SHFileOperation cannot remove folder - c++

I am writing a C++ Custom action for WiX that will be called during installation to remove any leftovers installed by the installer. Consider the following code:
UINT __stdcall DeleteResidue(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
LPWSTR lpFolderPath = NULL;
std::wstring temp;
hr = WcaInitialize(hInstall, "DeleteResidue");
ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to initialize");
hr = WcaGetProperty(L"LPCOMMAPPDATAFOLDER",&lpFolderPath);
ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failure in Finding Common App Data Folder");
temp = std::wstring(lpFolderPath);
//Stop the LPA and LPA Monitor Service. Then delete the residue.
WcaLog(LOGMSG_STANDARD, "Doing Delete Residue");
ZeroMemory(&shFile, sizeof(shFile));
shFile.hwnd = NULL;
shFile.wFunc = FO_DELETE;
shFile.pFrom = temp.c_str();
BOOL res = DirectoryExists(lpFolderPath);
WcaLog(LOGMSG_STANDARD, "The directory exist");
int result = SHFileOperation(&shFile);
WcaLog(LOGMSG_STANDARD, "The directory should have deleted by now");
WcaLog(LOGMSG_STANDARD, "The directory could not be deleted.Error code %d", result);
WcaLog(LOGMSG_STANDARD, "It Seems the Installed Folder is No more there");
return WcaFinalize(er);
In above code, we get C:\ProgramData inLPCOMMAPPDATAFOLDER. The doc states that pFrom should be double null terminated. However the return value of the code is 0x2 i.e. ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND. What is wrong in the code above?

You are not double nul terminating the pFrom.
You have a standard string (which includes the null terminator when you call .c_str() on it).
temp = std::wstring(lpFolderPath);
You then concatenate an empty string onto it:
This leaves the original string unchanged. This is because the std::string::operator+(const wchar_t*) takes a null terminated string. The fact that you have 2 nulls is immaterial it only reads up to the first null. It doesn't even add that null as what you've effectively given it is an empty string and the result of concatenating an empty string to something else is a no-op.
There's a few ways to solve this, but probably easiest is to change
which explicitly adds another nul to the string so when you eventaully call temp.c_str() you'll get back the double nul-terminated string you need.


IShellFolder::GetDisplayNameOf return gibberish

I'm new to winapi and c/c++ and I try to print out the names of the icons on the desktop using IShellFolder::GetDisplayNameOf but for some reason I'm getting gibberish. Here is my code:
int main() {
IShellFolder* deskFolder;
hr = SHGetDesktopFolder(&deskFolder);
IEnumIDList* listilist;
deskFolder->EnumObjects(NULL, SHCONTF_NONFOLDERS | SHCONTF_FOLDERS, &listilist);
while (listilist->Next(1, &item, NULL) == S_OK) {
STRRET coo = {0};
deskFolder->GetDisplayNameOf(item, SHGDN_INFOLDER, &coo);
printf("%s\n", coo.cStr);
item = NULL;
return 0;
According to the document:
Type: UINT
A value that specifies the desired format of the string. This can be
one of the following values.
The string is returned in the cStr member.
The uOffset member value indicates the number of bytes
from the beginning of the item identifier list where the string is
The string is at the address specified by pOleStr member.
You can check the utype parameter of coo:
printf("%d\n", coo.uType);
After checking, its return value is 0 (STRRET_WSTR), so you need to modify the code as
printf("%S\n", coo.pOleStr);

Reading from a very large text file resource in C++

We have some data in a text file which is built into our executable as a custom resource to be read at runtime. The size of this text file is over 7 million characters.
I can successfully search for and locate strings within the resource which appear near the top of the text file, but when attempting to search for terms a few million characters down, strstr returns NULL indicating that the string cannot be found. Is there a limit to the length of a string literal that can be stored in a char* or the amount of data that can be stored in an embedded resource? Code is shown below
char* data = NULL;
if(NULL != hRes)
HGLOBAL hData = LoadResource(hInst, hRes);
if (hData)
DWORD dataSize = SizeofResource(hInst, hRes);
data = (char*)LockResource(hData);
char* pkcSearchResult = strstr(data, "NumListDetails");
if ( pkcSearchResult != NULL )
// parse data
The problem might be the method you use for searching. strstr uses ANSI strings, and will terminate when it encounters a '\0' in the search domain.
You might use something like memstr (one of many implementations can be found here).
Do you get any output from GetLastError(), specifically after calling SizeofResource.
You can also check that dataSize > 0 to ensure an error hasn't occurred.
DWORD dataSize = SizeofResource(hInst, hRes);
if(dataSize > 0)
data = (char*)LockResource(hData);
//check error codes
The problem was null characters in the data which prematurely ended the char* variable. To get around this I just had to read the data into a void pointer then copy it into a dynamically created array.
DWORD dataSize = SizeofResource(hInst, hRes);
void* pvData = LockResource(hData);
char* pcData = new char[dataSize];

If Registry Key Does Not Exist

I'm adding my program to start up with:
HKEY newValue;
return 0;
And I wanted to add a check if key doesn't exists only then to create it. And something else is weird with my code I have checked the registry for my key and I see in the data column my application path + "..." (after .exe) and when I double click to check the data the popup opens and it's fine it's .exe only not .exe...
Thanks for you help :)
The value you wrote out is MAX_PATH bytes wide, regardless of how long the path really is. Thus you probably have a lot of non-printing characters after the .exe, and that's why you see the "...".
The documentation says the last parameter is the size in bytes of the string, including the null terminator. So we need to know the length of the string (lstrlen(szPath)), we need to account for the null terminator (+ 1), and we need to convert from TCHARs to bytes (sizeof(TCHAR)*).
const DWORD cbData = sizeof(TCHAR) * (lstrlen(szPath) + 1);
RegSetValueEx(newValue, "myprogram", 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szPath, cbData);
This API is error prone, and should be used very carefully to avoid unintentional truncation or buffer overrun. (The fact that you need those casts to get it to compile should make you very cautious.) Many Windows functions that take pointers to strings want lengths in characters (which may not be bytes) or they figure out the length from the termination. This one doesn't do either of those things.
you can check the registry function output....
Here I am giving the Idea you can use it...
bool function()
HKEY hKey;
LPCTSTR subValue;
HKEY resKey;
DWORD dataLen;
subKey = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run";
long key = RegOpenKeyExA(hKey, subKey, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &resKey);
if(key == ERROR_SUCCESS)
subValue = "ProgramData";
long key = RegQueryValueExA(resKey, subValue, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
return false;
std::string data = "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\program.exe";
DWORD dataLen = data.size()+1;
long key = RegSetValueExA(resKey, subValue, 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE*)data.c_str(), dataLen);
if(key == ERROR_SUCCESS)
return true;
return false;
return false;
You can use RegCreateKeyEx() to create a new key or open an existing key.
The "..." you see in RegEdit is because the column is not wide enough -- double-click at the end of the column-header to resize the column.
I suggest what is suggest in the MSDN: You should enumerate the Subkeys/Values in a Key with RegEnumKey(Ex)() or RegEnumValue() and then check wether the key is listed
and for an example.
Hope this helps.

How to Obtain the MSI 'UILevel' Property From a C++ Custom Action

I am trying to get at the 'UILevel' MSI property from within a C++ custom action in order to determine whether or not the user is running in 'no UI mode', but am not having much luck. The function I am calling is passed the MSIHANDLE from a function which I export in my DLL (which may be either a 'deferred' or 'firstsequence' action). What I'm seeing is that MsiGetPropertyW is always returning ERROR_MORE_DATA and the trueLength field is always 0. Here is my code:
bool runningInNoUIMode(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
unsigned long nBufLen = 64UL;
WCHAR *wszValue = new WCHAR[nBufLen];
DWORD trueLength = 0UL;
UINT result = ::MsiGetPropertyW(hInstall, L"UILevel", L"", &trueLength); // Get the size of the property value first to see if there is enough storage allocated.
if (ERROR_MORE_DATA == result || nBufLen <= trueLength)
if (NULL != wszValue)
delete [] wszValue;
// Allocate more memory for the property adding one for the null terminator.
nBufLen = trueLength + 1;
wszValue = new WCHAR[nBufLen];
if (NULL == wszValue)
WcaLog(LOGMSG_STANDARD, "Unable to determine the user interface level the MSI is being run with because we were unable to allocate storage for accessing the 'UILevel' property.");
return false;
memset(wszValue, L'\0', nBufLen * sizeof(WCHAR));
result = ::MsiGetPropertyW(hInstall, L"UILevel", wszValue, &trueLength);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != result)
WcaLog(LOGMSG_STANDARD, "Unable to determine the user interface level the MSI is being run with, error code = '%lu'.", result);
delete [] wszValue;
return false;
if (0 == wcscmp(L"2", wszValue)) // INSTALLUILEVEL_NONE == 2
delete [] wszValue;
return true;
delete [] wszValue;
return false;
I believe I can work around this for now by passing the 'UILevel' property through WiX and checking for it that way in the C++, but I am curious what the problem here is as well.
I'm using Visual Studio/Visual C++ 2010 on Windows 7 with WiX 3.5.2519.
Thanks for any assistance you can provide!
Another way of making this simpler is to use the MsiEvaluateCondition function.
BOOL bUI = MsiEvaluateCondition(L"UILevel<3");
in C# using Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsIntaller (DTF) it's:
var uiLevel = session["UILevel"];
In C++ there's a sample at MsiGetProperty function:
UINT __stdcall MyCustomAction(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
TCHAR* szValueBuf = NULL;
DWORD cchValueBuf = 0;
UINT uiStat = MsiGetProperty(hInstall, TEXT("MyProperty"), TEXT(""), &cchValueBuf);
//cchValueBuf now contains the size of the property's string, without null termination
if (ERROR_MORE_DATA == uiStat)
++cchValueBuf; // add 1 for null termination
szValueBuf = new TCHAR[cchValueBuf];
if (szValueBuf)
uiStat = MsiGetProperty(hInstall, TEXT("MyProperty"), szValueBuf, &cchValueBuf);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != uiStat)
if (szValueBuf != NULL)
delete[] szValueBuf;
// custom action uses MyProperty
// ...
delete[] szValueBuf;
Thanks to #DanielGehriger, we figured out that the problem isn't with the code, but with the scheduling for the custom action. The UILevel MSI property is simply not available when running a deferred custom action (I found that the code worked correctly for a custom action scheduled for firstsequence). I have worked around this limitation by explicitly passing it on custom action data using WiX:
<CustomAction Id="CustomAction.SetProperty" Property="CustomActionCall"
Value="UILEVEL=[UILevel];" />
and then checking for this in the C++ with WcaIsPropertySet and WcaGetProperty. Note that the character case of the property name between square brackets matters here.

How do you open a resource string in Visual C++ 2010?

I created a basic stringtable resource in Visual C++. I am trying to access that resource. However, my program can't seem to find the resource. Here:
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
HRSRC hRsrc;
if (hRsrc == NULL) {
printf("Not found\n");
} else {
This program can't find the resource and always returns null.
I created a simple bitmap resource and this new program identifies that just fine. Here:
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
HRSRC hRsrc;
if (hRsrc == NULL) {
printf("Not found\n");
} else {
This finds the bitmap.
Do stringtable resources get handled somehow differently?
Assuming you do not want to use LoadString() this should help...
Strings and string tables are indeed treated differently when using FindResource() and FindResourceEx(). From this KB article:
String resources are stored as blocks of strings. Each block can have
up to sixteen strings and represents the smallest granularity of
string resource that can be loaded/updated. Each block is identified
by an identifier (ID), starting with one (1). We use this ID when
calling the FindResource, LoadResource and UpdateResource functions.
A string with ID, nStringID, is located in the block with ID,
nBlockID, given by the following formula:
nBlockID = (nStringID / 16) + 1; // Note integer division.
The lower 4 bits of nStringID indicates which entry in the block contains the actual string. Once you have calculated the block ID to pass to FindResource() and the index in the block where the string exists you have to scan through it's contents to find the string you are looking for.
The following code should get you started.
const WCHAR *stringPtr;
WCHAR stringLen;
// Get the id of the string table block containing the target string
const DWORD blockID = (nID >> 4) + 1;
// Get the offset of teh target string in the block
const DWORD itemID = nID % 0x10;
// Find the resource
HRSRC hRes = FindResourceEx(
if (hRes)
HGLOBAL hBlock = LoadResource(hInst, hRes);
const WCHAR *tableDataBlock = reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(LockResource(hBlock));
const DWORD tableBlockSize = SizeofResource(hInst, hRes);
DWORD searchOffset = 0;
DWORD stringIndex = 0;
// Search through the section for the appropriate entry.
// The first two bytes of each entry is the length of the string
// followed by the Unicode string itself. All strings entries
// are stored one after another with no padding.
while(searchOffset < tableBlockSize)
if (stringIndex == itemID)
// If the string has size. use it!
if (tableDataBlock[searchOffset] != 0x0000)
stringPtr = &tableDataBlock[searchOffset + 1];
stringLen = tableDataBlock[searchOffset];
// Nothing there -
stringPtr = NULL;
stringLen = 0;
// Done
// Go to the next string in the table
searchOffset += tableDataBlock[searchOffset] + 1;
// Bump the index
You could use LoadString directly instead. Here's some text from the MSDN FindResource documentation...
An application can use FindResource to find any type of resource, but this function should be used only if the application must access the binary resource data by making subsequent calls to LoadResource and then to LockResource.
To use a resource immediately...
...use LoadString!
After 2 days of research I found this(it works!):
#include <atlstr.h>
ATL::CString str;
str.LoadString(NULL,IDS_STRING101, LangID);