the question, as buffer is an automatic variable declared inside a loop (block scoped), using it outside of the loop is Undefined Behaviour, so you end with an array of dangling pointers.
The correct way would be to either use a 2D-array char Files[MAX_PATH][20]; and store a file name in each slot, or use dynamic memory allocate by new (or malloc at a lower level). For the second option, you can do it by hand, allocating memory for each file name - and remember to free anything at the end, or you can let the standard library manage it for you by using:
std::vector<std::string> Files;
while(...) {
Dear ImGui provides a ListBoxctor that allows to pass an opaque data storage along with an extractor, and it can be used here:
bool string_vector_items_getter(void* data, int idx, const char** out_text) {
std::vector<std::string> *v = reinterpret_cast<std::vector<std::string> >(data);
if (idx < 0 || idx >= v.size()) return false;
*out_text = v[idx].c_str();
return true;
and then:
ImGui::ListBox("", &listbox_item_current, &string_vector_items_getter, &Files, i, 4);
(beware: untested code!)

Function isalnum(): unexpected results

For an assignment, I am using std::isalnum to determine if the input is a letter or a number. The point of the assignment is to create a "dictionary." It works well on small paragraphs, but does horrible on pages of text. Here is the code snippet I am using.
custom::String string;
std::cin >> string;
custom::String original = string;
size_t size = string.Size();
char j;
size_t i = 0;
size_t beg = 0;
while( i < size)
j = string[i];
if( std::isalnum( j ) )
string[i-beg] = tolower(j);
}//end while
string.SetSize(size - beg, '\0');
The code presented as I write this, does not make sense as a whole.
However, the calls to isalnum, as shown, would only work for plain ASCII, because
the C character classification functions require non-negative argument, or else EOF as argument, and
in order to work for international characters,
the encoding must be single-byte per character, and
setlocale should have been called prior to using the functions.
Regarding the first of these three points, you can wrap std::isalnum like this:
using Byte = unsigned char;
auto is_alphanumeric( char const ch )
-> bool
{ return !!std::isalnum( static_cast<Byte>( ch ) ); }
where the !! is just to silence a sillywarning from Visual C++ (warning about "performance", of all things).
Disclaimer: code untouched by compiler's hands.
Addendum: if you don't have a C++11 compiler, but only C++03,
typedef unsigned char Byte;
bool is_alphanumeric( char const ch )
return !!std::isalnum( static_cast<Byte>( ch ) );
As Bjarne remarked, C++11 feels like a whole new language! ;-)
I was able to create a solution to the problem. I noticed that isalnum did take care of some non alpha-numerics, but not all the time. Since the code above is part of a function, I called it multiple times with refined results given each time. I then came up with a do while loop that stores the string's size, calls the function, stores the new size, and compares them. If they are not the same it means that there is a chance that it needs to be called again. If they are the same, then the string has been fully cleaned. I am guessing that the reason isalnum was not working well was because I was reading in several chapters of a book into the string. Here is my code:
custom::string abc;
std::cin >> abc;
size_t first = 0;
size_t second = 0;
//clean the word
first = abc.Size();
second = abc.Size();
}while(first != second);

How can text in my main C++ file (in code that hasn't executed yet) show up in a string?

I'm new to C++ so there's a lot I don't really understand, I'm trying to narrow down how I'm getting exc_bad_access but my attempts to print out values seems to be aggravating (or causing) the problem!
#include <iostream>
#include "SI_Term.h"
#include "LoadPrefabs.h"
int main() {
SI_Term * velocity = new SI_Term(1, "m/s");
std::cout<<"MAIN: FIRST UNITS "<<std::endl;
return 0;
The above code produces an error (EXC_BAD_ACCESS) before the std::cout<< line even occurs. I traced it with xcode and it fails within the function call to new SI_Term(1, "m/s").
Re-running with the cout line commented out it runs and finishes. I would attach more code but I have a lot and I don't know what is relevant to this line seeming to sneak backwards and overwrite a pointer. Can anyone help me with where to look or how to debug this?
I narrowed it down to this block. I should explain at this point, this block is attempting to decompose a set of physical units written in the format kg*m/s^2 and break it down into kg, m, divide by s * s. Once something is broken down it uses LoadUnits(const char*) to read from a file. I am assuming (correctly at this point) that no string of units will contain anywhere near my limit of 40 characters.
UnitSet * decomposeUnits(const char* setOfUnits){
std::cout<<"Decomposing Units";
int i = 0;
bool divide = false;
UnitSet * nextUnit = 0;
UnitSet * temp = 0;
UnitSet * resultingUnit = new UnitSet(0, 0, 0, 1);
while (setOfUnits[i] != '\0') {
int j = 0;
char decomposedUnit[40];
std::cout<<"Wiped unit."<<std::endl;
while ((setOfUnits[i] != '\0') && (setOfUnits[i] != '*') && (setOfUnits[i] != '/') && (setOfUnits[i] != '^')) {
std::cout<<"Adding: " << decomposedUnit[i]<<std::endl;
decomposedUnit[j] = setOfUnits[i];
decomposedUnit[j] = '\0';
nextUnit = LoadUnits(decomposedUnit);
//The new unit has been loaded. now check for powers, if there is one read it, and apply it to the new unit.
//if there is a power, read the power, read the sign of the power and flip divide = !divide
if (setOfUnits[i] == '^') {
//there is a power. Analize.
double power = atof(&setOfUnits[i]);
temp = *nextUnit^power;
delete nextUnit;
nextUnit = temp;
temp = 0;
//skip i and j till the next / or * symbol.
while (setOfUnits[i] != '\0' && setOfUnits[i] != '*' && setOfUnits[i] != '/') {
++i; ++j;
temp = resultingUnit;
if (divide) {
resultingUnit = *temp / *nextUnit;
} else {
resultingUnit = *temp * *nextUnit;
delete temp;
delete nextUnit;
temp = 0;
nextUnit = 0;
// we just copied a word and setOfUnits[i] is the multiply or divide or power character for the next set.
if (setOfUnits[i] == '/') {
divide = true;
return resultingUnit;
I'm tempted to say that SI_Term is messing with the stack (or maybe trashing the heap). Here's a great way to do that:
char buffer[16];
strcpy(buffer, "I'm writing too much into a buffer");
Your function will probably finish, but then wreak havoc. Check all arrays you have on the stack and make sure you don't write out of bounds.
Then apply standard debugging practices: Remove code one by one until it doesn't crash anymore, then start reinstating it to find your culprit.
You are mentioning xcode, so I assume you're on a MAC. I'D then suggest looking at the valgrind tool from That's a memory checker giving you information when yo're doing something wrong with memory. If your program was build including debugging symbols it should give you an stacktrace helping you to find the error.
Here, I removed the unimportant stuff:
while (setOfUnits[i] != '\0') {
while ((setOfUnits[i] != '\0') && (setOfUnits[i] != '*') && (setOfUnits[i] != '/') && (setOfUnits[i] != '^')) {
nextUnit = LoadUnits(decomposedUnit);
if (...) {
double power = ...;
temp = *nextUnit^power;
delete nextUnit;
temp = resultingUnit;
delete temp;
delete nextUnit;
There are a number of problems with this:
In the inner-loop, you increment i until setOfUnits[i] == '\0', the end of the string. Then you increment i again, past the end of the string.
nextUnit is of type UnitSet, which presumably overloads ^. Though it's possible that it overloads it to mean "exponentiation", it probably doesn't (and if it does, it shouldn't): in C-based languages, including C++, ^ means XOR, not exponentiation.
You are deleting pointers returned from other functions - that is, you have functions that return dynamically-allocated memory, and expect the caller to delete that memory. While not incorrect, and in fact common practice in C, it is considered bad practice in C++. Just have LoadUnits() return a UnitSet (rather than a UnitSet*), and make sure to overload the copy constructor and operator= in the UnitSet class. If performance then becomes a concern, you could return a const UnitSet& instead, or use smart pointers.
In similar vein, you are allocating and deleting inside the same function. There is no need for this: just make resultingUnit stack-allocated:
UnitSet resultingUnit(0, 0, 0, 1);
I know that last bullet-point sounds very confusing, but once you finally come to understand it, you'll likely know more about C++ than 90% of coders who claim to "know" C++. This site and this book are good places to start learning.
Good luck!