MFC Message flow for controls? - c++

In MFC, suppose I have a dialog box, and in this box, it has a child CListCtrl, then I use mouse to click this CListCtrl, we know that eventually an WM_LBUTTONDOWN message is sent to CListCtrl. My question is: How does this WM_LBUTTONDOWN message get there?
Two possibilities:
Dialog box first gets this WM_LBUTTONDOWN message , and it finds that mouse click occurs in its child window, then it forwards this message to CListCtrl.
CListCtrl first gets this WM_LBUTTONDOWN message, it can process this message, and if it doesn't care it will forward this message to parent window, i.e. dialog box for further processing.
Which one is true?

Input messages are never sent to a window. They are posted to the message queue associated with a window, waiting to be retrieved through one of the message retrieval functions (GetMessage, PeekMessage, etc.).
Depending on whether the dialog box is modal or modeless, messages are retrieved by the nested modal loop (for modal dialogs) or the application's message loop. The message is then passed on to DispatchMessage, to find the recipient (starting from the topmost visible window under the mouse pointer, that is neither disabled nor transparent), and call into the associated window's window procedure. The window procedure can decide, whether it handles the message or not. A window procedure typically calls DefWindowProc to perform default processing, if it doesn't handle a message.
To summarize: The application's message loop (or the nested modal message loop) gets to see the message first, and instructs the window manager to deliver the message to the respective recipient.
A thorough description on Windows message processing is available at About Messages and Message Queues. The description is specific to the Windows API. Since MFC is just a wrapper around the Windows API, the contents apply to MFC as well, even though some of the concepts are hidden in a typical MFC application.


How to capture user's click action when clicking on notifications

Currently, I want to show a balloon notification on Windows, then I want to capture the action when a user clicks on the balloon notification.
Then I will do another action after capturing this action.
How can I do that?
And can I do that on all of the Windows platforms (from Windows 7 to Windows 10)?
You said in comments that you are using Shell_NotifyIcon() to display the balloon. The answer to your question is in the documentation:
As of Windows XP (Shell32.dll version 6.0), if a user passes the mouse pointer over an icon with which a balloon notification is associated, the Shell sends the following messages:
NIN_BALLOONSHOW. Sent when the balloon is shown (balloons are queued).
NIN_BALLOONHIDE. Sent when the balloon disappears. For example, when the icon is deleted. This message is not sent if the balloon is dismissed because of a timeout or if the user clicks the mouse.
As of Windows 7, NIN_BALLOONHIDE is also sent when a notification with the NIIF_RESPECT_QUIET_TIME flag set attempts to display during quiet time (a user's first hour on a new computer). In that case, the balloon is never displayed at all.
NIN_BALLOONTIMEOUT. Sent when the balloon is dismissed because of a timeout.
NIN_BALLOONUSERCLICK. Sent when the balloon is dismissed because the user clicked the mouse.
In addition to those messages, as of Windows Vista (Shell32.dll version 6.0.6), if a user passes the mouse pointer over an icon with which a balloon notification is associated, the Windows Vista Shell also adds the following messages:
NIN_POPUPOPEN. Sent when the user hovers the cursor over an icon to indicate that the richer pop-up UI should be used in place of a standard textual tooltip.
NIN_POPUPCLOSE. Sent when a cursor no longer hovers over an icon to indicate that the rich pop-up UI should be closed.
Regardless of the operating system version, you can select which way the Shell should behave by calling Shell_NotifyIcon with dwMessage set to NIM_SETVERSION. Set the uVersion member of the NOTIFYICONDATA structure pointed to by lpdata to indicate whether you want Windows 2000, Windows Vista, or pre-version 5.0 (Windows 95) behavior.
Note The messages discussed above are not conventional Windows messages. They are sent as the lParam value of the application-defined message that is specified in the uCallbackMessage member of the NOTIFYICONDATA structure pointed to by lpdata, when Shell_NotifyIcon is called with the NIM_ADD flag set in dwMessage.
So, to receive these messages, you need to specify an HWND and Callback message ID in the NOTIFYICONDATA struct when calling Shell_NotifyIcon() with dwMessage set to NIM_ADD or NIM_MODIFY:
Type: HWND
A handle to the window that receives notifications associated with an icon in the notification area.
Type: UINT
An application-defined message identifier. The system uses this identifier to send notification messages to the window identified in hWnd. These notification messages are sent when a mouse event or hover occurs in the bounding rectangle of the icon, when the icon is selected or activated with the keyboard, or when those actions occur in the balloon notification.
When the uVersion member is either 0 or NOTIFYICON_VERSION, the wParam parameter of the message contains the identifier of the taskbar icon in which the event occurred. This identifier can be 32 bits in length. The lParam parameter holds the mouse or keyboard message associated with the event. For example, when the pointer moves over a taskbar icon, lParam is set to WM_MOUSEMOVE.
When the uVersion member is NOTIFYICON_VERSION_4, applications continue to receive notification events in the form of application-defined messages through the uCallbackMessage member, but the interpretation of the lParam and wParam parameters of that message is changed as follows:
LOWORD(lParam) contains notification events, such as NIN_BALLOONSHOW, NIN_POPUPOPEN, or WM_CONTEXTMENU.
HIWORD(lParam) contains the icon ID. Icon IDs are restricted to a length of 16 bits.
GET_X_LPARAM(wParam) returns the X anchor coordinate for notification events NIN_POPUPOPEN, NIN_SELECT, NIN_KEYSELECT, and all mouse messages between WM_MOUSEFIRST and WM_MOUSELAST. If any of those messages are generated by the keyboard, wParam is set to the upper-left corner of the target icon. For all other messages, wParam is undefined.
GET_Y_LPARAM(wParam) returns the Y anchor coordinate for notification events and messages as defined for the X anchor.
If you set the NIF_INFO flag in the uFlags member, the balloon-style notification is used. For more discussion of these notifications, see Balloon tooltips.
So, to answer your question, in the WndProc for the HWND that you specify in the NOTIFYICONDATA::hWnd field, you would look for the message ID you specify in the NOTIFYICONDATA::uCallbackMessage field, and then look for the NIN_BALLOONUSERCLICK notification in the message's lParam or LOWORD(lParam) value, depending on how you set the NOTIFYICONDATA::uVersion field.

Are DialogBox messages sent to a custom message loop?

I have an application that currently has a message loop. If I were to create a modal dialog box with the DialogBox method would the current message loop receive messages from the dialog as well or would they be withheld by the runtime?
DialogBox creates its own message loop so your message loop will not run. From the documentation:
The function displays the dialog box (regardless of whether the
template specifies the WS_VISIBLE style), disables the owner window,
and starts its own message loop to retrieve and dispatch messages for
the dialog box.
Your existing message loop will not receive the messages for the dialog box. All messages for the dialog would be received by the DLGPROC method that you're passing as the last parameter to the DialogBox function.

How I can get a focus message in MFC?

I have a dialog box with some CListCtrl. I want that when I click on one of them, receive killfocus or setfocus message.
How I can get it?
The CListCtrl class wraps the Win32 ListView control. That control communicates with its parent (your dialog) via WM_NOTIFY messages.
So you can process WM_NOTIFY messages from your list control in your dialog class. Use the Properties window to create an OnChildNotify handler function and write a switch statement that handles the notification message(s) of interest.
The possible notification messages are listed here in the Windows SDK documentation.

How to get notified of textbox focus?

Using a Windows 7 touch device Windows shows this little touch-keyboard indicator (tabing this will bring up the touch on screen keyboard) when you tab/focus a textbox or kind of input field (Notepad etc.).
I want to write an application that gets notified when exactly that happens, a textbox (etc.) gets focused (no matter which application).
Are applications informed about focusing in other applications, do I need to hook something?
Is there a way in doing so in c++?
I believe the SetWinEventHook function and specifically the EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS event is what you are looking for.
From the MSDN description:
An object has received the keyboard focus. The system sends this event for the following user interface elements: list-view control, menu bar, pop-up menu, switch window, tab control, tree view control, and window object. Server applications send this event for their accessible objects.
The hwnd parameter of the WinEventProc callback function identifies the window that receives the keyboard focus.

win32 DialogBox app: how to show text from callback on the DialogBox?

I'm working on a win32 DialogBox based app. This uses DialogBox() to create the dialog box, and has a dialog box procedure which does all the usual things.
The dialog box has some static text controls on it, and generally I'm showing text in these via SendDlgItemMessage() from within the dialog box procedure.
However at one point the DialogBox initiates a lengthy operation. This operation has a callback with a series of status messages. I'm having some trouble showing these messages on the dialog box, for two reasons:
The callback function doesn't know what the dialog box HWND is, because it gets called from the code which carries out the lengthy operation. I suppose I can define a file scope HWND variable and copy the dialog box HWND into it from the dialog box procedure just before the lengthy operation is started. That way, the callback function could have access to the dialog box HWND. But that seems awfully kludgy: is there a more elegant way?
The dialog box procedure is blocked while the lengthy operation happens. This doesn't matter because it's an embedded system. But will Windows even show the text in the dialog box if I issue a SendDlgItemMessage() while the dialog box procedure is blocked?
edit I've done some investigations using SendDlgItemMessage() to send a WM_SETTEXT to a static text control on a dialog. The text is displayed immediately even if the dialog box procedure is blocked.
Well, your dialog HWND is a singleton so it isn't the end of the world. But yes, the standard way this is done is by passing an opaque pointer to the code that gets the job done. Compare with the lParam argument of EnumWindows() for example, the callback gets that pointer back.
Whether a control repaints itself immediately is an implementation detail. I only know of progress bar doing this. You could call UpdateWindow on the dialog window handle to get any pending paint updates flushed to the screen.
The all-around better mouse trap is to perform long running tasks on a worker thread. Avoids Windows displaying the "Not Responding" ghost window, avoids timeouts on broadcast messages and numerous potential deadlock problems. But tends to be tricky to get right, you cannot update the window directly from the worker thread.