Where i do look up the file in the iCloud which i m sending to it? - icloud

I am sending photos to iCloud and in my settings my apps iCloud option is checked.
It is retrieving data but when i opened the iCloud from the noting shows.


How to access Cookies cross-device/cross-browser?

Lets say a user opens website with utm from a third-party ios app with webview - instagramm, facebook.
E.g. example.com?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=advertisement1
Javascript on example.com creates a cookie with those campaign details. How can you see those campaign details if a user visits a website from a different device or browser?
It turned out cookies are saved locally, and cannot be accessed from another device, unless you save them to a database and assign to a user, when he makes an authorization.
So basically if you want to keep cookies cross-device/cross-browser for a user, you should sync them with your user data in database.

wso2 dashboard user information recovery

Does the WSO2 dashboard allow for User information recovery? I am looking at it currently, and documentation shows that it allows for users to log in and manage their account. Does the Dashboard also support User Information Recovery, (i.e. resetting the password or finding a forgotten username). And if it does, what values in the configuration file do I need to modify?
Yes it does. Sort of. Here is a sample app that, I'm guessing, the WSO2 folks created.
The example at the bottom has a readme with how to configure the server. What i did was to add a button to the dashboard login page that loaded the configured sample app, then rebranded the sample to make it look more like the dashboard page.

Upload UIDocument to iCloud on entering background

I have an iCloud enabled application that uses UIDocument to manage its data. When the document is open and the application enters background state the document should be saved and uploaded to iCloud. Saving the document when entering background state works fine out of the box, but I'm unable to find a way to make librariand pick up the change. The documents gets only uploaded when the application comes back into the foreground.
I noticed that other iCloud enabled apps - like the iWork app - have this behavior. How can I enabled this in my own app?
I already tried to initiate autosave manually in a beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler block, but this sadly don't work.
According to Apple DTS this is due to a bug in the iCloud syncing engine.

Facebook scenario - is this possible?

I'd like to know if the following is possible using Facebook apps:
I'm using the Facebook SDK for .NET and want to create an app that a page will use. The app will take a photograph from a user who happens to visit the page, that photograph should then be sent to one of the page's photo albums.
I've managed to perform this successfully, but only when logged in as the page admin. If I log out of the page admin, log in as my personal Facebook account (as most users of the app will do) then the photograph never gets sent to the pages photo album.
I would like to do all of this when the user uploads the photo, but if it isn't possible I'll need to look into a separate process to actually send the photo's to Facebook, and just store the image on my server until the process runs.
The admin photo album (aka page photo album) is not the same album as non-page admins get to upload to (which is the wall). They are separate buckets all together.
As you mentioned, you can always just upload and store the photos on your server, and then just have a feed item that links over to that image.

Offline testing of OpenGraph / 'Like'

How can I test the 'Like' button functionality and OpenGraph data embedded in my pages while my site is not publicly accessible?
I have an internal test environment where my site is being built and tested. The environment is locked down by IP to a certain set of machines. I want to be able to verify the end-to-end scenario of performing a 'Like' and seeing the parsed OpenGraph data on a user's Timeline without having to open up my site to public access.
I know there's a user agent for the Facebook crawler, but allowing by user agent is risky as anyone can send any user agent string. Ideally, I'd like to lock it down to Facebook's crawler's IP range without having to parse logs to find what one or two of those IPs might be (I assume there's quite a few machines crawling the web for data).
My problem today is that I can click 'Like' and have it show up with a plain URL back to my site, but the crawler can't reach me since the page effectively doesn't exist for it when it hits my server.
How can I test the 'Like' button functionality and OpenGraph data
embedded in my pages while my site is not publicly accessible?
You really cannot do that. It has to be lint-able by Facebook. See: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/lint Be sure your page is publically avaible and able to be linted by the facebook linter tool.
This works fine with four social network previews: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/open-graph-preview/ehaigphokkgebnmdiicabhjhddkaekgh?hl=es
It doesn't support the like button, just the preview.
From my localhost...as "proof of solution"