Is it possible to check existance of variables? - c++

Can we understand if there is a variable mentioned/created/exists ?
I mean something like that:
//..Some codes
int main(){
int var1;
float var2;
char var3;
cout << isExist("var1") << endl;//Or isExist(/*Something related with var1*/)
cout << isExist("var2") << endl;
cout << isExist("var3") << endl;
cout << isExist("var456") << endl;//There is no variable named with var456
return 0;

No. C and C++ do not support reflection.

Not in C/C++. But you could have a look at boost reflect library.

In C/C++, accessing a variable not defined will generate a compiler error. So, in a sense, that is inherent to how it works. You cannot do that at runtime, at least not as you are trying to do, and should not have need to - because you can't name new variables at runtime in the first place, so you should already know the variables there.
The only way to do this would be indirectly with macros. Macros can't check if a variable itself is defined, but a define could be paired with a variable definition and you could check for the define token.
#define A_VARIABLE 1
int a_variable = 60;
And later:
Like most macros, it is probably best to avoid this sort of behavior - however, I have seen it used to deal with platform-dependence of certain variables.
Dynamic memory is a different matter. Since you did not mention it, I will not go into it, but suffice to say it is a more complicated problem which proves the bane of many programmers and the source of many runtime errors.

The 'programming language C' is a human readable form of providing instructions to a computer. All names in the program have only meaning within the program text.
Upon compilation, the names are replaced with a symbolic reference to a storage location or function (execution starting point). Any symbol not found in the current complilation unit (object module) is marked for future resolution.
The object modules are combined (linked) into an executable, where all references to symbols not in an object module are resolved with locations in other object modules; otherwise the creation of the executable fails.
Since now any names have been replaced with references to storage locations and execution starting points, the executable doesn't know anymore about the names used in the program text to refer to its storage locations and functions.
Any ability to do so (the 'reflection' as user #Bill-Lynch calls it) would be 'bolted on' to the language/environment as a separate layer, for example provided by the debugging/development envionment.


Structure not in memory

I created a structure like that:
struct Options {
double bindableKeys = 567;
double graphicLocation = 150;
double textures = 300;
Options options;
Right after this declaration, in another process, I open the process which contains the structure and search for a byte array with the struct's doubles but nothing gets found.
To obtain a result, I need to add something like std::cout << options.bindableKeys;after the declaration. Then I get a result from my pattern search.
Why is this behaving like that? Is there any fix?
Minimal reproducible example:
struct Options {
double bindableKeys = 567;
double graphicLocation = 150;
double textures = 300;
Options options;
while(true) {
double val = options.bindableKeys;
if(val > 10)
std::cout << "test" << std::endl;
You can search the array with CheatEngine or another pattern finder
Contrary to popular belief, C++ source code is not a sequence of instructions provided to the executing computer. It is not a list of things that the executable will contain.
It is merely a description of a program.
Your compiler is responsible for creating an executable program, that follows the same semantics and logical narrative as you've described in your source code.
Creating an Options instance is all well and good, but if creating it does not do anything (has no side effects) and you never use any of its data, then it may as well not exist, and therefore is not a part of the logical narrative of your program.
Consequently, there is no reason for the compiler to put it into the executable program. So, it doesn't.
Some people call this "optimisation". That the instance is "optimised away". I prefer to call it common sense: the instance was never truly a part of your program.
And even if you do use the data in the instance, it may be possible for an executable program to be created that more directly uses that data. In your case, nothing changes the default values of Option's members, so there is no reason to include them into the program: the if statement can just have 567 baked into it. Then, since it's baked in, the whole condition becomes the constant expression 567 > 10 which must always be true; you'll likely find that the resulting executable program consequently contains no branching logic at all. It just starts up, then outputs "test" over and over again until you force-terminate it.
That all being said, because we live in a world governed by physical laws, and because compilers are imperfect, there is always going to be some slight leakage of this abstraction. For this reason, you can trick the compiler into thinking that the instance is "used" in a way that requires its presence to be represented more formally in the executable, even if this isn't necessary to implement the described program. This is common in benchmarking code.

Convert string to variable name or variable type

Is it possible to convert strings into variables(and vise versa) by doing something like:
makeVariable("int", "count");
string fruit;
cin >> fruit; // user inputs "apple"
makeVariable(fruit, "a green round object");
and then be able to just access it by doing something like:
cout << apple; //a green round object
Thanks in advance!
No, this is not possible. This sort of functionality is common in scripting languages like Ruby and Python, but C++ works very differently from those. In C++ we try to do as much of the program's work as we can at compile time. Sometimes we can do things at runtime, and even then good C++ programmers will find a way to do the work as early as compile time.
If you know you're going to create a variable then create it right away:
int count;
What you might not know ahead of time is the variable's value, so you can defer that for runtime:
std::cin >> count;
If you know you're going to need a collection of variables but not precisely how many of them then create a map or a vector:
std::vector<int> counts;
Remember that the name of a variable is nothing but a name — a way for you to refer to the variable later. In C++ it is not possible nor useful to postpone assigning the name of the variable at runtime. All that would do is make your code more complicated and your program slower.
You can use a map.
map<string, int> numbers;
numbers["count"] = 6;
cout << numbers["count"];
Beginning programmers ask this question regarding every language. There are a group of computer languages for which the answer to this question is "yes". These are dynamic, interactive languages, like BASIC, Lisp, Ruby, Python. But think about it: Variable names only exist in code, for the convenience of the programmer. It only makes sense to define a new variable while the program runs if there's a person to then subsequently type the name of the variable in new code. This is true for interactive language environment, and not true for compiled languages like C++ or Java. In C++, by the time the program runs, and the imaginary new variable would be created, there's no one around to type code that would use that new variable.
What you really want instead is the ability to associate a name with an object at runtime, so that code -- not people -- can use that name to find the object. As other people have already pointed out, the map feature of C++'s standard library gives you that ability.
You might want to look at C++ map.
No. C++ is statically typed, and this goes against that whole paradigm.
I have seen this type of functionality implemented before by storing variables in an stl map.
At least for the (vice versa) there is a possibility with the preprocessor statement stringify #. See this answer on how to convert a C++ variable name into an string.
well i guess u cannot make dynamics variables but u can use some function to write a new variable and its value in any external text file and access its value from that file where ever it is needed (u can also remove the dynamic variable by removing it from the text file.)
theory: variables are places in memory where we store data, identified by a name, we can store data in a text file if processor doesnot allow us to store it in registers, and we can access its value by searching its identity (name of variable) int the text file, our data will be next to it.
its just an idea, it should work but i guess it will be not very simple and ur program will have to pay in terms of speed.

How to return the name of a variable stored at a particular memory address in C++

first time posting here after having so many of my Google results come up from this wonderful site.
Basically, I'd like to find the name of the variable stored at a particular memory address. I have a memory editing application I wrote that edits a single value, the problem being that every time the application holding this value is patched, I have to hardcode in the new memory address into my application, and recompile, which takes so much time to upkeep that its almost not worthwhile to do.
What I'd like to do is grab the name of the variable stored at a certain memory address, that way I can then find its address at runtime and use that as the memory address to edit.
This is all being written in C++.
Thanks in advance!
Well I've decided I'd like to stream the data from a .txt file, but I'm not sure how to convert the string into an LPVOID for use as the memory address in WriteProcessMemory(). This is what I've tried:
string fileContents;
ifstream memFile("mem_address.txt");
getline(memFile, fileContents);
LPVOID memAddress = (LPVOID)fileContents.c_str();
//Lots of code..
WriteProcessMemory(WindowsProcessHandle, memAddress, &BytesToBeWrote, sizeof(BytesToBeWrote), &NumBytesWrote);
The code is all correct in terms of syntax, it compiles and runs, but the WriteProcessMemory errors and I can only imagine it has to do with my faulty LPVOID variable. I apologize if extending the use of my question is against the rules, I'll remove my edit if it is.
Compile and generate a so called map file. This can be done easily with Visual-C++ (/MAP linker option). There you'll see the symbols (functions, ...) with their starting address. Using this map file (Caution: has to be updated each time you recompile) you can match the addresses to names.
This is actually not so easy because the addresses are relative to the preferred load address, and probably will (randomization) be different from the actual load address.
Some old hints on retrieving the right address can be found here:
In general, the names of variables are not kept around when the program is compiled. If you are in control of the compilation process, you can usually configure the linker and compiler to produce a map-file listing the locations in memory of all global variables. However, if this is the case, you can probably acheive your goals more easily by not using direct memory accesses, but rather creating a proper command protocol that your external program can call into.
If you do not have control of the compilation process of the other program, you're probably out of luck, unless the program shipped with a map file or debugging symbols, either of which can be used to derive the names of variables from their addresses.
Note that for stack variables, deriving their names will require full debugging symbols and is a very non-trivial process. Heap variables have no names, so you will have no luck there, naturally. Further, as mentioned in #jdehaan's answer, map files can be a bit tricky to work with in the best of times. All in all, it's best to have a proper control protocol you can use to avoid any dependence on the contents of the other program's memory at all.
Finally, if you have no control over the other program, then I would recommend putting the variable location into a separate datafile. This way you would no longer need to recompile each time, and could even support multiple versions of the program being poked at. You could also have some kind of auto-update service pulling new versions of this datafile from a server of yours if you like.
Unless you actually own the application in question, there is no standard way to do this. If you do own the application, you can follow #jdehaan answer.
In any case, instead of hardcoding the memory address into your application, why not host a simple feed somewhere that you can update at any time with the memory address you need to change for each version of the target application? This way, instead of recompiling your app every time, you can just update that feed when you need to be able to manipulate a new version.
You cannot directly do this; variable names do not actually exist in the compiled binary. You might be able to do that if the program was written, in say, Java or C#, which do store information about variables in the compiled binary.
Further, this wouldn't in general be possible, because it's always possible that the most up to date copy of a value inside the target program is located inside of a CPU register rather than in memory. This is more likely if the program in question is compiled in release mode, with optimizations turned on.
If you can ensure the target program is compiled in debug mode you should be able to use the debugging symbols emitted by the compiler (the .pdb file) in order to map addresses to variables, but in that case you would need to launch the target process as if it were being debugged -- the plain Read Process Memory and Write Process Memory methods would not work.
Finally, your question ignores a very important consideration -- there need not be a variable corresponding to a particular address even if such information is stored.
If you have the source to the app in question and optimal memory usage is not a concern, then you can declare the interesting variables inside a debugging-friendly structure similar to:
typedef struct {
const char head_tag[15] = "VARIABLE_START";
char var_name[32];
int value;
const char tail_tag[13] = "VARIABLE_END";
} debuggable_int;
Now, your app should be able to search through the memory space for the program and look for the head and tail tags. Once it locates one of your debuggable variables, it can use the var_name and value members to identify and modify it.
If you are going to go to this length, however, you'd probably be better off building with debugging symbols enabled and using a regular debugger.
Billy O'Neal started to head in the right direction, but didn't (IMO) quite get to the real target. Assuming your target is Windows, a much simpler way would be to use the Windows Symbol handler functions, particularly SymFromName, which will let you supply the symbol's name, and it will return (among other things) the address for that symbol.
Of course, to do any of this you will have to run under an account that's allowed to do debugging. At least for global variables, however, you don't necessarily have to stop the target process to find symbols, addresses, etc. In fact, it works just fine for a process to use these on itself, if it so chooses (quite a few of my early experiments getting to know these functions did exactly that). Here's a bit of demo code I wrote years ago that gives at least a general idea (though it's old enough that it uses SymGetSymbolFromName, which is a couple of generations behind SymFromName). Compile it with debugging information and stand back -- it produces quite a lot of output.
#define UNICODE
#define _UNICODE
#include <windows.h>
#include <imagehlp.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <iomanip>
#pragma comment(lib, "dbghelp.lib")
int y;
int junk() {
return 0;
struct XXX {
int a;
int b;
} xxx;
sym_handler(wchar_t const *name, ULONG_PTR address, ULONG size, void *) {
if (name[0] != L'_')
std::wcout << std::setw(40) << name
<< std::setw(15) << std::hex << address
<< std::setw(10) << std::dec << size << L"\n";
return TRUE;
main() {
char const *names[] = { "y", "xxx"};
SymInitializeW(GetCurrentProcess(), NULL, TRUE);
info.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL);
for (int i=0; i<sizeof(names)/sizeof(names[0]); i++) {
if ( !SymGetSymFromName(GetCurrentProcess(), names[i], &info)) {
std::wcerr << L"Couldn't find symbol 'y'";
return 1;
std::wcout << names[i] << L" is at: " << std::hex << info.Address << L"\n";
return 0;
WinDBG has a particularly useful command
Given a memory location, it will give the name of the symbol at that location. With right debug information, it is a debugger's (I mean person doing debugging :)) boon!.
Here is a sample output on my system (XP SP3)
0:000> ln 7c90e514 (7c90e514)
ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet |
(7c90e520) ntdll!KiIntSystemCall
Exact matches:
ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet ()

Finding C++ static initialization order problems

We've run into some problems with the static initialization order fiasco, and I'm looking for ways to comb through a whole lot of code to find possible occurrences. Any suggestions on how to do this efficiently?
Edit: I'm getting some good answers on how to SOLVE the static initialization order problem, but that's not really my question. I'd like to know how to FIND objects that are subject to this problem. Evan's answer seems to be the best so far in this regard; I don't think we can use valgrind, but we may have memory analysis tools that could perform a similar function. That would catch problems only where the initialization order is wrong for a given build, and the order can change with each build. Perhaps there's a static analysis tool that would catch this. Our platform is IBM XLC/C++ compiler running on AIX.
Solving order of initialization:
First off, this is just a temporary work-around because you have global variables that you are trying to get rid of but just have not had time yet (you are going to get rid of them eventually aren't you? :-)
class A
// Get the global instance abc
static A& getInstance_abc() // return a reference
static A instance_abc;
return instance_abc;
This will guarantee that it is initialised on first use and destroyed when the application terminates.
Multi-Threaded Problem:
C++11 does guarantee that this is thread-safe:
§6.7 [stmt.dcl] p4
If control enters the declaration concurrently while the variable is being initialized, the concurrent execution shall wait for completion of the initialization.
However, C++03 does not officially guarantee that the construction of static function objects is thread safe. So technically the getInstance_XXX() method must be guarded with a critical section. On the bright side, gcc has an explicit patch as part of the compiler that guarantees that each static function object will only be initialized once even in the presence of threads.
Please note: Do not use the double checked locking pattern to try and avoid the cost of the locking. This will not work in C++03.
Creation Problems:
On creation, there are no problems because we guarantee that it is created before it can be used.
Destruction Problems:
There is a potential problem of accessing the object after it has been destroyed. This only happens if you access the object from the destructor of another global variable (by global, I am referring to any non-local static variable).
The solution is to make sure that you force the order of destruction.
Remember the order of destruction is the exact inverse of the order of construction. So if you access the object in your destructor, you must guarantee that the object has not been destroyed. To do this, you must just guarantee that the object is fully constructed before the calling object is constructed.
class B
static B& getInstance_Bglob;
static B instance_Bglob;
return instance_Bglob;;
// The object abc is accessed from the destructor.
// Potential problem.
// You must guarantee that abc is destroyed after this object.
// To guarantee this you must make sure it is constructed first.
// To do this just access the object from the constructor.
// abc is now fully constructed.
// This means it was constructed before this object.
// This means it will be destroyed after this object.
// This means it is safe to use from the destructor.
I just wrote a bit of code to track down this problem. We have a good size code base (1000+ files) that was working fine on Windows/VC++ 2005, but crashing on startup on Solaris/gcc.
I wrote the following .h file:
#ifndef FIASCO_H
#define FIASCO_H
// [WS 2010-07-30] Detect the infamous "Static initialization order fiasco"
// email warrenstevens --> [initials]#[firstnamelastname].com
// read --> if you haven't suffered
// To enable this feature --> define E-N-A-B-L-E-_-F-I-A-S-C-O-_-F-I-N-D-E-R, rebuild, and run
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
inline bool WriteFiasco(const std::string& fileName)
static int counter = 0;
std::ofstream file;"FiascoFinder.txt", std::ios::out | std::ios::app);
file << "Starting to initialize file - number: [" << counter << "] filename: [" << fileName.c_str() << "]" << std::endl;
return true;
// [WS 2010-07-30] If you get a name collision on the following line, your usage is likely incorrect
#define FIASCO_FINDER static const bool g_psuedoUniqueName = WriteFiasco(__FILE__);
// do nothing
#endif //FIASCO_H
and within every .cpp file in the solution, I added this:
#include "PreCompiledHeader.h" // (which #include's the above file)
#include "RegularIncludeOne.h"
#include "RegularIncludeTwo.h"
When you run your application, you will get an output file like so:
Starting to initialize file - number: [1] filename: [p:\\OneFile.cpp]
Starting to initialize file - number: [2] filename: [p:\\SecondFile.cpp]
Starting to initialize file - number: [3] filename: [p:\\ThirdFile.cpp]
If you experience a crash, the culprit should be in the last .cpp file listed. And at the very least, this will give you a good place to set breakpoints, as this code should be the absolute first of your code to execute (after which you can step through your code and see all of the globals that are being initialized).
It's important that you put the "FIASCO_FINDER" macro as close to the top of your file as possible. If you put it below some other #includes you run the risk of it crashing before identifying the file that you're in.
If you're using Visual Studio, and pre-compiled headers, adding this extra macro line to all of your .cpp files can be done quickly using the Find-and-replace dialog to replace your existing #include "precompiledheader.h" with the same text plus the FIASCO_FINDER line (if you check off "regular expressions, you can use "\n" to insert multi-line replacement text)
Depending on your compiler, you can place a breakpoint at the constructor initialization code. In Visual C++, this is the _initterm function, which is given a start and end pointer of a list of the functions to call.
Then step into each function to get the file and function name (assuming you've compiled with debugging info on). Once you have the names, step out of the function (back up to _initterm) and continue until _initterm exits.
That gives you all the static initializers, not just the ones in your code - it's the easiest way to get an exhaustive list. You can filter out the ones you have no control over (such as those in third-party libraries).
The theory holds for other compilers but the name of the function and the capability of the debugger may change.
perhaps use valgrind to find usage of uninitialized memory. The nicest solution to the "static initialization order fiasco" is to use a static function which returns an instance of the object like this:
class A {
static X &getStatic() { static X my_static; return my_static; }
This way you access your static object is by calling getStatic, this will guarantee it is initialized on first use.
If you need to worry about order of de-initialization, return a new'd object instead of a statically allocated object.
EDIT: removed the redundant static object, i dunno why but i mixed and matched two methods of having a static together in my original example.
There is code that essentially "initializes" C++ that is generated by the compiler. An easy way to find this code / the call stack at the time is to create a static object with something that dereferences NULL in the constructor - break in the debugger and explore a bit. The MSVC compiler sets up a table of function pointers that is iterated over for static initialization. You should be able to access this table and determine all static initialization taking place in your program.
We've run into some problems with the
static initialization order fiasco,
and I'm looking for ways to comb
through a whole lot of code to find
possible occurrences. Any suggestions
on how to do this efficiently?
It's not a trivial problem but at least it can done following fairly simple steps if you have an easy-to-parse intermediate-format representation of your code.
1) Find all the globals that have non-trivial constructors and put them in a list.
2) For each of these non-trivially-constructed objects, generate the entire potential-function-tree called by their constructors.
3) Walk through the non-trivially-constructor function tree and if the code references any other non-trivially constructed globals (which are quite handily in the list you generated in step one), you have a potential early-static-initialization-order issue.
4) Repeat steps 2 & 3 until you have exhausted the list generated in step 1.
Note: you may be able to optimize this by only visiting the potential-function-tree once per object class rather than once per global instance if you have multiple globals of a single class.
Replace all the global objects with global functions that return a reference to an object declared static in the function. This isn't thread-safe, so if your app is multi-threaded you might need some tricks like pthread_once or a global lock. This will ensure that everything is initialized before it is used.
Now, either your program works (hurrah!) or else it sits in an infinite loop because you have a circular dependency (redesign needed), or else you move on to the next bug.
The first thing you need to do is make a list of all static objects that have non-trivial constructors.
Given that, you either need to plug through them one at a time, or simply replace them all with singleton-pattern objects.
The singleton pattern comes in for a lot of criticism, but the lazy "as-required" construction is a fairly easy way to fix the majority of the problems now and in the future.
MyObject myObject
MyObject &myObject()
static MyObject myActualObject;
return myActualObject;
Of course, if your application is multi-threaded, this can cause you more problems than you had in the first place...
Gimpel Software ( claims that their PC-Lint/FlexeLint static analysis tools will detect such problems.
I have had good experience with their tools, but not with this specific issue so I can't vouch for how much they would help.
Some of these answers are now out of date. For the sake of people coming from search engines, like myself:
On Linux and elsewhere, finding instances of this problem is possible through Google's AddressSanitizer.
AddressSanitizer is a part of LLVM starting with version 3.1 and a
part of GCC starting with version 4.8
You would then do something like the following:
$ g++ -fsanitize=address -g staticA.C staticB.C staticC.C -o static
$ ASAN_OPTIONS=check_initialization_order=true:strict_init_order=true ./static
==32208==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: initialization-order-fiasco on address ... at ...
#0 0x400f96 in firstClass::getValue() staticC.C:13
#1 0x400de1 in secondClass::secondClass() staticB.C:7
See here for more details:
Other answers are correct, I just wanted to add that the object's getter should be implemented in a .cpp file and it should not be static. If you implement it in a header file, the object will be created in each library / framework you call it from....
If your project is in Visual Studio (I've tried this with VC++ Express 2005, and with Visual Studio 2008 Pro):
Open Class View (Main menu->View->Class View)
Expand each project in your solution and Click on "Global Functions and Variables"
This should give you a decent list of all of the globals that are subject to the fiasco.
In the end, a better approach is to try to remove these objects from your project (easier said than done, sometimes).

Counterpart of PHP's isset() in C/C++

PHP has a very nice function, isset($variableName). It checks if $variableName is already defined in the program or not.
Can we build similar feature for C/C++ (some kind of symbol table lookup)?
I'm a C++ guy, but I remember in PHP isset is used to check if a variable contains a value when passed in through a get/post request (I'm sure there are other uses, but that's a common one I believe).
You don't really have dynamic typing in C++. So you can't suddenly use a variable name that you haven't previously explicitly defined. There really is no such thing as an "unset" variable in C++.
Even if you say "int var;" and do not initialize it, the variable has a value, usually garbage, but it's still "set" in the PHP sense.
The closes I suppose would be the preprocessor's #ifdef and #ifndef which only checks to see if you've defined a variable using #define. But in my experience this is mostly used for omitting or adding code based on flags. For example:
// code code code
#ifdef DEBUG
// debug only code that will not be included in final product.
// more code more code
You can define DEBUG using #define to determine whether to include "DEBUG" code now.
Perhaps telling a bit more about what you're trying to do with the C++ equivalent of isset will give you a better idea of how to go about doing it "The C++ Way".
There is no direct means of doing this in the language. However, it is possible to do this sort of thing by using a map such as the following:
typedef std::map<std::string, int> variables_type;
variables_type variables;
variables["var"] = 1;
if(variables.find("jon") == variables.end())
std::cout << "variable, \"jon\" not set\n";
In order to make this a variable like those used in PHP or javascript, the implementation would need to use some sort of variant type.
Not really. You can't dynamically create variables (though you can dynamically create storage with malloc() et al, or new et al. in C++) in C. I suppose dynamically loaded libraries blur the picture, but even there, the way you establish whether the variable exists is by looking up its name. If the name is not there, then, short of running a compiler to create a dynamically loaded module and then loading it, you are probably stuck. The concept really doesn't apply to C or C++.
As said in other answers, in C++ variables are never undefined. However, variables can be uninitialised, in which case their contents are not specified in the language standard (and implemented by most compilers to be whatever happened to be stored at that memory location).
Normally a compiler offers a flag to detect possibly uninitialised variables, and will generate a warning if this is enabled.
Another usage of isset could be to deal with different code. Remember that C++ is a statically compiled language, and attempting to redefine a symbol will result in a compile time error, removing the need for isset.
Finally, what you might be looking for is a null pointer. For that, just use a simple comparison:
int * x(getFoo());
if (x) {
cout << "Foo has a result." << endl;
} else {
cout << "Foo returns null." << endl;
Well there is always Boost.Optional
which should almost do what you want.
Short answer: NO
Standard followup question: What problem are you really trying to solve?
You've got to separate two things here: variable declaration and variable contents.
As said in other answers, unlike PHP, C++ doesn't allow a variable to be used before it's declared.
But apart from that, it can be uninitialized.
I think the PHP isset function tries to find out if a variable has a usable value. In C++, this corresponds best to a pointer being NULL or valid.
The closest thing I can think of is to use pointers rather than real variables. Then you can check fro NULL.
However, it does seem like you're solving wrong problem for the language, or using wrong language to solve your problem.