i want to show all possible probabilities of RNA sequence in a protein sequence
annexin is the name of the protein.
code('phe') -> codon('UUU','UUC')
code('leu') -> codon('UUA','UUG')
code('gly') -> codon('GGC','GGU')
(i dont know how to permute the triplet codon)
I think the representation of code/codon has to be explicit, then
code(phe, ['UUU','UUC']).
code(leu, ['UUA','UUG']).
code(gly, ['GGC','GGU']).
rna(X, R) :- protein(X, LC), maplist(code_p, LC, R).
code_p(C, R) :- code(C, L), member(R, L).
?- rna(annexin, C).
C = ['UUU', 'UUA', 'GGC'] ;
C = ['UUU', 'UUA', 'GGU'] ;
C = ['UUU', 'UUG', 'GGC'] ;
C = ['UUU', 'UUG', 'GGU'] ;
C = ['UUC', 'UUA', 'GGC'] ;
C = ['UUC', 'UUA', 'GGU'] ;
C = ['UUC', 'UUG', 'GGC'] ;
C = ['UUC', 'UUG', 'GGU'].
code('phe') -> codon('UUU','UUC')
is not an usual fact, I will supposse you mean something like:
You do not need evaluate all possible answers, prolog does it by you:
rna(X) :-
( code(CA,codon(DA,_)); code(CA,codon(_,DA)) ),
( code(CB,codon(DB,_)); code(CB,codon(_,DB)) ),
( code(CC,codon(DC,_)); code(CC,codon(_,DC)) ),
format('~w ~w ~w~n', [DA, DB, DC] ),
(if you need some postprocess of the result, remove the format&fail and use setof/bagof to store all them in a list).
I have a list (L) with several form of AB variable (like AB_1, AB_1_1 ,...), can I have a subset of list with only the first column that matches AB form.
List (L) and desired result as List (R) are as follow:
L1 = data.frame(AB_1 = c(1:4) , AB_1_1 = c(1:4) , C1 = c(1:4))
L2 = data.frame(AB_1_1 = c(1:4) , AB_2 = c(1:4), D = c(1:4) )
R1 = data.frame(AB_1 = c(1:4) , C1 = c(1:4))
R2 = data.frame(AB_1_1 = c(1:4) , D = c(1:4))
It is not the best answer, but it is a solution:
First change the name of all columns start with AB... to AB, and then remove the duplicate column names for each data frame in list (L).
for (i in 1:length(L)){
colnames(L[[i]])[grepl('AB',colnames(L[[i]]))] <- 'AB'
L[[i]] <- L[[i]][ , !duplicated(colnames(L[[i]]))]
I would like to see continued fractions with integers displayed in that form with SymPy, but I cannot seem to make SymPy comply. I found this Stack Overflow question and answer very useful (see farther below), but cannot reach my target goal here:
This is the continued fraction expansion of $\frac{13}{5}$. A common notation for this expansion is to give only the boxed terms as does SymPy below, i.e., $[2,1,1,2]$ from the SymPy continued_fraction_iterator:
Rat_13_5 = list(continued_fraction_iterator(Rational(13, 5)))
print( Rat_13_5 )
Rat_13_5 = list(continued_fraction_iterator(Rational(13, 5)))
( Rat_13_5 )
print( Rat_13_5 )
With output [2, 1, 1, 2].
Pg 37 of the Sympy manual release 1.5 Dec 9, 2019 gives a code snippet to print such an expanded fraction list:
def list_to_frac(l):
expr = Integer(0)
for i in reversed(l[1:]):
expr += i
expr = 1/expr
return l[0] + expr
If you invoke list_to_frac with the Rat_13_5 continued fraction expansion list, SymPy takes off and evaluates it:
print( list_to_frac( Rat_13_5 ) )
with output 13/5
If you use a list of symbols instead, then list_to_frac prints the desired continued fraction, e.g.,
n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n9 = symbols('n1:10')
cont_frac_list = [n2, n1, n1, n2]
contfrac12201015 = list_to_frac( [n2,n1,n1,n2] )
Which produces the desired (I am working in a JupyterLab environment so am actually obtaining typset LaTeX output throughout):
n2 + 1/(n1 + 1/(n1 + 1/n2))
I rewrote list_to_frac to use the UnevaluatedExpr facility presented by Francesco in the StackOverflow question I cited earlier:
def list_to_frac_noEval(l):
expr = Integer(0)
for i in reversed(l[1:]):
expr = UnevaluatedExpr(expr + i)
expr = UnevaluatedExpr( 1/expr )
return l[0] + expr
Invoking list_to_frac_noEval on the $\frac{13}{5}$ expansion list:
list_to_frac_noEval( [2,1,1,2] )
I obtain output
2 + (1 + (1 + 2**(-1))**(-1))**(-1)
Some folks use that notation (so I wanted to share list_to_frac_noEval in any case, that being superior to ending up with an evaluated single rational if you want to see the continued fraction), for example Roger Penrose in section $\unicode{x00A7}3.2$ of The Road to Reality (2004), but I still find it annoying that I cannot obtain the explicit continued fraction format when using integers instead of symbols.
I experimented with substituting in integers for symbols with evaluate=False, using both the subs method and the Subs function, looked at various combinations of sympify and srepr and parse_expr with evaluate=False, , but cannot persuade SymPy 1.4 to print the explicit fraction form that I obtain with list_to_frac operating on symbol arguments. Is there a way to accomplish this short of modifying SymPy code or special casing a particular set of numbers?
You can construct the expression explicitly passing evaluate=False to each part of the expression tree:
def list_to_frac(l):
expr = Integer(0)
for i in reversed(l[1:]):
expr = Add(i, expr, evaluate=False)
expr = Pow(expr, -1, evaluate=False)
return Add(l[0], expr, evaluate=False)
That gives:
In [2]: nums = list(continued_fraction_iterator(Rational(13, 5)))
In [3]: nums
Out[3]: [2, 1, 1, 2]
In [4]: list_to_frac(nums)
───────────── + 2
───────── + 1
───── + 1
0 + 2
It looks like it's the wrong way around but that's just the way the printing works with default settings:
In [5]: init_printing(order='old')
In [6]: list_to_frac(nums)
2 + ─────────────
1 + ─────────
1 + ─────
0 + 2
You can trigger evaluation with doit:
In [7]: _.doit()
Out[7]: 13/5
This is a homework assignment and my first experience with Prolog. My goal is to create a list of Assignments from a list of people and a list of tasks. If a person has the letter identifier which matches the tasks then that persons ID and the Tasks ID are matched up and placed in a list of Assignments. My function prints out a list but it does not look like it is comparing all the elements. A sample input: schedule([p1,p2,p3],[t1,t2],Result). A sample output would look like [[p1,t1],[p2,t2][p3,t1],[p3,t2]].
What I have so far:
%% How many hours each person has available and what classes of tasks they
%% are capable of performing.
person(p1, [c,a], 20).
person(p2, [b], 10).
person(p3, [a,b], 15).
person(p4, [c], 30).
%% How long each task requires and what class it falls under.
task(t1, a, 5).
task(t2, b, 10).
task(t3, c, 15).
task(t4, c, 10).
task(t5, a, 15).
task(t6, b, 10).
%test arithmetic functions
add(X, Y, Z) :- Z is X + Y.
subtract(X,Y,Z) :- Z is X - Y.
[[PersonId, TaskId]|RestOfAssignments]):-
member(PersonId, People),
person(PersonId, PersonCapabilities,_),
member(TaskId, [Task|OtherTasks]),
task(TaskId, TaskType,_),
member(TaskType, PersonCapabilities),
schedule( _, OtherTasks, RestOfAssignments).
My reasoning behind what I wrote was that the list of People would be compared to each task, then that task would be replaced by the next task and the comparison would repeat. What I see in the trace of this function instead is that the tasks are being removed from the list but are only compared to the first two People. My question is how can I get the schedule function to check the full list of people for each task?
Your problem seems ill specified, and you are simplifying too much... the code should keep into account hours availability as well as memberships. Ignoring this problem, select/3 instead of member/2 could help to model a naive solution:
% peek a suitable task for PersonId
schedule([PersonId|People], Tasks, [[PersonId, TaskId]|RestOfAssignments]):-
select(TaskId, Tasks, RestTasks),
person(PersonId, PersonCapabilities,_),
task(TaskId, TaskType,_),
memberchk(TaskType, PersonCapabilities),
schedule(People, RestTasks, RestOfAssignments).
% if no suitable task for PersonId
schedule([_PersonId|People], Tasks, Assignments):-
schedule(People, Tasks, Assignments).
yields these solutions
?- schedule([p1,p2,p3],[t1,t2],Result).
Result = [[p1, t1], [p2, t2]] ;
Result = [[p1, t1], [p3, t2]] ;
Result = [[p1, t1]] ;
Result = [[p2, t2], [p3, t1]] ;
Result = [[p2, t2]] ;
Result = [[p3, t1]] ;
Result = [[p3, t2]] ;
Result = [].
how to write prolog predicate total(X). X is your total sum for motorbike.
I was unable to relate value of engine=2000 plus value of frame=605 that should return answer 2605 if i consult total(motorbike).
aggregation it's your friend:
total(Kind, X) :-
vehicle(Kind, Parts),
aggregate(sum(Price), Part^(member(Part, Parts), value(Part, Price)), X).
Here's a version that does the summation explicitly if you don't have the aggregate predicate that CapelliC shows:
% This says total is sum of the parts
total( Item, Amt ) :-
vehicle( Item, PartList ),
sum_parts( PartList, 0, Amt ).
% This says the sum of the parts is the sum of current part in list plus the sum
% of the rest
sum_parts( [Part|PartList], Acc, Amt ) :-
value( Part, PartAmt ), % This statement will relate the part to its price for you
Acc1 is Acc + PartAmt, % This will accumulate the price to the running total
sum_parts( PartList, Acc1, Amt ).
sum_parts( [], Amt, Amt ).
Hi everyone I'm newbie in prolog and I have such a list: (actually It is output of my predicate not a list )
P = [1/1, 1/3] ;
P = [1/1, 2/3] ;
P = [1/3, 1/1] ;
P = [1/3, 2/1] ;
P = [2/1, 1/3] ;
P = [2/1, 2/3] ;
P = [2/3, 1/1] ;
P = [2/3, 2/1] ;
and I need to remove dublicete terms.For example [1/1,2/3] and [2/3,1/1]is same and I should remove one of them , which one is not important ,How could I do that in prolog ?? Thanks in advance
NOTE I LEARNT THAT findALL should be good way for this but still dont know the answer please help me .
Unless you actually show us your code, it's never going to be possible to give you precise answers.
I assume you have a predicate f/1 such that:
?- f(P).
produces the interactive result you show above. A simple solution is to change your query:
?- f([X,Y]), X < Y.
This will produce the following result:
X = 1/3, Y = 1/1 ;
X = 1/3, Y = 2/1 ;
X = 2/3, Y = 1/1 ;
X = 2/3, Y = 2/1 ;
findall/3 isn't sufficient to solve this particular situation, because you've defined uniqueness in a way that ignores the position in the list. In Prolog (and everything else) [X,Y] and [Y,X] are not equal, so you'd have to find a trick to get this to give you "unique" results.