I am trying to get a space into every 4th number/digit (not character). This is what I come up with:
newStudentNumber := regexp_replace(newStudentNumber, '[[:digit:]](....)', '\1 ');
NL 2345 7894 TUE
What I actually want:
NL 1234 5678 944 TUE
My code replaces the number at every 4th place with a spacebar, instead of adding a space like the wanted result above.
Can anyone explain this to me?
Thanks in advance
You can use the following regex..
And replace with what you are doing now.. \1(space)
Why yours is not working?
Your regex matches a digit and captures next 4 characters (not only digits). So.. when you do a replace.. the digit which is matched but not captured is also replaced.. and not because it is unable to insert.
Explanation for input = NL 12345678944 TUE and regex = [[:digit:]](....):
NL 12345678944 TUE (it will match digit "1" and captures "2345")
Hello !
I've been looking for more than a day now but I can't find an answer, so I'm coming here to ask my problem!
I created a game thanks to a Discord bot which allows to use many functions (Atlas), one of which is the one I will talk about: replace. What I'm trying to do is by using the REGEX, put a space every three digits to format the numbers like this:
Base number:
After formatting:
54 500
78 545 515 201
But in the replacement section, spaces " " are trimmed from the front and back, so I can't do $1 . However, if I do $1 $2, the space between the two arguments is counted.
So what I'm looking to do is format my numbers using the replacement as $1 $2 so that the space is counted.
If anyone has the solution, I will really thank you!
EDIT: here is the link about the replace function: https://atlas.bot/documentation/tags/replace
You can make use of an empty capture group to assert a position without a char capture so that your replacement can be $1 $2:
Here it is in JS:
But it's also compatible in PHP (PCRE), Python, and Java.
Attribution: regex originally from https://coderwall.com/p/uccfpq/formatting-currency-via-regular-expression and I just added the empty capture group.
Per your comments, here is a working version of your attempt; slightly modified:
const inputStr = `
const res = inputStr.replace(/(?<=[0-9])(?=(?:[0-9]{3})+(?![0-9]))/g, " ")
I have the following regex that I have been working on:
I am trying to grab the date from an email header that is formatted like so:
"Mon, 18 Nov 2019 09:19:17 -0700 (MST)"
and I want the result to be:
18 Nov 2019
It seems that the \s for whitespace could be the culprit, but I have yet to find another forum result that grabs dates with whitespace instead of "-" or "/".
Does anyone have any suggestions for getting this working to extract as described above? Thanks in advance.
The problem is that you have added the "^" and "$" symbol on the start and end of the regex.
"^n": The ^n quantifier matches any string with n at the beginning of it.
"n$": The n$ quantifier matches any string with n at the end of it.
Since the text is not start with 2 digit (\d\d) and end with 2 digit (\d{4}). You will not get any result from this regex.
You can simply remove those two symbol or use the following code to achieve that.
/(\d{2}\s(?:Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)\s\d{4})/.exec("Mon, 18 Nov 2019 09:19:17 -0700 (MST)")[1]
I have the following string:
"......(some chars) aaa bbb ###8/13/2018 ......(some chars)"
The ### in the string represent some random characters. ###'s length is unknown and it could be None (just "aaa bbb 8/13/2018").
My goal is to find the date from the string (8/13/2018) and the starting index of ###.
I currently used the following code:
m = re.search(r'\s.*?([0-9]{1,}/[0-9]{1,}/[0-9]{2,})', str)
m.groups()[0] ## The date
m.start() ## index of ###
But the regex is matching bbb ###8/13/2018 instead of ###8/13/2018
I also tried change the regex to:
But neither of them works.
I will be appreciated for any help or comments. Thank you.
I tend to believe you are looking for:
#*(?:\d{1,2}/){2}\d{2,4} or even \S*(?:\d{1,2}/){2}\d{2,4}
This is simply saying:
\S* start with 0 or more non-space charaters.
(?:\d{1,2}/){2} find two groups of \d{1,2}/ but do not capture them. ie not capturing: (?:..).this will match the month and date part 8/13/. \d{1,2} means atleast one digit and atmost two digits
\d{2,4} match the year .Atleast 2 digits and atmost 4 digits
Using a part of your regex, I think you mean something like this
To find the starting index, it would be where the match was found.
Note that \S will find all consecutive non-whitespace.
You can change this to other things like [#a-zA-Z] etc..., just add it to the class.
I am having hard time trying to convert the following regular expression into an erlang syntax.
What I have is a test string like this:
1,2 ==> 3 #SUP: 1 #CONF: 1.0
And the regex that I created with regex101 is this (see below):
But I am getting weird match results if I convert it to erlang - here is my attempt:
{ok, M} = re:compile("([\\d,]+).*==>\\s*(\\d+)\\s*#SUP:\\s*(\\d)\\s*#CONF:\\s*(\\d+.\\d+)").
re:run("1,2 ==> 3 #SUP: 1 #CONF: 1.0", M).
Also, I get more than four matches. What am I doing wrong?
Here is the regex101 version:
I don't know much about erlang, but I will try to explain. With your regex
>{ok, M} = re:compile("([\\d,]+).*==>\\s*(\\d+)\\s*#SUP:\\s*(\\d)\\s*#CONF:\\s*(\\d+.\\d+)").
>re:run("1,2 ==> 3 #SUP: 1 #CONF: 1.0", M).
{match,[{0, 28},{0,3},{8,1},{16,1},{25,3}]}
^^ ^^
|| ||
|| Total number of matched characters from starting index
Starting index of match
Reason for more than four groups
First match always indicates the entire string that is matched by the complete regex and rest here are the four captured groups you want. So there are total 5 groups.
<-------> <----> <---> <--------->
First group Second group Third group Fourth group
This regex matches entire string and is first match you are getting
(Zero'th group)
How to find desired answer
Here we want anything except the first group (which is entire match by regex). So we can use all_but_first to avoid the first group
> re:run("1,2 ==> 3 #SUP: 1 #CONF: 1.0", M, [{capture, all_but_first, list}]).
More info can be found here
If you are in doubt what is content of the string, you can print it and check out:
1> RE = "([\\d,]+).*==>\\s*(\\d+)\\s*#SUP:\\s*(\\d)\\s*#CONF:\\s*(\\d+.\\d+)".
2> io:format("RE: /~s/~n", [RE]).
RE: /([\d,]+).*==>\s*(\d+)\s*#SUP:\s*(\d)\s*#CONF:\s*(\d+.\d+)/
For the rest of issue, there is great answer by rock321987.
I am having trouble getting the correct regex to do the following. 17 & Under CP AAA with ^(?<age>) (?<division>)$ and should give me a capture of age = 17 & Under CP and division = AAA. The last word will always be the division. What am I missing?
^(?<age>.*?) (?<division>\S+)$
You were actually missing a lot.basically quantifiers.See demo.
You can use this regex:
^(?<age>.+?) (?<division>\w+)$
RegEx Demo
\w+$ will match last word in division and before that everything but last space will be in age group.