Is there a C++ new declaration like in C# - c++

I wondered if there was a new declaration like in C# for C++
C# allows you to do this and it just neatens up the code a bit:
FuncCall( new Foo() {
Bar = "sausage",
Boo = 4
} );
It's just I thought this was a bit sloppy in C++:
unique_ptr<Foo> foo( new Foo() );
foo.Bar = "sausage";
foo.Boo = 4;
FuncCall( move( foo ) );
Foo might look like this:
class Foo
string Bar;
int Boo;
Why am i not just placing all into construct paramters?
Because it's stupid when you have to initalize so much:
Foo( int width, int height, string title, string className, string thjis, stihjrjoifger gfirejgoirejgioerjgoire ) It goes on forever... Whereas i already have the properties inside my class... So was just wondering if it could be done..

You might use a lambda:
FuncCall( []{ Foo f; f.Bar = "sausage"; f.Boo = 4; return f; }() );
Live example

Foo has to have a constructor or be an aggregate type:
class Foo {
std::string bar;
int boo;
Foo(std::string s, int i) : bar(std::move(s)), boo(i) {}
void FuncCall(std::unique_ptr<Foo> ptr) {}
int main() {
FuncCall(make_unique<Foo>("sausage", 4));
struct Foo {
std::string bar;
int boo;
void FuncCall(std::unique_ptr<Foo> ptr) {}
int main() {
std::unique_ptr<Foo> foo(new Foo{"sausage", 4});
Or you can avoid pointers:
void FuncCall(Foo foo) {}
int main() {
FuncCall({sausage", 4});

Be aware that the following:
class Foo {
std::string m_bar = "Bar";
int m_baz = 3;
float m_boo = 4.2;
/* ... */
Foo() {} // or Foo() = default or elision
int main() {
Foo f;
f.m_bar = "wunderBar";
Expands out to be along the lines of the following:
Foo* fptr = stack_allocate<Foo*>(sizeof(Foo));
// from ctor
fptr->m_bar.string("Bar"); // construct m_bar
// your code:
For similar reasons, you might want to look at the IL instructions for your C# construct - you'll find it's performing equally redundant operations (and in more complex situations, possibly boxing/unboxing).
Your C++ approach will also fail you when you incorporate non-copyable or non-movable types which will force you to pass pointers and/or bend your design.
What it /seems/ you are trying to do is recreate Python's optional parameters:
# C++-alike
class Foo(object):
def __init__(self, Bar, Baz, Boo):
# C#-alike:
class Foo(object):
def __init__(self, Bar="Bar", Baz=13, Boo=4.2):
C++ doesn't provide a direct way of doing this, the closest mechanisms are default parameters and operator overloading:
class Foo {
std::string m_bar = "Bar";
int m_baz = 3;
float m_boo = 4.2;
Foo(std::string bar="Bar", int baz=3, int boo=6.1)
: m_bar(bar), m_baz(baz), m_boo(boo)
/* Foo* f = new Foo(); => new Foo(bar="Bar", baz=13, boo=6.1);
* Foo* f = new Foo("hello"); => new Foo(bar="hello", baz=3, boo=4.2);
* Foo* f = new Foo("hello", 1, 1.); => new Foo(bar="hello", baz=1, boo=1.);
* Foo* f = new Foo(42.); => invalid, arguments must be in order.
class Foo {
std::string m_bar = "Bar";
int m_baz = 3;
float m_boo = 4.2;
Foo() = default;
// allow Foo("hello")
Foo(const char* bar) : m_bar(bar) {}
Foo(const std::string& bar) : m_bar(bar) {}
Foo(std::string&& bar) : m_bar(std::forward(bar)) {}
// allow Foo(10, 12.)
explicit Foo(int baz, float boo) : m_baz(baz), m_boo(boo) {}
/* Foo* f = new Foo(); => new Foo(bar="Bar", baz=3, boo=4.2);
* Foo* f = new Foo("hello"); => new Foo(bar="hello", baz=3, boo=4.2);
* Foo* f = new Foo(1, 1.); => new Foo(bar="Bar", baz=1, boo=1.);
* Foo* f = new Foo(42.); => invalid, no match
See for SSCE.
If you genuinely have a dozen different constructor configurations, you should probably rethink your design.
--- Edit ---
Note: It's not compulsory that you expose all parameters in the constructor:
class Foo {
std::string m_user_supplied;
std::time_t m_time;
Foo() : m_user_supplied(), m_time(0) {}
Foo(std::string src) : m_user_supplied(src), m_time(0) {}
void addTime(time_t inc) { m_time += inc; }
--- Edit 2 ---
"should maybe rethink your design" ... One problem with large, optional lists of parameters is growth. You are likely to wind up with parameters that depend on each other, contradict each other or interact with each other. You can either choose not to validate these or you can end up with complicated constructors.
struct Foo {
FILE* m_output;
const char* m_mode;
Foo(..., FILE* output, const char* mode, ...)
if (output != nullptr) {
ASSERT( output == nullptr || mode != nullptr );
... other requirements
} else {
if (mode != nullptr)
... might not be an error but it might be a bug ...
One approach to avoiding this is to use encapsulation/aggregation of related members.
class Foo {
struct FileAccess {
FILE* m_file;
const char* m_mode;
constexpr FileAccess() : m_file(nullptr), m_mode(nullptr) noexcept {}
FileAccess(FILE* file, const char* mode) : m_file(file), m_mode(mode) {
if (file == nullptr || mode == nullptr)
throw invalid_argument("file/mode cannot be null");
FileAccess m_access;
Foo(..., FileAccess access, ...);
This can go a fair way to reducing the bloat. If your API is stable, you can use it with initializer lists (if your API is not stable and you do change will bite you in the ass)
auto fooWithFile = make_unique<Foo>{..., /*access=*/{stdout, "w"}, ...};
auto fooWithout = make_unique<Foo>{..., /*access=*/{}, ...};
If you subsequently decide to stop using ctors and switch to using setters, this will translate reasonably well, since you can have overloaded "set" which takes one of the various configuration structs:
auto foo = make_unique<Foo>();
foo->set(FileAccess(stdout, "w"))
->set(Position(Right, -100, Top, 180))
->set(DimensionPercentage(80, 75));
auto foo = make_unique<Foo>() { # pseudo based on if C++ had the C# syntax
m_file = stdout;
m_mode = "w";
m_xPosition = -100;
m_xPositionRel = Right;
m_yPosition = -180;
m_yPositionRel = Top;
m_dimensionType = Percentage;
m_xDimension = 80;
m_yDimension = 75;

You can use uniform initialization to initialize it.


Is there an EASY way to simulate local functions?

I've got a member-function that need to access both member data and "local" data:
struct S final
int i = 123;
// ... a bunch of legacy code ...
void f()
// ... a bunch of legacy code ...
double d = 1.23;
// ... a bunch of legacy code ...
// ... a bunch of legacy code ...
// ... a bunch of legacy code ...
void g(double& d)
i = 456; d = 4.56;
This, of course, works ... however, it becomes a nuisance as more variables local to f() are passed to g(). Is there an 'easy' way to avoid this?
Using a lambda is the "stock" answer, however that means the code for g() must be moved to be part of f(); I don't want to do that:
struct S final
int i = 123;
void f()
double d = 1.23;
auto g = [&]() { i = 456; d = 4.56; } // code moved here :-(
Something like this is close (although the lambda is "better" as local variables are part of the closure with [&]), but it's not valid C++
struct S final
int i = 123;
void f()
double d = 1.23;
void g();
void f::g()
i = 456; d = 4.56;
Or (again, using fictional syntax) a way to declare a lambda and then define it later:
struct S final
int i = 123;
void f()
double d = 1.23;
auto g = [&]();
g = { i = 456; d = 4.56; }
Just put them in a struct
struct S final
struct g_params { //that's it
double d;
int i = 123;
void f()
g_params d = {1.23};
// ... assume this is already a large function ...
// ... lots of code here ...
void g(g_params& p)
i = 456; p.d = 4.56;

How to write a template to cast to a templatized type based on an integer / enum

I'd like to simplify the code I write in my application that handles mutiple data structure types but with a common header. Given something like this:
enum class MyType {
Foo = 100,
Bar = 200,
struct Hdr {
MyType type;
struct Foo {
Hdr hdr;
int x;
int y;
int z;
struct Bar {
Hdr hdr;
double value;
double ratio;
void process(const Foo *ptr)
// process Foo here
void process(const Bar *ptr)
// process Bar here
extern void *getData();
int main()
const void *pv = getData();
auto pHdr = static_cast<const Hdr *>(pv);
switch (pHdr->type) {
case MyType::Foo: process(static_cast<const Foo *>(pv)); break;
case MyType::Bar: process(static_cast<const Bar *>(pv)); break;
default: throw "Unknown";
return 0;
Ideally I'd like to replace the switch statement above with something like:
I'm perfectly okay with having to write statements like this to get it to work:
const Foo *multi_cast(void *p)
return static_cast<const Foo *>(p);
const Bar *multi_cast(void *p)
return static_cast<const Bar *>(p);
But I cannot write a template where the template parameter is a enum (or an int for that matter)
Have I just looked at this for so long that I cannot see an answer?
Or is there just no other way to do it?
There is just no other way to do it.
As the comments have pointed out, since the type is stored in the header at run-time, you have to have some kind of run-time lookup; no amount of templates or overload resolution can help you since all of that is at compile-time.
You can abstract the lookup as much as you want, but you can only replace the switch statement with another type of lookup, and you can only decrease performance the further you get away from a simple switch/lookup table.
For example, you could start with something like this and go nuts:
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
enum class Type {
struct Header {
Header(Type t)
: type(t)
Type type;
struct Foo {
Foo(int x, int y, int z)
: header(Type::FOO), x(x), y(y), z(z)
Header header;
int x;
int y;
int z;
struct Bar {
Bar(double value, double ratio)
: header(Type::BAR), value(value), ratio(ratio)
Header header;
double value;
double ratio;
static inline void process(Foo*) {
printf("processing foo...\n");
static inline void process(Bar*) {
printf("processing bar...\n");
using ProcessFunc = void(*)(void*);
static ProcessFunc typeProcessors[(size_t)Type::NUM_] = {
[](void* p) { process((Foo*)p); },
[](void* p) { process((Bar*)p); },
static void process(void* p) {
Type t = ((Header*)p)->type;
assert((size_t)t < (size_t)Type::NUM_ && "Invalid Type.");
static void* get_foo()
static Foo foo(0, 0, 0);
return &foo;
static void* get_bar()
static Bar bar(0.0, 0.0);
return &bar;
int main() {
Foo foo(0, 0, 0);
Bar bar(0.0, 0.0);
return 0;
but then you're only getting cute and most likely slower. You might as well just put the switch in process(void*)
If you aren't serializing your data(doubtful), are mostly processing one type at a time, and want an OO solution(I wouldn't), you could return a base type that your types inherit from and add a pure virtual process function like so:
struct Type {
virtual void process() = 0;
virtual ~Type() {}
struct Foo : Type {
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
int z = 0;
virtual void process() override {
printf("processing foo...\n");
struct Bar : Type {
double value = 0.0;
double ratio = 0.0;
virtual void process() override {
printf("processing bar...\n");
static Type* get_foo() {
static Foo foo;
return &foo;
static Type* get_bar() {
static Bar bar;
return &bar;
int main() {
Foo foo;
Bar bar;
return 0;
I would stick with the switch, but I would keep the values of Type::FOO and Type::BAR the default 0 and 1. If you mess with the values too much, the compiler might decide to implement the switch as a bunch of branches as opposed to a lookup table.
You have two issues:
Converting a runtime value (your "type") into a compile time determined type (with associated behavior).
"Unifying" the possible different types to a single (statically at compile time known) type.
Point 2 is what inheritance together with virtual member functions are for:
struct Thing {
virtual void doStuff() const = 0;
virtual ~Thing() {}
struct AThing : Thing {
void doStuff() const override { std::cout << "A"; }
struct BThing : Thing {
void doStuff() const override { std::cout << "B"; }
Point 1 is usually tackled by creating some kind of "factory" mechanism, and then dispatching based on the runtime value to one of those factories. First, the factories:
Thing * factoryA() { return new AThing(); }
Thing * factoryB() { return new BThing(); }
Thing * factory_failure() { throw 42; }
The "dispatching" (or "choosing the right factory") can be done in different ways, one of those being your switch statement (fast, but clumsy), linear search through some container/array (easy, slow) or by lookup in a map (logarithmic - or constant for hashing based maps).
I chose a (ordered) map, but instead of using std::map (or std::unordered_map) I use a (sorted!) std::array to avoid dynamic memory allocation:
// Our "map" is nothing more but an array of key value pairs.
template <
typename Key,
typename Value,
std::size_t Size>
using cmap = std::array<std::pair<Key,Value>, Size>;
// Long type names make code hard to read.
template <
typename First,
typename... Rest>
using cmap_from =
cmap<typename First::first_type,
typename First::second_type,
sizeof...(Rest) + 1u>;
// Helper function to avoid us having to specify the size
template <
typename First,
typename... Rest>
cmap_from<First, Rest...> make_cmap(First && first,
Rest && ... rest) {
return {std::forward<First>(first), std::forward<Rest>(rest)...};
Using std::lower_bound I perform a binary search on this sorted array (ehm "map"):
// Binary search for lower bound, check for equality
template <
typename Key,
typename Value,
std::size_t Size>
Value get_from(cmap<Key,Value,Size> const & map,
Key const & key,
Value alternative) {
assert(std::is_sorted(std::begin(map), std::end(map),
[](auto const & lhs, auto const & rhs) {
return lhs.first < rhs.first; }));
auto const lower = std::lower_bound(std::begin(map), std::end(map),
[](auto const & pair, auto k) {
return pair.first < k; });
if (lower->first == key) {
return lower->second;
} else {
// could also throw or whatever other failure mode
return alternative;
So that, finally, I can use a static const map to get a factory given some runtime value "type" (or choice, as I named it):
int main() {
int const choices[] = {1, 10, 100};
static auto const map =
make_cmap(std::make_pair(1, factoryA),
std::make_pair(10, factoryB));
try {
for (int choice : choices) {
std::cout << "Processing choice " << choice << ": ";
auto const factory = get_from(map, choice, factory_failure);
Thing * thing = factory();
std::cout << std::endl;
delete thing;
} catch (int const & value) {
std::cout << "Caught a " << value
<< " ... wow this is evil!" << std::endl;
(Live on ideone)
The initialization of that "map" could probably made constexpr.
Of course instead of raw pointers (Thing *) you should use managed pointers (like std::unique_ptr). Further, if you don't want to have your processing (doStuff) as member functions, then just make a single "dispatching" (virtual) member function that calls out to a given function object, passing the own instance (this). With a CRTP base class, you don't need to implement that member function for every one of your types.
You're using something that may be called static (=compile-time) polymorphism. This requires to make such switch statements in order to convert the run-time value pHrd->dtype to one of the compile-time values handles in the case clauses. Something like your
is impossible, since pHdr->type is not known at compile time.
If you want to avoid the switch, you can use ordinary dynamic polymorphism and forget about the enum Hdr, but use a abstract base class
struct Base {
virtual void process()=0;
virtual ~Base() {}
struct Foo : Base { /* ... */ };
struct Bar : Base { /* ... */ };
Base*ptr = getData();

Object storing a non-owning reference that must be informed before the reference is destructed

I have a class following this pattern:
class Foo
// Create a Foo whose value is absolute
Foo(int x) : other_(0), a_(x) {}
// Create a Foo whose value is relative to another Foo
Foo(Foo * other, int dx) : other_(other), a_(dx) {}
// Get the value
double x() const
return other_->x() + a_;
return a_;
Foo * other_;
int a_;
The Foo objects are all owned by a Bar:
class Bar
~Bar() { for(int i=0; i<foos_.size(); i++) delete foos_[i]; }
vector<Foo*> foos_;
Of course, this is a simplified example to get the idea. I have a guarantee that there are no loop of Foos, and that linked Foos all belong to the same instance of Bar. So far, so good. To do things the C++11 way, I would use vector< unique_ptr<Foo> > foos_; in Bar, and pass foos_[i].get() as potential argument of a Foo constructor.
There is the deal:
This a GUI application, and the user can interactively delete some Foo at will. The expected behaviour is that if foo1 is deleted, and foo2 is relative to foo1, then foo2 becomes now "absolute":
void Foo::convertToAbsolute() { a_ += other_->x(); other_ = 0; }
void usageScenario()
Foo * foo1 = new Foo(42);
Foo * foo2 = new Foo(foo1, 42);
// Here, foo1->x() = 42 and foo2->x() = 84
// Here, foo1->x() = 10 and foo2->x() = 52
delete foo1;
// Here, foo2->x() = 52
I know it is possible to do it using raw pointers, by using a a DAG structure with back-pointers, so the Foo are aware of who "depends on them", and can inform them before deletion (possible solutions detailed here and here ).
My question is: Would you handle it the same way? Is there a way using standard C++11 smart pointers to avoid having the explicit back-pointers, and then avoid explicitely calling areRelativeToMe_[i]->convertToAbsolute(); in the destructor of Foo? I was thinking about weak_ptr, something in the spirit of:
class Foo { /* ... */ weak_ptr<Foo> other_; };
double Foo::x() const
// ...
But the issue is that convertToAbsolute() needs the relative Foo to still exist. So I need a non-owning smart-pointer that can tell "this reference is logically expired", but actually extends the lifetime of the referenced object, until it is not needed.
It could be seen either like a weak_ptr extending the lifetime until it is not shared with any other weak_ptr:
class Foo { /* ... */ extended_weak_ptr<Foo> other_; };
double Foo::x() const
other_.reset(); // now the object is destructed, unless other
// foos still have to release it
// ...
Or like a shared_ptr with different level of ownership:
class Bar { /* ... */ vector< multilevel_shared_ptr<Foo> foos_; };
class Foo { /* ... */ multilevel_shared_ptr<Foo> other_; };
void Bar::createFoos()
// Bar owns the Foo* with the highest level of ownership "Level1"
// Creating an absolute Foo
foos_.push_back( multilevel_unique_ptr<Foo>(new Foo(42), Level1) );
// Creating a relative Foo
foos_.push_back( multilevel_unique_ptr<Foo>(new Foo(foos_[0],7), Level1) );
Foo::Foo(const multilevel_unique_ptr<Foo> & other, int dx) :
other_( other, Level2 ),
// Foo owns the Foo* with the lowest level of ownership "Level2"
double Foo::x() const
if(other_.noLevel1Owner()) // returns true if not shared
// with any Level1 owner
other_.reset(); // now the object is destructed, unless
// shared with other Level2 owners
// ...
Any thoughts?
All Foo are owned by Bar. Therefore all deletions of Foo happen in Bar methods. So I might implement this logic inside Bar:
void Bar::remove(Foo* f)
using namespace std::placeholders;
assert(std::any_of(begin(foos_), end(foos_),
std::bind(std::equal_to<decltype(f)>(), f, _1));
auto const& children = /* some code which determines which other Foo depend on f */;
std::for_each(begin(children), end(children),
delete f; // not needed if using smart ptrs
This would ensure that the expiring Foo still exists when convertToAbsolute is called on its dependents.
The choice of how to compute children is up to you. I would probably have each Foo keep track of its own children (cyclic non-owning pointers), but you could also keep track of it inside Bar, or search through foos_ on demand to recompute it when needed.
You can use the double link approach even with more than one other dependent object. You only have to link together the dependents of the same object:
class Foo {
explicit Foo(double x)
: v(x), foot(nullptr), next(nullptr), dept(nullptr) {}
// construct as relative object; complexity O(1)
Foo(Foo*f, double x)
: v(x), foot(f), dept(nullptr)
{ foot->add_dept(this); }
// destruct; complexity O(n_dept) + O(foot->n_dept)
// O(1) if !destroy_carefully
if(destroy_carefully) {
for(Foo*p=dept; p;) {
if(foot) foot->remove_dept(this);
double x() const
{ return foot? foot->x() + v : v; }
double v; // my position relative to foot if non-null
Foo*foot; // my foot point
Foo*next; // next object with same foot point as me
Foo*dept; // first object with me as foot point
// change to un-rooted; complexity: O(1)
void unroot()
{ v+=foot->x(); foot=nullptr; next=nullptr; }
// add d to the linked list of dependents; complexity O(1)
void add_dept(const Foo*d)
{ d->next=dept; dept=d; }
// remove d from the linked list of dependents ; complexity O(n_dept)
void remove_dept(const Foo*d)
for(Foo*p=dept; p; p=p->next)
if(p==d) { p=d->next; break; }
static bool destroy_carefully;
bool Foo::destroy_carefully = true;
Here, setting Foo::destroy_carefully=false allows you to delete all remaining objects without going through the untangling of mutual references (which can be expensive).
Interesting problem. I guess you figured that you can add a pointer to the 'child' object. I am not sure, whether smart pointers help here. I tried to implement the code below using std::weak_ptr<Foo> but you can only use it for other_ and not for the listener.
Another thought I had was to leave the responsibility to some higher power. The problem that you have is that you would like to do the update when the destructor is called. Perhaps better approach would be to call convertToAbsolute() from somewhere else. For example, if you are storing the Foos in a vector and the user clicks delete in the UI, you need the index of the object in order to delete so might as well update the adjacent item to absolute value.
Below is a solution that uses a Foo*.
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
class Foo
// Create a Foo whose value is absolute
Foo(int x) : other_(nullptr), listener_(nullptr), a_(x)
// Create a Foo whose value is relative to another Foo
Foo(Foo* other, int dx) :
other_(other), listener_(nullptr), a_(dx)
if (listener_)
listener_->other_ = nullptr;
// Get the value
double x() const
return other_->x() + a_;
return a_;
void setX(int i)
a_ = i;
void convertToAbsolute()
if (listener_)
listener_->a_ += a_;
void setListener(Foo* listener)
listener_ = listener;
Foo* other_;
Foo* listener_;
int a_;
void printFoos(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Foo>>& foos)
std::cout << "Printing foos:\n";
for(const auto& f : foos)
std::cout << '\t' << f->x() << '\n';
int main(int argc, const char** argv)
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Foo>> foos;
auto foo1 = std::make_shared<Foo>(42);
auto foo2 = std::make_shared<Foo>(foo1.get(), 42);
catch (std::exception& e)
std::cerr << e.what() << '\n';
// Here, foo1->x() = 42 and foo2->x() = 84
// Here, foo1->x() = 10 and foo2->x() = 52
// Here, foo2->x() = 52
return 0;
If you have a Signal/Slot framework, that provides a nice place to do the unlinking. For example, using the Qt libraries these classes could look like:
class Foo : public QObject
// Create a Foo whose value is absolute
Foo(int x) : QObject(nullptr), other_(nullptr), a_(x) {}
// Create a Foo whose value is relative to another Foo
Foo(Foo * other, int dx) : QObject(nullptr) other_(other), a_(dx) {
connect(other, SIGNAL(foo_dying()), this, SLOT(make_absolute()));
~Foo() { emit foo_dying(); }
// Get the value
double x() const
return other_->x() + a_;
return a_;
void foo_dying();
private slots:
void make_absolute()
a_ += other_->x();
other_ = nullptr;
Foo * other_;
int a_;
Here is probably the simplest way to achieve the goal using back-pointers. You can use the container you want depending on your complexity requirements (e.g., a set, hash table, vector, linked list, etc.). A more involved but more efficient approach is proposed by Walter.
class Foo
// Create a Foo whose value is absolute
Foo(int x) : other_(0), a_(x) {}
// Create a Foo whose value is relative to another Foo
Foo(Foo * other, int dx) : other_(other), a_(dx)
// Get the value
double x() const
return other_->x() + a_;
return a_;
// delete the Foo
// Inform the one I depend on, if any, that I'm getting destroyed
// Inform people that depends on me that I'm getting destructed
for(int i=0; i<areRelativeToMe_.size(); i++)
Foo * other_;
int a_;
Container<Foo*> areRelativeToMe_; // must provide insert(Foo*)
// and remove(Foo*)
// Convert to absolute
void convertToAbsolute()
a_ += other_->x();
other_ = 0;

C++ copying data from an abstract base class pointer?

Let's say you have this:
class foo {
virtual int myFunc() = 0;
virtual bool who() = 0; // don't want to implement this
class bar : public foo {
int myFunc() {return 3;}
bool who() {return true;} // don't want to implement this
class clam : public foo {
int myFunc() {return 4;}
bool who() {return false;} // don't want to implement this
int main() {
std::vector<foo*> vec (2, NULL);
vec[0] = new bar();
vec[1] = new clam();
// copy vec and allocate new ptrs as copies of the data pointed to by vec[i]
std::vector<foo*> vec2 (vec.size(), NULL);
for ( int i=0; i<vec.size(); ++i ) {
// obviously not valid expression, but it would be nice if it were this easy
//vec2[i] = new foo(*vec[i]);
// the hard way of copying... is there easier way?
if (vec[i]->who()) {
vec2[i] = new bar ( * static_cast<bar* >(vec[i]) ) ;
} else {
vec2[i] = new clam( * static_cast<clam*>(vec[i]) );
return 0;
What I want is some simple way of having the compiler look up in its bookkeeping and allocating/copying vec2[i] according to the stored type of *vec[i]. The workaround is to just make a virtual function which basically returns a value specifying what type *vec[i] is, then doing a conditional allocation based on that.
A common approach goes like this:
class foo {
virtual foo* clone() = 0;
class bar : public foo {
virtual bar* clone() { return new bar(*this); }
class clam : public foo {
virtual clam* clone() { return new clam(*this); }
One way you can do it is by using a dynamic cast to determine type of an object such as done here (Finding the type of an object in C++). but the easiest way would probably be to use typeid.
(assuming you want to maintain your way of using type as a determiner, otherwise I would recommend Joachim's or Igor's as better alternatives :) )
you can use the dynamic_cast to downcast and test the type,
bar* pbar = dynamic_cast<bar*>(vec[i])
if (pbar) {
vec2[i] = new bar ( * static_cast<bar* >(vec[i]) ) ;
} else {
vec2[i] = new clam( * static_cast<clam*>(vec[i]) );
see for more info in dynamic_cast

Creating an object in the constructor or an init function

I have defined a class like this:
class CircularBuffer {
struct entry {
uint64_t key;
int nextPtr;
int prevPtr;
int delta;
int head, tail, limit, degree;
entry *en;
CircularBuffer(int a, int b)
limit = a;
head = 0;
tail = limit -1;
degree = b;
en = new entry[ limit ];
for (int i=0; i<limit; i++) {
en[i].key = 0;
en[i].delta = 0;
en[i].nextPtr = 0;
en[i].prevPtr = 0;
~CircularBuffer() { delete [] en; }
And in another file I have included this class (the header file)
#include "circular.h"
class foo {
CircularBuffer cb;
foo() {} //ERROR LINE
void initialize() {
cb = new CircularBuffer(10, 2);
However this has error which says:
error: no matching function for call to ‘CircularBuffer::CircularBuffer()’
note: candidates are: CircularBuffer::CircularBuffer(int, int)
note: CircularBuffer::CircularBuffer(const CircularBuffer&)
and it forces me to do like this:
#include "circular.h"
class foo {
CircularBuffer cb;
: cb( CircularBuffer(10, 2) )
void initialize() {}
However I don't want the second implementation. I want the first one. How can I fix that?
You can add a default constructor
// set a and b to default values
Just define cb as a pointer
#include "circular.h"
class foo {
CircularBuffer * cb;
foo() {} //ERROR LINE
void initialize() {
cb = new CircularBuffer(10, 2);
And don't forget to delete cb; somewhere to not leak your memory
This should be possible
#include "circular.h"
class foo {
CircularBuffer cb;
foo() {}
void initialize() {
cb = CircularBuffer(10, 2);
The problem with your version was that you were using new, which returns a pointer, but the member variable cb is not a pointer.
However, the best way would be
#include "circular.h"
class foo {
CircularBuffer cb;
foo() : cb(10, 2) {}
Or, if you want to pass parameters to the constructor
#include "circular.h"
class foo {
CircularBuffer cb;
foo(int a, int b) : cb(a, b) {}
and it forces me to do like this:
: cb( CircularBuffer(10, 2) )
However I don't want the second implementation. I want the first one. How can I fix that?
It does not force you to this, but rather to this:
: cb(10, 2)
And this is how you initialize in C++. Everything coming after the opening { is assignment, not initialization.
The "fix" is to use initialization rather than assignment for initialization. There's not much to love or hate about, this is C++.
It gives you an error because cb is not a pointer and you are using "new".
But BTW... the constructor initialization is more efficient :D