How can I wait for an application launched by another application launched by my application Qt/C++ - c++

I'm creating a Windows Add/Remove Programs application in Qt 5.4 and I'm becaming crazy to solve a little "puzzle":
My application (APP_0) runs another application (APP_1) and waits for this APP_1 until it terminates.
APP_1 is an uninstaller (i.e. uninstall.exe) and I've not the source code of the APP_1, just of my Qt APP_0.
APP_1, instead of doing the uninstall job, it simply copies itself somewhere in the filesystem (I saw as Au_.exe but other apps could use different names and locations), runs this copy of itself (APP_2) and terminates.
The APP_2 has a GUI and the job I'm waiting for (uninstall) is demanded to the final user of the running APP_2.
In this situation my application (APP_0) stops waiting for APP_1 pratically immediately (because it launches APP_1 and waits for APP_1). But to work properly, obviously, I need to know instead when APP_2 is terminated...
So the question is:
is there a way (using some techniques (hooking?)) to know if and when APP_2 terminates?
Note: Consider that the standard Windows Add/Remove Programs utility does the job successfully (it seems it waits for APP_2). You can test this, for example, installing Adobe Digital Edition. Its uninstaller (uninstall.exe) copies itself into a new folder in the User_Local_Temp folder as Au_.exe, runs it and terminates. But the OS utility successfully waits for Au_.exe and only after it terminates refreshes the list of installed programs.
If this kind of technique (uninstall.exe copies itself somewhere ALWAYS with THE SAME name (Au_.exe) ) the problem could be resolved, obviously, very simply. But I don't think that the name of the copied uninstaller is always the same and also I don't like to assume things I'm not sure are real.
Many thanks in advance

Thanks to IInspectable's suggestion (see his comment... and many thanks guy!) I created a function which solves my problems! I'll share here this function which could be useful to other people with the same (or similar) problem.
For my needs, the function receives as parameter the index of the item to be uninstalled (from a QList) and gets the uninstall string (for example: C:\ProgramFiles\MyApp\uninstall.exe).
Then with this uninstall string, I'll create a process (CreateProcess) and put its handle into a Job Object, so that my function will wait for all the processes ran by this process.
The function itself is pretty simple and can be improved.
Notice that the process MUST be created with the CREATE_BREAKAWAY_FROM_JOB option, otherwise the AssignProcessToJobObject will fail with a "Access Denied" error.
void MainWindow::uniButtonClick(int idx)
QMessageBox::StandardButton reply;
QMessageBox::StandardButton err;
reply = QMessageBox::question(this, "Uninstall/Change", "Uninstall " +
ip[idx].displayName +"?\r\n\r\n" + ip[idx].uninstallString,
if (reply == QMessageBox::Yes)
//QString s = "C:\\windows\\notepad.exe"; // Just to test Job assignment and createprocess
QString s = ip[idx].uninstallString; // the real uninstaller string
QString jobName = "MyJobObject";
PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInfo; //This is what we get as an [out] parameter
STARTUPINFO StartupInfo; //This is an [in] parameter
HANDLE hProcess;
BOOL bJobAllEnd;
ZeroMemory(&StartupInfo, sizeof(StartupInfo));
StartupInfo.cb = sizeof StartupInfo ; //Only compulsory field
wchar_t* path;
path = (wchar_t*) malloc (sizeof(wchar_t)*s.length()+1);
path[s.length()]=0; // Null terminate the string
// Create the process with CREATE_BREAKAWAY_FROM_JOB to overcome the AccessDenied issue on AssignProcessToJobObject.
HANDLE jobObj = CreateJobObject(NULL, (const wchar_t*)jobName.utf16());
if (AssignProcessToJobObject(jobObj, ProcessInfo.hProcess) != 0)
ResumeThread(ProcessInfo.hThread); // Process assigned to JobObjext, resume it now
QueryInformationJobObject(jobObj, JobObjectBasicProcessIdList, pList, 10000, NULL);
bJobAllEnd = TRUE;
for(DWORD i=0; i<pList->NumberOfProcessIdsInList; i++)
hProcess = OpenProcess(SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, pList->ProcessIdList[i]);
if(hProcess != NULL)
bJobAllEnd = FALSE;
} while(!bJobAllEnd);
qDebug() << "AssignProcess to Job failed: error = " << QString::number(GetLastError());
catch(QString error)
QMessageBox::critical(this, "File not found!", "The requested uninstaller doesn't exists", QMessageBox::Ok);
// refresh list


Replacing vector with array or static vector for a better approach

My application runs particular number of processes(different executables) using createprocess(windows api) in parallel(using threads). User can refresh / close my application at any time. As of now, I am pushing the process handles into vector and whenever close request received, I am iterating the vector and terminating(using GetExitCodeProcess and TerminateProcess APIs) and closing(using CloseHandle API) the process handles. Also I am closing the handle of the process when it is completed. The problem with current model is, whenever process completed handle will be closed and when close request received again I will try to close it using vector(handle is not updated). To solve this, I have to update/remove the handle in/from the vector. To do this, need to maintain index.
Since I know the number of process, I want to create a static vector and update it rather than pushing a local object to a vector. Can someone suggest a best approach.
Below is the sample code.
//member object
std::vector<PROCESS_INFORMATION> mProcessHandles;
//this is a thread and will be called multiple times with different executable names in the application
void method(std::string executable)
STARTUPINFO startInfo{};
bool ret = CreateProcess(NULL, executable, NULL, NULL, TRUE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, NULL, NULL, &startInfo, &procInfo);
WaitForSingleObject(procInfo.hProcess, INFINITE);
procInfo.hProcess = NULL;
procInfo.hThread = NULL;
//this will be called when application close requested
void forceKill()
for (auto &processHandlesIt : mProcessHandles)
DWORD errorcode = 0;
GetExitCodeProcess(processHandlesIt.hProcess, &errorcode);
if (errorcode == STILL_ACTIVE)
TerminateProcess(processHandlesIt.hProcess, errorcode);
processHandlesIt.hProcess = NULL;
processHandlesIt.hThread = NULL;
You should not use handles (in GetExitCodeProcess for example) after they are closed.
I would simply not close those process handles in the threads, and just leave them for the forceKill or other clean-up function to close.
Also, since you are not using procInfo.hThread, you could close it right after CreateProcess returns.
I guess you are not using any other members of the procInfo, so you could only store the process' handles in your vector.

How can I write a simple application using Openthread library

Even to develop a simple application, the existing examples in Openthread are complex to refer. Can anybody provide a list of steps to use Openthread "mdt/fdt library" and develop a simple application, from where a CoAP message can be sent or received ? Following is what I have written, but it is not running properly and crashing at times. I have linked "fdt, posix, mbedtls, libcrypto" etc libraries and able to build the application successfully.
instance = otInstanceInitSingle();
otError err = otIp6SetEnabled(instance, true);
if(err == OT_ERROR_NONE)
err = otCoapStart(instance, OT_DEFAULT_COAP_PORT);
pthread_t thread_id;
pthread_create(&thread_id, NULL, OTProcessThread, NULL); // To call otTaskletsProcess(instance);
return OK;
std::cout << "Init Status: " << err << "\n";
The thread looks like the following. I this is a sample code, so I have not given any sleep/signal in the thread at present.
void *OTProcessThread(void *vargp)
printf("\nOTProcessThread started..");
while (true)
With this initialization process, I am trying to send a message as follows. But after that the application is crashing somewhere inside the Openthread code.
message = otCoapNewMessage(instance, NULL);
otCoapMessageInit(message, coapType, coapCode);
otCoapMessageGenerateToken(message, 8);
otCoapMessageAppendUriPathOptions(message, uri.c_str());
//otMessageAppend(message, NULL, 0);
otError status = otCoapSendRequest(instance, message, &messageInfo, &HandleResponse, this);
Can somebody please let me know, what exactly I am missing ?
While I can't speak to your specific issue without greater visibility, here are some resources you may find helpful:

Object pointer randomly points to 0x00000

I'm running a Visual C++ MFC application in release mode. I'm compiling everything using Visual Studio 2010.
My app runs a mini CNC mill through USB VCP communication.
I have a XML file that stores the app's settings.
My problem is this: ocassionaly (and this is repeatable) the pointer to the tinyxml2::XMLDocument I'm using gets set to 0x000.
Occasionally, the XML file get written to while the mill is running.
Before the error happens, the mill I'm running siezes for almost 30 seconds.
I'm using mutex locks to make sure the xmldoc doesn't get written to file twice at once.
The mutex locks are working, and the mutex error never occurs. I know the mutex code isn't perfect, but that isn't the issue. Honest.
I never write to the xmldoc pointer except when the parent class is booting up.
And then, all of a sudden, the xmlDoc pointer gets set to zero.
Any thoughts anyone?
Here is my saving code, although the problem may lie elsewhere:
void XMLSettings::SaveToXML()
HANDLE g_Mutex = CreateMutex( NULL, TRUE, "XMLSavingMutex");
DWORD wait_success = WaitForSingleObject( g_Mutex, 30000L);
if(wait_success == WAIT_OBJECT_0){
CIsoProApp* pApp = (CIsoProApp*)AfxGetApp();
if(PathFileExists(pApp->DrivePath + "IsoPro\\temp.xml"))
DeleteFile(pApp->DrivePath + "IsoPro\\temp.xml");
OutputDebugString("xmlDoc == NULL");
int errorcode = xmlDoc->SaveFile(pApp->DrivePath + "IsoPro\\temp.xml");
if(errorcode != 0)
OutputDebugString("xmlDoc == errorcode");
OutputDebugString("xmlDoc == NULL2");
OutputDebugString("xmlDoc == NULL");
if(PathFileExists(pApp->DrivePath + "IsoPro\\Settings.xml"))
DeleteFile(pApp->DrivePath + "IsoPro\\Settings.xml");
MoveFile(pApp->DrivePath + "IsoPro\\temp.xml",pApp->DrivePath + "IsoPro\\Settings.xml");
int errorInt = GetLastError();
CString error;
AfxMessageBox("XMLSavingMutex Error. WaitSuccess = " + wait_success);
AfxMessageBox("XMLSavingMutex Error. GetLastError = " + error);
Since it seems that you are creating a Mutex each time SaveToXML is called, you should change your call to
HANDLE g_Mutex = CreateMutex( NULL, FALSE, "XMLSavingMutex");
Doing this will create a named mutex that allows the implementation to dictate who the owner is; other threads will receive the same mutex.
From the doc:
Two or more processes can call CreateMutex to create the same named mutex. The first process actually creates the mutex, and subsequent processes with sufficient access rights simply open a handle to the existing mutex. This enables multiple processes to get handles of the same mutex, while relieving the user of the responsibility of ensuring that the creating process is started first. When using this technique, you should set the bInitialOwner flag to FALSE; otherwise, it can be difficult to be certain which process has initial ownership.
(Credit to WhozCraig for pointing out named mutexes)
It appears that I was accessing the xml getter while writing the xml to a file. I put a single mutex lock in place for all xml actions and things seem to be functioning properly. Thanks to everyone for their help. I'll be in touch with more info if it becomes available.

Why WNetAddConnection2 still returns 1219 after successfully calling WNetCancelConnection2?

I wrote some code to connect with some share on a remote server. If WNetAddConnection2 returns ERROR_SESSION_CREDENTIAL_CONFLICT (1219), I will first cancel the connection by WNetCancelConnection2 (return NO_ERROR). And then reconnect. But WNetAddConnection2 still returns 1219.
Why this and how to fix it?
Here's my code
BOOL ADDirectorySearch::IPCConnect(CString strServerName, CString strDomainName, CString strUserName, CString strPassWord)
CString strServerNameWithSlash = _T("\\\\") + strServerName; //actually is \\klbnt
CString strFullUserName = strDomainName + _T("\\") + strUserName; //is domaintest\administrator
_bstr_t bstrServerNameWithSlash = strServerNameWithSlash;
_bstr_t bstrFullUserName = strFullUserName;
_bstr_t bstrPassWord = strPassWord;
DWORD dwResult;
memset(&netResource, 0, sizeof(netResource));
netResource.dwScope = RESOURCE_GLOBALNET;
netResource.dwType = RESOURCETYPE_DISK;
netResource.lpProvider = L"";
netResource.lpRemoteName = bstrServerNameWithSlash;//Remote IP like:\\
dwResult = WNetAddConnection2W(&netResource, bstrPassWord, bstrFullUserName, CONNECT_INTERACTIVE);
dwResult = WNetCancelConnection2W(bstrServerNameWithSlash, CONNECT_UPDATE_PROFILE, TRUE);
if (dwResult == NO_ERROR)
dwResult = WNetAddConnection2W(&netResource, bstrPassWord, bstrFullUserName, CONNECT_INTERACTIVE);
//MyMessageBox_Error(_T("IPCConnect Error."), _T("Error"));
return FALSE;
if (dwResult == NO_ERROR)
return TRUE;
//MyMessageBox_Error(_T("IPCConnect Error."), _T("Error"));
return FALSE;
FYI: After typing "net use" in cmd, I got this, I feel there's something with error:
Status Local Remote Network
OK \\klbnt\NRDC1001 Microsoft Windows Network
The command completed successfully.
I was just having this problem now, and basically it seemed that it was due to another process still having file open, even though I specified "true" as the last parameter of WNetCancelConnection2() to force close the connection. Once I shut-down that other process, I was able to use successfully switch between credentials connecting and re-connecting to the same share. This is on Windows 2012 (64-bit), and the share was local (referenced by the machinename).'s still a problem if you want to connect to different shares on the same machine. If I try to connect to \\mymachine\share1 as user1 then to \\mymachine\share2 as user2, I get the 1219 error (even if it's in a completely different process). I have to explicitly call WNetCancelConnnection on \\mymachine\share1 before I can connect to share2, which means at the point you connect to a share on a particular machine, you may have to first enumerate existing connections and close each one.
Rather frustrating, and I can't understand the design principle here. It seems the flags to create temporary connections etc. have no effect on this behaviour either. Really what I want to be able to do is say "for this thread, connect to this share on this machine and as this user, such that all attempts to access files on the share are done with that user's credentials". That way what other processes/threads are doing can't cause issues with the current one.

Close handle to a mutex in another process

I want to close a handle to a mutex located in another process, so I can run more than one instance of the application.
I already know this can be done, see Process Explorer. Example: Windows Minesweeper (Windows 7) uses a mutex to only allow one game, so I thought I would use it as an example since it's pre-installed with Windows and therefore easier for you guys to guide me.
The mutex that I need to close is \Sessions\1\BaseNamedObjects\Oberon_Minesweeper_Singleton, which I found using Process Explorer.
After closing this mutex I was able to launch two games of Minesweeper, but I want to do this in my program using C++.
After some searching I have found that I might need the API DuplicateHandle. So far I haven't been able to close the handle on this mutex.
Here is my code so far:
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void printerror(LPSTR location){
printf("Error: %s_%d", location, GetLastError());
int main(){
DWORD pid = 0;
HWND hMineWnd = FindWindow("Minesweeper", "Minesveiper");
GetWindowThreadProcessId(hMineWnd, &pid);
HANDLE hProc =OpenProcess(PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE, 0, pid);
if(hProc == NULL){
return 1;
HANDLE hMutex = OpenMutex(MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS, TRUE, "Oberon_Minesweeper_Singleton");
if(hMutex == NULL){
return 2;
if(DuplicateHandle(hProc, hMutex, NULL, 0, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_CLOSE_SOURCE) == 0){
return 3;
if(CloseHandle(hMutex) == 0){
return 4;
return 0;
This code returns 0, but the mutex is still there, and I am not able to launch more games of Minesweeper. I think some of my parameters to DuplicateHandle are wrong.
The second argument to DuplicateHandle expects "an open object handle that is valid in the context of the source process", however I believe the handle you're passing in would only be valid within the current process (OpenMutex creates a new handle to an existing mutex object). You'll likely need to determine what the mutex's handle is in the remote process, and use that value when calling DuplicateHandle.