Create gift certificate using Ultracart API - shopping-cart

I am new to Ultracart checkout api. I have developed an shopping cart system using Ultracart api and need to create gift certificate for certain amount. and I have to do this by using api. Please suggest me whether it is possible using api or not. Is there any other alternative to accomplish this task. Please help.


WSO2 API : how to create custom api usage statistics in wso2 api manager and analytics

I am fairly new in this tool. I need some guidance and help to create custom api usage statistics in wso2 api manager and analytics.
Right now I am using H2 database which is embedded in wso2 and need to generate report from database which has custom information.
I have been able to extract the data from various usage table like (API_RESOURCE_USAGE_SUMMARY and API_REQUEST_SUMMARY) but not able to include other details in this which is necessary for the use case on which I am working right now.
Guidance in this would be really helpful.

How to retrieve data from cloud using rest service

Our employee salary data are stored in the cloud provided by the third party. Currently, the third party need to send us a copy of the database to us and we recover it to our local server for reporting purpose. I need to build a application to retrieve the data directly from the cloud and use the only tables we need for report purpose. the third party provide restful service to do this, but since I am new to web service programming, I am kind of lost here to decide what to do. So my question is what is the best way that i could proceed this.
Any help will be appreciated.
The first place to start is to familiarize yourself with a coding language you'd like to use. You can usually find documentation from the REST API provider on the 'developer' section of their website. Once on their site, you can usually setup a developer sandbox account and grab a few quick examples from the documentation in the most popular languages i.e Java, PHP etc. Then, using the documentation, tweak the example to get the data you want for your app.
It is common for REST APIs to assign you a key/token that you will use with each request. Refer to their documentation for more examples.

Calling third party APIS like amazon/ebay for getting product details using C++

My requirement is - I have an application and need to get product details from amazon, ebay & few more websites for a product. Please let me know the process for getting the product info & also let me know how could i achieve this using C/C++ language. Does amazon support soap still? some where i saw its not supported. If soap is not supported then whats the next alternative?
You can use eBay API, and amazon API, and if you want to compare data and categories between the two (amazon and eBay), you can Try using
it's an API that combine between them
For example if you have one categoryId of eBay, Ecommerceapi can tell you what is the match for it in amazon
What ever you choose depends on your requirements of the project, API is simple technology that allows you to query the source over http.

UPS "AccessLicenseNumber"

This question is related to Stackoverflow Question -> Access licence number for UPS
When I registered for Developer APIs, I was given a 4-part credential: User ID, Password, Access Key, and Shipper Number. I used this and the CIE URL to get rates, print shipping labels, etc. So far so good. Everything works. I have been able to build and test desktop and web GUIs that use UPS API.
Now I understand that I need to implement UPS Registration API and Licensing API to apply for certification. I applied with UPS for this and received the API package. Again, so far so good. Now, I have two questions:
1- I understand that we can use the Registration API to authenticate existing UPS accounts for end users to access my application. We can also use it to allow the end user to create one or more new UPS accounts for use with the application. If Registration API takes care of this, what is the use of the Licensing API? UPS documentation isn't widely available and the documentation that comes with the API kit is very minimal.
2- My app will use the end users' UPS account numbers for shipping, but which Access Key should it use? Should it use the Access Key of each end user, or my Access Key for everyone? If the former, then should this end-user Access Key be obtained using the Licensing API? Is that the Licensign API's purpose?
In essence, I think both questions are the same but you can see how perplexed I am with respect to this requirement of implementing Registration and Licensing APIs!
Any insight from you experts would be REALLY great!
Just wanted to add another question:
3- I am using UPS Web Services for all UPS functionality. The package that contains Licensing API and Registration API has a "Reference.cs" for the Registration API but not for Licensing API (only XSDs in that folder). Is the Licensing API not available as Web Service?
Questions on the licensing API should be referred to the folks at UPS Ready. This is not the proper forum.

Signup and Licensing for Redbus API?

How to Signup and get LoginID and password to access RedBus Api?
From what it looks like, Redbus has not yet opened up the web service to the public. Aparently the web service exposed is for only Bus operators with their own credentials.
The API is open only to registered merchant or integrator. I got one and they will give based on your operation country. As in my case, I registered only for Malaysia, paid about 300 usd for the registration and given the api key. Although I would say their technical support is not the best as I've implemented in PHP and they didn't really have the expertise to support integration using PHP. The most problematic part is the seat selection process. The rest was quite straightforward.
I suggest that you take a look at their website and see what if there is any merchant registration link. As in my case, we came to their regional office and registered there.