Export Microstrategy grid data in text format to a FTP server - web-services

Can anybody please let me know whether it is possible to export microstrategy grid data in text format to a FTP server (required access will be provided). If not directly, then can we use some kind of java coding/web services to achieve this. I don't want the process but want to understand whether this can be achieved or not?
Thanks in Advance!

You can retrieve report results (and build a new report from scratch at that) via the SDK and from there you can process the data to your liking, i.e. transform & upload to a ftp-server.
Possibly easier would be to create a file-subscription and store the file to a specific directory where you automatically pick it up and deliver it to your ftp.
There might be other solutions as well, but Yes is the answer to the "Yes/No" part of your question.


Best practice for creating an unalterable report file in c++

I am currently developping a windows application who test railroad equipments to find any defaults.
Utility A => OK
Utility B => NOK
This application will check the given equipment and generate a report.
This report needs to be written once, and no further modifications are allowed since this file can be used as working proof for the equipment.
My first idea was ta use pdf files (haru lib looks great), but pdf can also be modified.
I told myself that I could obsfuscate the report, and implement a homemade reader inside my application, but whatever way I store it, the file would always be possibly accessed and modified right?
So I'm running out of ideas.
Sorry if my approach and my problem appear naive but it's an intership.
Thanks for any help.
Edit: I could also add checksums for files after I generated them, and keep a "checksums record file", and implement a checksums comparison tool for verification? just thought about this.
I believe the answer to your question is to use any format whatosever, and use a digital signature anybody can verify, e.g., create a gnupg, get that key signed by the people who require to check your documents, upload it to one of the key servers, and use it to sign the documents. You can publish the documents, and have a link to your public key available for verification; for critical cases someone verifying must be trust your signature (i.e., trust somebody who signed your key).
People's lives depend on the state of train inspections. Therefore, I find it hard to believe that someone expects you to solve this problem only using free-as-in-beer components.
Adobe supports a strong digital signature model. If you buy into their technology base, you can create PDF's that are digitally signed, and are therefore tamper-evident, as the consumer can check for the signature.
You can, as someone else pointed out, use GNUpg, or for that matter OpenSSL, to implement your own signature scheme, but railroad regulators are somewhat less likely to figure out how to work with it.
I would store reports in an encrypted/protected datastore.
When a user accesses a report (requests a copy, the original is of course always in the database and cannot be modified), it includes the text "Report #XXXXX". If you want to validate the report, retrive a new copy from the system using the Report ID.

Making data entry fields remember their values form one run to the next

I'm writing a C++ MFC program, and I see programs that remember the last input values for some fields from one program run to the next. I could do this by saving it to a file and loading that and then repopulating, but is there another, quicker way of doing this, as I think I remember reading somewhere that these values could be stored in the registry? If anyone has an example or personal experiences, I would be very interested.
There are many options out there
I personally don't like the registery and prefer to keep my program portable.
so what I can think of right now are
1- ini files
2- property files
3- SQL server
4- you can also synchronize the user settings via web server, but as #Jeeva mentioned there are security considerations
It all depends on what kind of values you want remember. If it is an configuration data you can use config files. If it is small application data you can use flat files with proprietary format. If it is huge data you can use a database like SQL Server.
Usually there is a debate about using ini file vs registry.
Other things you want to consider is whether the data will be used across network. Whether you need to encrypt.

AnthillPro - CCTray integration

Does anyone know if you can use CCTray (or an equivalent) with AnthillPro? I'm not finding a lot of documentation and am new to using AHP.
You should be able to use CCTray type tools with AnthillPro. You would need to create a custom report to generate the XML though.
Shoot me an email at eric#urbancode.com I may be able to write this later in the week.
Otherwise, you could experiment with report writing.
You can find the cc xml format here: http://confluence.public.thoughtworks.org/display/CI/Multiple+Project+Summary+Reporting+Standard
Example AP report code that iterates over each build workflow and spits out data about the latest build is here: https://bugs.urbancode.com/browse/AHPSCRIPTS-13
The "Recent Build Life Activity (RSS)" report that I think ships with the product would give you an XML example.

Get a particular text from website

I'm looking for a way if you know the location where to read the text for example say, under a particular category, how would you connect to a website and search & read the text from it?
what steps do i need to follow to learn about that?
you could use libcurl/cURL for your HTML retrival
You're probably looking for a web crawler.
Here's an example of a simple crawler written in C++.
Moreover, you might want to have a look to wget, a software to retrieve files via HTTP, HTTPS and FTP.
if you are looking at a specific web-page, you could try retrieving the page and parsing it to get to the exact location you want. e.g. specific div, etc.
since you are using c++, you could try reading up on using libcurl to retrieve the information you need from the URL.
You can download an html file with WinHTTP(working example) and then search the file. There's some find algos in the std::string class for searching if your needs are relatively basic.

Edit Metadata of PDF File with C/C++?

Could anyone please provide me a sample C/C++ code to read and edit PDF Metadata?
If it is XMP, what else to do?
If it's XMP, I think there's an SDK available from Adobe. But beware, PDF metadata has a long history and isn't only stored in XMP.
You might best be off using a library that allows PDF manipulation. There are several commercial ones available. I have no idea whether there's something usable available for free.
https://github.com/hfiguiere/exempi -- C-library to read and write XMP.
The XMP SDK from adobe does not read/write metadata of PDF files. PDF reading/writing is a complicated task. Your best bet is to use a third party PDF library, or commands like pdfleo.
If you haven't tried XMPToolkit yet, give it a shot and see if it meets your needs.