Django heroku files - django

So, I have set up an upload feature in my admin where an admin can upload photos. These photos are accessed via a view such that an admin can use them. I deployed this to heroku. So far it seems to work where if I upload a photo, it gets linked to the view, and it shows up.
My MEDIA_URL ='/media/' and my MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR , 'media') and at the moment, DEBUG = True for my case.
So the problem is this: After leaving the site for a couple of hours or so, when I try to access the files, it seems to have changed the link and the photos are no longer linked.
Is there a way to fix this such that when I leave for some time, the link to the photos do not change? (I don't see a solution based on google, and it seems that people have not run into this problem...unless I'm google crippled :/ )

I realized my issue. They're being uploaded to the media folders that live in Heroku which is not the way to go. instead I used amazon aws s3 to serve both the media files and static files. Here's a link that answered my question:
django heroku media files 404 error
However, I'm thinking of switching to using smartfile because it's free :D


django wont serve media from heroku

okay so am using whitenoise to store my static files, thats not an issue when deploying to heroku that works perfectly well.
So I need to use S3 to serve my media files. I can upload perfectly to the bucket with no issues, from the website interface that is, but when it tries to load the actual images am trying to serve I instantly get a 404, when I check this 404 in the dev console it shows me the debug message and the link, when I visit the link it actually exists.
So my amazon credentials work, so does CORS and bucket policy, even accessing the images through the link that it claims does exist works.
This is also my MEDIA_ROOT
and prints out correctly, is it an issue with using whitenoise and boto storage together?
so now my static files serve perfectly from S3 but not my media. seems to be ignoring my media_root and media_url

Django storages azurebackend CMS not displaying media files

I'm using the storages and django-cms apps with the azure-storage backend in my Django site. The storage is working great, as when I upload files they are uploaded to my blob container perfectly. I can confirm that the files are there and publicly accessible. The problem lies in django-cms display of the images. The img src is blank and the images are not displayed at all. I've changed both MEDIA_ROOT, MEDIA_URL to my blob storage location but still nothing. Any ideas?
How are you confirming that the files are there and publicly accessible? Are you confirming through the management portal?
I don't know much about Django but I skimmed over this page From what I understand, MEDIA_ROOT and MEDIA_URL are used for locally stored files. I'm not sure if an Azure Storage endpoint can be used here but again I'm not familiar with Django.

Sitecore - not publishing media library

We are using Sitecore 6.5 and have a multi-site Sitecore solution (with lots of library code we have inherited)
Publishing the Media Library by item from Staging to Production but we are not seeing the image on the web.
The images are in the web database and the path to the images in the web site is good.
Error we are getting when the file is requested (same in browser window address bar) is http://domainname/error?aspxerrorpath=/~/media/OSS/Images/WaterAndWildlife/myimage.jpg.
There is no media prefix in the web.config
Any idea?
....Looking into it now but site is going live tomorrow so help very appreciated! Help!!
We faced a similar problem when, in production, media files were not published which resulted in 404 errors.
Solution: The problem was that media files were not saved to the database because a file path was provided with the Sitecore media files while uploading.
So the images were saved on the file system instead of in the database. But based on our web.config configuration we were fetching images from the database.
If you are facing a similar issue, just download the media image, remove the file path, and save it. Then re-upload the same image, save and publish the image.
Hope your problem will be solved.
One question, are these staging and production environments separate code files? if they are, what is the setting in your web.config for the settigns UploadAsFiles? because if that's true it will store them on server and the images will be on staging but not on prod. But usually if this setting is true and the files are getting stored in file system, specially in CM/CD environment it should push the physical files on publish as well, but sometime there might be other issues going on like permission etc..... and the files cant get to the destination.
"<setting name="Media.UploadAsFiles" value="false">"

Heroku Django Static

Do static images expire after soon point and automatically get deleted?
My situation is that I retrieve images from my PostgreSQL database through a model's ImageField by setting its upload_to equal to static/images. Then, I access the images through This works perfectly initially. However, after several hours, what I notice is that the images are no longer accessible. When I try to access them through the same url, they no longer exist. I do not do any manual image deletions so the operations I perform should not interfere with this.
Is this something that Heroku does that I do not understand?
Also, one odd occurrence that I notice is that the image is still accessible through the url, but it doesn't actually get saved to static/images. At least, when I run heroku run ls static/images, it is not there. Is this the correct way to check a directory's contents in heroku?
EDIT: My configs
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
You can run heroku run bash --app YOUR_APP from your repository directory. This creates a shell to your Heroku instance allowing you to navigate around your files.
You can check on your static images that way.
I would suggest using S3 to serve your static images though. You can view this tutorial on how to integrate it:
After further details, you are trying to allow user uploads and Heroku's file system is read-only. You will need to use S3 or a similar hosting solution for static/uploaded files.

Admin media disappear while running django trunk in development mode

I got into django recently and start playing around with the tutorials & documentation (with the development version). Everything has been fine till I decide to update again to the latest django trunk and well my admin media are not showing up at all!
After some troubles, I managed to get admin media showing by commenting out django.contrib.staticfiles. However as I do use the staticfiles app to manage my site static files, I need it to be enabled. After some troubles, I manage to get both admin media and staticfiles showing by using collectstatic to collect the admin media files to my static folder.
However is there a way for me to serve admin media in DEBUG mode easily like last time without using collect static command? as I don't want to call the collectstatic every time when django admin media files got changed in trunk? (though I don't know how often/rare that is)
Django trunk is changing how static files are served, and in fact new changes landed this morning.
You'll want to get latest again, and then start here: